359 research outputs found

    A Systematic Literature Review of Requirements Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems

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    During 2003 to 2013, the continuous effort of researchers and engineers particularly has resulted in a hugely grown body of work on engineering self-adaptive systems. Although existing studies have explored various aspects of this topic, no systematic study has been performed on categorizing and evaluating the requirement engineering for self-adaptive activities. The objective of this paper is to systematically investigate the research literature of requirements engineering for self-adaptive systems, summarize the research trends, categorize the used modeling methods and requirements engineering activities as well as the topics that most described. a systematic literature review has been conducted to answer the research questions by searching relevant studies, appraising the quality of these studies and extracting available data. From the study, a number of recommendations for future research in requirements engineering for self-adaptive systems has been derived. So that, enabling researchers and practitioners to better understand the research trends

    Efficacy of Two Common Methods of Application of Residual Insecticide for Controlling the Asian Tiger Mosquito, Aedes albopictus (Skuse), in Urban Areas

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    After its first introduction in the 1980's the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus (Skuse), has spread throughout Southern Europe. Ae. albopictus is considered an epidemiologically important vector for the transmission of many viral pathogens such as the yellow fever virus, dengue fever and Chikungunya fever, as well as several filarial nematodes such as Dirofilaria immitis or D. repens. It is therefore crucial to develop measures to reduce the risks of disease transmission by controlling the vector populations. The aim of the study was to compare the efficacy of two application techniques (mist vs. stretcher sprayer) and two insecticides (Etox based on the nonester pyrethroid Etofenprox vs. Microsin based on the pyrethroid type II Cypermetrin) in controlling adult tiger mosquito populations in highly populated areas. To test the effect of the two treatments pre- and post-treatment human landing rate counts were conducted for two years. After one day from the treatment we observed a 100% population decrease in mosquito abundance with both application methods and both insecticides. However, seven and 14 days after the application the stretcher sprayer showed larger population reductions than the mist sprayer. No effect of insecticide type after one day and 14 days was found, while Etox caused slightly higher population reduction than Microsin after seven days. Emergency measures to locally reduce the vector populations should adopt adulticide treatments using stretcher sprayers. However, more research is still needed to evaluate the potential negative effects of adulticide applications on non-target organisms


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    This study discusses the importance of Ramadhan role-playing activities in shaping the Islamic character of elementary school (SD) students. The purpose of this research is to identify whether the Ramadhan role-playing activities can shape the Islamic character of elementary school students. The descriptive method was used in this study by using observation and interview techniques with elementary school students who took part in the Ramadhan boarding school activities. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that Ramadhan role-playing activities have an important role in shaping the Islamic character of elementary school students. This activity can increase understanding of Islamic religious teachings, form a sense of piety to Allah, and strengthen moral values such as patience, sincerity, and cooperation. Apart from that, Ramadhan training activities can also increase students' love for the mosque and their involvement in religious activities at the mosque. Therefore, it is suggested that Ramadhan training activities be carried out routinely in educational settings to help shape Islamic character in elementary school students

    The Influence of Health Counseling on Family Knowledge about Recovery of Pulmonary Tb Patients in The Working Area of Puskesmas Burau

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    Pulmonary tuberculosis is a direct infectious disease caused by TB germs (mycobacterium tuberculosis). Health problems experienced by one family member can affect other family members, especially families who care for TB patients known as infectious diseases, so families are required to understand pulmonary TB as a whole. However, families who care for TB patients still lack understanding about recovery of the pulmonary TB patients. The purpose of the study was to analyze the influence of health counseling on family knowledge about recovery of pulmonary TB patients in the working area of Puskesmas. The kind of research is quantitative using the pre-experimental design of one group pre-post test. The subject of research were families who treated TB patients in the working area of Puskesmas Burau. Interventions got by providing health counseling using leaflets. Data collection method used a questionnaire. The results of the study used paired samples T-test with a calculated value for the influence of health counseling on family knowledge about recovery of pulmonary TB patients obtained p-value = 0,000 smaller than the value of p-value = 0.05. From the analysis can be interpreted that Ha is accepted and H0 rejected or there was an effect of health counseling on family knowledge about recovery of pulmonary TB patients. The suggestion of research is suggested to the health center to keep improving the health counseling  routines that have been conducted and to modify the counseling method so that TB patients and families are not saturated with the provision of information about pulmonary TB


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    This study discusses the importance of Ramadhan role-playing activities in shaping the Islamic character of elementary school (SD) students. The purpose of this research is to identify whether the Ramadhan role-playing activities can shape the Islamic character of elementary school students. The descriptive method was used in this study by using observation and interview techniques with elementary school students who took part in the Ramadhan boarding school activities. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that Ramadhan role-playing activities have an important role in shaping the Islamic character of elementary school students. This activity can increase understanding of Islamic religious teachings, form a sense of piety to Allah, and strengthen moral values such as patience, sincerity, and cooperation. Apart from that, Ramadhan training activities can also increase students' love for the mosque and their involvement in religious activities at the mosque. Therefore, it is suggested that Ramadhan training activities be carried out routinely in educational settings to help shape Islamic character in elementary school students

    Pendekatan Level Data Untuk Menangani Ketidakseimbangan Kelas Pada Prediksi Cacat Software

