1,357 research outputs found


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    Musik merupakan bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari kehidupan manusia.Musik digunakan secara luas oleh manusia dalam berbagai suasana dan tujuan.Salah satu tujuan yang digunakan yaitu untuk acara-acara peribadatan.Alat musik pengiring dalam sebuah peribadatan identik dengan alat musik organ maupun piano saja, tetapi ada juga gereja yang menggunakan alat musik modern sebagai alat musik pengiring peribadatan. Ansambel Vox Dei Surabaya ini merupakan salah satu contoh dari sekian ansambel musik yang memperkenalkan bahwa musik pengiring dalam sebuah peribadatan tidak hanya berupa alat musik organ atau piano saja, Ansambel ini merupakan ansambel gesek dengan alat musik biola yang sudah melakukan pelayanan diberbagai gereja di wilayah Surabaya.Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah 1) bagaimana bentuk pembelajaran biola pada kelompok biola 2 yang diterapkan oleh ansambel gesek Vox Dei Surabaya 2) Kendala apa saja yang didapat ketika para pemain ikut berperan aktif di ansambel gesek Vox Dei. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan objek penelitian adalah Bentuk Pembelajaran Biola pada Kelompok Biola 2 yang diterapkan oleh Ansambel Gesek Vox Dei Surabaya dan subjek penelitian adalah pada keberadaan Ansambel Vox Dei Surabaya. Teknik yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi.Untuk memperoleh validitas data yang sah menggunakan kreadibilitas, depenability, dan konfimability. Beberapa metode pembelajaran yang digunakan oleh ansambel Vox Dei antara lain metode demonstrasi, metode tanya jawab, metode diskusi, dan metode drill/ latihan. Penerapan penggunan metode ini diterapkan oleh ansambel Vox Dei pada saat pemberian materi pada saat latihan berlangsung. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh adalah mengetahui bentuk pembelajaran biola pada kelompok biola 2 di ansambel Vox Dei, penerapan pembelajaran yang dilakukan, materi apa saja yang dipersiapkan untuk melatih para pemain,. Lagu yang digunakan untuk pelayanan juga merupakan lagu yang telah diarransemen ulang oleh seorang arranger yang disewa langsung oleh ansambel Vox Dei, sedangkan untuk mengisi kegiatan latian selama tidak ada proses untuk kegiatan pelayanan yakni dengan berlatih buku Suzuki Violin Volume 1.Kata Kunci : Bentuk Pembelajaran, Musik Gereja, Ansambel Vox De


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    Musik merupakan bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari kehidupan manusia.Musik digunakan secara luas oleh manusia dalam berbagai suasana dan tujuan.Salah satu tujuan yang digunakan yaitu untuk acara-acara peribadatan.Alat musik pengiring dalam sebuah peribadatan identik dengan alat musik organ maupun piano saja, tetapi ada juga gereja yang menggunakan alat musik modern sebagai alat musik pengiring peribadatan. Ansambel Vox Dei Surabaya ini merupakan salah satu contoh dari sekian ansambel musik yang memperkenalkan bahwa musik pengiring dalam sebuah peribadatan tidak hanya berupa alat musik organ atau piano saja, Ansambel ini merupakan ansambel gesek dengan alat musik biola yang sudah melakukan pelayanan diberbagai gereja di wilayah Surabaya.Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah 1) bagaimana bentuk pembelajaran biola pada kelompok biola 2 yang diterapkan oleh ansambel gesek Vox Dei Surabaya 2) Kendala apa saja yang didapat ketika para pemain ikut berperan aktif di ansambel gesek Vox Dei. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan objek penelitian adalah Bentuk Pembelajaran Biola pada Kelompok Biola 2 yang diterapkan oleh Ansambel Gesek Vox Dei Surabaya dan subjek penelitian adalah pada keberadaan Ansambel Vox Dei Surabaya. Teknik yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi.Untuk memperoleh validitas data yang sah menggunakan kreadibilitas, depenability, dan konfimability. Beberapa metode pembelajaran yang digunakan oleh ansambel Vox Dei antara lain metode demonstrasi, metode tanya jawab, metode diskusi, dan metode drill/ latihan. Penerapan penggunan metode ini diterapkan oleh ansambel Vox Dei pada saat pemberian materi pada saat latihan berlangsung. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh adalah mengetahui bentuk pembelajaran biola pada kelompok biola 2 di ansambel Vox Dei, penerapan pembelajaran yang dilakukan, materi apa saja yang dipersiapkan untuk melatih para pemain,. Lagu yang digunakan untuk pelayanan juga merupakan lagu yang telah diarransemen ulang oleh seorang arranger yang disewa langsung oleh ansambel Vox Dei, sedangkan untuk mengisi kegiatan latian selama tidak ada proses untuk kegiatan pelayanan yakni dengan berlatih buku Suzuki Violin Volume 1.Kata Kunci : Bentuk Pembelajaran, Musik Gereja, Ansambel Vox De

