266 research outputs found


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    Kota Yogyakarta merupakan salah satu daerah tujuan wisata favorit di Indonesia. Kebudayaannya yang masih kental, kekayaan pesona alam yang masih dijaga dan dilestarikan yang menjadikan daya tarik bagi wisatawan domestik maupun internasional untuk berkunjung ke kota Yogyakarta. Meningkatnya jumlah wisatwan yang datang dan mengunjungi kota Yogyakarta tentu akan berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan hotel. Hal tersebut yang membuat persaingan akan semakin ketat antar hotel satu dengan hotel yang lainnya. Tak hanya itu, pihak manajer hotel mempunyai pertimbangan lainnya ketika mengalami sepi pengunjung sehingga pengambilan keputusan yang dilakukan pihak manajer harus tepat dalam hal menentukan harga jual saat low season. Pada saat low season, Hotel Horison Ultima Riss menentukan harga sewa kamar yang rendah berdasarkan harga pokok yang dihitung oleh pihak manajemen hotel. Namun, harga yang ditentu masih terbilang tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan hotel pesaing. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui berapa harga sewa kamar Hotel Horison Ultima Riss Yogyakarta pada saat low season berdasarkan biaya tunai (out of pocket cost). Berdasarkan dari analisis data yang telah dilakukan harga sewa kamar yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan perhitungan out of pocket cost untuk tipe kamar deluxe Rp. 484.752, junior suite Rp. 675.456, executive suite Rp. 1.537.279 dan horison suite Rp. 2.054.477. Harga jual berdasarkan perhitungan out of pocket cost menjadi biaya terendah jika diterapkan oleh pihak hotel. Selisihnya nanti bisa digunakan pihak hotel untuk menambah fasilitas-fasilitas tiap tipe kamar dan juga memberi diskon kepada pengunjung hotel


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the muscle-tendon unit stiffness of the ankle between professional soccer players and non-soccer players. Fifteen soccer players and twenty-one non-soccer players participated in this study. The stiffness of the triceps surae muscle-tendon unit was measured in vivo from the damped frequency of oscillation of the shank about the ankle using a free oscillation technique. Using the t-test no significant differences (P > 0.05) were found between the soccer and the control groups for muscle-tendon unit stiffness of the triceps surae. The soccer group showed stiffness values of 22059 (SD 3623) N/m, while the control group showed values of 20427 (SD 4517) N/m. These results suggest that neither the soccer training nor the games itself affected the stiffness of the ankle of the players

    An Emerging Paradigm for the UNESCO Global Geoparks: The Ecosystem’s Health Provision

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    During the 38th General Conference of UNESCO, the Member States ratified the creation of the International Geoscience and Geoparks Programme (IGGP) expressing governmental recognition of the importance of managing outstanding geological sites and landscapes in a holistic manner. In this context, the importance of human interactions with the natural environment to promote healthy lifestyles was primarily a response to the need to preserve and enhance the value of the UNESCO Global Geoparks as well as highlighting their usefulness for the sustainable development of local populations. The aim of this paper is to suggest an interdisciplinary approach to be applied to UNESCO Global Geoparks for a standardized survey and grading methodology that can be used to assess the ability to provide and promote healthy lifestyles, which is called the Ecosystem’s Health Provision Spectrum (EHPS) on an ecological scale. The suggested EHPS is in line with UNESCO’s priorities, in particular with the IGGP and its motto of “Geosciences in the Service of Society”. Therefore, the EHPS on an ecological scale will be another important tool for the UNESCO Global Geoparks, facilitating efficient management and promoting economic development, wellbeing and health.Supported by the European project “Atlantic Geoparks”, EAPA_250/2016, INTERREG—Atlantic area. Supported by the UNESCO Chair in “Geoparks, Regional Sustainable Development and Healthy Lifestyles”.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    A contribuição deste trabalho ao FECITAC será uma apresentação artística da música “Fake Plastic Trees” (voz e violão) da banda Radiohead. Thom Yorke, o vocalista e compositor dessa obra disse em entrevista que teve a inspiração para escrever a letra a partir de um bairro de Londres chamado “Canary Wharf”, um bairro empresarial que destoa bastante da arquitetura da cidade, com construções modernas e jardins de plantas sintéticas, podendo assim relacionarmos com o nome da música, em português: Árvores Sintéticas. Embora a letra da música seja plurissignificativa, a interpretação mais comum dela é de que a música inteira é uma metáfora sobre aparências falsas, como consta na análise feita por Renata Arruda, no site "Letras". Destacamos isso logo no primeiro trecho: “Her green plastic watering can, for her fake Chinese rubber plant, in the fake plastic earth”, em português: “Seu regador verde de plástico, para sua planta de borracha da China em um planeta artificial”. Imaginando essa cena, uma mulher com um regador de plástico regando uma planta falsa, num planeta artificial, pensamos em uma vida mentirosa, o homem criando imitações da realidade, falsas aparências. Alguns versos depois, notamos um novo personagem na história, no seguinte trecho: “She lives with a broken man, a cracked polystyrene man, who just crumbles and burns”, em português: “Ela vive com um homem quebrado, um homem de poliestireno rachado, que só esfarela e queima”. Poliestireno é o material usado para fazer o isopor, ou seja, um homem de isopor que se desfaz e não se sente como uma pessoa real. Seguindo a história do homem, a seguinte estrofe diz que ele era um cirurgião plástico, que manipulava corpos alheios a fim de atingir o "padrão" imposto na sociedade: “He used to do surgery, for the Girls in the eighties, but gravity always wins, and it wears him out”, em português: “Ele costumava fazer cirurgias para as garotas nos anos oitenta, mas a gravidade sempre vence, e isso o desgasta”, reforçando que por mais que o homem tente viver de aparências, a natureza sempre vence

