997 research outputs found

    On Velocity in several Complementary Currencies

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    We analyse the velocity of several complementary currencies, notably the WIR, RES, Chiemgauer, Sol, Berkshares dollars, and several other cases. Then we describe the diversity in their velocity of circulation, and seek potential explanations for these differences. For example, WIR velocity is 2.6 while RES velocity is 1.9 despite being similar currencies. The higher speed may be explained by WIR blended loans among other benefits or by the fact that there are nearly 20.000 unregistered members that contribute with their transactions. Using a comparative method between cases, the article explores a number of possible explanations on the increases in velocity, apart from prevailing demurrage approaches

    Seasonal and interannual variability of dissolved oxygen around the Balearic Islands from hydrographic data

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    Oceanographic data obtained between 2001 and 2011 by the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO, Spain) have been used to characterise the spatial distribution and the temporal variability of the dissolvedoxygen around the Balearic Islands (Mediterranean Sea). The study area includes most of the Western Mediterranean Sea, from the Alboran Sea to Cape Creus,atthe border between France and Spain. Dissolved Oxygen (DO) at thewatersurface is found to be in a state of equilibrium exchange with the atmosphere. In the spring and summer a subsurface oxygen supersaturation is observed due to the biological activity, above the subsurface fluorescence maximum. Minimum observed values of dissolved oxygen are related to theLevantine Intermediate Waters (LIW). An unusual minimum of dissolved oxygen concentrations were also recorded in the Alboran Sea Oxygen Minimum Zone. The Western Mediterranean Deep Waters (WMDW) and the Western Intermediate Waters (WIW) show higher values of dissolved oxygenthanthe Levantine Intermediate Waters due to their more recent formation. Using these dissolved oxygen concentrations it is possible to showthat the Western Intermediate Waters move southwards across the Ibiza Channel and the deep water circulates around the Balearic Islands. It has also been possible to characterise the seasonal evolution of the different watermassesandtheir dissolved oxygen content in a station in the Algerian sub-basin. Keywords: Ocean circulation, dissolved oxygen, water masses, Western Mediterranean Sea, Balearic SeaPost-print

    Propiedades mecánicas del hormigón reciclado con áridos procedentes de piezas prefabricadas desechadas.

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    La necesidad de disminuir la cantidad final de residuos de construcción y demolición que se producen en las plantas de prefabricados de hormigón, nos ha llevado a analizar el comportamiento mecánico de un hormigón elaborado con áridos reciclados procedentes de piezas prefabricadas de hormigón, con la finalidad de un posible futuro uso como árido en dosificaciones de hormigón armado y pretensado para piezas prefabricadas. Se ha trabajado con áridos reciclados en dos situaciones: estado natural y sometidos a presaturación, con hormigones H40 y H50 autocompactantes, tomando como única variable la sustitución de fracción gruesa del árido con los siguientes porcentajes, 0%, 20%, 50% y 100%. Los ensayos realizados en la parametrización del árido reciclado presentaron un excelente comportamiento, quedando únicamente la absorción y la resistencia a la helada con sustituciones del 100% con valores algo superiores a los máximos exigidos por la Instrucción de Hormigón Estructural EHE-08. Los hormigones elaborados con áridos sin someterlos a saturación previa mostraron aumentos de resistencia a compresión con respecto al hormigón de comparación, alcanzando valores de resistencia superiores a 70 N/mm 2 , invirtiéndose esta tendencia para los hormigones con árido presaturado. Los resultados de los ensayos realizados indican que hormigones elaborados con áridos reciclados procedentes de elementos prefabricados pueden presentar una excelente calidad como hormigón estructural para su futuro uso como autoconsumo

    Incidence trends of lung and gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms in Switzerland.

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    The incidence of neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs) seems to increase worldwide. Long-term, population-based series that consider tumor differentiation are, however, sparse. We assessed the incidence trend of lung and gastroenteropancreatic (GEP) NENs according to the latest International Agency for Research on Cancer/World Health Organization classification over a 41-year time period in two Swiss regions. All cases of lung and GEP NENs recorded in the Vaud and Neuchâtel Cancer Registries from 1976 to 2016 were included. NENs were stratified into well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) and poorly differentiated neuroendocrine carcinomas (NECs). Changes in annual age-standardized incidence rates were calculated for lung and GEP NETs and NECs by sex. Of 4,141 patients diagnosed with NENs, 65% were men. The incidence of lung NETs among men and women increased by 3.9%/year (95% CI: -5.3, 14.1%) and 4.9%/year (0.1, 9.9%), respectively, between 1976 and 2016. The incidence of lung NECs decreased by 2.6%/year (-3.1,-1.8%) in men from 1985 to 2016 whereas it increased in women between 1976 and 1998 by 6%/year (4.2, 7.9%). For GEP NETs, a steady annual increase in incidence occurred between 1976 and 2016 with a magnitude of 1.7% (0.7, 2.7%) in men and 1.3% (0.5, 2.1%) in women. No significant trend in incidence of GEP NECs was found for both sexes. The incidence trends of lung NECs in men and women parallel changes in smoking prevalence in the population. Causes of the increase in incidence of GEP NETs are likely multifactorial. Our study supports the importance of evaluating the epidemiology of NENs by tumor differentiation

