28 research outputs found

    Does the APOE ε4 Allele Moderate a CA1 Atrophy and Psychotic Symptomatology Relationship in Alzheimer’s Disease?

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    There are an estimated 6.1 million Americans currently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) with this number expected to rapidly grow over the next 30 years. Delusions are reported in roughly one-third of individuals with AD (Ropacki & Jeste, 2005). Delusions in AD are related to worse outcomes; greater caregiver burden, functional decline, and overall, worse general health (Murray et al., 2014). Current treatment options are limited given the health risks related to antipsychotics in the elderly (Creese et al., 2018). In the current study, we examined the relationship between APOE ε4 allele status, CA1 subfield volumes, and the presence of delusions in a combined Alzheimer’s disease dataset (OASIS and ADNI) in a two-prong fashion. First, we examined the moderating effect of APOE ε4 allele on the relationship of the CA1 volumes and delusions and MMSE scores, separately. Second, we examined the specificity of that effect by comparing CA1 volumes to other hippocampal subfields in a repeated measure model. Individuals with delusions had smaller right CA1 volumes than individuals without delusions but this was unrelated to APOE ε4 alleles. There was no significant moderation of the APOE ε4 alleles on the relationship between the CA1 subfields and the presence of delusions. There was a significant relationship between left CA1 volumes, APOE ε4 allele presence, and MMSE scores. These findings do not completely dissuade a subcortical relationship with delusions as no other notable differences between individuals with delusions and individuals without delusions were found in demographic information, genetic information, or cognitive measures. Future research is needed to examine the relationship between the hippocampus and delusions in other imaging capacities (e.g., longitudinal studies, functional connectivity) and along more detailed presentations of delusions

    Structural brain alterations and their association with cognitive function and symptoms in Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder families

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    Gray matter disruptions have been found consistently in Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The organization of these alterations into brain structural networks remains largely unexplored. We investigated 508 participants (281 males) with ADHD (N = 210), their unaffected siblings (N = 108), individuals with subthreshold ADHD (N = 49), and unrelated healthy controls (N = 141) with an age range from 7 to 18 years old from 336 families in the Dutch NeuroIMAGE project. Source based morphometry was used to examine structural brain network alterations and their association with symptoms and cognitive performance. Two networks showed significant reductions in individuals with ADHD compared to unrelated healthy controls after False Discovery Rate correction. Component A, mainly located in bilateral Crus I, showed a ADHD/typically developing difference with subthreshold cases being intermediate between ADHD and typically developing controls. The unaffected siblings were similar to controls. After correcting for IQ and medication status, component A showed a negative correlation with inattention symptoms across the entire sample. Component B included a maximum cluster in the bilateral insula, where unaffected siblings, similar to individuals with ADHD, showed significantly reduced loadings compared to controls; but no relationship with individual symptoms or cognitive measures was found for component B. This multivariate approach suggests that areas reflecting genetic liability within ADHD are partly separate from those areas modulating symptom severity

    Discrepancies of polygenic effects on symptom dimensions between adolescents and adults with ADHD

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    A significant proportion of individuals with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) show persistence into adulthood. The genetic and neural correlates of ADHD in adolescents versus adults remain poorly characterized. We investigated ADHD polygenic risk score (PRS) in relation to previously identified gray matter (GM) patterns, neurocognitive, and symptom findings in the same ADHD sample (462 adolescents & 422 adults from the NeuroIMAGE and IMpACT cohorts). Significant effects of ADHD PRS were found on hyperactivity and impulsivity symptoms in adolescents, hyperactivity symptom in adults, but not GM volume components. A distinct PRS effect between adolescents and adults on individual ADHD symptoms is suggested

    Gray matter networks associated with attention and working memory deficit in ADHD across adolescence and adulthood

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    Contains fulltext : 231759.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a childhood-onset neuropsychiatric disorder and may persist into adulthood. Working memory and attention deficits have been reported to persist from childhood to adulthood. How neuronal underpinnings of deficits differ across adolescence and adulthood is not clear. In this study, we investigated gray matter of two cohorts, 486 adults and 508 adolescents, each including participants from ADHD and healthy controls families. Two cohorts both presented significant attention and working memory deficits in individuals with ADHD. Independent component analysis was applied to the gray matter of each cohort, separately, to extract cohort-inherent networks. Then, we identified gray matter networks associated with inattention or working memory in each cohort, and projected them onto the other cohort for comparison. Two components in the inferior, middle/superior frontal regions identified in adults and one component in the insula and inferior frontal region identified in adolescents were significantly associated with working memory in both cohorts. One component in bilateral cerebellar tonsil and culmen identified in adults and one component in left cerebellar region identified in adolescents were significantly associated with inattention in both cohorts. All these components presented a significant or nominal level of gray matter reduction for ADHD participants in adolescents, but only one showed nominal reduction in adults. Our findings suggest although the gray matter reduction of these regions may not be indicative of persistency of ADHD, their persistent associations with inattention or working memory indicate an important role of these regions in the mechanism of persistence or remission of the disorder

    Enhancing collaborative neuroimaging research: introducing COINSTAC Vaults for federated analysis and reproducibility

