6 research outputs found

    Antibiootikumide kasutamine väikelastel

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    Uurimistöö eesmärgiks oli hinnata antibiootikumide kasutamise sagedust eesti väikelastel sõltuvalt lapse vanusest ja raviarstist ning kirjeldada antibiootikumide väljakirjutamise piirkondlikke ja sesoonseid iseärasusi Eesti Haigekassa soodusravimite andmebaasi alusel. Eestis oli 2001. a kokku 49 300 kuni 3aastast last ja neist 68%-le oli välja kirjutatud antibiootikume, kokku 72 700 retsepti. Kolmandik Eesti lastest sai vähemalt kaks retsepti ja kümnendik lastest keskmiselt 5 retsepti aasta jooksul

    European surveillance of antimicrobial consumption (ESAC) : systemic antiviral use in Europe

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    Objectives: To assess the total systemic antiviral use in Europe and to identify the antiviral substances most commonly used.Methods: Within the European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption (ESAC; www.esac.ua.ac.be), using the anatomical therapeutic chemical (ATC) classification and defined daily dose (DDD) measurement unit, data on total (out- and inpatient) systemic antiviral use (ATC J05), aggregated at the level of the active substance, were collected for 2008, and use was expressed in DDD (WHO ATC/DDD, version 2010) per 1000 inhabitants per day (DID). Antiviral substances were grouped according to their main indication.Results: In Europe, 12 countries (Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Russia, Slovenia and Sweden) provided total (out- and inpatient) data and 4 countries (Austria, the Netherlands, Portugal and Norway) provided outpatient data only. Total systemic antiviral use varied by a factor of 10.95 between the country with the highest (3.53 DID in France) and the country with the lowest (0.32 DID in Croatia) use. HIV/AIDS antivirals represented more than 50% of the total antiviral use in most countries. The amount and spectrum of antivirals used varied greatly between countries.Conclusions: Our study demonstrated a wide variation of total systemic antiviral use in several European countries, as striking as that of outpatient systemic antibiotic, antimycotic and antifungal use. The variation is mainly determined by the use of HIV/AIDS antivirals. These observations should stimulate further analysis to understand the variation of specific antiviral substances. The ESAC data facilitate auditing of antiviral prescriptions and evaluation of the implementation of guidelines and public health policies.peer-reviewe

    Antibiotic use in ambulatory care in Europe (ESAC data 1997–2002): trends, regional differences and seasonal fluctuations

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    Purpose: The ESAC project (European Study on Antibiotic Consumption) aims to collect antibiotic-use data through a European network of national surveillance systems. This paper reports on the retrospective data collection in ambulatory care for the period 1997–2002. Methods: Valid data of antibiotic consumption of 24 European countries for 2002 and of 18 countries for the entire 6-year period was classified according to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification (ATC) and expressed in defined daily dose (DDD) per 1000 inhabitants per day (DID). Overall and subgroup comparison of antibiotic consumption over time as well as between geographical clusters was performed. Results: Total use of antibiotics in Europe remained at a median level of 20 DID in the period 1997–2002 with a wide variation between countries ranging from 9.8 DID in The Netherlands to 32.2 DID in France. A substantial increase in subclass consumption of co-amoxiclav and fluoroquinolones was noted while the use of narrow-spectrum penicillins, erythromycin, quinolones and sulfonamides decreased. Total consumption as well as seasonal fluctuations showed remarkable geographical clustering with low consumption and low variation between summer and winter in the North, high consumption patterns in the South and a mixed model in the East. Conclusions: Within the ESAC project, valid time series of antibiotic-use data are publicly available now, enabling to improve the study of determinants of use, the evaluation of governmental antibiotic consumption policies and the investigation of the associated emergence of antibiotic resistance

    Comparison of outpatient systemic antibacterial use in 2004 in the United States and 27 European countries

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    The European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption (ESAC) project collects data on antibacterial use in Europe, applying the Anatomic Therapeutic Chemical classification system and defined daily dose methodology, as recommended by the World Health Organization. Comparable data for the United States have been collected from IMS Health. The IMS Health sales data, processed according to ESAC methodology, suggest that outpatient antibacterial use in the United States is high (only 3 of 27 European countries used more) and is mainly characterized by a shift towards newer antibiotics