33 research outputs found

    La mirada de género en el abordaje de los usos y abusos de drogas

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    En los estudios sobre drogodependencias ha sido frecuente ignorar el género como factor explícito de infl uencia. Por defecto, la experiencia masculina ha predominado como la general. Junto a la omisión, las primeras contribuciones a la investigación sobre el consumo de drogas, dominadas por las explicaciones médicas y psicológicas, han proyectado una imagen de los usos de drogas de las mujeres como una forma desviada de la feminidad ‘normal’ y explicado con frecuencia, como una compensación de defi ciencias físicas o mentales. (Rosenbaum y Murphy, 1990)

    Género y uso de drogas: la invisibilidad de las mujeres

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    El estudio de las formas en las que se pueden usar «drogas» ha tenido distintos momentos en los que han variado los abordajes en su estudio. Entre las perspectivas o modelos más utilizados se suele distinguir entre el enfoque jurídico, el médico-sanitarista y el socio-cultural. Los modelos se han sucedido y, en realidad, suelen convivir o se priorizan de distinta manera a la hora de investigar un tema tan complejo como los usos de drogas en las sociedades actuales. En la visión antropológica, que parte del enfoque socio-cultural, comprender el significado del consumo de drogas, el modo en que se consumen, el comportamiento que producen, la definición de las sustancias o sus consumos como problemáticos o no, requiere mirar al contexto socio-cultural en el cual toman la forma que tienen. La comprensión del contexto socio-cultural supone incluir la situación social, político- económica y dar primacía a las posturas mantenidas por los usuarios o usuarias a la hora de estudiarlos. Esta visión permite que se contemplen los puntos de vista de las mujeres usuarias de sustancias psicoactivas. Y este es el punto al que nos interesa llegar, ya que permite así la inclusión de la perspectiva de género y la mirada feminista

    “There is nothing better than participating in this study”: Living the PAPAartis cardiovascular randomised controlled trial

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    Qualitative research can bring new dimensions of understanding decision-making process in clinical trials. Participating in a randomized clinical trial requires patients to accept complex information and make decisions in a context of uncertainty. It becomes especially complicated in the case of serious diseases in which the treatment itself implies unknown risks. This study examines these issues in the context of the PAPAartis randomized clinical trial, which aims to prevent spinal cord injuries that can occur as an adverse event following complex surgical repair of thoracoabdominal aneurysm. In this study, we accessed a group of 16 patients participating in the trial and, through in-depth interviews, sought to understand the decision-making process when taking part in the trial and their experience of it. Our results showed that patients participated for different reasons: due to trust in doctors, the hope of having a better treatment or for altruistic and collaborative reasons with science. Many patients felt they did not fully understand the extraneous information provided about the study and the complex nature of the procedure. Avoidance of paraplegia played a fundamental role in the decision to participate in this trial. Family support and the socioeconomic conditions of the patients influenced the recovery process after surgery.European Union’s Horizon 2020 73320

    Gender-Based Violence and Alcohol Consumption in Youth Leisure Contexts: Challenges for Spanish Social Work

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    Adolescent leisure contexts in which alcohol are abused have undergone changes in recent decades, with the incorporation of girls/women to more intensive forms of consumption and with new forms of gender-based violence becoming more visible. This article studies the gender differences in the use and enjoyment of time in leisure contexts, the differences in the consumption of alcohol, and the vulnerabilities to which girls/women are subjected to in order to create proposals for Spanish social work intervention. We present empirical data from a qualitative study in which a sample of students from southern Spain have been interviewed in depth with the aim of establishing the connections between alcohol use and abuse and the instances of gender violence that occur in leisure contexts. Our final objective is to reflect upon and make innovative proposals for the role of Spanish pro- fessional social workers in prevention and intervention with young alcohol users and in the gender violence that is produced in the spaces of consumption

    "My mother's wife": Identity and functions of co-parents in non-heteronormative stepfamilies

