4,921 research outputs found

    Knowledge Acquisition Analytical Games: games for cognitive systems design

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    Knowledge discovery from data and knowledge acquisition from experts are steps of paramount importance when designing cognitive systems. The literature discusses extensively on the issues related to current knowledge acquisition techniques. In this doctoral work we explore the use of gaming approaches as a knowledge acquisition tools, capitalising on aspects such as engagement, ease of use and ability to access tacit knowledge. More specifically, we explore the use of analytical games for this purpose. Analytical game for decision making is not a new class of games, but rather a set of platform independent simulation games, designed not for entertainment, whose main purpose is research on decision-making, either in its complete dynamic cycle or a portion of it (i.e. Situational Awareness). Moreover, the work focuses on the use of analytical games as knowledge acquisition tools. To this end, the Knowledge Acquisition Analytical Game (K2AG) method is introduced. K2AG is an innovative game framework for supporting the knowledge acquisition task. The framework introduced in this doctoral work was born as a generalisation of the Reliability Game, which on turn was inspired by the Risk Game. More specifically, K2AGs aim at collecting information and knowledge to be used in the design of cognitive systems and their algorithms. The two main aspects that characterise those games are the use of knowledge cards to render information and meta-information to the players and the use of an innovative data gathering method that takes advantage of geometrical features of simple shapes (e.g. a triangle) to easily collect players\u2019 beliefs. These beliefs can be mapped to subjective probabilities or masses (in evidence theory framework) and used for algorithm design purposes. However, K2AGs might use also different means of conveying information to the players and to collect data. Part of the work has been devoted to a detailed articulation of the design cycle of K2AGs. More specifically, van der Zee\u2019s simulation gaming design framework has been extended in order to account for the fact that the design cycle steps should be modified to include the different kinds of models that characterise the design of simulation games and simulations in general, namely a conceptual model (platform independent), a design model (platform independent) and one or more implementation models (platform dependent). In addition, the processes that lead from one model to the other have been mapped to design phases of analytical wargaming. Aspects of game validation and player experience evaluation have been addressed in this work. Therefore, based on the literature a set of validation criteria for K2AG has been proposed and a player experience questionnaire for K2AGs has been developed. This questionnaire extends work proposed in the literature, but a validation has not been possible at the time of writing. Finally, two instantiations of the K2AG framework, namely the Reliability Game and the MARISA Game, have been designed and analysed in details to validate the approach and show its potentialities

    Africa em Lisboa - Os Indígenas da Guiné na Grande Exposiçã o Industrial and Guiné Aldeia Indígena em Lisboa - 1932: the portrayal of the female body

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    In this essay I will discuss the iconographic constructions developed by the Portuguese colonial project, arguing that Estado Novo has used cinema to consolidate social categories defined by the regime propaganda, using a discourse based on reality and authenticity and through the projection of stereotyped structures such as race and gender. Moving in the background of the theoretical frame on the concepts of archive and digital archive, the analysis will focus on a deconstructive re-interpretation of colonial and dominant narratives in two documentaries realized for the Portuguese industrial exposition in 1932, África em Lisboa – Os Indígenas da Guiné na Grande Exposição Industrial ((Africa in Lisbon- The Indigenous People of Guinea in The Great Industrial Exhibition) and Guiné Aldeia Indígena em Lisboa – 1932 (Guinea Indigenous Village in Lisbon- 1932). The discussion will hence be centered on the representation and the construction of relations of dominance and power over the black female body

    The role of microRNAs in thyroid carcinomas

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    Thyroid cancers (TCs) are the most common malignancies of endocrine organs. They originate from cells of different origin within the thyroid gland, which is located at the base of the neck. Several forms of TCs have been classified and great variability is observed in molecular, cellular and clinical features. The most common forms have favorable prognosis but a number of very aggressive TCs, which are characterized by a less differentiated cellular phenotype, have no effective treatment at the moment. While TC causes are not completely understood, many genetic factors involved in their onset have been discovered. In particular, activating mutations of BRAF, RET or RAS genes are known to be specifically associated with TC initiation, progression and outcome. The involvement of microRNAs in thyroid neoplasms has recently changed the paradigm for biomarker discovery in TC, suggesting that these small non-coding RNAs could be used to develop, refine or strengthen strategies for diagnosis and management of TCs. In this review, the importance of microRNA profiling in TC is explored suggesting that these molecules can be included in procedures that can perform better than any known clinical index in the identification of adverse outcomes