    Profil Kesadaran Metakognitif Siswa SMA

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    Metacognition is thinking skill about thinking. Metacognitive awareness plays an important role in achieving success of the learning process. The aim of this research was to determine the metacognitive awareness profile of X class high school students in Salatiga. This research was used descriptive quantitative with the technique of determining the subject by purposive sampling. Data collection was carried out in a survey with the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI) instrument by applying a Likert scale. Based on the results of the research, the knowledge dimension with indicator for declarative knowledge was 72.62%, procedural knowledge was 72.13%, and conditional knowledge was 75.98%. Regulatory dimensions such as; planning indicators reached 74.19%, information management strategies only 64.44%, comprehension monitoring 72.01%, debugging strategies 72.87%, and evaluation 74.90%. The average percentage of metacognitive awareness of X class high school students in Salatiga for each indicator is 72.91%. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded here were several metacognitive awareness survey results whose percentages were below 50%.Metacognition is thinking skill about thinking. Metacognitive awareness plays an important role in achieving success of the learning process. The aim of this research was to determine the metacognitive awareness profile of X class high school students in Salatiga. This research was used descriptive quantitative with the technique of determining the subject by purposive sampling. Data collection was carried out in a survey with the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI) instrument by applying a Likert scale. Based on the results of the research, the knowledge dimension with indicator for declarative knowledge was 72.62%, procedural knowledge was 72.13%, and conditional knowledge was 75.98%. Regulatory dimensions such as; planning indicators reached 74.19%, information management strategies only 64.44%, comprehension monitoring 72.01%, debugging strategies 72.87%, and evaluation 74.90%. The average percentage of metacognitive awareness of X class high school students in Salatiga for each indicator is 72.91%. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded here were several metacognitive awareness survey results whose percentages were below 50%

    Pengaruh Penerapan Metode Resitasi Oleh Guru PAK dan Budi Pekerti Terhadap Keaktifan Belajar Siswa

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan antara Metode Resitasi oleh Guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen dan Budi Pekerti terhadap keaktifan belajar Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri 173430 Saitnihuta Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan Tahun Pembelajaran 2021/2022. Hipotesis penelitian adalah terdapat pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan. Penelitian merupakan penelitian korelasional yang menggunakan teknik Statistik Deskriptif dan Inferensial. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas V. Instrumen penelitian berupa angket tertutup. Hasil analisis nilai rxy=0,406rtabel=0,325 dan thitung=2,872ttabel=1,690 menunjukkan bahwa adanya hubungan antara Metode Resitasi terhadap keaktifan belajar Siswa dan memperoleh keberartian persamaan regresi sederhana yaitu . Uji hipotesis diperoleh Fhitung=15,23Ftabel=3,27 maka H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan antara Metode Resitasi oleh Guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen dan Budi Pekerti terhadap keaktifan belajar Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri 173430 Saitnihuta Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan Tahun Pembelajaran 2021/2022  sebesar 16,48%

    The Implementation of Project Based Learning with Lesson Study Approach on Human Respiratory System Material to Improve Critical Thinking Skills