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    Dataset software metrics secara umum bersifat tidak seimbang, hal ini dapat menurunkan kinerja model prediksi cacat software karena cenderung menghasilkan prediksi kelas mayoritas. Secara umum ketidakseimbangan kelas dapat ditangani dengan dua pendekatan, yaitu level data dan level algoritma. Pendekatan level data ditujukan untuk memperbaiki keseimbangan kelas, sedangkan pendekatan level algoritma ditujukan untuk memperbaiki algoritma atau menggabungkan (ensemble) pengklasifikasi agar lebih konduktif terhadap kelas minoritas. Pada penelitian ini diusulkan pendekatan level data dengan resampling, yaitu random oversampling (ROS), dan random undersampling (RUS), dan mensintesis menggunakan algoritma FSMOTE. Pengklasifikasi yang digunakan adalah NaÏŠve Bayes. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model FSMOTE+NB merupakan model pendekatan level data terbaik pada prediksi cacat software karena nilai sensitivitas dan G-Mean model FSMOTE+NB meningkat secara signifikan, sedangkan model ROS+NB dan RUS+NB tidak meningkat secara signifikan

    Hybrid Keyword Extraction Algorithm and Cosine Similarity for Improving Sentences Cohesion in Text Summarization

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    As the amount of online information increases, systems that can automatically summarize text in a document become increasingly desirable. The main goal of a text summarization is to present the main ideas in a document in less space. In the create text summarization, there are two procedures which are extraction and abstraction procedure. One of extraction procedure is using keyword extraction algorithm which is easier and common but has problems in the lack of cohesion or correlation between sentences. The cohesion between sentences can be applied by using a cosine similarity method. In this study, a hybrid keyword extraction algorithm and cosine similarity for improving sentences cohesion in text summarization has been proposed. The proposed method using compression various compression ratios is used to create candidate of the summary. The result show that proposed method could affect significant increasing cohesion degree after evaluated in the t-Test. The result also shows that 50% compression ratio obtains the best result with Recall, Precision, and F-Measure are 0.761, 0.43 and 0.54 respectively; since summary with compression ratio 50% has higher intersection with human summary than another compression ratio

    Integrasi SMOTE Dan Information Gain Pada Naive Bayes Untuk Prediksi Cacat Software

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    Perangkat lunak banyak memainkan yang peran penting. Oleh karena itu, kewajiban untuk memastikan kualitas, seperti pengujian perangkat lunak dapat dianggap mendasar dan penting. Tapi di sisi lain, pengujian perangkat lunak adalah pekerjaan yang sangat mahal, baik dalam biaya dan waktu penggunaan. Oleh karena itu penting untuk sebuah Perusahaan pengembangan perangkat lunak untuk melakukan pengujian kualitas perangkat lunak dengan biaya minimum. Naive Bayes pada prediksi cacat perangkat lunak telah menunjukkan kinerja yang baik dan menghsilkan probabilitas rata-rata 71 persen. Selain itu juga merupakan classifier yang sederhana dan waktu yang dibutuhkan dalam proses belajar mengajar lebih cepat dari algoritma pembelajaran mesin lainnya. NASA adalah dataset yang sangat populer digunakan dalam pengembangan model prediksi cacat software, umum dan dapat digunakan secara bebas oleh para peneliti. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan sebelumnya ada dua isu utama pada prediksi cacat perangkat lunak yaitu noise attribute dan imbalance class. Penerapan teknik SMOTE (Minority Synthetic Over-Sampling Technique) menghasilkan hasil yang baik dan efektif untuk menangani ketidakseimbangan kelas pada teknik oversampling untuk memproses kelas minoritas (positif). Dan Information Gain digunakan dalam pemilihan atribut untuk menangani kemungkinan noise attribute. Setelah dilakukan percobaan bahwa penerapan model SMOTE dan Information Gain terbukti menangani imbalance class dan noise attribute untuk prediksi cacat software

    Penerapan Exponential Smoothing untuk Transformasi Data dalam Meningkatkan Akurasi Neural Network pada Prediksi Harga Emas

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    Emas menjadi salah satu logam mulia yang paling banyak diminati baik untuk investasi maupun untuk dijadikan perhiasan. Memprediksi harga emas telah menjadi signifikan dan sangat penting bagi investor karena emas merupakan alat yang penting untuk perlindungan nilai resiko serta sebagai jalan investasi. Metode Neural Network merupakan salah satu model yang paling banyak digunakan dalam berbagai bidang penelitian. Neural Network memiliki banyak fitur yang diinginkan yang sangat cocok untuk aplikasi peramalan. Namun sebagai sistem black box, pemodelan Neural Network sepenuhnya tergantung pada input dan output data sehingga kualitas dan distribusi set sampel pembelajaran penting bagi kemampuan generalisasi jaringan. Maka pada penelitian ini, metode Exponential Smoothing digunakan untuk melakukan transformasi data guna meningkatkan kualitas data sehingga dapat meningkatkan akurasi prediksi pada Neural Network. Eksperimen yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh arsitektur optimal sehingga menghasilkan prediksi harga emas yang akurat. Penelitian ini menggunakan Neural Network dan Exponential Smoothing dengan 10 kombinasi parameter pada eksperimen yang dilakukan. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan dari eksperimen yang dilakukan adalah bahwa prediksi harga emas menggunakan Neural Network dan Exponential Smoothing lebih akurat dibanding metode individual Neural Network
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