    Repression of SOX6 transcriptional activity by SUMO modification

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    AbstractSOX6 plays key functions in several developmental processes, including neurogenesis and skeleton formation. In this report, we show that SOX6 is modified in vitro and in vivo by small ubiquitin-related modifier (SUMO) on two distinct sites. Mutation of both sites abolished SOX6 sumoylation and increased SOX6 transcriptional activity. SUMO dependent repression of SOX6 transcription was promoted by UBC9 whereas siRNA to UBC9, cotransfection of inactive UBC9 or a SUMO protease increased SOX6 transcriptional activity. Furthermore, co-expression of SOX6 with SUMO2 results in the appearance of SOX6 in a punctate nuclear pattern that colocalized with promyelocytic leukemia protein, which was partially abolished by mutations in SOX6 sumoylation sites

    Non iterative model for steam condensation in presence of non-condensable gases inside passive containment cooling vertical tubes

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    Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, South Africa, 1-4 July, 2007.The modelling of condensation in presence of non-condensable gases is of relevance for the design of passive containment cooling condenser of the third generation of Passive Nuclear Power Plants. Fast and accurate methods of predictions for condensation in presence of non-condensable gases are necessary in order to be implemented in the thermal-hydraulic codes without slowing down the computational speed of these codes. In this paper we present a mechanistic model for condensation in presence of non-condensable gases inside vertical tubes. In this model we take into account the influence of the non-condensable gases over the liquid side heat transfer without any iteration to calculate the liquid-steam interfacial temperature. The trick is to perform a set of Taylor expansions for the main physical magnitudes as viscosity, steam mass fraction and so on. We also consider the interfacial shear stress exerted by the steam-non-condensable mixture flow over the condensate layer thickness. The calculation of the condensate layer thickness can be performed with the help of the mass, energy and momentum conservation equations and can be achieved without any iteration following the method of Munoz-Cobo et al [1,2]. The new proposed mechanistic model solves explicitly the real interfacial temperature by means of a cubic or a quartic equation depending on the degree of approximation that has been chosen. Moreover, as the main non-condensable effects can be accounted for in the heat and mass transfer processes, the new model will be more realistic. The model has been validated with the Vierow experimental data, obtaining a total average relative error, for the fourth order equation method model, of 21% with 268 experimental points at different conditionscs201

    The physical activity and health status of two generations of Black South African professional women

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    Increased health risks associated with physical inactivity in the Black population have been reported in recent years. Black women, suffering the highest levels of inactivity, overweight and obesity, are at greatest risk of developing chronic diseases of lifestyle. This explorativedescriptive study investigated the physical activity patterns and health status of two generations of Black professional women, reflecting pre-democracy and post-democracy age groups. Quantitative measures were used, including the ActiGraph GT1M accelerometer, the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire and the Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile. Sample groups comprised teachers, nurses, social workers and public sector managers. Participants aged between 35 and 45 years were allocated to the older generation group (n = 111), whilst those aged between 18 and 21 years (students in the mentioned professional fields) were allocated to the younger generation group (n = 69). The results indicated that these women displayed lower levels of health-promoting behavioural practices than expected, significantly lower levels of physical activity and significantly higher levels of overweight and obesity than the South African norms. The observation that the younger group appeared to be replicating the patterns of the older women is a cause of concern. Greater compliance to health-promoting behaviours was expected in this group owing to participants’ professional involvement in health, education and social development fields. Wide-ranging initiatives are necessary to promote physical activity and health amongst the Black female population in South Africa. Opsomming Gedurende die afgelope jare het navorsing onder die Swart bevolking ʼn toename in gesondheidsrisiko’s wat met fisieke onaktiwiteit geassosieer is, getoon. Swart vroue, wat die hoogste vlakke van onaktiwiteit, oorgewig en obesiteit toon, blyk ook die grootste risiko te loop om leefstylverwante chroniese siektes te ontwikkel. Hierdie ondersoekendbeskrywende studie het die fisieke aktiwiteitspatrone en gesondheidstatus van twee generasies van Swart professionele vroue ondersoek. Die tweegenerasiesteekproef verteenwoordig voor- en na-demokrasie-ouderdomsgroepe. Kwantitatiewe meetinstrumente, naamlik die ActiGraph GT1M versnellingsmeter, Globale Fisieke Aktiwiteitsvraelys en die Gesondheidsbevorderende Leefstylprofiel is gebruik. Die steekproef het onderwysers, verpleegkundiges, maatskaplike werkers en bestuurders in die openbare sektor ingesluit. Deelnemers tussen 35 en 45 jaar is aan die ouergenerasie-toetsgroep toegewys (n = 111), terwyl dié tussen 18 en 21 jaar (studente in bogenoemde studierigtings) aan die jongergenerasietoetsgroep toegewys is (n = 69). Die resultate het gewys dat die Swart professionele vroue laer as verwagte gesondheidsbevorderende gedrag, betekenisvol laer vlakke van fisieke aktiwiteit en betekenisvol hoër vlakke van oorgewig en obesiteit toon as die Suid-Afrikaanse norme. Die waarneming dat die jonger groep dieselfde gedragspatrone as die ouer vroue getoon het, is ʼn bron van kommer. ʼn Groter nakoming van gesondheidsbevorderende gedrag is onder die jonger groep vroue verwag, aangesien hulle hul opleiding in die professionele sektor van gesondheid, onderwys en maatskaplike werk ontvang. ʼn Holistiese benadering is nodig om fisieke aktiwiteit en gesondheid onder Swart Suid-Afrikaanse vrouens te bevorder