    Upregulation of inducible NO synthase by exogenous adenosine in vascular smooth muscle cells activated by inflammatory stimuli in experimental diabetes

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    BACKGROUND: Adenosine has been shown to induce nitric oxide (NO) production via inducible NO synthase (iNOS) activation in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). Although this is interpreted as a beneficial vasodilating pathway in vaso-occlusive disorders, iNOS is also involved in diabetic vascular dysfunction. Because the turnover of and the potential to modulate iNOS by adenosine in experimental diabetes have not been explored, we hypothesized that both the adenosine system and control of iNOS function are impaired in VSMCs from streptozotocin-diabetic rats. METHODS: Male Sprague-Dawley rats were injected with streptozotocin once to induce diabetes. Aortic VSMCs from diabetic and nondiabetic rats were isolated, cultured and exposed to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) plus a cytokine mix for 24 h in the presence or absence of (1) exogenous adenosine and related compounds, and/or (2) pharmacological agents affecting adenosine turnover. iNOS functional expression was determined by immunoblotting and NO metabolite assays. Concentrations of adenosine, related compounds and metabolites thereof were assayed by HPLC. Vasomotor responses to adenosine were determined in endothelium-deprived aortic rings. RESULTS: Treatment with adenosine-degrading enzymes or receptor antagonists increased iNOS formation in activated VSMCs from nondiabetic and diabetic rats. Following treatment with the adenosine transport inhibitor NBTI, iNOS levels increased in nondiabetic but decreased in diabetic VSMCs. The amount of secreted NO metabolites was uncoupled from iNOS levels in diabetic VSMCs. Addition of high concentrations of adenosine and its precursors or analogues enhanced iNOS formation solely in diabetic VSMCs. Exogenous adenosine and AMP were completely removed from the culture medium and converted into metabolites. A tendency towards elevated inosine generation was observed in diabetic VSMCs, which were also less sensitive to CD73 inhibition, but inosine supplementation did not affect iNOS levels. Pharmacological inhibition of NOS abolished adenosine-induced vasorelaxation in aortic tissues from diabetic but not nondiabetic animals. CONCLUSIONS: Endogenous adenosine prevented cytokine- and LPS-induced iNOS activation in VSMCs. By contrast, supplementation with adenosine and its precursors or analogues enhanced iNOS levels in diabetic VSMCs. This effect was associated with alterations in exogenous adenosine turnover. Thus, overactivation of the adenosine system may foster iNOS-mediated diabetic vascular dysfunction

    Seismic vulnerability assessment of clustered historical centers: fragility curves based on local collapse mechanisms analyses

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    open5noProtection and preservation of minor historical centres against earthquakes effects are not trivial tasks, particularly in the cases, quite common, of complex aggregate buildings. The paper aims at evaluating the seismic vulnerability of historical clustered buildings on a urban scale, through the analysis of local collapse mechanisms, carried out with a parametric approach. This procedure is applied to four historical centres of L’Aquila province struck by the 2009 earthquake. The identification of the significant parameters is related to the definition of representative typologies within the city centres. Each typology is characterized by recurring features, mainly recognizable with a survey performed outside the buildings. After the identification of the relevant aspects, local mechanisms of collapse analyses are carried out, by varying the parameters between defined range of values, in order to take into account possible uncertainties in the data collection. A set of fragility curves for each identified typology is defined and the obtained results are compared to the damage data gathered in the post-earthquake phase for the buildings. This approach allows for possible extensions to buildings that may be included in the typology categories here defined.openTaffarel, S.; Caliman, M.; Valluzzi, M.R; da Porto, F.; Modena, C.Taffarel, Sabrina; Caliman, M.; Valluzzi, MARIA ROSA; DA PORTO, Francesca; Modena, Claudi

