28 research outputs found

    Cross-sectional validation of the Aging Perceptions Questionnaire: a multidimensional instrument for assessing self-perceptions of aging

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Self-perceptions of aging have been implicated as independent predictors of functional disability and mortality in older adults. In spite of this, research on self-perceptions of aging is limited. One reason for this is the absence of adequate measures. Specifically, there is a need to develop a measure that is theoretically-derived, has good psychometric properties, and is multidimensional in nature. The present research seeks to address this need by adopting the Self-Regulation Model as a framework and using it to develop a comprehensive, multi-dimensional instrument for assessing self-perceptions of aging. This study describes the validation of this newly-developed instrument, the Aging Perceptions Questionnaire (APQ).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Participants were 2,033 randomly selected community-dwelling older (+65 yrs) Irish adults who completed the APQ alongside measures of physical and psychological health. The APQ assesses self-perceptions of aging along eight distinct domains or subscales; seven of these examine views about own aging, these are: timeline chronic, timeline cyclical, consequences positive, consequences negative, control positive, control negative, and emotional representations; the eighth domain is the identity domain and this examines the experience of health-related changes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Mokken scale analysis showed that the majority of items within the views about aging subscales were strongly scalable. Confirmatory factor analysis also indicated that the model provided a good fit for the data. Overall, subscales had good internal reliabilities. Hierarchical linear regression was conducted to investigate the independent contribution of APQ subscales to physical and psychological health and in doing so determine the construct validity of the APQ. Results showed that self-perceptions of aging were independently related to physical and psychological health. Mediation testing also supported a role for self-perceptions of aging as partial mediators in the relationship between indices of physical functioning and physical and psychological health outcomes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Findings support the complex and multifaceted nature of the aging experience. The good internal reliability and construct validity of the subscales suggests that the APQ is a promising instrument that can enable a theoretically informed, multidimensional assessment of self-perceptions of aging. The potential role of self-perceptions of aging in facilitating physical and psychological health in later life is also highlighted.</p

    MYT1L mutations cause intellectual disability and variable obesity by dysregulating gene expression and development of the neuroendocrine hypothalamus

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    Deletions at chromosome 2p25.3 are associated with a syndrome consisting of intellectual disability and obesity. The smallest region of overlap for deletions at 2p25.3 contains PXDN and MYT1L. MYT1L is expressed only within the brain in humans. We hypothesized that single nucleotide variants (SNVs) in MYT1L would cause a phenotype resembling deletion at 2p25.3. To examine this we sought MYT1L SNVs in exome sequencing data from 4, 296 parent-child trios. Further variants were identified through a genematcher-facilitated collaboration. We report 9 patients with MYT1L SNVs (4 loss of function and 5 missense). The phenotype of SNV carriers overlapped with that of 2p25.3 deletion carriers. To identify the transcriptomic consequences of MYT1L loss of function we used CRISPR-Cas9 to create a knockout cell line. Gene Ontology analysis in knockout cells demonstrated altered expression of genes that regulate gene expression and that are localized to the nucleus. These differentially expressed genes were enriched for OMIM disease ontology terms “mental retardation”. To study the developmental effects of MYT1L loss of function we created a zebrafish knockdown using morpholinos. Knockdown zebrafish manifested loss of oxytocin expression in the preoptic neuroendocrine area. This study demonstrates that MYT1L variants are associated with syndromic obesity in humans. The mechanism is related to dysregulated expression of neurodevelopmental genes and altered development of the neuroendocrine hypothalamus

    Measuring the population burden of injuries-implications for global and national estimates: A multicentre prospective UK longitudinal study

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    Current methods of measuring the population burden of injuries rely on many assumptions and limited data available to the global burden of diseases (GBD) studies. The aim of this study was to compare the population burden of injuries using different approaches from the UK Burden of Injury (UKBOI) and GBD studies.The UKBOI was a prospective cohort of 1,517 injured individuals that collected patient-reported outcomes. Extrapolated outcome data were combined with multiple sources of morbidity and mortality data to derive population metrics of the burden of injury in the UK. Participants were injured patients recruited from hospitals in four UK cities and towns: Swansea, Nottingham, Bristol, and Guildford, between September 2005 and April 2007. Patient-reported changes in quality of life using the EQ-5D at baseline, 1, 4, and 12 months after injury provided disability weights used to calculate the years lived with disability (YLDs) component of disability adjusted life years (DALYs). DALYs were calculated for the UK and extrapolated to global estimates using both UKBOI and GBD disability weights. Estimated numbers (and rates per 100,000) for UK population extrapolations were 750,999 (1,240) for hospital admissions, 7,982,947 (13,339) for emergency department (ED) attendances, and 22,185 (36.8) for injury-related deaths in 2005. Nonadmitted ED-treated injuries accounted for 67% of YLDs. Estimates for UK DALYs amounted to 1,771,486 (82% due to YLDs), compared with 669,822 (52% due to YLDs) using the GBD approach. Extrapolating patient-derived disability weights to GBD estimates would increase injury-related DALYs 2.6-fold.The use of disability weights derived from patient experiences combined with additional morbidity data on ED-treated patients and inpatients suggests that the absolute burden of injury is higher than previously estimated. These findings have substantial implications for improving measurement of the national and global burden of injury

    Stimulation of the noradrenergic system enhances and blockade reduces memory for emotional material in man

