8 research outputs found

    Paradoxical Embolism due to Persistent Foramen Ovale; a Case Report

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    The mean percentage of cryptogenic strokes among ischemic strokes is 31%, of which one-third may be associated with patent foramen ovale. The foramen ovale is required for blood flow through the fetal atrial septum.聽 It is formed as of the fourth week of gestation, and this leads to right-left interatrial shunt that allows the passage of oxygenated blood to systemic circulation. In 75% of cases, its closure is complete by 2 years of age, but it may persist in 25% of patients. We present the case of a patient with paradoxical embolism in the lower extremities and ischemic stroke in the clinical context of a patent foramen ovale

    Multidimensional poverty and disability: A case control study in India, Cameroon, and Guatemala.

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    Although the association between disability and multidimensional poverty has been consistently found in several studies in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. None of these studies so far has used an extended and internationally comparable questionnaire (extended Washington Group Questionnaire) and a clinical screening of disability. The purpose of this article is to calculate, compare and analyse the levels of multidimensional poverty of people with and without disabilities in Guatemala (national), in one district of Cameroon (Fundong Health District, North West Cameroon) and in one district in India (Mahbubnagar District, Telangana State). We used a case-control study approach; adults with disabilities identified in a population-based disability survey using the Washington Group Extended Questionnaire were matched to age-sex matched controls without disabilities and interviewed about their levels of access and use of different social services. Following the Alkire-Foster method, the levels of multidimensional poverty between cases and control were computed and compared. Additionally, we analysed how disability and other individual characteristics are associated with being poor in each country. The results showed that people with disabilities in all three-study settings face significantly higher levels of poverty and the intensity of their poverty is higher. In the case of Cameroon, differences in the levels of deprivation between people with and without disabilities were smaller than those observed in India and Guatemala. This might suggest that in countries with higher levels of human, economic and social development people with disabilities are being left behind by public policies aiming to reduce poverty and deprivation in basic indicators. In addition, indicators related to health contributed the most to the levels of multidimensional poverty for people with disabilities. These findings provide important evidence about the association of multidimensional poverty and disability and underline the importance of including indicators capturing individual deprivations to analyse poverty for this group

    Valoraci贸n de activos intangibles en el sector farmac茅utico. Estudio de caso Laboratorios SAR Ltda.

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    El presente trabajo es un estudio de caso sobre la determinaci贸n de los activos intangibles en base聽a las NIIF de actual aplicaci贸n en Colombia en la organizaci贸n LABORATORIOS SAR Ltda. Este聽trabajo es descriptivo por cuanto procura deducir y dimensionar los activos intangibles presentes聽en la empresa a partir de la recolecci贸n de los datos tal cual como existen en la empresa. Y de聽car谩cter exploratorio por cuanto es estudiar el problema de los activos intangibles que poco o nada聽han sido estudiados con anterioridad a lo interno de Laboratorios Sar. Los resultados presentados聽a manera de recomendaciones nos permiten identificar una evaluaci贸n cualitativa del valor de聽los activos intangibles respondiendo a la pregunta central de la investigaci贸n bajo los est谩ndares聽internacionales de contabilidad, en聽 donde la valuaci贸n y medici贸n propuesta a valor razonable de聽activos intangibles del estudio de caso permite presentar los componentes del activo no establecidos聽por la empresa y de utilidad para otras organizaciones del sector farmac茅utico