    La cultura dei servizi di accoglienza migranti in Italia. Una ricerca esplorativa [The culture of migrant reception services in Italy. An exploratory research]

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    Italy has a long history of immigration, which has become part of the country’s landscape in a complex and varied way, and has led to significant changes in important contexts such as in the school, the work place, and in the provision of welfare services. And yet, immigration policies still consist in emergency measures that do not recognize the phenomenon in its long -standing and structural dimension. In addition, public opinion is concerned as a result of the alarmist distortion of this issue, as shown by the gapbetween data on immigration and perceived immigration. Since in this research we take into consideration collusively shared experiences, these misunderstandings can not be corrected by providing more information on the real data; we posit that the emotional scope must be recognized in order to address this issue. In particular, we asked ourselves how this context -changes brought by immigration, public opinion, and government policies -is repre sented within the migrant Accordingly, we interviewed a group of reception staff from the Roman area on the type of service that they think they are offering. The results show how, in their experience, this complex reality of immigration is not evoked: the experience within the services is isolated from the Italian narrative and context. However, the voice of migrants and their point of view, emerge as a resource within these services, as openness rather than isolation

    Preliminary testing using Mokken scaling of an Italian translation of the Edinburgh Feeding Evaluation in Dementia (EdFED-I) scale

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    © 2015 Elsevier Inc. Purpose: To study the psychometric properties of an Italian version of the Edinburgh Feeding Evaluation in Dementia (EdFED-I) Scale. Background: The EdFED Scale is the only validated instrument that measures difficulty with feeding in older people with dementia. The original English version of the EdFED had three factors measuring: behavioral aspects of feeding difficulty (obstinacy/passivity); indicators of feeding difficulty; and nursing interventions. Methods: Participants affected by dementia and living in nursing homes (n = 210) were selected. Data collectors were trained to observe the residents' eating problems and their food intake. The data were analyzed using Mokken scaling and Pearson's correlation. Results: The Italian version of the EdFED Scale formed a Mokken scale which correlated in the expected direction with measures of residents' weight, Body Mass Index, time taken to eat, Mini Mental State Examination score and Barthel Index according to the unmet needs model of Cohen-Mansfield. Conclusions: The EdFED-I shows reasonable psychometric properties and can be used for the assessment of feeding difficulty in Italian samples of older people with dementia. However, further work with larger samples is required to test the utility of the whole range of items and the necessity of their inclusion in the EdFED-I

    Efficacy of acoustic waves in preventing Streptococcus mutans adhesion on dental unit water line

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    Background: nei riuniti odontoiatrici, la qualità dell'acqua utilizzata per la refrigerazione e il risciacquo di manipoli, siringhe e altri componenti è un aspetto di notevole importanza sanitaria. L'acqua attraversa questi dispositivi mediante un circuito interconnesso di tubi di piccole dimensioni (circa 2 mm di diametro), denominato “dental unit water line” (DUWL). I DUWL possono essere fortemente colonizzati da varie specie batteriche sia in fase planctonica, che adesi o organizzati in biofilm, rappresentando una potenziale causa di infezione, non solo per i professionisti che usano abitualmente questi dispositivi, ma anche per pazienti occasionali, in particolare per i pazienti immunocompromessi. La contaminazione dei DUWL può essere prevenuta o ridotta con l'uso dei disinfettanti, ma l'eradicazione dei microrganismi adesi alle superfici interne dei DUWL o organizzati in forma di biofilm, è una sfida assai più complessa e spesso i normali metodi di disinfezione non sono pienamente efficaci. Inoltre, in ambito odontoiatrico, i disinfettanti utilizzati abitualmente per disinfettare i DUWL possono alterare la capacità adesiva del materiale utilizzato nella pratica restaurativa. Obiettivi: individuare una strategia innovativa, in grado di contrastare l'adesione batterica alle superfici dei DUWL mediante un approccio di tipo fisico, che sia più efficace nel superare il problema della contaminazione dei DUWL e ridurre il rischio di infezione rispetto ai normali metodi già in uso. A tal fine, fra le molte specie batteriche potenzialmente riscontrabili nei circuiti idrici odontoiatrici, si è deciso di avviare questo studio pilota utilizzando la specie batterica patogena S. mutans, per il suo indubbio interesse in ambito odontoiatrico e per la sua spiccata capacità di aderire e persistere su superfici inerti. Metodi: utilizzo di onde acustiche elastiche ad alta energia nel contrastare l'adesione di Streptococcus mutans alle pareti interne di un circuito idrico sperimentale riproducente un DUWL. Per evidenziare l’efficacia delle onde acustiche anche in condizioni estreme, è stata utilizzata un’elevata carica contaminante di S. mutans. Risultati: Si osserva una significativa riduzione dei batteri adesi soggetti a trattamento con onde acustiche rispetto al controllo (P = 0,003)

