2,222 research outputs found

    Discriminant functions in predicting death from renal failure in two hospital populations of primary hypertensives

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    Assessing generalisability through the use of disease registers: findings from a diabetes cohort study

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    Objectives: Knowledge of a study population's similarity to the target population allows researchers to assess the generalisability of their results. Often generalisability is assessed through a comparison of baseline characteristics between individuals who did and did not respond to an invitation to participate in a study. In this prospective population-based cohort, we broadened this assessment by comparing participants with all individuals from a chronic disease register who satisfied the study eligibility criteria but for a number of reasons, such as the absence of consent to be approached for research purposes, did not participate

    Does the Debris Disk around HD 32297 Contain Cometary Grains?

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    We present an adaptive optics imaging detection of the HD 32297 debris disk at L' (3.8 \microns) obtained with the LBTI/LMIRcam infrared instrument at the LBT. The disk is detected at signal-to-noise per resolution element ~ 3-7.5 from ~ 0.3-1.1" (30-120 AU). The disk at L' is bowed, as was seen at shorter wavelengths. This likely indicates the disk is not perfectly edge-on and contains highly forward scattering grains. Interior to ~ 50 AU, the surface brightness at L' rises sharply on both sides of the disk, which was also previously seen at Ks band. This evidence together points to the disk containing a second inner component located at \lesssim 50 AU. Comparing the color of the outer (50 <r< r/AU <120< 120) portion of the disk at L' with archival HST/NICMOS images of the disk at 1-2 \microns allows us to test the recently proposed cometary grains model of Donaldson et al. 2013. We find that the model fails to match the disk's surface brightness and spectrum simultaneously (reduced chi-square = 17.9). When we modify the density distribution of the model disk, we obtain a better overall fit (reduced chi-square = 2.9). The best fit to all of the data is a pure water ice model (reduced chi-square = 1.06), but additional resolved imaging at 3.1 \microns is necessary to constrain how much (if any) water ice exists in the disk, which can then help refine the originally proposed cometary grains model.Comment: Accepted to ApJ January 13, 2014. 12 pages (emulateapj style), 9 figures, 1 tabl

    WFPC2 Observations of the Hubble Deep Field-South

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    The Hubble Deep Field-South observations targeted a high-galactic-latitude field near QSO J2233-606. We present WFPC2 observations of the field in four wide bandpasses centered at roughly 300, 450, 606, and 814 nm. Observations, data reduction procedures, and noise properties of the final images are discussed in detail. A catalog of sources is presented, and the number counts and color distributions of the galaxies are compared to a new catalog of the HDF-N that has been constructed in an identical manner. The two fields are qualitatively similar, with the galaxy number counts for the two fields agreeing to within 20%. The HDF-S has more candidate Lyman-break galaxies at z > 2 than the HDF-N. The star-formation rate per unit volume computed from the HDF-S, based on the UV luminosity of high-redshift candidates, is a factor of 1.9 higher than from the HDF-N at z ~ 2.7, and a factor of 1.3 higher at z ~ 4.Comment: 93 pages, 25 figures; contains very long table

    Bringing "The Moth" to Light: A Planet-Sculpting Scenario for the HD 61005 Debris Disk

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    The HD 61005 debris disk ("The Moth") stands out from the growing collection of spatially resolved circumstellar disks by virtue of its unusual swept-back morphology, brightness asymmetries, and dust ring offset. Despite several suggestions for the physical mechanisms creating these features, no definitive answer has been found. In this work, we demonstrate the plausibility of a scenario in which the disk material is shaped dynamically by an eccentric, inclined planet. We present new Keck NIRC2 scattered-light angular differential imaging of the disk at 1.2-2.3 microns that further constrains its outer morphology (projected separations of 27-135 AU). We also present complementary Gemini Planet Imager 1.6 micron total intensity and polarized light detections that probe down to projected separations less than 10 AU. To test our planet-sculpting hypothesis, we employed secular perturbation theory to construct parent body and dust distributions that informed scattered-light models. We found that this method produced models with morphological and photometric features similar to those seen in the data, supporting the premise of a planet-perturbed disk. Briefly, our results indicate a disk parent body population with a semimajor axis of 40-52 AU and an interior planet with an eccentricity of at least 0.2. Many permutations of planet mass and semimajor axis are allowed, ranging from an Earth mass at 35 AU to a Jupiter mass at 5 AU.Comment: Accepted to AJ; added Figure 5 and minor text edit

    Ages and Metallicities of Hickson Compact Group Galaxies

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    Hickson Compact Groups (HCGs) constitute an interesting extreme in the range of environments in which galaxies are located, as the space density of galaxies in these small groups are otherwise only found in the centres of much larger clusters. The work presented here uses Lick indices to make a comparison of ages and chemical compositions of galaxies in HCGs with those in other environments (clusters, loose groups and the field). The metallicity and relative abundance of `α\alpha-elements' show strong correlations with galaxy age and central velocity dispersion, with similar trends found in all environments. However, we show that the previously reported correlation between α\alpha-element abundance ratios and velocity dispersion disappears when a full account is taken of the the abundance ratio pattern in the calibration stars. This correlation is thus found to be an artifact of incomplete calibration to the Lick system. Variations are seen in the ranges and average values of age, metallicity and α\alpha-element abundance ratios for galaxies in different environments. Age distributions support the hierarchical formation prediction that field galaxies are on average younger than their cluster counterparts. However, the ages of HCG galaxies are shown to be more similar to those of cluster galaxies than those in the field, contrary to the expectations of current hierarchical models. A trend for lower velocity dispersion galaxies to be younger was also seen. This is again inconsistent with hierarchical collapse models, but is qualitatively consistent with the latest N-body-SPH models based on monolithic collapse in which star formation continues for many Gyr in low mass halos.Comment: 18 pages. Submitted for publication in MNRA

    Using landscape history to predict biodiversity patterns in fragmented landscapes

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    Landscape ecology plays a vital role in understanding the impacts of land-use change on biodiversity, but it is not a predictive discipline, lacking theoretical models that quantitatively predict biodiversity patterns from first principles. Here, we draw heavily on ideas from phylogenetics to fill this gap, basing our approach on the insight that habitat fragments have a shared history. We develop a landscape ‘terrageny’, which represents the historical spatial separation of habitat fragments in the same way that a phylogeny represents evolutionary divergence among species. Combining a random sampling model with a terrageny generates numerical predictions about the expected proportion of species shared between any two fragments, the locations of locally endemic species, and the number of species that have been driven locally extinct. The model predicts that community similarity declines with terragenetic distance, and that local endemics are more likely to be found in terragenetically distinctive fragments than in large fragments. We derive equations to quantify the variance around predictions, and show that ignoring the spatial structure of fragmented landscapes leads to over-estimates of local extinction rates at the landscape scale. We argue that ignoring the shared history of habitat fragments limits our ability to understand biodiversity changes in human-modified landscape