1,028 research outputs found

    Hiperficción constructiva en el tercer entorno

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    Writing models are undergoing major transformations as a result of the contemporary technological revolution. Although cybertexts and hypertexts as realities are not exclusive to digital culture, since they were present in previous cultural contexts, the truth is they provide alternative ways of thinking involving implications that are epistemological (network thinking), aesthetic (reformulation of authorship), and ethical (requiring an active and reflective commitment on the part of the recipient). In this work, such a scenario will be approached comparing the literary writings Hypertext Hotel (1992) and Leyenda mayor de Ian Curtis (2017) with the audiovisual writings +101 (2012) and Quién lo impide (2018), with the aim of understanding the transformations they represent both in the aesthetic experience and in the digital cultural field. To do this, a comparative methodology will be used that takes into account the concomitances between the two series of writings.Los modelos de escritura están experimentando grandes transformaciones como consecuencia de la revolución tecnológica contemporánea. Aunque los cibertextos y los hipertextos no son realidades exclusivas de la cultura digital, pues se dan en contextos culturales precedentes, aportan formas de pensamiento alternativas, que pasan por implicaciones epistemológicas –el pensamiento en red–, estéticas –reformulación de la autoría– y éticas –exigen un compromiso por parte del receptor. En este trabajo se abordará dicha coyuntura comparando las escrituras literarias Hypertext Hotel (1992) y Leyenda mayor de Ian Curtis (2017) con las escrituras audiovisuales +101 (2012) y Quién lo impide (2018) con el objetivo de comprender las transformaciones que suponen tanto en la experiencia estética como en el campo cultural digital. Para ello, se empleará una metodología comparatista que tenga en cuenta las concomitancias entre las dos series de escrituras

    Assessment of Osstell ISQ's reliability for implant stability measurement: a cross-sectional clinical study

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    Resonance frequency analysis (RFA) allows assess implant stability by measuring implant oscillation frequency on the bone. RFA is an objective and non-invasive method for implant stability measurement, although scarce evidence has been provided so far on its reliability. Objectives: Assess the Osstell ISQ system's reliability (i.e., its measurement reproducibility and repeatability) by means of the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) as statistical method. Study Desing: Implants stability registers were completed by means of Osstell ISQ on 85 implants on 23 patients. Six measurements were completed on each implant by means of two different SmartPegs (types I and II); that is, three consecutive measurements with each transducer. Results: Average ISQ was 72.40, 72.22 and 72.79, and 72.06, 72.59 and 72.82 in the first, second, and third measurements with SmartPegs I and II, respectively. Equal values or differences below three ISQ points were observed in 52.9% and 62.4% of the cases with SmartPegs I and II, respectively. The intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.97 for both SmartPegs, and repeatability and reproducibility also reached 0.97 for both SmartPegs. Conclusions: The RFA system Osstell ISQ presents almost perfect repeatability and reproducibility after intraclass correlation coefficient analysis. Osstell ISQ measurements are highly reliable regarding reproducibility. Therefore, one measurement proves enough

    Changes in Gut Microbiota Induced by Doxycycline Influence in Vascular Function and Development of Hypertension in DOCA-Salt Rats

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    Previous experiments in animals and humans show that shifts in microbiota and its metabolites are linked to hypertension. The present study investigates whether doxycycline (DOX, a broad-spectrum tetracycline antibiotic) improves dysbiosis, prevent cardiovascular pathology and attenuate hypertension in deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)-salt rats, a renin-independent model of hypertension. Male Wistar rats were randomly assigned to three groups: control, DOCA-salt hypertensive rats, DOCA-salt treated with DOX for 4 weeks. DOX decreased systolic blood pressure, improving endothelial dysfunction and reducing aortic oxidative stress and inflammation. DOX decreased lactate-producing bacterial population and plasma lactate levels, improved gut barrier integrity, normalized endotoxemia, plasma noradrenaline levels and restored the Treg content in aorta. These data demonstrate that DOX through direct effects on gut microbiota and its non-microbial effects (anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory) reduces endothelial dysfunction and the increase in blood pressure in this low-renin form of hypertension.Grants from Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología, Ministerio de Economía y competitividad (SAF2017-84894-R)Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PID2020-116347RB-I00)Junta de Andalucía (CTS-164, P20_00193)European Union, and by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CIBER-CV; Ciberes)Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Sara Borrell Program)European Union (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, FEDER, “FEDER una manera de hacer Europa”

    Estudio de la estabilidad física, propiedades reológicas y microestructura de sistemas Aerosil 200/agua. Influencia de un tensioactivo no iónico

