255 research outputs found

    Factors Associated with the Highway Mortality of Mule Deer at Jordanelle Reservoir, Utah

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    Highway mortality of deer (Odocoileus sp.) is a nationwide concern. In 1991, 538,000 deer-vehicle collisions occurred nationwide. Property damage to vehicles, human injuries and fatalities, and potential impacts to local deer populations occur from deer-vehicle collisions. Techniques have been evaluated to reduce highway mortality of deer; however, an effective, cost-efficient solution does not exist for widespread use. If mitigative technologies are to be successful, we need to understand deer behavior and movement patterns associated with highway relationships. Most research about highway deer kills has focused on white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in mixed hardwood habitat types. The following study pertains to mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) in a mountain brush and sagebrush-grass zone. The study area was located at the site of the newly constructed Jordanelle Reservoir near Park City, Utah. Area roads were relocated due to inundation of existing highways. Preconstruction road-kill was docwnented to be 0.29 kills/km. Annual road-kill levels of 278 (5.9 kills/km) and 119 (2.5 kills/km) deer occurred along the new roads from October 1991 to October 1993. Even though there was a 64.2% reduction in observed deer density, second year mortality was still 9 times the pre-project kill. A study design of road-kill data collection and repetitive spotlight censuses was used to compare levels and composition of deer road-kills to that of the living population. Deer-vehicle collision levels tracked large population fluctuations. Deer behavior predisposed deer to mortality. Numbers of road-killed deer peaked in the fall of both years, coincident with breeding and hunting periods. Road-kill peaks also occurred in July and April of each year, respectively. Traffic characteristics, road alignment, and vegetative and topographic features were described relative to mule deer kill locations (recorded to the .10 mile). Traffic volume and percent vegetative cover were higher along US40 than either state route; road-kills were correspondingly higher along US40. Roads adjacent to agricultural areas along all routes sustained the fewest highway mortalities of deer. Deer approached roads along drainages; large drainages intersected highways in 79% of designated kill areas. Right-of-way vegetation and slope influenced kill locations

    Incentive zoning in New York City: managing the urban spatial environment, an interactive and incremental process.

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    Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning. Thesis. 1973. Ph.D.Leaf 51 used twice. Eighteen unnumbered leaves included. Vita.Includes bibliographies.Ph.D

    Peran Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Pembiayaan Syariah Terhadap Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (Studi pada Baitul Maal wa Tamwil Nahdhatul Ulama Cabang Pasean Pamekasan)

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    BMU NU Pasean Pamekasan Branch in a Sharia financial institution can be said to be new in the Pamekasan area, therefore researchers are more interested in the BMU NU financing products used by UMKM, and include part of the total for business actors who are able to contribute to people who do not have jobs in Pamekasan. The purpose of this study was to see the role of BMU NU Pasean Pamekasan Branch on UMKM. The methodology used in this research is; descriptive with a qualitative approach. The data used are primary data, namely; interview results and data from BPS Pamekasan Regency as well as secondary data. Based on the results of his research, the role of BMU to UMKM in the form of UMKM financing according to BPS Pamekasan data for 2020 amounted to 108,467 UMKM, while UMKM that took financing at LKS were; at BMU NU Pasean Pamekasan Branch around 1452. This means that in the Pamekasan area only 0.01% of UMKM are customers of Islamic financial institutions, namely BMU NU Pasean Pamekasan Branch. In addition, BMU NU is also a business assistant and has also held financial management training, but this program is not effective because UMKM are not proactive.BMT NU Cabang Pasean Pamekasan dalam lembaga keuangan Syariah bisa dikatakan baru di daerah Pamekasan, oleh karena itu peneliti lebih tertarik pada produk pembiayaannya BMT NU yang digunakan oleh UMKM, dan termasuk bagian dari keseluruhan bagi pelaku usaha yang mampu memberikan sumbangsih terhadap orang yang tidak memiliki pekerjaan di Pamekasan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat peran BMT NU Cabang Pasean Pamekasan terhadap UMKM. Metodologi yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini yaitu; deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Adapun data yang dipakai adalah data primer yaitu; hasil wawancara dan data dari BPS Kabupaten Pamekasan serta data sekunder. Berdasarkan hasil penelitiannya, peran BMT terhadap UMKM berupa pembiayaan UMKM sesuai dengan data BPS Pamekasan tahun 2020 berjumlah 108.467 UMKM, sedangkan UMKM yang mengambil pembiayaan di LKS yaitu; di BMT NU Cabang Pasean Pamekasan sekitar1452. Dalam artian di daerah Pamekasan hanya 0,01% UMKM yang menjadi nasabah lembaga keuangan Syariah yaitu BMT NU Cabang Pasean Pamekasan. Selain itu BMT NU juga sebagai pendamping usaha dan juga pernah mengadakan pelatihan manajemen keuangan, tapi program ini tidak efektif karena UMKM yang tidak proaktif