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    Collaborative neuroimaging research is often hindered by technological, policy, administrative, and methodological barriers, despite the abundance of available data. COINSTAC (The Collaborative Informatics and Neuroimaging Suite Toolkit for Anonymous Computation) is a platform that successfully tackles these challenges through federated analysis, allowing researchers to analyze datasets without publicly sharing their data. This paper presents a significant enhancement to the COINSTAC platform: COINSTAC Vaults (CVs). CVs are designed to further reduce barriers by hosting standardized, persistent, and highly-available datasets, while seamlessly integrating with COINSTAC's federated analysis capabilities. CVs offer a user-friendly interface for self-service analysis, streamlining collaboration, and eliminating the need for manual coordination with data owners. Importantly, CVs can also be used in conjunction with open data as well, by simply creating a CV hosting the open data one would like to include in the analysis, thus filling an important gap in the data sharing ecosystem. We demonstrate the impact of CVs through several functional and structural neuroimaging studies utilizing federated analysis showcasing their potential to improve the reproducibility of research and increase sample sizes in neuroimaging studies

    Obesity and brain structure in schizophrenia - ENIGMA study in 3021 individuals

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    Schizophrenia is frequently associated with obesity, which is linked with neurostructural alterations. Yet, we do not understand how the brain correlates of obesity map onto the brain changes in schizophrenia. We obtained MRI-derived brain cortical and subcortical measures and body mass index (BMI) from 1260 individuals with schizophrenia and 1761 controls from 12 independent research sites within the ENIGMA-Schizophrenia Working Group. We jointly modeled the statistical effects of schizophrenia and BMI using mixed effects. BMI was additively associated with structure of many of the same brain regions as schizophrenia, but the cortical and subcortical alterations in schizophrenia were more widespread and pronounced. Both BMI and schizophrenia were primarily associated with changes in cortical thickness, with fewer correlates in surface area. While, BMI was negatively associated with cortical thickness, the significant associations between BMI and surface area or subcortical volumes were positive. Lastly, the brain correlates of obesity were replicated among large studies and closely resembled neurostructural changes in major depressive disorders. We confirmed widespread associations between BMI and brain structure in individuals with schizophrenia. People with both obesity and schizophrenia showed more pronounced brain alterations than people with only one of these conditions. Obesity appears to be a relevant factor which could account for heterogeneity of brain imaging findings and for differences in brain imaging outcomes among people with schizophrenia

    Brain ageing in schizophrenia: evidence from 26 international cohorts via the ENIGMA Schizophrenia consortium

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    Schizophrenia (SZ) is associated with an increased risk of life-long cognitive impairments, age-related chronic disease, and premature mortality. We investigated evidence for advanced brain ageing in adult SZ patients, and whether this was associated with clinical characteristics in a prospective meta-analytic study conducted by the ENIGMA Schizophrenia Working Group. The study included data from 26 cohorts worldwide, with a total of 2803 SZ patients (mean age 34.2 years; range 18-72 years; 67% male) and 2598 healthy controls (mean age 33.8 years, range 18-73 years, 55% male). Brain-predicted age was individually estimated using a model trained on independent data based on 68 measures of cortical thickness and surface area, 7 subcortical volumes, lateral ventricular volumes and total intracranial volume, all derived from T1-weighted brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. Deviations from a healthy brain ageing trajectory were assessed by the difference between brain-predicted age and chronological age (brain-predicted age difference [brain-PAD]). On average, SZ patients showed a higher brain-PAD of +3.55 years (95% CI: 2.91, 4.19; I2 = 57.53%) compared to controls, after adjusting for age, sex and site (Cohen's d = 0.48). Among SZ patients, brain-PAD was not associated with specific clinical characteristics (age of onset, duration of illness, symptom severity, or antipsychotic use and dose). This large-scale collaborative study suggests advanced structural brain ageing in SZ. Longitudinal studies of SZ and a range of mental and somatic health outcomes will help to further evaluate the clinical implications of increased brain-PAD and its ability to be influenced by interventions

    Large-scale analysis of structural brain asymmetries in schizophrenia via the ENIGMA consortium

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    Left-right asymmetry is an important organizing feature of the healthy brain that may be altered in schizophrenia, but most studies have used relatively small samples and heterogeneous approaches, resulting in equivocal findings. We carried out the largest case-control study of structural brain asymmetries in schizophrenia, using MRI data from 5,080 affected individuals and 6,015 controls across 46 datasets in the ENIGMA consortium, using a single image analysis protocol. Asymmetry indexes were calculated for global and regional cortical thickness, surface area, and subcortical volume measures. Differences of asymmetry were calculated between affected individuals and controls per dataset, and effect sizes were meta-analyzed across datasets. Small average case-control differences were observed for thickness asymmetries of the rostral anterior cingulate and the middle temporal gyrus, both driven by thinner left-hemispheric cortices in schizophrenia. Analyses of these asymmetries with respect to the use of antipsychotic medication and other clinical variables did not show any significant associations. Assessment of age- and sex-specific effects revealed a stronger average leftward asymmetry of pallidum volume between older cases and controls. Case-control differences in a multivariate context were assessed in a subset of the data (N = 2,029), which revealed that 7% of the variance across all structural asymmetries was explained by case-control status. Subtle case-control differences of brain macro-structural asymmetry may reflect differences at the molecular, cytoarchitectonic or circuit levels that have functional relevance for the disorder. Reduced left middle temporal cortical thickness is consistent with altered left-hemisphere language network organization in schizophrenia