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    Se han estudiado las propiedades reológicas, la estabilidad física y la microestructura de suspensiones de una sílice hidrofílica (Aerosil 200) en agua con potencial aplicación como fase continua de emulsiones ecológicas. Además, se analizó la influencia de la adición de Amidet N, un tensioactivo no iónico derivado del aceite de Colza, en las propiedades viscoelásticas y la microestructura de las dispersiones. Se muestran diferentes comportamientos reológicos dependiendo de la concentración de Aerosil 200 en los sistemas binarios. Existe un aumento importante del carácter gel del 8% al 9% de Aerosil 200 mejorando la estabilidad física. Este cambio está relacionado con el grado de interacción de las partículas, como se muestra en la microscopia electrónica de barrido (Cryo-SEM). La adición de Amidet N a la suspensión provocó un incremento de los módulos viscosos y elásticos mostrándose una estructura más compacta. El sistema que contiene 6% de Aerosil 200 y 3% de Amidet N mostró adecuadas propiedades reológicas para su uso como fase continua de emulsiones que respetan el medio ambiente. Finalmente, cabe destacar el interés del estudio de este tipo de sistemas intermedios como punto de partida para el desarrollo de emulsiones.Aerosil 200/water dispersions and Aerosil 200/water/Amidet N were studied by means of rheological, microstructural and multiple light scattering techniques. These systems can find application as continuous phase in emulsions. Rheological tests such as flow curve and small amplitude oscillatory shear tests detected an abrupt change of behaviour related to microstructural interaction grade reflected through the Cryo-SEM micrographs. The most concentrated systems turned out to be more physically stable. An increase of viscoelastic properties was detected as a consequence of addition of Amilet N, which led to more compact microstructure. Finally, it is worth noting the interest of studying this type of intermediate systems as a starting point for the development of emulsions.Plan Propio de la Universidad de Sevilla Proyecto: 2017/00000962Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España) / FEDER, UE CTQ2015-70700-

    Methodology for development of ecological emulsions formulated with green solvents or essential oils

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    Las emulsiones ecológicas se formulan y preparan idealmente siguiendo los principios del desarrollo sostenible o la química verde. Estas emulsiones verdes poseen un gran número de aplicaciones, ya que por ejemplo son utilizadas en la industria alimentaria. La industria química está mostrando especial atención a la sustitución de los disolventes sintéticos por disolventes ecológicos en el desarrollo de emulsiones aceite-en-agua para usos agroquímicos, como pinturas, tintas de impresión, desengrasantes y como limpiadores. Los disolventes ecológicos se utilizan cada vez más como consecuencia de la prohibición de algunos disolventes orgánicos tradicionales y sintéticos. Por este motivo, los científicos e ingenieros responsables del desarrollo de productos están afrontando el desafío de formular emulsiones que contienen nuevos disolventes, tensioactivos o aditivos obtenidos a partir de fuentes renovables y con buenas propiedades ecológicas. En este capítulo se desarrolla una metodología para el desarrollo de emulsiones ecológicas con componentes obtenidos a partir de fuentes renovables, de nula toxicidad y biodegradables como una alternativa sostenible a aquellos productos que contienen disolventes orgánicos tradicionales.Green emulsions are formulated and ideally prepared under the principles of the so-called sustainable development or green chemistry and find a great variety of applications. These systems are increasingly used by the food industry insofar as there is an increasing tendency to reduce the number of synthetic additives and to increase the use of biomaterials and ingredients with functional properties. For similar reasons they are more and more used by the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. The chemical industry is also paying attention to the substitution of synthetic solvents by green solvents in water-based emulsions used as agrochemicals, paints, printing inks, fat removers and all-purpose cleaners. Green solvents are increasingly used since many synthetic solvents have been banned due to their carcinogenic or toxic properties and to their poor biodegradability. For this reason, scientists and engineers responsible for product development face the challenge to formulate emulsions containing new solvents, surfactants and additives obtained from renewable raw materials and exhibiting enhanced ecological properties.Plan Propio de la Universidad de Sevilla Proyecto: 2017/00000962Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España) / FEDER, UE CTQ2011-27371Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España) / FEDER, UE CTQ2015-7070

    Factors associated with hopelessness, depression and anxiety in the Honduran-Central America population during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    "Introduction: The mental health of the population has been affected by COVID-19, reporting in many populations higher levels of depressive, anxious and stress symptoms, however, in Honduras there are no studies showing the impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of the population. Aim: To determine the factors associated with hopelessness, depression and anxiety in times of COVID-19 in the Honduran population. Methods: Cross-sectional analytical study. Three scales were used, Beck for hopelessness, Hamilton for depression and anxiety, through interviews with the population attending different levels of health care throughout the country. Descriptive and analytical statistics were obtained. For hopelessness, the Beck Hopelessness Scale was used; for depression and anxiety, the Hamilton Scale was used. Results: Of the 8,125 participants, the population in general showed results of hopelessness 14.9%, depression 12.9% and anxiety 1.2%, there was less hopelessness among women (p = 0.004), university students (p < 0.001), but greater among those who had a family member deceased by COVID-19 (p < 0.001), among those who had diabetes mellitus (DM) (p < 0.001), history of mental illness (p < 0.001) or had consumed drugs in the last 6 months (p < 0.001). There was more depression among those with arterial hypertension (p = 0.002), obesity (p = 0.019), DM (p = 0.004), history of mental illness (p < 0.001) or had consumed drugs in the last 6 months (p < 0.001). There was more anxiety among those infected with COVID-19 (p = 0.023), according to having a family member deceased by COVID-19 (p = 0.045) and in those with a history of mental illness (p < 0.001). Discussion: The Honduran population presented important differences in the socio-pathological, according to the loss of family members or having previous illnesses, this according to the presentation of problems in the mental sphere. Conclusion: We found factors associated with hopelessness, we found factors associated with hopelessness, depression and anxiety in times of COVID-19 in the Honduran population