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    En este artículo se aborda la figura de los coprogenitores y de las coprogenitoras en las familias reconstituidas no heteronormativas. Se analiza tanto su identidad como los roles que desempeña dentro del conjunto de las relaciones familiares. Los datos proceden de cinco entrevistas semiestructuradas realizadas a familias reconstituidas no heteronormativas que provenían tanto de una relación heterosexual previa (4) como de una relación no heterosexual previa (1). Las personas entrevistadas coinciden en señalar que la opción sexual no es fuente de conflicto entre sus hijos e hijas, si bien el divorcio y el inicio de una nueva relación es lo que puede provocar problemas económicos, parentales o personales, entre otros. Por ello, es importante definir la posición del coprogenitor o de la coprogenitora ante esta nueva situación. En lo relativo a la identidad, el coprogenitor o la coprogenitora se define y es definido como un amigo de los hijos y/o de las hijas de su pareja. Y en cuanto a sus funciones, se limitan a darle consejos sobre el cuidado y la educación de sus criaturas. Traspasar estos límites puede ser fuente de conflicto familiar. Así mismo, la presencia y la participación del otro progenitor, la edad de los hijos y/o de las hijas o que exista convivencia son factores que influyen en la definición de la identidad y de las funciones de los coprogenitores y de las coprogenitoras.This article examines the representation of stepparents in non-heteronormative stepfamilies and addresses their identity and roles. Four families that came from a prior heterosexual marriage and one from a prior homosexual marriage were interviewed. The results reveal that sexual orientation is not relevant in family relationships for the couples interviewed. However, divorce and a new relation can be a cause of conflict, making it important to define the role of the stepparents. Stepparents are defined as friends and counsellors, roles they should not overstep. Moreover, involvement of the other parent, the children’s age and cohabitation are factors that influence stepparents’ identity and functions

    Girl power: risky sexual behaviour and gender identity amongst young Spanish recreational drug users

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    Against a background of significant social change experienced by Spanish women from the 1960s onwards, new gender identities and conflicts have emerged. These factors have barely been taken into account in the research work done in Spain. This article looks into the conversations of young people concerning their relationship with risky sexual behaviour, recreational drug use and sexual identity. Drawing from a qualitative study of discussion groups and emi structured interviews with young recreational drug users, the article suggests that there are at least two models of femininity among the recreational drug consumers that have taken part in this study. First there is a traditional romantic model whereby young women associated risky sexual behaviour with being in love or trusting in the partner. Here the young woman does not link her sexual behaviour to the effects of using recreational drugs but, rather, to the characteristics of her emotional relationship. Second, there is a model of new values and gender roles that are closer to those traditionally associated to males, where the young women use recreational drugs as a form of empowerment to take on new situations concerning their sexuality. The article analyses the perceptions of risk among the different identity groups, along with the negotiations to begin sexual relations and the use of the condom in these groups of recreational drug users. Issues for policy and practice are also briefly considered

    Same sex families and Spanish education system. A qualitative study

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    Esta investigación se ha realizado en el marco de becas de Formación de Profesorado Universitario (F.P.U.) del Ministerio de Educación.Las familias encabezadas por parejas del mismo sexo tienen que hacer frente al modelo hegemónico de familia representado por la pareja heterosexual que prevalece en el sistema educativo. Esta hegemonía se refleja a distintos niveles, desde los materiales empleados en el aula hasta la propia formación del profesorado. El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer la percepción y relación que tienen las familias del mismo sexo con el sistema educativo. Para ello, se ha llevado a cabo una investigación cualitativa con 21 familias españolas formadas por parejas del mismo sexo. Los resultados reflejan que en la escuela prevalecen prácticas y discursos que reproducen el modelo de familia heterosexual en detrimento del resto de estructuras familiares que están presentes en las aulas, entre ellos el formado por las parejas del mismo sexo. Se concluye que es necesario adoptar medidas específicas así como corregir prácticas existentes para hacer del sistema educativo un espacio inclusivo.Same-sex families have to fight the hegemonic family model composed of heterosexual partners that it prevails in the education system. The main objective is to know the perception and relationship between same sex families and the education system. This article is a qualitative study with 21 Spanish same sex families. The results show that there are discourses and practices that reproduce the same sex family model. This situation generates discrimination against same sex families. In this sense, it is important to adopt specific measures and correct some practices to make the school an inclusive space