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    The common problem encountered in learning is the use of inappropriate learning models. Based on the results of interviews with teachers, known that teachers use less varied models and often use the lecturing method. This condition causes the critical thinking skills of the students not well developed. The purpose of the study is to determine the impact and difference of the PjBL model implementation with the Lesson Study approach on students' critical thinking skills in the human respiratory system lesson. The research method used in this research is descriptive quantitative. The research design used a pretest-posttest control group design involving two classes: the experimental class and the control class. Analysis of students' critical thinking skills using inferential statistics was carried out with the Paired t-test, Independent t-test, and the N-Gain Score. The results of this study showed that the data was distributed normally but not homogeneous, then it was followed by a nonparametric test. Based on the results of the Wilcoxon test, a p-value of 0.001 is obtained, which means that there is an influence of the PjBL model with LS on critical thinking skills. The results of the Mann-Whitney test obtained a p-value of 0.00, which means that there is a significant difference in the average value of the critical thinking skills. The results of the N-Gain score in the experimental class obtained the value of 0.76 (high). Meanwhile, in the control class, the value of 0.34 (medium) is obtained

    Analisis Muatan Karakter Nasionalisme Pada Pembelajaran PPKn Dalam Film Merah Putih (Studi Kualitatif Deskriptif Naskah Film Merah Putih).