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    Background. It is clearly established that emotional events tend to be remembered particularly vividly. The neurobiological substrates of this phenomenon are poorly understood. Recently, the noradrenergic system has been implicated in that beta blockade has been shown to reduce significantly the delayed recall of emotional material with matched neutral material being unaffected.Methods. In the present study, 36 healthy young adults were randomly allocated to receive either yohimbine, which stimulates central noradrenergic activity, metoprolol which blocks noradrenergic activity, or matched placebo. The three groups were well matched. All capsules were taken orally, prior to viewing a narrated 11 slide show described a boy being involved in an accident.Results. Yohimbine significantly elevated, and metoprolol reduced mean heart rate during the slide show relative to placebo, thus confirming the efficacy of the pharmacological manipulation. One week later, in a 'surprise' test, memory for the slide show was tested. As predicted, yohimbine-treated subjects recalled significantly more and metoprolol subjects fewer slides relative to placebo. This result was confirmed via analysis of multiple-choice recognition memory scores.Conclusions. We conclude that stimulation of the noradrenergic system results in the enhancement and blockade in a reduction of recall and recognition of emotional material in man.</p

    The Crystal Structures of Disordered Crystals of Adducts of Diphenylmercury with Bidentate Ligands

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    The crystal structures of two adducts of diphenylmercury with neutral bidentate nitrogen donor atom ligands have been determined, showing very weak interactions between mercury and nitrogen atoms. The crystals are disordered in a manner giving rise to diffuse reflexions for which k is odd. The crystal of diphenylbis-(2,4,7,9-tetramethyl-l,10-phenanthroline)mercury(lI) studied has a=21.09, b= 14.54, c= 14.65 A, beta = 120°34', Z=4, and space group Cm. Crystals of diphenylbis(2,9-dimethyl-l,1O-phenanthroline)mercury(II) have a= 15.42, b= 14.28, c= 14.55 A, alpha~beta~gamma 90°, Z=4,and spacegroup PI with approximate Pm symmetry. Both adducts have their planar ligands in (040) with the C-Hg-C units of Ph2Hg moieties aligned in the [010] direction. Each diphenylmercury moiety has one ligand adjacent to it with Hg-N distances of 2.8-3.0 A, and one-half of the ligands in the crystals do not have a mercury atom adjacent to their nitrogen atoms. Within the unit cell of each adduct every second (040) plane has 0·5 occupancy for two Ph2Hg moieties with mercury atoms in those planes, and every other (040) plane has 0·8 and 0.2 occupancy for two Ph2Hg moieties in those planes, giving one Ph2Hg for every two ligands

    The emotional landscape of progression and achievement: a consideration of softer data

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    BACKGROUND: The spontaneous diurnal variation of mood and other symptoms provides a substrate for the examination of the relationship between symptoms and regional brain activation in depression. METHOD: Twenty unipolar depressed patients with diurnal variation of mood were examined at 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. with neuropsychological measures, clinical ratings and single photon emission tomography (SPET). Brain perfusion maps were spatially transformed into standard stereotactic space and compared pixel-by-pixel. A parametric (correlational) analysis was used to examine the relationship between symptom severity and brain perfusion, both between and within subjects. RESULTS: Global depression severity and an independent 'vital' depression factor were associated in subjects with increased perfusion in cingulate and other paralimbic areas. In addition there was a probable association between an increase in an anxious-depression factor and reduced frontal neocortical perfusion. CONCLUSIONS: Depressive symptom changes are associated with metabolic changes in the cingulate gyrus and associated paralimbic structures

    Executive function and the uptake of 99mTc-Exametazime shown by single photon emission tomography after oral idazoxan in probable Alzheimer-type dementia

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    Preliminary reports suggest improved executive function in patients with lobar dementia after treatment with single doses of the alpha 2 adrenoceptor antagonist, idazoxan. The potential for use in probable Alzheimer-type dementia prompted the present study. Fifteen patients with probable Alzheimer-type dementia were examined twice with neuropsychological measures and 14 also with single photon emission tomography (SPET) after a single double blind oral administration of 40 mg idazoxan or placebo in a balanced cross-over design. Brain perfusion maps were spatially transformed into standard stereotactic space and compared pixel-by-pixel. A parametric analysis was used to examine the relationship between the drug effect, verbal fluency and brain perfusion. Two to 3 h after idazoxan, measures of reaction time, Stroop test, category fluency and anxiety were unchanged. Verbal fluency (letter) and spatial working memory were impaired and performance on the Tower of London test in a sub-set of patients showed a trend to impairment in the idazoxan condition. Idazoxan produced a modest relative activation in left thalamus and inferior occipital cortex: decreases occurred in inferior anterior cingulate and left insular cortex. There were significant correlations on both days between measures of fluency and brain perfusion in left lateral prefrontal cortex. The reduced performance with idazoxan was directly correlated with reduced perfusion in left lateral prefrontal cortex, supporting an important interaction between drug and task performance. The imaging component of the study therefore suggested that activation of frontal networks is necessary for performing fluency tasks in Alzheimer-type dementia. Brain networks involving prefrontal cortex are the locus for the primary cognitive effects of noradrenergic drugs. The direction of the effect of any dose of agonist or antagonist may depend critically upon the age and pathology of the experimental subjects and the relationship between performance, noradrenergic drive and task difficulty