38 research outputs found

    Maximum dynamic response of linear elastic SDOF systems based on an evolutionary spectral model for thunderstorm outflows

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    The study aims to estimate the maximum dynamic response of linear elastic SDOF systems subjected to thunderstorm outflows. Starting from a recently developed Evolutionary Power Spectral Density (EPSD) model for the wind velocity, the dynamic response is decomposed into a time-varying mean and a non-stationary random fluctuation. The EPSD and the Non-Geometrical Spectral Moments (NGSMs) of the random fluctuation are derived both accounting and neglecting the transient dynamics due to the modulating function of the load. The mean value of the maximum nonstationary fluctuating component of the response is estimated based on the definition of an equivalent stationary process following an approach proposed in the literature. In order to mitigate the overestimations of the maximum dynamic response due to the Poisson approximation, analogously to the formulation developed by Der Kiureghian for withe noise excitation, an equivalent expected frequency is introduced for thunderstorm excitation. Finally, the maximum dynamic response to thunderstorms is estimated as the sum of the maximum mean and fluctuating parts and a numerical validation of the results against real recorded thunderstorms is provided, highlighting the reliability of adding up the mean and fluctuating contributions and the advantages and limits of neglecting the transient dynamics

    Allelic Variation at Glutenin Loci (Glu-1, Glu-2 and Glu-3) in a Worldwide Durum Wheat Collection and Its Effect on Quality Attributes

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    Durum wheat grains (Triticum turgidum L. ssp. durum) are the main source for the production of pasta, bread and a variety of products consumed worldwide. The quality of pasta is mainly defined by the rheological properties of gluten, an elastic network in wheat endosperms formed of gliadins and glutenins. In this study, the allelic variation at five glutenin loci was analysed in 196 durum wheat genotypes. Two loci (Glu-A1 and Glu-B1), encoding for high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS), and three loci (Glu-B2, Glu-A3 and Glu-B3), encoding for low molecular weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GS), were assessed by SDS-PAGE. The SDS-sedimentation test was used and the grain protein content was evaluated. A total of 32 glutenin subunits and 41 glutenin haplotypes were identified. Four novel alleles were detected. Fifteen haplotypes represented 85.7% of glutenin loci variability. Some haplotypes carrying the 7 + 15 and 7 + 22 banding patterns at Glu-B1 showed a high gluten strength similar to those that carried the 7 + 8 or 6 + 8 alleles. A decreasing trend in grain protein content was observed over the last 85 years. Allelic frequencies at the three main loci (Glu-B1, Glu-A3 and Glu-B3) changed over the 1915–2020 period. Gluten strength increased from 1970 to 2020 coinciding with the allelic changes observed. These results offer valuable information for glutenin haplotype-based selection for use in breeding programs

    Severe asthma: One disease and multiple definitions

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    Introduction: There is, so far, no universal definition of severe asthma. This definition usually relies on: number of exacerbations, inhaled therapy, need for oral corticosteroids, and respiratory function. The use of such parameters varies in the different definitions used. Thus, according to the parameters chosen, each patient may result in having severe asthma or not. The aim of this study was to evaluate how the choice of a specific definition of severe asthma can change the allocation of patients. Methods: Data collected from the Severe Asthma Network Italy (SANI) registry were analyzed. All the patients included were then reclassified according to the definitions of U-BIOPRED, NICE, WHO, ATS/ERS, GINA, ENFUMOSA, and TENOR. Results: 540 patients, were extracted from the SANI database. We observed that 462 (86%) met the ATS/ERS criteria as well as the GINA criteria, 259 (48%) the U-Biopred, 222 (41%) the NICE, 125 (23%) the WHO, 313 (58%) the Enfumosa, and 251 (46%) the TENOR criteria. The mean eosinophil value were similar in the ATS/ERS, U-Biopred, and Enfumosa (528, 532 and 516 cells/mcl), higher in WHO and Tenor (567 and 570 cells/mcl) and much higher in the NICE classification (624 cells/mcl). Lung function tests resulted similarly in all groups, with WHO (67%) and ATS/ERS-GINA (73%), respectively, showing the lower and upper mean FEV1 values. Conclusions: The present observations clearly evidence the heterogeneity in the distribution of patients when different definitions of severe asthma are used. However, the recent definition of severe asthma, provided by the GINA document, is similar to that indicated in 2014 by ATS/ERS, allowing mirror reclassification of the patients examined. This lack of homogeneity could complicate the access to biological therapies. The definition provided by the GINA document, which reflects what suggested by ATS/ERS, could partially overcome the problem

