245 research outputs found

    Quantitative evaluation of enterprise marketing activities

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    The growing competition on the international markets means that the importance of enterprise marketing activities is increasing. However, the attention paid to theoretical and practical marketing problems by enterprises is insufficient. This particularly refers to the analysis of marketing strategy effectiveness. It is not clear how marketing affects enterprise performance. To perform this analysis, the quantitative evaluation of enterprise marketing activities is required. Enterprise marketing is a complex multi-faceted phenomenon. Its various aspects are described by multidimensional and often oppositely directed criteria. Therefore, in this case, multicriteria evaluation methods can be successfully used for analysis. The state of the enterprise marketing system is described by sets of criteria. Therefore, the problem of adequate evaluation of their weights arises. Sometimes, it is possible to reduce the number of evaluation criteria by developing their hierarchical system. However, the question arises how the transformation of a single-level system of criteria into the respective multi-level system affects the calculation results

    Socialiniai kūnai ir individo tapatumas veikiant techne ir logos

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    The article deals with the social space that is influenced by different social bodies as an environment of individual’s existential becoming. Logos is interpreted as a whole of particular social attitudes, techne – as an art of existential creation. The next theses are developed: bodyness of the social groups presupposes a polyphonic environment of individual's existential becoming; an acting and suffering individual existing bodily from birth until death is the constitutional analog and participant of the social group. The authors state that an individual realizing his existential project is a tie of the different community’s intersection and connecting chain of society. As far as there is no one society’s logos that intersect the all social environments, the existing individual become both their connecting tie and a factor of social horizon's development. According to the authors, a society makes up a unit organism not having an environment of common logos, but including becoming individuals that connect the different logos with help of their existential project. The authors state that existential creation demands the skills of existential choice in the polyphonic changing logos’ environment of social bodies' interconnection. The article deals with the role of philosophy in a technical university, as well. According to the authors, philosophical discourse is a special one regarding the other theoretical discourses, because it guaranties the transition from one existential-sensual province to the other one. Philosophical discourse evokes the thought’s fight and pushes the development of other theoretical discourses, i.e. helps to overcome their closeness.Straipsnyje nagrinėjama visuomeninė erdvė, veikiama įvairių socialinių kūnų, kaip individo egzistencinio tapsmo aplinka. Logos interpretuojamas kaip tam tikrų socialinių nuostatų visuma, techne – kaip egzistencinės kūrybos menas. Plėtojamos tezės: socialinių grupių kūniškumas suponuoja polifoninę individo egzistencinio tapsmo aplinką; egzistuojantis nuo gimimo iki mirties kūniškas (veikiantis ir kenčiantis) individas yra socialinės grupės konstitucinis analogas ir dalyvis. Teigiama, kad individas, įgyvendinantis savo egzistencinį projektą, yra įvairių bendrijų sankirtos mazgas ir visuomenės jungiamoji grandis. Kadangi nesą vieno visuomenės logos, persmelkiančio visas socialines aplinkas, egzistuojantis individas tampąs tiek jų sąryšio mazgu, tiek socialinio horizonto plėtros veiksniu. Pasak autorių, visuomenė sudaro rišlų organizmą ne turėdama bendrą logos aplinką, bet susidėdama iš joje tampančių individų, kurie savo egzistenciniu projektu susieja skirtingus logos. Teigiama, kad egzistencinė kūryba reikalauja egzistencinio pasirinkimo įgūdžių daugiamatėje socialinių kūnų sąveikų kintančioje logos aplinkoje. Nagrinėjamas filosofijos vaidmuo mokslo visuomenėje apskritai ir technikos universitete konkrečiai. Anot autorių, filosofinis diskursas - išskirtinis kitų teorinių diskursų atžvilgiu, nes jis laiduoja perėjimą iš vienos egzistencinės-prasminės provincijos į kitą. Filosofinis diskursas, pažadindamas minties kovą, išjudinąs kitų teorinių diskursų plėtrą, t. y. padedąs jiems įveikti savo uždarumą

    Determining market concentration

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    One of the major problems associated with market concentration is its quantitative evaluation. In fact, a concept of the concentration curve is used in almost every case. The suggested measures may be classified as discrete or accumulative values. All of them are of limited accuracy because the first ones take into account only a part of the concentration curve, while the second values cannot adequately describe the situation in the market. The accuracy of the above measures can be determined based on the total difference in the relationship between the carriers of particular attributes in the market and the value calculated for them by the market concentration formula based on the suggested measure. The above measure yields the best result in determining the total difference. First Published Online: 14 Oct 201