    Innovation in ELT

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    Entre las diferentes formas de aprender y ense帽ar ingl茅s como lengua extranjera plantea una forma innovadora y social, el aprendizaje aut贸nomo de lenguas. Es hoy en dia proporciona nuevas ideas, entornos e implicaciones pedag贸gicas que transforman El papel de los profesores, estudiantes e instituciones en el proceso de aprendizaje de un extranjero. idioma. As铆, el objetivo principal de esta investigaci贸n es identificar en el campo de la aprendizaje aut贸nomo del idioma, algunos comportamientos revelados en el uso de los estudiantes de recursos del centro de auto-acceso a trav茅s de la implementaci贸n de tareas. En la primera parte de este trabajo de investigaci贸n, hay una justificaci贸n del proyecto. Segundo, Se presentan las preguntas de investigaci贸n, las subpreguntas y los objetivos de la investigaci贸n. En tercer lugar, se ofrece una revisi贸n de la literatura relacionada con el aprendizaje aut贸nomo de idiomas. A definici贸n, sus tres versiones, caracter铆sticas en las que el lenguaje aut贸nomo el aprendizaje se puede identificar, y varias estrategias de aprendizaje relacionadas con este proyecto son mostrado. En cuarto lugar, el tema relacionado con el centro de autoacceso, sus requisitos, tipolog铆a, Se define el papel del profesor y de los alumnos para desarrollar el aprendizaje aut贸nomo del idioma. En quinto lugar, el dise帽o de investigaci贸n en el que los participantes, la descripci贸n del entorno educativo, Se explican los instrumentos y procedimientos de recopilaci贸n de datos. Sexto, el instructivo el dise帽o se帽ala el uso de tareas dentro del proyecto. S茅ptimo, el an谩lisis de datos. proporcionar a los estudiantes muestras y opiniones se organiza por tareas. Finalmente, los resultados y se explican las conclusiones que surgieron de los datos

    DeepMAP : deep modular attention for time-series prediction in multi-station environments

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    We propose model based on deep neural networks for time-series prediction at a specific site using information from multiple measuring stations. The key aspects of this model is the presence of an attention mechanism that dynamically determines the importance of the information provided by the stations to conduct the prediction process and a structure that allows for the implementation of an end-to-end learning scheme and that can be interpreted after training. Through experiments in air-quality prediction and solar irradiance forecasting, we show that the proposed model is simple but effective to solve time-series prediction problems in multisation environments compared with other data fusion techniques.Proponemos un modelo basado en redes neuronales profundas para la predicci贸n de series de tiempo en un sitio espec铆fico utilizando informaci贸n de m煤ltiples estaciones de medici贸n. Los aspectos clave de este modelo es la presencia de un Mecanismo de atenci贸n que determina din谩micamente la importancia de la informaci贸n proporcionada por el estaciones para llevar a cabo el proceso de predicci贸n y una estructura que permita la implementaci贸n de un fin-esquema de aprendizaje de principio a fin y que se puede interpretar despu茅s de la formaci贸n. A trav茅s de experimentos sobre la calidad del aire predicci贸n y previsi贸n de irradiancia solar, mostramos que el modelo propuesto es simple pero efectivo para resolver problemas de predicci贸n de series de tiempo en entornos de multizaci贸n en comparaci贸n con otra fusi贸n de datos t茅cnicas.Mag铆ster en Ingenier铆a Electr贸nica y de ComputadoresMaestr铆

    Personalised socially assistive robot for cardiac rehabilitation : critical reflections on long-term interactions in the real world

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    Lack of motivation and low adherence rates are critical concerns of long-term rehabilitation programmes, such as cardiac rehabilitation. Socially assistive robots are known to be effective in improving motivation in therapy. However, over longer durations, generic and repetitive behaviours by the robot often result in a decrease in motivation and engagement, which can be overcome by personalising the interaction, such as recognising users, addressing them with their name, and providing feedback on their progress and adherence. We carried out a real-world clinical study, lasting 2.5 years with 43 patients to evaluate the effects of using a robot and personalisation in cardiac rehabilitation. Due to dropouts and other factors, 26 patients completed the programme. The results derived from these patients suggest that robots facilitate motivation and adherence, enable prompt detection of critical conditions by clinicians, and improve the cardiovascular functioning of the patients. Personalisation is further beneficial when providing high-intensity training, eliciting and maintaining engagement (as measured through gaze and social interactions) and motivation throughout the programme. However, relying on full autonomy for personalisation in a real-world environment resulted in sensor and user recognition failures, which caused negative user perceptions and lowered the perceived utility of the robot. Nonetheless, personalisation was positively perceived, suggesting that potential drawbacks need to be weighed against various benefits of the personalised interaction