    Corporate governance and performance of Italian gambling SMEs during recession

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    Purpose: This study aims to explore how the economic recession and some corporate governance (CG) provisions can affect the performance of Italian gambling small and mediumsized enterprises (SMEs) across different business segments. Design/Methodology/approach: This study uses a panel sample of 2,135 observations before and during the global financial crisis. Specifically, the roles of ownership, boards of directors, CEO gender, and gambling business segments are investigated in the Italian gambling market. Findings: Ownership concentration has a negative relationship with the performance of foreigner- and financial-owned firms, while boards exert a positive role on performance. Interestingly, the financial crisis does not impact the performance of Italian gambling SMEs and some business segments, such as bingo, perform even better during the crisis. Research limitations/implications: Further investigations should analyze the role of single games on firm performance. The consumer- and firm-level examinations offer very different perspectives and scholars should be aware of this when investigating the gambling industry. Practical implications: This study might help both policymakers and other gambling firms, such as casinos, to better understand which appropriate CG model should be adopted and how it can positively influence performance, especially in recessionary times. Originality/value: This study contributes to studies on hospitality and tourism by focusing on the complementary role of gambling SMEs with respect to casinos. It also increases knowledge on the role of CG in privately owned gambling firms, which thus far has been scantly investigated by scholars

    La relazione che organizza il contesto sanitario: domanda dell’utenza e risposta dei servizi sanitari, nel territorio e nell’ospedale - The relationship which organizes the healthcare context: users’ demand and response of healthcare services, in the territory and the hospital

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    Our intent is to present citizens’ demand of health care services in Italy through a research structured in three studies. We used the Emotional Text Analysis (ETA) to lead the three s tudies: the first study regarded the citizens’expectations of the healthcare services, the second study regarded the point of view of the hospital personnel (medical doctors and nurses), the third regarded the point of view of the General Practitioners onthe health care services. These three studies are briefly presented. Data and outcome of an Assumed Similarity Test applied to all experimental subjects of the three studies in order to make a comparison among them, are also presented. The findings of the Emotional Text Analysis show that citizens, potential users of health services, center their requests on their individual subjectivity, and seek answers both to their suffering and to the feeling of alienation that characterizes the being sick feeling that makes them go to a medical doctor. For their part, general practitioners and hospital doctors immediately transform this subjective feeling in an objective medical diagnosis. Here a first gap emerges between patient’s demand and medical response, leavingthe possibility of an alliance on the diagnosis in order to jointly fight the disease. It has long been in place though a change that has expelled the patient also from sharing the diagnostic process, increasingly taken from self-centered dynamics within the healthcare system. This widens the gap between the request of the citizens and the response of the health services, that contributes to that conflictual growth to which defensive medicine gives a dysfunctional answer. The Assumed Similarity Test contributes to the interpretation of the health care dynamic identified in the Emotional Text Analysis; particularly in regard to the unfolding conflict, given by the hypothesis emerging from the data analysis, that a feeling of closeness for the hospital personnel goes along with an emotional stance of overpowering the othe