    Escritos do Visconde de Ouro Preto e outros Autores sobre o Golpe Republicano

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    Afonso Celso de Assis Figueiredo, Visconde de Ouro Preto, foi o ultimo Presidente do Gabinete Ministerial (ou Primeiro-ministro) do Império do Brasil. Após a Proclamação da República, no exílio, escreveu um folhetim intitulado Advento da ditadura militar no Brasil, no qual oferece sua versão sobre o que chamou de “sublevação militar que derrubou a monarquia brasileira”. Baseado no texto de Ouro Preto e em outros autores que relatam os eventos que deram origem a República, o artigo pretende sustentar que a verdadeira causa que esteia o do movimento republicano não é a republica em si, mas a descentralização do poder e o estabelecimento de um pacto federativo no país. O texto defende também, que os eventos que geraram o estabelecimento da república, em certo sentido, se deram de forma precipitada, sem comando e, principalmente, sem envolvimento popular, caracterizando-se como um golpe, sendo que o relato do Visconde de Ouro Preto, a despeito de contra-argumentos que lhe possam ser apresentados, é o fio condutor da argumentação que o artigo apresenta


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    INTRODUCTION: The authors are collaborating in a project aiming at developing computer based strategies to improve the analysis of the visual and ground reaction forces signal during passive or active foot load. The main objectives of the project are the automatic detection of the skin markers in image sequences for kinematics analysis, and the synchronisation the visual and ground reaction force data acquisition systems to achieve dynamic joint measurements. In this paper, a method for automatic relocation of skin markers in rearfoot motion analysis is proposed. The results of preliminary tests are critically described on full paper. METHODS: The visual signal is acquired using a high-speed digital camera (DALSA CA-D1), at 225 frames per second. A prototype system is being built, based on an IBM-PC running the Windows NT operating system. A windows interface has been developed, in order to facilitate data analysis. Data can be exported to a spreadsheet or to a statistical package for further processing. The experiments conduced focused on the observation of the ankle joint complex kinematics behaviour on the posterior aspect of the frontal plane during stance phase of walking barefoot. The skin markers have been clearly marked on the rear part of the leg and on the heel (black ink on a white stripe of tape). These markers are localised in the computer screen by hand, using the mouse, in the first frame of the sequence. The markers are automatically located in the other image frames of the sequence, using the proposed method, based on optimised block-matching. The space calibration procedure uses a scale marked by two targets located perpendicularly on the camera axis. These two points mark the horizontal. Comparison between the real measures of one well know rigid body and measures calculated trough the computer helps preventing some misbehaviour of the automatic analysis. RESULTS: The prototype system was applied to recorded data of angular motion of the ankle joint complex during two walking tasks. Our detailed motion analysis scheme during these motor tasks was successful in using the proposed automatic relocation method, with great economy to the operator. CONCLUSION: This automatic localisation solution represents a step towards the analysis of sequences acquired with high frame rates, justified by the fact that image acquisition with standard equipment (25 or 30 frames per second) presents strong aliasing problems. The method presented here is expected to be a useful tool for other kinematics behaviour studies

    Implementación de marketing digital para mejorar el posicionamiento del restaurante Food & Drinks, San Martín de Porres, 2020

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    La presente investigación titulada: “Implementación de Marketing Digital para mejorar el posicionamiento del restaurante Food & Drinks, San Martín de Porres, 2020”, tuvo como objetivo general determinar cómo la implementación de Marketing Digital influyó en el posicionamiento del restaurante Food & Drinks. La investigación fue de tipo aplicada, enfoque cuantitativo, alcance explicativo y diseño cuasi experimental. La población estuvo compuesta por clientes y consumidores residentes del distrito de San Martín de Porres con un total de 328 891 y la muestra fue de 383. La técnica utilizada fue la encuesta y análisis documentario. Asimismo, el instrumento fue el cuestionario y el registro de datos. Para obtener los resultados se realizó el análisis inferencial para contrastar las hipótesis a través del estadígrafo U de Mann – Withney. Obteniéndose como rango medio de la variable Posicionamiento en el pretest 201,96 y en el postest 574,01. Por otro lado, se obtuvo una significancia de 0,000 lo cual es < 0,005. Quiere decir que, la implementación de Marketing Digital influyó en el posicionamiento del restaurante Food & Drinks. Se concluyó que, la implementación de Marketing Digital permitió mejorar el posicionamiento del restaurante Food & Drinks, al pasar de un nivel medio a un nivel alto