    Videogame-related experiences among regular adolescent gamers

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    The objective of this study was to identify the videogame-related experiences expressed by regular adolescent gamers and to explore the socio-family factors related to these experiences. A cross-sectional observational and descriptive study was carried out with a convenience sample of regular Spanish videogamers between 16 and 18 years old. To measure the use of videogames for evasion and its negative consequences, the Questionnaire of Videogame-Related Experiences (Cuestionario de Experiencias Relacionadas con Videojuegos, CERV) was used and socio-family variables collected, evaluating their relationship with the results of the CERV. A total of 206 adolescents participated, 89.3% men [84.3-93.2] and 17.9% [12.9-23.9] allocating more than 35 hours a week to videogames. The CERV subscale related to the evasive use of videogames (max. = 24 points) obtained a mean value of 11.71 (SD = 3.52) and the mean value for the subscale related to the negative consequences (max. = 27 points) was 7.14 (SD = 3.33). A higher frequency of high values of evasive use (p = .038) and higher scores of this subscale (p = .02) were found in gamers without brothers or sisters. Higher scores and larger numbers of negative consequences were found in gamers who play more than 21 hours a week (p = .032). In conclusion, frequent use of videogames does not seem to be carried out with an evasive purpose, except in the case of absence of siblings. Frequent videogame use has only proven to carry a higher level of negative consequences when playing more than 21 hours a week. No other socio-family variables related to these subscales of the CERV have been identified

    Factors associated with prehospital delay in men and women with acute coronary syndrome

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    Fundamento. Identificar factores asociados a la demora prehospitalaria en personas que han tenido un síndrome coronario agudo Método. Se estudiaron mediante encuesta pacientes ingresados por síndrome coronario agudo en los 33 hospitales públicos andaluces, obteniéndose información sobre diferentes tipos de variables: socio-demográficas, contextuales, clínicas, percepción, actuaciones, y transporte. Se aplicaron modelos de regresión logística multivariante para calcular las odds ratio para la demora. Resultados. De los 1.416 pacientes en total, más de la mitad tuvieron una demora superior a la hora. Se asocia a la distancia al hospital y al medio de transporte: cuando el evento ocurre en la misma ciudad del hospital, utilizar medios propios aumenta la demora, odds ratio= 1,51 (1,02-2,23); si la distancia es entre 1-25 kilómetros, no hay una diferencia entre medios propios y ambulancia, odds ratio = 1,41 y odds ratio = 1,43 respectivamente; y cuando supera los25 kilómetros la ambulancia implica mayor demora, odds ratio = 3,13 y odds ratio = 2,20 respectivamente. Además, la sintomatología típica reduce la demora entre los hombres, pero la aumenta entre las mujeres. Asimismo, no darle importancia, esperar a la resolución de los síntomas, buscar atención sanitaria diferente a urgencias hospitalarias o al 061, tener antecedentes, encontrarse fuera de la vivienda habitual, y tener ingresos menores de 1.500 euros aumentan la demora. Tener síntomas respiratorios la reduce. Conclusiones. La demora prehospitalaria no se ajusta a las recomendaciones sanitarias, asociándose al entorno físico y social, a factores clínicos, y de percepción y actitudinales de los sujetos.Objective. To identify factors associated with prehospital delay in people who have had an acute coronary syndrome. Methods. Using a survey we studied patients admitted due to acute coronary syndrome in the 33 Andalusian public hospitals, obtaining information about different types of variables: socio-demographic, contextual, clinical, perception, action, and transportation. Multivariate logistic regression models were applied to calculate the odds ratios for the delay. Results. Of the 1,416 patients studied, more than half had a delay of more than an hour. This is associated to distance to the hospital and means of transport: when the event occurs in the same city, using the patient’s own means of transport increases the delay, odds ratio = 1.51 (1.02 to 2.23); if the distance is 1 to25 kilometers from the hospital, there is no difference between the patient’s own means of transport and an ambulance, odds ratio = 1.41 and odds ratio =1.43 respectively; and when the distance exceeds25 kilometers transport by ambulance means more delay, odds ratio = 3.13 and odds ratio = 2.20 respectively. Also, typical symptoms reduce delay amongst men but increase amongst women. Also, not caring and waiting for the resolution of symptoms, seeking health care other than a hospital or emergency services, previous clinical history, being away from home, and having an income under 1,500 euros, all increase delay. Conclusions. Prehospital delay times do not meet health recommendations. The physical and social environment, in addition to clinical, perceptual and attitudinal factors, are associated with this delay.Consejería de Salud (Expte.0079/2006); Agencia de Evaluación de Tecnologías Sanitarias-ISCIII (Expte. PI06/90450); CIBER de Epidemiología y Salud Pública; Consejería de Economía y Hacienda de Andalucía, Fondos G+ 2010