118 research outputs found

    Just-infinite C*-algebras and their invariants

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    Just-infinite C*-algebras, i.e., infinite dimensional C*-algebras, whose proper quotients are finite dimensional, were investigated in [Grigorchuk-Musat-Rordam, 2016]. One particular example of a just-infinite residually finite dimensional AF-algebras was constructed in that article. In this paper we extend that construction by showing that each infinite dimensional metrizable Choquet simplex is affinely homeomorphic to the trace simplex of a just-infinite residually finite dimensional C*-algebras. The trace simplex of any unital residually finite dimensional C*-algebra is hence realized by a just-infinite one. We determine the trace simplex of the particular residually finite dimensional AF-algebras constructed in the above mentioned article, and we show that it has precisely one extremal trace of type II_1. We give a complete description of the Bratteli diagrams corresponding to residually finite dimensional AF-algebras. We show that a modification of any such Bratteli diagram, similar to the modification that makes an arbitrary Bratteli diagram simple, will yield a just-infinite residually finite dimensional AF-algebra.Comment: 22 pages. A more detailed proof of Proposition 2.2 is included in this version, and a missing condition in Proposition 2.2 (and Corollary 2.3) is added. To appear in Int. Math. Res. Not. IMR

    A purely infinite AH-algebra and an application to AF-embeddability

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    We show that there exists a purely infinite AH-algebra. The AH-algebra arises as an inductive limit of C*-algebras of the form C_0([0,1),M_k) and it absorbs the Cuntz algebra O_\infty tensorially. Thus one can reach an O_\infty-absorbing C*-algebra as an inductive limit of the finite and elementary C*-algebras C_0([0,1),M_k). As an application we give a new proof of a recent theorem of Ozawa that the cone over any separable exact C*-algebra is AF-embeddable, and we exhibit a concrete AF-algebra into which this class of C*-algebras can be embedded.Comment: 20 pages, revised January 2004, to appear in Israel J. Mat

    The stable and the real rank of Z-absorbing C*-algebras

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    Suppose that A is a C*-algebra for which A is isomorphic to A tensor Z, where Z is the Jiang-Su algebra: a unital, simple, stably finite, separable, nuclear, infinite dimensional C*-algebra with the same Elliott invariant as the complex numbers. We show that: (i) The Cuntz semigroup W(A) of equivalence classes of positive elements in matrix algebras over A is weakly unperforated. (ii) If A is exact, then A is purely infinite if and only if A is traceless. (iii) If A is separable and nuclear, then A is isomorphic to A tensor O_infty if and only if A is traceless. (iv) If A is simple and unital, then the stable rank of A is one if and only if A is finite. We also characterise when A is of real rank zero.Comment: 24 pages. Minor revisions August 2004. To appear in International J. Mat

    AF-embeddings into C*-algebras of real rank zero

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    It is proved that every separable C∗C^*-algebra of real rank zero contains an AF-sub-C∗C^*-algebra such that the inclusion mapping induces an isomorphism of the ideal lattices of the two C∗C^*-algebras and such that every projection in a matrix algebra over the large C∗C^*-algebra is equivalent to a projection in a matrix algebra over the AF-sub-C∗C^*-algebra. This result is proved at the level of monoids, using that the monoid of Murray-von Neumann equivalence classes of projections in a C∗C^*-algebra of real rank zero has the refinement property. As an application of our result, we show that given a unital C∗C^*-algebra AA of real rank zero and a natural number nn, then there is a unital ∗^*-homomorphism Mn1⊕...⊕Mnr→AM_{n_1} \oplus ... \oplus M_{n_r} \to A for some natural numbers r,n1,...,nrr,n_1, ...,n_r with nj≥nn_j \ge n for all jj if and only if AA has no representation of dimension less than nn.Comment: 28 page

    Strongly Self-Absorbing C*-algebras which contain a nontrivial projection

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    It is shown that a strongly self-absorbing C*-algebra is of real rank zero and absorbs the Jiang-Su algebra if it contains a nontrivial projection. We also consider cases where the UCT is automatic for strongly self-absorbing C*-algebras, and K-theoretical ways of characterizing when Kirchberg algebras are strongly self-absorbing.Comment: 10 page

    Universal properties of group actions on locally compact spaces

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    We study universal properties of locally compact G-spaces for countable infinite groups G. In particular we consider open invariant subsets of the \beta-compactification of G (which is a G-space in a natural way), and their minimal closed invariant subspaces. These are locally compact free G-spaces, and the latter are also minimal. We examine the properies of these G-spaces with emphasis on their universal properties. As an example of our resuts, we use combinatorial methods to show that each countable infinite group admits a free minimal action on the locally compact non-compact Cantor set.Comment: 42 page
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