173 research outputs found

    Un patrimonio culturale e un percorso di valorizzazione

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    Questo contributo vuole illustrare la collezione di manufatti realizzati dai ricoverati nell’Ospedale Psichiatrico di Collegno (TO) fra XIX e XX secolo e conservati presso il Museo di Antropologia ed Etnografia dell’Università degli Studi di Torino grazie all’opera di due psichiatri torinesi: Giovanni Marro e il padre Antonio. This paper is meant to illustrate the collection of artifacts made by the patients of the Psychiatric Hospital in Collegno, Turin, Italy, in the period between the 19th and the 20th Century. These products are stored at the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of University of Turin thanks to the work of two psychiatrists: Giovanni Marro and his father, Antoni

    Biodemographic characteristics of North-Western Italian population (Giaglione - Susa Valley) between 18th and 19th century

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    For the study of genetic changes that occur over time in human communities (microevolution) anthropologists and biodemographers have favored the use of renewable flow, in particular the registers of marriage. Indeed they allow to easily estimate several biodemographic parameters (endogamy and exogamy; repeated pairs; immigration), even for long periods of time, since it is quite common to have consecutive series of documents relating to the marriage of a population. However, the sources of flow do not always allow to study in depth the factors that have given continuity to the community because they provide only partial information on demographic structure, the mode of aggregation of its members and the processes of change within families. A good alternative to sources of flow may be the use of sources of state, civil (censuses) or parish sources (the status animarum), which give a very detailed picture of the state of the population at a given time. The retrieval and analysis of census documentation assume therefore a primary role in order to obviate the intrinsic weaknesses of the sources of flow. In the perspective of biodemographic studies, the integration of the two types of sources is in actual fact the operating optimum. It must be remembered that it is quite difficult to find contemporary sources of flow and of state for the Italian populations of the past

    The matrimonial behavior of a rural population in Haute-Vienne, France

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    Although biodemography prefers to focus on isolated human populations, in our analysis we have considered an opened community, neither culturally nor geographically separated from the nearby communities. The aim of the present study was to reconstruct the degree of consanguinity and assess the level of openness of a certain French population through the observation of its people’s matrimonial behavior. Marriages and, in general, the choice of the partner, are often affected by culture and society which affect, in the end, the community’s genic pool

    Un patrimonio da valorizzare: l’Egitto antico e l’Egitto moderno nelle collezioni del Museo di Antropologia ed Etnografia di Torino / A Heritage to be enhanced. The Ancient and the modern Egypt throughout the Collections of the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnology, Turin

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    Il Museo di Antropologia ed Etnografia del Sistema Museale di Ateneo dell’Università degli Studi di Torino è chiuso al pubblico da più di trenta anni e questa inacessibilità ha contribuito sia a una mancata valorizzazione delle collezioni sia alla dispersione di molte informazioni che le riguardano. In occasione del suo recente trasferimento e del suo prossimo riallestimento, il Museo ha avviato uno studio sull’intero patrimonio (molto eterogeneo per provenienza e tipologia) favorito anche dalla partecipazione a eventi espositivi o a specifici progetti di ricerca. In particolare, il presente contributo vuole restituire le ricerche realizzate di recente sulle raccolte arrivate a Torino a inizio Novecento grazie alla Missione Archeologica Italiana in Egitto, attraverso un approccio multidisciplinare che coinvolge antropologi fisici e culturali, storici ed egittologi, con l’obiettivo di ricostruire un’importante pagina dimenticata del MAET.The Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of the University Museum System of the Torino University has been kept closed for more than thirty years: this fact has not contributed to the promotion of the collections while has contributed to the loss of much information. When the museum was transferred and reorganized, a study on the entire heritage (very heterogeneous both in terms of origin and in terms of type) has been launched; it has also been fostered by the participation of the Museum in exhibition events or specific research projects. In particular, the present contribution aims to restore recent researches on the collections that the Italian Archaeological Mission in Egypt brought in Turin in the early twentieth century. The mission had a multidisciplinary approach that involved both physical and cultural anthropologists, historians and Egyptologists whose main goal was to restore an important chapter of the MAET

    Ostéochondronécroses articulaires

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    Dans le cadre des études entreprises depuis quelques années dans le Dauphiné, les restes humains anciens retrouvés dans l’église de Puy-Saint-Pierre à Briançon et dans l’église de la commune de La Salle les Alpes à environ sept kilomètres de Briançon (Hautes-Alpes) ont fait l’objet de recherches anthropologiques et paléopathologiques.À partir de l’étude de l’échantillon médiéval et moderne, nous avons pu relever avec une certaine fréquence la présence d’affections ostéoarticulaires qui peuvent, de par leur morphologie et leur localisation anatomique, être dues à des ostéochondronécroses. L’ostéochondronécrose est un terme générique indiquant les lésions articulaires – d’origine vasculaire – caractérisées par un décollement comminutif du cartilage associé ou consécutif à une nécrose comminutive osseuse subcartilagineuse. La lésion présente des aspects variables, liés à des phases évolutives successives. L’ostéochondronécrose, que certains ont génériquement définie comme ostéochondrite disséquante, comprend des lésions qui, par leur étiologie (post-traumatique, génétique, arthrosique/dégénérative), peuvent être très différentes les unes des autres.As part of investigations carried out in the Dauphiné region of France during the past few years, ancient human remains discovered in the Church of Puy-Saint-Pierre in Briançon and in the church of La Salle les Alpes, 6-7 km from Briançon (Haute-Alpes), have undergone anthropological and palaeopathological studies.In our studies of the medieval and modern samples, we were able to observe a significant frequency of bone and joint lesions. By their morphology and location, they can be attributed to osteochondronecrosis. Osteochondronecrosis is a generic term which defines lesions of vascular origin in the joints, characterized by localized cartilage detachment and associated with or subsequent to localized subchondral bone necrosis. The lesions differ in appearance, depending on the stage of development. Generically defined by some authors as ostechondritis dissecans, osteochondrosis includes lesions that can be very different aetiologically (post-traumatic, genetic, arthritic/degenerative)

    Study of skin degradation in ancient Egyptian mummies: complementarity of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and histological analysis

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    Some dynastic and pre-dynastic Egyptian mummies from the Giovanni Marro Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography, University of Turin, Italy have been studied by means of the combined approach of both Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and histological analysis, with the aim of investigating the preservation state of the skin of ancient archaeological remains, as a consequence of the differences between the two kinds of mummification processes, i.e. natural and by means of embalming substances. The results suggest that the balms used in the dynastic mummies embalming process really could have played an important role in the prevention of corpse deterioration
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