559 research outputs found

    Beskrywing en verklaaring in die Natuurwetenskap

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    Die waarneming van die n a tu u r en die beoefening van die natuurwetenskap het met die eerste mens begin

    Wiskunde in Suid-Afrika*

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    By ’n geleentheid soos hierdie is die versoeking nogal sterk om retrospektief te w erk te gaan en 'n poging aan te wend om die verlede soos dit in eie persoon belewe is, die revue te laat passeer. Dit is miskien nie m eer as natuurlik nie dat ’n mens dan m eer geneig voel om op die afgelegde weg terug te kyk as om jou aan koersaanwysing vir die toekoms te waag. Vir die m eeste van u, geagte oudstudente, is w at verby is nie van soveel belang as wat die hede aanbied of die toekoms in sy skoot het nie. My taak nader sy einde, u werk lĂȘ hopelik nog vir die grootste gedeelte voor u. Wei is dit ’n troosryke gedagte w at u my sal vergun om te koester, dat die band wat daar tussen u en my gelĂȘ is, ook in vakkundige opsig nie finaal deurgesny is toe die dae van regstreekse, persoonlike kontak verby was nie. Die onderwyser is nou m aar eenmaal so onbe- skeie om in die loopbaan en prestasies van sy leerling tot 'n mate ’n verlengstuk van sy eie werk te sien

    ,,Rubbi-Lesings oor Wiskunde."

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    Onlangs is in Stellenbosch gepubliseer ’n reeks van nege lesings, aan die Universiteit aldaar gedurende 1947 gehou

    Witness recall across repeated interviews in a case of repeated abuse.

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    In this illustrative case study we examine the three forensic interviews of a girl who experienced repeated sexual abuse from ages 7 to 11. She disclosed the abuse after watching a serialized television show that contained a storyline similar to her own experience. This triggered an investigation that ended in successful prosecution of the offender. Because this case involved abuse that was repeated on a weekly basis for 4 years we thus investigated the degree to which the child\u27s narrative reflected specific episodes or generic accounts, and both the interviewer\u27s and child\u27s attempts to elicit and provide, respectively, specific details across the 3 interviews collected in a 1 month period. Across the 3 interviews, the child\u27s account was largely generic, yet on a number of occasions she provided details specific to individual incidents (episodic leads) that could have been probed further. As predicted: earlier interviews were characterized more by episodic than generic prompts and the reverse was true for the third interview; the child often responded using the same style of language (episodic or generic) as the interviewer; and open questions yielded narrative information. We discuss the importance of adopting children\u27s words to specify occurrences, and the potential benefits of permitting generic recall in investigative interviews on children\u27s ability to provide episodic leads. Despite the fact that the testimony was characterized by generic information about what usually happened, rather than specific episodic details about individual occurrences, this case resulted in successful prosecution

    Narrative coherence in multiple forensic interviews with child witnesses alleging physical and sexual abuse

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    This study investigated the narrative coherence of children's accounts elicited in multiple forensic interviews. Transcriptions of 56 police interviews with 28 children aged 3–14 years alleging physical and sexual abuse were coded for markers of completeness, consistency and connectedness. We found that multiple interviews increased the completeness of children's testimony, containing on average almost twice as much new information as single interviews, including crucial location, time and abuse‐related details. When both contradictions within the same interview and across interviews were considered, contradictions were not more frequent in multiple interviews. The frequency of linguistic markers of connectedness remained stable across interviews. Multiple interviews increase the narrative coherence of children's testimony through increasing their completeness without necessarily introducing contradictions or decreasing causal‐temporal connections between details. However, as ‘ground truth’ is not known in field studies, further investigation of the relationship between the narrative coherence and accuracy of testimonies is required

    Analisis Kontribusi Penerimaan Pajak Daerah terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) di Kabupaten Raja Ampat

