444 research outputs found

    Multiple introductions and onward transmission of non-pandemic HIV-1 subtype B strains in North America and Europe

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    Most HIV-1 subtype B infections in North America and Europe seem to have resulted from the expansion of a single pandemic lineage (B PANDEMIC) disseminated from the United States (US). Some non-pandemic subtype B strains of Caribbean origin (B CAR) may have also reached North America and Europe, but their epidemiological relevance in those regions remains largely unknown. Here we analyze a total of 20,045 HIV-1 subtype B pol sequences from the US, Canada, and Europe, to estimate the prevalence and to reconstruct the spatiotemporal dynamics of dissemination of HIV-1 B CAR strains in those regions. We find that B CAR strains were probably disseminated from the Caribbean into North America and Europe at multiple times since the early 1970s onwards. The B CAR strains reached the US, Canada and at least 16 different European countries, where they account for a very low fraction (<5%) of subtype B infections, with exception of the Czech Republic (7.7%). We also find evidence of the onward transmission of B CAR clades in the US, Canada, the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK, as well as short-distance spreading of B CAR lineages between neighboring European countries from Central and Western Europe, and long-distance dissemination between the US and Europe

    Comercio Internacional y Competitividad de la cebolla amarilla peruana 2008-2015

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    El presente trabajo fue realizado con el objetivo de determinar el comercio internacional y la competitividad de la exportación de la cebolla amarilla peruana durante el periodo 2008-2015. La metodología empleada es de tipo descriptivo, y de diseño no experimental, puesto que no existe manipulación de las variables, además se observan antecedentes históricos y se consultaran fuentes. Una vez recopilados los datos, utilizamos e método estadístico que consiste en organizarlos a través de cuadros, gráficos de líneas y describirlo a través de la estimación de la línea de tendencia y el coeficiente e determinación. Se obtuvo como principal conclusión que la exportación de cebolla amarilla durante el periodo 2008-2015 no ha sido competitiva

    Trastorno de la personalidad: un desafío en la relación médico-paciente

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    ResumenEl paciente con trastorno de la personalidad límite o con trastornos afectivos suele obstaculizar la relación médico-paciente debido a sus conflictos emocionales. Es importante que el médico familiar reconozca de manera oportuna dichos trastornos y desarrolle habilidades tanto para la comunicación como para la empatía; con el propósito de favorecer una adecuada relación médico-paciente y referir oportunamente al enfermo a un servicio de atención especializado. De este modo se podrán prevenir la cronicidad, la iatrogenia y la estigmatización del paciente, así como la frustración e impotencia del equipo médico.SummaryPatients with limit personality disorder or affective disorders often hinder the doctor-patient relationship due to their emotional conflicts. It is important that the Family Physician recognized in a timely manner such disorders and develop skills for communication and empathy; in order to promote a proper doctor-patient relationship and promptly refer the patient to a specialist. Thus this will prevent chronicity, iatrogenic and stigmatization of the patient, as well as frustration and a sense of helplessness of the medical team

    Investigación mexicana significativa en Ciencias de la Salud 1999-2004 : un análisis bibliométrico

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    The economic conditions in Mexico have contributed to the impoverishment of its population and, consequently a worsening of their health. Therefore, if research contributes to development, the study of significant research is justified, that is to say research whose results appear in core journals, a principle commonly known as the Bradford Law. The purpose of this study is to determine what has been the scientific growth in order to be able to assume, with empirical evidence, that Mexican researchers have overcome difficulties in order to publish in the most relevant journals, i.e. the most significant ones. Empirical data was built on the basis of the journal lists compiled by Garfield, which comprise of 200 journals that reached the highest levels of impact over a period of 15 years. A total of 155 health science journals were included in the analysis conducted through the Web of Science. A total of 1,293 records published between 1999 and 2004 were identified from a total of 829,400 papers that appeared in those journals and in within the same period globally. 80 % of the significant research carried out in Mexico was concentrated in two entities of the country. It was found that health research is the responsibility of public institutions, mainly academia. Also, that the most active disciplines were biochemistry and molecular biology, neurosciences, general and internal medicine, immunology and microbiology. The conclusion reached is that Mexican researchers have overcome the difficulties related with publishing papers in the core journals. However, Mexican institutions still have to strengthen themselves further in order for the research they carry out be reflected in papers that will take them into a market of visible science, that counts