    Rivers, ecological health, and justice: international watercourses and long-term legal reform

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    This dissertation deals with rivers that cross national boundaries and with the international law that applies to them. It takes a critical look at that law, drawing upon normative standards that value justice among all people, without regard for where they live along rivers or for the negotiating strength of their home States, and that also value the long-term ecological health of rivers as aquatic systems. The dissertation pays particular attention to the most vulnerable States of the world on watercourse-related issues; to States that are located downstream, that have relatively weak negotiating powers in comparison with their upstream neighbors, and that face critical development needs. Bangladesh is used as the paradigm example. The dissertation draws upon current law and recent legal experiences to formulate a new vision for the international law of watercourses, a vision that, if implemented, would recognize and protect rivers as complex ecological wholes while promoting social justice among all people dependent on such rivers. In doing so, it puts forth an ambitious vision for long-term cultural as well as legal reform. The vision is offered less as a proposal for current consideration than as a way of clarifying deficiencies in current law and gaining a better sense of the overall direction in which more modest law reforms should head


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    KARAKTERISTIK KIMIA TANAH PADA PENGGUNAAN LAHAN SAWAH SETELAH 34 TAHUN DI DESA KEMUNING MUDA KABUPATEN SIAK Romin Rafika Saputri (11582202420) Di bawah bimbingan Oksana dan Mokhamad Irfan INTISARI Penurunan produksi dan produktivitas padi di Indonesia tidak mecukupi kebutuhan pangan nasional. Penurunan ini ditandai dengan menurunnya tingkat kesuburan lahan sawah akibat penggunaan pupuk kimia dengan dosis yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik kimia tanah pada penggunaan lahan sawah setelah 34 tahun di Desa Kemuning Muda Kabupaten Siak. Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret sampai April 2019 . Analisis kimia tanah dilakukan di Laboraturium Central Plantation Services. Sample tanah ini diambil dengan cara dikompositkan dari lahan sawah di Desa Kemuning Muda. Penelitian dilakukan secara deskriptif dengan metode observasi. Penentuan titik sample dilakukan dengan metode Diagonal pada lahan sawah dan lahan semak belukar. Parameter meliputi: pH, Kapasits Tukar Kation (KTK), C-Organik, N-Total, Kalium, P-Tersedia dan Kation basa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadi penurunan kesuburan tanah lahan sawah yaitu pada pH berkisar 0.047% , C-Organik 0.10%, N-Total 0.15%, P-Tersedia 0.53%, Kapasits Tukar Kation 1.12%, Kejenuhan Basa 0.008%. Lahan sawah dilokasi penelitian mempunyai status kesuburan tanah rendah. Kata Kunci : c-organik, kalium, karakter kimia tanah, n-total, p-tersedia

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Buku ā€œDongengā€ - Kumpulan Cerita Rakyat Interaktif Berbasis IOS

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    Kesukaan anak muda pada saat ini terhadap cerita rakyat lokal semakin pudar. Cerita rakyat dari luar negri lebih disukai misalnya saja putri salju atau Cinderella. Lemahnya pamor cerita rakyat lokal ini mungkin dikarenakan publikasi tentang cerita rakyat lokal yang yang kalah dengan cerita yang berasal dari luar negri. Selain dikarenakan cerita luar negri yang lebih digandrungi anak-anak muda saat ini, dikarenakan permainan digital yang perkembangannya yang sangat pesat. Salah satu media permainan yang dianggap menarik banyak anak di dunia ini adalah iPad. Melihat dari permasalahan akan kurangnya minat anak-anak terhadap cerita rakyat lokal dan meningkatnya popularitas iPad sebagai toys of the year versi majalah PCWorld, maka munculah gagasan artikel untuk membuat aplikasi berbasis iPad berjudul ā€œDongengā€ yang merupakan kumpulan cerita rakyat Indonesia interaktif. Interaktif di sini dikarenakan pengguna bisa berinteraksi dengan karakter maupun lingkungan dalam cerita rakyat yang dipilih. Selain itu, interaksi dari pengguna bisa menentukan alur cerita dari cerita itu sendiri. Pengguna akan diajak berpikir dalam menentukan alur cerita agar tidak salah dalam memilih alur ceritanya. Pemilihan alur cerita bisa berdasarkan event berupa mini-game maupun pertanyaan. Aplikasi ini nantinya diharapkan dapat lebih mengenalkan cerita rakyat lokal kepada anak-anak baik dari dalam maupun luar negeri
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