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    Sebagai Daerah Otonom, daerah mempunyai kewenangan dan tanggung jawab dalam penyelenggaraan kepentingan masyarakat berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip keterbukaan, partisipasi masyarakat, dan pertanggungjawaban kepada masyarakat. Penyelenggaraan otonomi daerah memerlukan pemanfaatan sumber daya nasional, serta perimbangan keuangan antara pusat dan daerah.Penyelenggaraan pembangunan daerah secara otonomi telah memberikan wewenang yang nyata, luas dan bertanggung jawab termasuk didalamnya adalah pemberian sumber-sumber daerah. Salah satu komponen utama desentralistik adalah Desentralisasi Fiscal, pembiayaan otonomi daerah yang berasal dari Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) diantaranya adalah pajak daerah, retribusi daerah, hasil pengelolaan kekayaan daerah dan lain-lain. Tujuan Penelitian untuk mengetahui bagaimana besar Kontribusi penerimaan pajak daerah terhadap PAD di Kabupaten Raja Ampat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Teknis analisis data yang digunakan adalah melalui analisis persentase kontribusi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dari Tahun 2010s/d 2014 realisasi pajak daerah terbesar pada pajak daerah terjadi pada tahun Tahun 2014 dari semua jenis Pajak Daerah yang ada. Sedangkan kontribusi paling rendah terjadi pada Tahun 2013.Pemerintah perlu menggunakan teknik analisa data yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu Analisis Presentase Kontribusi dalam rangka peningkatan Kontribusi Pajak terhadap PAD untuk menentukan kebijakan selanjutnya dalam menggali potensi sumber-sumber PAD lebih khusus Penerimaan Pajak Daerah, agar semakin Realistis jika dibandingkan dengan potensi yang sebenarnya. Kata kunci: pajak daerah, pendapatan asli daera

    A systematic examination of actor and trainee interviewer behaviour during Joint Investigative Interviewing Training

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    This study is the first systematic examination of trainee interviewer and actor behaviour during Joint Investigative Interviewing Training (JIIT) simulations across two training sites in Scotland. As expected, interviewers were poor at adhering to best practice interview guidelines in the pre-substantive and closure phases of the interviews. Although invitations were used within the range of best practice, they were not used more often and did not elicit more allegation-related details than directive questions. Critically, actors’ responses to invitations were less informative than their responses to all other question types. Furthermore, large differences were observed between the two training sites in the number of questions asked and amount of information elicited by interviewers. Our results show that 1) trainee interviewers are not utilising simulations to practice all required interviewing skills, 2) adult actors are not reinforcing interviewers’ use of invitations as intended, and 3) trainee interviewers are not being afforded the same opportunities to practice their skills due to variation in resources across Scotland. We recommend improvements to the JIIT programme to address these concerns

    When are anti-fat attitudes understood as prejudice versus truth? An experimental study of social influence effects

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    Background/Objectives If people who hold anti-fat attitudes believe these attitudes to be true, then anti-prejudice appeals are likely to be unsuccessful, if only because the targets will not see their attitudes as in need of change. The current study examined processes that may lead people to see their anti-fat attitudes as 'truth' or as 'prejudice'. Subjects/Methods Participants (N = 482) read anti-fat statements and were then presented with an interpretation of these statements as 'truth' or 'prejudice'. The source of this interpretation was either an (i) in-group or out-group member and (ii) expert or non-expert. Participants' judgements of the statements were expected to vary such that in-group others and experts would exert more influence than would out-group others and non-experts. Results Participants aligned their own interpretations of an anti-fat statement with those of an expert, but not with those of a non-expert, F(1,466) = 8.97, p <0.05, eta(2)(p) = 0.02. The group membership variable had no effect on judgements of 'truth' or 'prejudice' of the anti-fat statement. Conclusion The expressions that people believe constitute anti-fat prejudice versus truth about people described as overweight are influenced by exposure to expert opinion (in this case, by medical doctors). Implications for the success of weight-based anti-prejudice appeals and for healthcare provision are discussed

    How children talk about events:Implications for eliciting and analyzing eyewitness reports

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    Legal and social service professionals often question whether various features of young witnesses’ responses during interviews are characteristic of children’s event reports or whether these features are concerning findings that reflect degraded memory, outside influence, or other phenomena. To assist helping professionals and researchers who collect data through interviews, we aggregated findings from child eyewitness studies and revisited transcript sets to construct fifteen principles that capture how children talk about events. These principles address children’s earliest event narratives, how children report information as interviews unfold and typical features of their narratives, threats to the accuracy of answers, the influence of interviewers’ language on children’s styles of reporting, how testimonies compare across multiple interviews and multiple witnesses to the same event, and the structure of accurate and inaccurate reports. A summary table highlights the implications of these principles for interviewers and the decision-makers who analyze children’s reports