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    Analisis Muatan Karakter Nasionalisme Pada Pembelajaran PPKn Dalam Film Merah Putih (Studi Kualitatif Deskriptif Naskah Film Merah Putih). Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui 1) Apa saja nilai karakter nasionalisme dalam film Merah Putih bila ditelaah dari indikator sikap nasionalisme? 2) Apa saja metode pembentukan karakter dan pesan tersirat yang dapat diserap dari film Merah Putih dapat dijadikan sumber belajar PPKn? 3) Bagaimana interpretasi nilai nasionalisme dalam film Merah Putih dari para pembuat film ini? 4) Bagaimana pengaruh dari penggambaran film ini untuk pembelajaran PPKn?. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kemajuan zaman di masa kemajuan era Industry 4.0 dan Society 5.0 seperti sekarang dimana media pembelajaran berkembang dengan basis internet dan teknologi. Terlebih masa pandemi Covid-19 sejak tahun 2020 lalu membuat pembelajaran dilakukan dengan memperhatikan protokol kesehatan sehingga dilakukan secara daring. Permasalahan inilah yang membuat penyampaian materi dari nilai-nilai karakter di PPKn terlebih nasionalisme tidak mudah untuk disampaikan ataupun penilaian tidak mudah dilakukan karena keterbatasan ruang dan waktu. Sehingga dengan media pembelajaran film dan memperhatikan titik fokus siswa dalam berkonsentrasi saat belajar maka penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengklasifikasikan bagian-bagian film yang memiliki muatan dialog dengan nilai nasionalisme. Metode yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian kualitatif deskriptif ini dalam menganalisis adalah dengan menggunakan analisis isi. Analisis isi film Merah Putih 2009 dilakukan dengan memperhatikan simbol - simbol dan lambang yang ada di dialog-dialog para tokoh sehingga sumber data primer dalam penelitian ini adalah film Merah Putih. Data yang telah direduksi dan di klasifikasikan akan di perjelas dan disajikan dengan analisis teks. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara dokumentasi, wawancara dan studi pustaka. Adapun responden untuk penelitian ini adalah sutradara Yadi Sugandi dan associate produser sekaligus pemeran tokoh Senja di film Merah Putih sebagai expert dan data penunjang berasal dari talkshow mengenai film Merah Putih. Hasil pengamatan atau observasi film, hasil wawancara responden, dan transkrip arsip talkshow para pemeran film yang menyampaikan interpretasinya mengenai nilai nasionalisme dalam film ini untuk memvalidasi hasil penelitian. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan 1) Film ini memiliki dialog-dialog yang melambangkan makna sesuai indikator sikap nasionalisme sehingga bisa ditampilkan sebagai media pembelajaran karakter di pelajaran PPKn 2) adegan-adegan dan dialog-dialog yang memenuhi kriteria dari indikator sikap nasionalisme digambarkan pula dengan metode pembentukan karakter 3) Interpretasi/kognisi dari para pembuat film Merah Putih menyebut film ini memang diperuntukan untuk menyampaikan pesan-pesan karakter nasionalisme, Pancasila dan Kebhinekaan terlebih bagi generasi muda dan cocok sebagai media pembelajaran 4) Implikasi film ini kepada pembelajaran PPKn dapat menimbulkan kesan bangga pada perjuangan para pejuang, nilai Pancasila terlebih usaha kemerdekaan dari pemberian Tuhan Allah dan aktualisasi diri dari nilai yang terdapat pada film ini. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah film ini cocok untuk dijadikan sebagai media pembelajaran baik untuk tugas individu, kelompok dan bahan diskusi guru serta murid mengenai karakter-karakter dari para tokoh yang digambarkan di kisah film Merah Putih. Film Merah Putih dapat menjadi alternatif media pembelajaran karakter nasionalisme di kelas baik secara luring maupun daring karena telah memenuhi indikator penilaian sikap nasionalisme. Kata Kunci : Nasionalisme, Media Pembelajaran, PPKn, Film Content Analysis of Nationalism Characters in Civic Education Learning in ‘Merah Putih’ Film (Descriptive Qualitative Study of Red and White Film Manuscripts). Pancasila and Citizenship Education Study Program, Faculty of Social Sciences, Jakarta State University. The purpose of this study is to find out 1) What are the values of the character of nationalism in the film Merah Putih when examined from indicators of nationalism attitudes? 2) What are the methods of character building and implicit messages that can be absorbed from the film Merah Putih that can be used as learning resources for Civics? 3) How is the interpretation of the value of nationalism in the film Merah Putih from these filmmakers? 4) What are the influences of this film depiction for Civics learning? This research is motivated by the progress of the times in the advancement of the Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0 era as it is now where learning media is developing on the basis of the internet and technology. Moreover, during the Covid-19 pandemic since 2020, learning is carried out by observing health protocols so that it is carried out online. This problem makes the delivery of material from character values in Civics, especially nationalism, not easy to convey or assessment is not easy to do because of space and time limitations. So with film learning media and paying attention to students' focus points in concentrating while studying, this research is intended to classify parts of films that have dialogue content with nationalism values. The method used in this descriptive qualitative research in analyzing is by using content analysis. Analysis of the content of the film Merah Putih 2009 was carried out by paying attention to the symbols and symbols in the dialogues of the characters so that the primary data source in this study was the film Merah Putih. The data that has been reduced and classified will be clarified and presented with text analysis. Data collection techniques were carried out by means of documentation, interviews and literature studies. The respondents for this study were director Yadi Sugandi and associate producer as well as the role of Senja in the film Merah Putih as experts and supporting data from talk shows about the film Merah Putih. The results of observations or observations of the film, the results of interviews with respondents, and transcripts of the talk show archives of the film actors who added their interpretations of the value of nationalism in this film to validate the results of the study. The results of this study show 1) This film has dialogues that symbolize the meaning according to the indicators of the attitude of nationalism so that it can be displayed as a medium for character learning in Civics lessons 2) Scenes and dialogues that meet the criteria of the indicator of nationalism attitudes are also described by the method character building 3) Interpretation/cognition from the filmmakers of Merah Putih stated that this film was intended to convey messages of the character of nationalism, Pancasila and Diversity especially for the younger generation and suitable as a learning medium 4) The implications of this film for Civics learning can create an impression of pride in the struggle of the fighters, the value of Pancasila is especially the effort for independence from the gift of God and self-actualization of the values contained in this film. The conclusion of this study is that this film is suitable to be used as a learning medium for individual assignments, groups and discussion materials for teachers and students about the characters depicted in the film Merah Putih. The Red and White film can be an alternative media for learning the character of nationalism in the classroom, both offline and online because it has met the indicators for the assessment of nationalism attitudes. Keywords: Nationalism, Learning Medium, Civics, Movi

    The Potential of Bacillus sp.’s Isolate of Coffee Beans as Plant Pest Control Candidates

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    Long-term use of chemical pesticides in high doses might result in chemical residues. Therefore, eco-friendly plant pest control should be getting more attention. To do so, one might consider the utilization of microorganisms that have the enzymatic ability to destroy the pest's body structure. This study aimed to explore the isolates of Bacillus sp. from coffee beans as a plant pest control candidate. Bacillus could be considered due to its ability to produce protein crystals and extracellular enzymes. Three isolates are obtained from isolation from coffee beans: Bacillus sp. 1; Bacillus sp. 2; and Bacillus sp. 3. These isolates have the enzymatic character of protease, chitinase, and lipase. The results of the bioassay test on larvae of Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera order) showed that these isolates were able to cause larvae death within 48 hours.

