114 research outputs found

    Restoration of a brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) population to Loch Enoch, an acified Loch in Galloway, South-West Scotland

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    The authors present the findings of a restoration project in Loch Enoch in Scotland. There are historical references that brown trout was present in Loch Enoch up to the 1920s but it is believed the acidity of loch triggered the disappearance of Salmo trutta. The recent observed reduction in the acidity of L. Enoch to a level close to that found in nearby lochs with trout populations, suggested that trout might now survive in L. Enoch. For a population to survive, all stages in the life-cycle of a species must be able to develop. Accordingly, tests were undertaken, first with eggs and fry. The availability of food was also studied. In October 1994, 3,000 yearling trout of L. Grannoch origin which had been reared in a local hatchery were distributed throughout the loch. The fish population was studied from 1995-98. The authors conclude that survival of the trout population is possible if the acidity of the loch water remains low

    Restoration of a brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) population to Loch Enoch, an acidified Loch in Galloway, south-west Scotland

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    The decline and, in some waters, the disappearance of brown trout Salmotrutta populations in south-west Scotland have been attributed to surface wateracidification (Harriman et al. 1987; Maitland et al. 1987). From changesin the diatom flora and levels of heavy metals in sediment cores, Flower et al.(1987) have calculated water quality changes over the past 200 years for lochsin this area. For Loch Enoch (Fig. 1, and front cover illustration) theyconcluded that the pH of the loch water had decreased from 5.4 around 1840,to 4.8 in c. 1930, then more rapidly to 4.4 in 1982

    Vanadium: a re-emerging environmental hazard

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    Vanadium (V) is a contaminant which has been long confined to the annals of regulatory history. This follows the reduction of its historical primary source (fossil fuel emissions) since the 1970s (e.g., by 80% in the UK). However, V is quickly becoming an important strategic resource which promises its return to environmental prominence because of changing industrial practices and emerging waste streams. We discuss below (i) what makes V a re-emerging environmental and human health hazard of global interest, (ii) the knowledge gaps that currently restrict prediction of environmental effect and mitigation, and (iii) opportunities for the community to address these gaps toward reducing the risk of an impending environmental hazard

    Conducting a critical interpretive synthesis of the literature on access to healthcare by vulnerable groups

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    BACKGROUND: Conventional systematic review techniques have limitations when the aim of a review is to construct a critical analysis of a complex body of literature. This article offers a reflexive account of an attempt to conduct an interpretive review of the literature on access to healthcare by vulnerable groups in the UK METHODS: This project involved the development and use of the method of Critical Interpretive Synthesis (CIS). This approach is sensitised to the processes of conventional systematic review methodology and draws on recent advances in methods for interpretive synthesis. RESULTS: Many analyses of equity of access have rested on measures of utilisation of health services, but these are problematic both methodologically and conceptually. A more useful means of understanding access is offered by the synthetic construct of candidacy. Candidacy describes how people's eligibility for healthcare is determined between themselves and health services. It is a continually negotiated property of individuals, subject to multiple influences arising both from people and their social contexts and from macro-level influences on allocation of resources and configuration of services. Health services are continually constituting and seeking to define the appropriate objects of medical attention and intervention, while at the same time people are engaged in constituting and defining what they understand to be the appropriate objects of medical attention and intervention. Access represents a dynamic interplay between these simultaneous, iterative and mutually reinforcing processes. By attending to how vulnerabilities arise in relation to candidacy, the phenomenon of access can be better understood, and more appropriate recommendations made for policy, practice and future research. DISCUSSION: By innovating with existing methods for interpretive synthesis, it was possible to produce not only new methods for conducting what we have termed critical interpretive synthesis, but also a new theoretical conceptualisation of access to healthcare. This theoretical account of access is distinct from models already extant in the literature, and is the result of combining diverse constructs and evidence into a coherent whole. Both the method and the model should be evaluated in other contexts

    Recommendations for accelerating open preprint peer review to improve the culture of science

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    Peer review is an important part of the scientific process, but traditional peer review at journals is coming under increased scrutiny for its inefficiency and lack of transparency. As preprints become more widely used and accepted, they raise the possibility of rethinking the peer-review process. Preprints are enabling new forms of peer review that have the potential to be more thorough, inclusive, and collegial than traditional journal peer review, and to thus fundamentally shift the culture of peer review toward constructive collaboration. In this Consensus View, we make a call to action to stakeholders in the community to accelerate the growing momentum of preprint sharing and provide recommendations to empower researchers to provide open and constructive peer review for preprints
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