    On the design of Aircraft Electrical Structure Networks

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    As part of the technology research engaged in the EU Clean Sky 1 project, we present in this paper an electrical structure network (ESN) designed to prevent the impact on an electronic equipment of unwanted voltage drops appearing when nonmetal composite materials are used for grounding. An iterative process has been followed to reach an optimal tradeoff solution meeting all the aircraft requirements: structural, safety, low weight, electrical, etc. Guidelines on the design of a low-impedance metal ESN, to minimize the inductive behavior of the power distribution network, are outlined in this paper. To this end, we employ the UGRFDTD simulation tool, combining finite-difference time domain to analyze the general EM problem, and a multiconductor transmission-line network to handle internal coupling between cables running along coinciding routes. The capability of this tool to create time-domain snapshots of surface currents is shown to provide a useful way to optimize the ESN, thanks to the insight gained on the physics of the problem.This work was supported from the European Community Seventh Framework Program FP7/2008-2014 under Grant CSJU-GAM-GRA- 2008-01 (Clean Sky 1 project), and from the Projects TEC2013-48414-C3- 01 and TEC2015-68766-REDC (MINECO, Spain), P12-TIC-1442 (Junta de Andalucia, Spain), Alhambra-UGRFDTD (AIRBUS DS), and by the CSIRC alhambra.ugr.es supercomputing cente

    Comparison of the SYBR Green and the hybridization probe format for real-time PCR detection of HHV-6

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    A comparative study was conducted of a novel real-time quantitative PCR test (LightCycler System) with FastStart DNA Master(PLUS) SYBR Green I dye to detect DNA of human herpes virus 6 (HHV-6). Results were compared with those of a real-time quantitative PCR with hybridization probe (HP) formats using the fluorescence resonance energy transfer method, and with those of a single qualitative PCR test. The detection limit of the test with SYBR Green I dye was 20 copies of the virus, similar to that of the other two tests. The reproducibility was satisfactory. The new test has the same advantages as real-time PCR with HP formats and offers a greater versatility at lower cost

    El lean manufacturing contextualizado en el área productiva de las organizaciones. Revisión sistemática

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    El objetivo de la investigación fue interpretar si el lean manufacturing tiene efectos en el área productiva de las organizaciones. La metodología utilizada fue de tipo revisión sistemática y de enfoque cualitativo, de síntesis interpretativa y meta síntesis. Se hizo una selección rigurosa de la información en repositorios como Scopus, Ebsco, Springer, Doaj y Scielo; y se tamizo por año, cuartil uno al cuatro y por temas de gestión; al final fueron seleccionados 25 artículos que integran la variable lean manufacturing y las categorías valor de insumos, diseño del producto, técnicas practicas lean y técnicas humanas lean. Se concluyó que el lean manufacturing si influyen en el área operativa de las organizaciones; así mismo como el valor del insumo, diseño del producto, las técnicas practicas lean y las técnicas humanas lean; pero debe realizarse una planificación detallada y minuciosa antes de poner en acciones estas prácticas, así evitar pérdida de tiempo en inversión, costos y problemas con el personal

    Inspección de trabajo y Seguridad Social. Criterios de actuación y fundamentación jurídica (caso práctico)

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    El presente caso práctico reproduce el enunciado del supuesto referido a la actividad de la Inspección de Trabajo y Seguridad Social que se planteó como cuarto ejercicio en la convocatoria de la oposición para el ingreso en el Cuerpo Superior de Inspectores de Trabajo y Seguridad Social correspondiente a 2007. En él se efectúa un análisis de las cuestiones derivadas del planteamiento, incorporando la fundamentación jurídica de la respuesta

    Capture and Storage of Carbon in the Dry Forests of Pomac (Lambayeque, Peru) to Improve the Focus of Reforestation on New Ecosystem Services

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    The estimation of aerial forest carbon storage and capacity (CCS) is a fundamental instrument to evaluate the application of forest management measures and soil recovery under the approach of use in new ecosystem services (CCUS). The research has aimed to evaluate the capture and storage of carbon in the dry forests of Pomac (Lambayeque, Peru) to improve the approach of reforestation in new ecosystem services. For this, the non-destructive method was used, 15 random plots were selected, the tree species were identified, counted and measured, taking into account the diameter at breast height (DBH), the results indicated a total accumulation of aerial biomass ( dry) of 75.09 t/ha and a mass of stored carbon of 37,545 t/ha. The highest contribution of aerial biomass was dominated by three species: Prosopis pallida H.B.K. for Arnata ferreyra (carob tree) (90.99%) > Capparis ovalifolia (Vichayo) (6.13 %) > Capparis scabrida (Sapote) (2.02 %). The quadratic models to estimate the aerial biomass (AGB) of each species and of the plots studied based on the DBH were robust (R2>0.7) and significant and demonstrated a great payment potential in relation to the carbon credit in the Voluntary Market of Carbon. These results can be used to improve forest management and the recovery of degraded soils under the approach of new ecosystem uses that include the CCUS approach