    Forest therapy can prevent and treat depression: Evidence from meta-analyses

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    Forest therapy involves engaging in a combination of forest-based activities to improve one’s health or wellbeing. We conducted an overview of systematic reviews (SRs) and meta-analyses of primary studies to provide the most comprehensive summary of the effect of forest therapy on depression. We included 13 primary studies that matched our eligibility criteria - all were included in four recent SRs and were conducted in the Republic of Korea. We carried out meta-analyses with data extracted directly from these 13 studies and assessed their risk of bias. Outcomes of interest were depressive symptoms, temporary recovery from depression (i.e. remission), response to treatment (i.e. ≥ 50 % reduction on depressive symptoms from baseline), adherence to treatment, and adverse effects. Considering pooled estimates from randomized controlled trials with adults, we found that compared to no intervention/usual care, forest therapy produced a greater reduction of depressive symptoms (Hedges’g = 1.18, 95 % CI [0.86, 1.50], p < .00001). Also compared to no intervention/usual care, participants in the forest therapy group were 17 times as likely to achieve remission (Risk Ratio = 17.02, 95 % CI [3.40, 85.21], p = .0006) and three times as likely to have a ≥ 50 % reduction on depressive symptoms (Risk Ratio = 3.18, 95 % CI [1.94, 5.21], p < .00001). Forest therapy, on average, reduced depressive symptoms more than engaging in similar activities in a hospital or non-forested urban area, or participating in an intervention focused on diet plus forest-based exercise. We did not find evidence that adherence to forest therapy is different from the adherence to alternative interventions and the adverse effects of forest therapy appear to be rare. These results indicate that, relative to many more conventional alternatives, forest therapy is a more effective short-term intervention for the prevention and treatment of depression in adults

    Multigenerational Modeling of Money Management

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    This study is about implicit financial socialization within families. It specifically examines how parental modeling facilitates the intergenerational transmission of healthy financial behaviors. This qualitative, multi-generational, multi-site study begins to answer the following research question: What financial behaviors are parents modeling for their children? The sample for this study (N=115) included 90 undergraduate students (ages 18-30) enrolled in family finance classes at three U.S. universities, 18 of their parents, and 7 of their grandparents. Using a team-based approach to qualitative data collection, analysis, and coding, four consensus themes related to parental financial modeling were distilled: (1) Working for a living (2) Managing money wisely (3) The importance of generosity and (4) Sacrificing for children. These ideas can be used by parents, family life educators, financial therapists, and others to help improve the quality of financial socialization within families

    TCD4pos lymphocytosis in rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis patients following TNFα blocking agents

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    BACKGROUND: Lymphocyte expansion and true lymphocytosis are commonly observed in the everyday clinical practice. The meaning of such phenomenon is often poorly understood so that discrimination between benign and malignant lymphocytosis remains difficult to establish. This is mainly true when lymphocytosis rises in patients affected by immune-mediated chronic inflammatory diseases under immunosuppressive treatment, conditions potentially associated with lymphomagenesis. In this brief report the development of mild T CD4pos lymphocytosis in a group of patients with chronic arthritis under anti-TNF-α treatment is described. METHODS: Two hundred eight rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and psoriatic arthritis (PsA) patients have been evaluated longitudinally for at least 1-year before and 2-years after anti-TNF-α therapy introduction for the possible appearance of a lymphocyte expansion. In patients who developed lymphocyte expansion, T, B and NK cells were analysed. RESULTS: Twenty-five out of 208 (12%) subjects developed a mild T CD4pos lymphocytosis, during anti-TNF-α therapy, which reverted after its interruption. Higher lymphocyte count, more frequent use of steroids and shorter disease duration, before biological therapy start, have emerged as risk factors for lymphocytosis development. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first longitudinal cohort study evaluating the onset of lymphocytosis in RA and PsA patients under anti-TNF-α treatment and its possible clinical relevance. A mild T CD4pos lymphocytosis has been observed in 12% of RA and PsA patients probably related to anti-TNF-α treatment as previously reported by anecdotal cases. Patients with higher baseline lymphocyte count, use of steroids and shorter disease duration before the introduction of biologic therapy, seem to be prone to develop this laboratory reversible abnormality
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