11,980 research outputs found

    Integrated land-sea planning: an operational framework

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    [Extract] Marine ecosystems face increasing threats from both land-based and sea-based anthropogenic activities (Leslie 2005). Globally, around 60% of MPAs are experiencing a high risk of degradation due to coastal development (Tallis et al. 2008). Explicit consideration of interactions between sites (land-sea); may alter the design of conservation area networks

    ValueMapper: an interactive web-based tool to map and visualise spatial data

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    ValueMapper is a flexible and easy-to-use web-based application for mapping, visualising, and storing spatial information. The tool was developed to support mapping areas of conservation, cultural or economic interest, a.k.a. place or landscape values, but can be used for other purposes. The tool allows mapping, modifying, describing, and saving polygons in ESRI Shapefile format, which can be visualised using the tool or further edited using GIS software. The web-based interface allows users to draw and save polygons with information about the features (areas) of interest. For example, documenting their name, category, description, accuracy, sensitivity, custodians, and other relevant characteristics of the mapped features of interest. The software facilitates participatory mapping of landscape values to support environmental planning and management, including conservation and land/ water use planning initiatives. James Cook University developed the tool to support a project on multi-objective planning in northern Australia. The tool was developed and tested during a research project guiding participatory scenario planning to explore alternative development pathways for the Fitzroy River catchment of the Kimberley, Western Australia. Depending on the mapping and planning exercise's goals, context, and resources, more advanced and custom-made tools may be required. The software can be combined with other tools (e.g. interactive tabletop projectors, 3D models), facilitating knowledge sharing and co-production


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    Tesis de licenciatura de Ia carrea de Ingeniero Agrónomo Fitotecnista en donde se estudió el efecto de la etapa de corte y la dosis de nitrógeno sobre el rendimiento y calidad nutricional de forraje en avena, cebada, triticale y trigoEn el valle de Toluca la producción de forraje se deriva principalmente de cultivos de cereales como son la avena y el maíz, establecidos bajo condiciones de temporal. Si bien la producción de forraje obtenida por estos cultivos cumple con la demanda para alimentación del ganado, no siempre está relacionado con la calidad nutricional requerida para optimizar dicho proceso. En el presente trabajo se evaluaron dos variedades de avena (Avemex y Karma), dos de cebada (Capuchona y Esmeralda), una variedad y una línea avanzada de triticale (Bicentenario y L3) y dos variedades de trigo (Baguette y Tollocan). El experimento se llevó a cabo en el ciclo primavera-verano 2015 en el valle de Toluca, México. La siembra se realizó el 26 de junio de 2015, con una densidad de siembra de 300 semillas por m2, bajo un diseño experimental de parcelas divididas en tiempo bajo un arreglo de bloques completos al azar con tres repeticiones, donde la parcela experimental constó de 4 surcos a doble hilera de 6 m de longitud con una separación de 80 cm entre surcos y 20 cm entre hileras. Se estudió el efecto de dos dosis de nitrógeno (60 y 120 kgN ha) y tres etapas fenológicas al corte (embuche, antesis y grano lechoso-masoso), sobre el rendimiento del forraje y algunos componentes de calidad nutricional en las tres etapas de corte mencionadas. La producción de materia seca y el contenido nutricional del forraje mejoró al aumentar la dosis de fertilización nitrogenada. El rendimiento de forraje se incrementó a medida que se retrasó la etapa de corte pero la calidad nutricional se vio disminuida conforme avanzó la madures de la planta. La L3 de triticale presentó mayor acumulación de biomasa en la etapa de grano lechoso-masoso (16.5 t ha-1), mientras que la variedad de trigo Baguette destacó en la etapa de embuche, ya que mostró el mejor comportamiento en los componentes de calidad nutricional de forraje, además de sobresalir por su alto contenido de proteína cruda incluso en la etapa de grano lechoso-masoso (103 g kg-1). Los resultados obtenidos indican que algunas de las variedades evaluadas pueden ser una opción viable para cumplir con la demanda de forraje con buena calidad para la alimentación de ganado lechero y de engorda en el valle de Toluca, México.UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DEL ESTADO DE MÉXICO, FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS AGRÍCOLAS PROYECTO: Cambios en los Caracteres Ecofisiológicos del Rendimiento y Composición del Grano de Triticale en Función de la Disponibilidad de Nitrógeno Clave: 3793/2014/CI

    Digital competences in the social media program for older adults in vulnerable contexts

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    In this study we analyze the effects of the program of incursion in Social Networks in Digital Competences as part of an experimental investigation with 40 adults (rank: 81 - 92 years of age) from vulnerable contexts of a Latin state. 50 educational activities based on the use of Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter and Gmail were applied as essential elements of virtual communication. These allowed obtaining statistical significance in digital competencies of the experimental group, especially in more than 60% of participating subjects, both in the ability to manage technological resources as well as in the interrelation through the internet (social networks). The study recognizes its contribution in the opportunity to generate digital inclusion in the elderly in states of digital abandonment

    Optoelectronic properties of triphenylamine based dyes for solar cell applications. A DFT study

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    Indexación: Scopus.GSM thanks to the Department of Chemistry at the Universidad Andres Bello, Concepcion, Chile. LHMH gratefully acknowledges financial support from CONACYT (Projects CB2015-257823) and to the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo.Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) based on triphenylamine (TPA) as a donor group linked with the acceptor cyanoacrylic acid electron acceptor by 2,2'-bithiophene as π-bridged (D-π-A) has been investigated by Density Functional Theory (DFT) at the B3LYP/6-311G(d,p) level of theory, to establish the conformational orientation of cyanoacrylic acid group as well as evaluate the effect of planarizing the 2,2'-bithiophene unit in position 3 and 3' by electron withdrawing or donor groups on the electronic structure properties of ground and doping(n,p) states. Also, the Time Dependent Density Functional Theory (TD-DFT) at the CPCM-TD-CAM-B3LYP//CAM-B3LYP/6-311G(d,p) level of theory were selected to modulate the electronic absorption spectra and charge-transfer capabilities of the molecules analyzed in the present work. The results indicate that adding an auxiliary donor or withdrawing group to the 2,2'-bithiophene in the (D-π-A) arrangement allow to modify the LUMO's energy of the dyes, while the HOMO's energy is slightly affected. © 2018 Sociedade Brasileira de Quimica. All rights reserved.http://quimicanova.sbq.org.br/imagebank/pdf/AR20170232.pd