    Quantitative evaluation of unrelated diversification of enterprise activities

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    Diversification of activities is one of the main strategies of an enterprise. This is a complicated and controversial process. Some consider it to be a perspective approach, while others think that it is too risky and, therefore, unreliable. To solve this problem, diversification of enterprise activities should be measured. A survey of the methods of diversification measurement shows that they are not accurate and do not reflect the real situation. With the increase of diversification of enterprise activities, two parameters, the number of divisions and the relationship between their activities, vary. The indicator of diversification should assess and integrate both parameters. In this process, the effect of each of the above parameters on the organisational structure, determining the outcome of diversification, should be examined. In this environment, the variation in the number of enterprise activities (or their directions) is more important because the establishment of new divisions depends on it. The variation in the relationships between the particular activities does not necessarily lead to the emergence of a new division. The calculations based on the data obtained from Lithuanian construction enterprises show that the indicator of enterprise diversificiation offered in the present paper satisfies all the considered requirements, while the calculations of its values for actual enterprises demonstrate that it may be successfully used in practice. Santrauka Viena iš pagrindinių įmonių plėtros strategijų – jų veiklos diversifikacija. Šis fenomenas pasižymi dideliu kompleksiškumu, todėl yra gana prieštaringas. Vienais atvejais manoma, kad tai perspektyvus būdas, kitais – kad diversifikacija yra per daug rizikinga, todėl vargu ar prasminga. Norint atsakyti į šiuos klausimus, veiklos diversifikaciją reikia išmatuoti. Matavimo būdų apžvalga rodo, kad jie yra netikslūs ir neatspindi realios padėties. Stiprėjant įmonės veiklos diversifikacijai, kinta du įmonės parametrai – padalinių skaičius ir jų atliekamų darbų santykis. Diversifikacijos rodiklis turi abu šiuos parametrus tinkamai įvertinti ir sujungti. Tai atliekant reikia atsižvelgti į kiekvieno iš šių parametrų įtaką organizacinei įmonės struktūrai, svarbiausiam įmonės veiklos diversifikacijai padariniui. Svarbesnis yra įmonės veiklos krypčių skaičiaus kitimas, nes nuo jo priklauso naujų padalinių atsiradimas. Verslo variacija dar ne visada gali būti naujo padalinio atsiradimo priežastis. Pateikiamas įmonių veiklos diversifikacijos rodiklis atitinka visus šiuos reikalavimus. Jo reikšmių skaičiavimas realioms įmonėms parodė, kad jis gali būti taikomas praktiškai. First Published Online: 14 Oct 2010 Reikšminiai žodžiai: diversifikacija, diversifikacijos matavimas

    A Feasibility Study of Multicriteria Methods' Application to Quantitative Evaluation of Social Phenomena

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    In recent years, versatile multicriteria evaluation methods (MCEM) have been increasingly used in theoretical research and practical decision making. This means that any complicated phenomenon described by a set of criteria can be quantitatively evaluated by these methods. In any case, decision making is aimed at ranking the available alternatives of the phenomenon considered. However, sometimes, quantitative evaluation of one or all the alternatives without their ranking is required. This particularly applies to social phenomena which can hardly be evaluated by the currently used multicriteria approaches. Therefore, the area of MCEM application is limited

    Multicriteria Evaluation of the Criteria Weights Based on Their Interrelationship

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    When the number of the criteria used in determining the criteria weights in multicriteria evaluation is sufficiently large some problems can arise. Problem solution may be simplified by assuming that the criteria describing various aspects of the object are interrelated as the elements of the system. These relationships form the potential of each element of the system which can increase or decrease, depending on the relationships between the elements and their nature. To determine the directionality and strength of interrelationship between the system elements, it is sufficient to have an expert's judgement about the directionality and strength of the relationship between one element and all other elements of the system. Then, basing themselves on the transitivity of interrelationship between values, we can determine the directionality and strength of relationships of the remaining elements. Given the calculated and actual potential of each element of the system, the weights of the elements can be determined