    Severe asthma: One disease and multiple definitions

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    An evolutionary power spectral density model of thunderstorm outflows consistent with real-scale time-history records

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    This paper presents a new approach for modelling the evolutionary power spectral density (EPSD) of thunderstorm outflows based on a database of 129 real-scale thunderstorm time-histories. Two equivalent methods of decomposition of the wind velocity are investigated, outlining the derivation of the EPSD. The analyses are based on the hypothesis that the residual turbulent fluctuations can be treated as a uniformly modulated process, whose reliability is verified studying the steadiness of its up-crossing rate. The assumption of considering a constant turbulence intensity is checked through the evaluation of the dynamic response of a set of SDOF systems in time-domain and through the response spectrum technique. Two models for the time-modulating function of the EPSD are proposed that include the parameters characteristic of both the thunderstorm event and the background wind. Finally, the steps for the derivation of the EPSD are outlined pointing out the limits of the representation of the PSD of the reduced turbulent fluctuations through spectral models commonly adopted in wind engineering. The final aim of this research is finalising a triad of complementary methods for evaluating the dynamic response of structures to thunderstorm outflows - EPSD, time-domain and response spectrum - consistent with real-scale time-history records

    When does a particle arrive?

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    We compare the proposals that have appeared in the literature to describe a measurement of the time of arrival of a quantum particle at a detector. We show that there are multiple regimes where different proposals give inequivalent, experimentally discriminable, predictions. This analysis paves the way for future experimental tests

    Multiqubit noise deconvolution and characterization

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    We present a noise deconvolution technique for obtaining noiseless expectation values of noisy observables at the output of multiqubit quantum channels. For any number of qubits or in the presence of correlations, our protocol applies to any mathematically invertible noise model, even when its inverse map is not physically implementable, i.e., when it is neither completely positive nor trace preserving. For a generic observable affected by Pauli noise it provides a quadratic speedup, always producing a rescaling of its Pauli basis components. We show that it is still possible to achieve the deconvolution while experimentally estimating the noise parameters, whenever these are unknown (bypassing resource-heavy techniques such as quantum process tomography). We provide a simulation, with examples for both Pauli and non-Pauli channels

    Vigabatrin in complex partial seizures: a long-term study.

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    The efficacy and safety of oral vigabatrin (VGB) as add-on therapy in the long-term treatment of poorly controlled epilepsy were evaluated in 19 patients with complex partial seizures, either with or without secondary generalization. The study was run with a single-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover design, and included 2 months of placebo and 13-15 months of treatment with VGB, at doses ranging from 1 to 4 g/day. Of the 14 patients who completed the trial, 2 were seizure free, in 5 seizure frequency dropped by more than 75\% and in another 5 by more than 50\% with respect to baseline. The decrease in seizure frequency in the group as a whole was significant at all observation points of the trial. Three patients were not entered into the long-term phase due to lack of improvement (an increase in seizure frequency was observed in one of them), and 2 were excluded later because improvement disappeared leading to unauthorized changes in comedication. Side effects were mild and never caused discontinuation of treatment. In conclusion, VGB showed a remarkable efficacy and safety in the long-term treatment of complex partial seizures

    Bisogni di servizi e organizzazione esistenziale degli studenti dell\u2019Universit\ue0 di Padova

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    Nella presente nota si riepiloga la metodologia della ricerca svolta dal 2007 al 2009 sugli iscritti all\u2019Universit\ue0 di Padova e si analizzano le priorit\ue0 espresse dagli studenti in merito a nuovi servizi che l\u2019Ateneo potrebbe istituire o promuovere. La ricerca mira ad avanzare, in funzione di questa e di analoghe esperienze, proposte di servizi universitari innovativi. Per questo, dopo una discussione sul ruolo che gli studenti rivestono, o possono rivestire, nel determinare le scelte di un\u2019universit\ue0, si analizza, anche tramite metodi di analisi multivariata, il sistema generale di preferenze manifestato dagli studenti e si rapportano le loro preferenze ai modi in cui organizzano la propria vita durante gli studi universitari. Si considera, in modo particolare, l\u2019intersezione delle preferenze con il lavoro, con la frequenza alle lezioni, con il \u201cpendolarismo\u201d verso la sede universitaria, con il domicilio a Padova