86 research outputs found

    Overview of Plasma Lens Experiments and Recent Results at SPARC_LAB

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    Beam injection and extraction from a plasma module is still one of the crucial aspects to solve in order to produce high quality electron beams with a plasma accelerator. Proper matching conditions require to focus the incoming high brightness beam down to few microns size and to capture a high divergent beam at the exit without loss of beam quality. Plasma-based lenses have proven to provide focusing gradients of the order of kT/m with radially symmetric focusing thus promising compact and affordable alternative to permanent magnets in the design of transport lines. In this paper an overview of recent experiments and future perspectives of plasma lenses is reported

    Large-bandwidth two-color free-electron laser driven by a comb-like electron beam

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    We discuss a two-color SASE free-electron laser (FEL) amplifier where the time and energy separation of two separated radiation pulses are controlled by manipulation of the electron beam phase space. Two electron beamlets with adjustable time and energy spacing are generated in an RF photo-injector illuminating the cathode with a comb-like laser pulse followed by RF compression in the linear accelerator. We review the electron beam manipulation technique to generate bunches with time and energy properties suitable for driving two-color FEL radiation. Experimental measurements at the SPARC-LAB facility illustrate the flexibility of the scheme for the generation of two-color FEL spectr

    Characterization of the THz radiation source at the Frascati linear accelerator

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    The linac driven coherent THz radiation source at the SPARC-LAB test facility is able to deliver broadband THz pulses with femtosecond shaping. In addition, high peak power, narrow spectral bandwidth THz radiation can be also generated, taking advantage of advanced electron beam manipulation techniques, able to generate an adjustable train of electron bunches with a sub-picosecond length and with sub-picosecond spacing. The paper reports on the manipulation, characterization, and transport of the electron beam in the bending line transporting the beam down to the THz station, where different coherent transition radiation spectra have been measured and studied with the aim to optimize the THz radiation performances

    Electron Linac design to drive bright Compton back-scattering gamma-ray sources

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    The technological development in the field of high brightness linear accelerators and high energy/high quality lasers enables today designing high brilliance Compton-X and Gamma-photon beams suitable for a wide range of applications in the innovative field of nuclear photonics. The challenging requirements of this kind of source comprise: tunable energy (1–20MeV), very narrow bandwidth (0.3%), and high spectral density (104 photons/s/eV). We present here a study focused on the design and the optimization of an electron Linac aimed to meet the source specifications of the European Extreme Light Infrastructure—Nuclear Physics project, currently funded and seeking for an innovative machine design in order to outperform state-of-the-art facilities. We show that the phase space density of the electron beam, at the collision point against the laser pulse, is the main quality factor characterizing the Linac

    High brightness electron beam emittance evolution measurements in an rf photoinjector

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    The new generation of linac injectors driving free electron lasers in the self-amplified stimulated emission (SASE-FEL) regime requires high brightness electron beams to generate radiation in the wavelength range from UV to x rays. The choice of the injector working point and its matching to the linac structure are the key factors to meet this requirement. An emittance compensation scheme presently applied in several photoinjectors worldwide is known as the "Ferrario" working point. In spite of its great importance there was, so far, no direct measurement of the beam parameters, such as emittance, transverse envelope, and energy spread, in the region downstream the rf gun and the solenoid of a photoinjector to validate the effectiveness of this approach. In order to fully characterize the beam dynamics with this scheme, an innovative beam diagnostic device, the emittance meter, consisting of a movable emittance measurement system, has been designed and built. With the emittance meter, measurements of the main beam parameters in both transverse phase spaces can be performed in a wide range of positions downstream the photoinjector. These measurements help in tuning the injector to optimize the working point and provide an important benchmark for the validation of simulation codes. We report the results of these measurements in the SPARC photoinjector and, in particular, the first experimental evidence of the double minimum in the emittance oscillation, which provides the optimized matching to the SPARC linac. © 2008 The American Physical Society

    Self-amplified spontaneous emission for a single pass free-electron laser

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    SPARC (acronym of "Sorgente Pulsata ed Amplificata di Radiazione Coerente", i.e. Pulsed and Amplified Source of Coherent Radiation) is a single pass free-electron laser designed to obtain high gain amplification at a radiation wavelength of 500 nm. Self-amplified spontaneous emission has been observed driving the amplifier with the high-brightness beam of the SPARC linac. We report measurements of energy, spectra, and exponential gain. Experimental results are compared with simulations from several numerical codes

    Technical Design Report EuroGammaS proposal for the ELI-NP Gamma beam System

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    The machine described in this document is an advanced Source of up to 20 MeV Gamma Rays based on Compton back-scattering, i.e. collision of an intense high power laser beam and a high brightness electron beam with maximum kinetic energy of about 720 MeV. Fully equipped with collimation and characterization systems, in order to generate, form and fully measure the physical characteristics of the produced Gamma Ray beam. The quality, i.e. phase space density, of the two colliding beams will be such that the emitted Gamma ray beam is characterized by energy tunability, spectral density, bandwidth, polarization, divergence and brilliance compatible with the requested performances of the ELI-NP user facility, to be built in Romania as the Nuclear Physics oriented Pillar of the European Extreme Light Infrastructure. This document illustrates the Technical Design finally produced by the EuroGammaS Collaboration, after a thorough investigation of the machine expected performances within the constraints imposed by the ELI-NP tender for the Gamma Beam System (ELI-NP-GBS), in terms of available budget, deadlines for machine completion and performance achievement, compatibility with lay-out and characteristics of the planned civil engineering

    Mappe di Palermo citt\ue0 adattiva e tecnologica. Una sintesi metodologica

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    Analizzare e monitorare la citt\ue0 del futuro in un\u2019ottica smart, richiede un\u2019attenta analisi dei dati e delle informazioni che in essa transitano direttamente e indirettamente. Nel primo caso avremo delle informazioni il cui soggetto principale \ue8 la citt\ue0 stessa nei suoi aspetti emergenti (es. rifiuti, consumi energetici degli edifici pubblici, dati da centraline, ecc.), nel secondo caso ci troveremo davanti a informazioni in cui la citt\ue0 \ue8 trattata trasversalmente o in cui la matrice delle informazioni non \ue8 la citt\ue0 stessa, ma un ambito spaziale pi\uf9 ampio e diffuso (es. dati sul traffico da Google, social network, ecc.). Il contributo descrive in che modo le citt\ue0, a partire dal caso studi di Palermo, possono integrare tecnologie e caratteristiche smartness a partire da una visione integrata di spazio fisico e spazio digitale
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