    Lean Management – a Form of Management with Increasing Relevance for Tourism

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    Integral optimization matters the most. Resources and processes of a company and its suppliers have to be focused on customer-net benefit in such a way that wasting can be avoided. This has been known in industrial companies for a long time. The article investigates the question how lean management in tourism companies and hospitality industry can be adapted

    The effectiveness of cooperation of industrial enterprises

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    Cooperation is a strategy of an enterprise, seeking to retain its market share. The cooperation means the establishment of long‐term relations of production between economically and legally independent enterprises. The measurement of the level of cooperation achieved plays an important part in this process because it helps to determine the effect of cooperation on the efficiency of commercial activities of an enterprise, as well as the extent of cooperation influence, the conditions required for effective cooperation of enterprises, etc. In the present investigation, the analysis of the cooperation influence on the competitiveness of an enterprise is made, based on the suggested formula for determining the level of the cooperation achieved by enterprises. The analysis performed shows that this influence is not strong, implying that the appropriate organisational forms of cooperation have not been found yet. Cooperation mainly affects the profitability of an enterprise. The analysis of cooperation in the area of production shows that cooperation in production, and the development of new technologies and new products is most important for achieving enterprise profitability. The number of partners also has a great influence on cooperation effectiveness. Santrauka Kooperacija yra vienas iš imones strategines elgsenos būdu siekiant išlikti rinkoje. Tai nuolatiniu il‐galaikiu gamybiniu ryšiu nustatymas tarp ūkiškai ir teisiškai savarankišku imoniu. Svarbus vaidmuo kooperacijoje tenka jos pasiekto lygio matavimui, nes be to neimanoma nagrineti jos poveikio imoniu komercines veiklos efektyvumui, nustatyti šio poveikio ribu, efektyvios kooperacijos salygu ir pan. Re‐miantis pasiūlyta imoniu kooperacijos pasiekto lygio nustatymo formule, atlikta kooperacijos poveikio imones konkurencines veiklos rezultatams analize parode, kad jis nera stiprus, vadinasi, dar nerastos tinkamos organizacines jos formos. Kooperacija daro didžiausia itaka imones turto pelningumui. Ga‐mybos funkciju kooperavimo analize parode, kad labiausiai imoniu turto pelninguma veikia gamybos bei nauju technologiju ir produkto išvystymo kooperavimas. Didele itaka kooperacijos efektyvumui taip pat turi partneriu skaičius. First Published Online: 09 Jun 2011 Reikšminiai žodžiai: imones kooperacija, kooperacijos matavimas, kooperacijos poveikis imones komercines veiklos rezultatam

    Sprendimų paramos metodų taikymo ypatumai vertinant finansinį komercinių bankų stabilumą

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    Finansinės komercinių bankų būklės vertinimo problematika siekia šimtmečio istoriją, bet aktualumo nepraranda ir dabar, finansų krizės metu. Stabiliai funkcionuojantys finansiniai tarpininkai – komerciniai bankai užtikrina efektyvų ekonomikos funkcionavimą ir augimą. Finansinio komercinių bankų stabilumo vertinimas – sudėtingas uždavinys, nes finansinę komercinių bankų padėtį lemia įvairūs tarpusavyje konfliktuojantys kriterijai. Yra trys komercinių bankų vertinimo metodikų tipai: reitingavimo agentūrų metodikos, statistinius-ekonometrinius ir sprendimų paramos metodus taikančios metodikos. Straipsnyje, apžvelgiant jas visas, išryškinami daugiakriterinių sprendimų paramos metodų (MCDA) pranašumai kaip tinkamiausių metodų Lietuvos komercinių bankų finansiniam stabilumui vertinti. Pasiūlyta metodika pritaikyta Lietuvos komercinių bankų 2009 ir 2010 metų finansiniam stabilumui vertinti

    A quantitative evaluation of the company environment for the formation of its effective expansion strategy

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    The successful development of a company’s expansion strategy, which determines the best corporate performance, is mainly affected by its environment which is defined by multidimensional assessment criteria acting in different directions. The incorporation of all such criteria into one generalizing and complex dimension is enabled by multi-criteria assessment methods. The article focuses on theoretical justification for the application of multi-criteria evaluation methods and their practical application in identifying the actual and forecast environmental situation of the company, and provides a solution for the formation of an effective expansion strategy using the complex evaluation results of the company environment. Through the examination of a specific company by employing the possibilities of the proposed analytical solution the expansion strategy is formed for an effective development