187 research outputs found

    Alcohol use and family‑related factors among Spanish university students: the unHicos project

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    Background: During adolescence and youth there are relevant changes in the consolidation, gain or loss of consumption habits and lifestyles and the family factors has a fundamental role to development these habits. The study of the consumption of toxins, such as alcohol intake, is crucial at this stage due to the repercussions that said consumption presents in adulthood. Therefore, the objective of our study was to evaluate the associations between alcohol consumption patterns and related family factors (family functioning, family history of alcohol consumption) in Spanish university students. Methods: Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional, multicenter study, carried out in first-year university students from 11 Spanish universities. Through an online questionnaire, alcohol consumption (risky consumption and intensive consumption or binge drinking), family functioning and history of alcohol in the family were evaluated. Risky alcohol consumption and binge drinking were assessed using the AUDIT test, and family functioning was assessed using the family APGAR questionnaire. A descriptive analysis of the data was performed, as well as the Chi-Square test and Student’s T-Test, and non-conditional logistic regression models were carried out to examine this association. Results: The prevalence of risky alcohol consumption identified in the 10,167 respondents was 16.9% (95% CI = 16.2-17.6), and that of BD was 48.8% (95% CI = 47.9-48.8). There is a significant association between risky alcohol consumption and family functioning in students of both sexes, with greater consumption in the face of severe dysfunctional support (men OR = 1.72; p < 0.001 and women OR = 1.74; p < 0.001) and family history of consumption (p = 0.005). Regarding the binge drinking pattern, no statistically significant differences were observed. Conclusions: Risky alcohol consumption in university students is associated with dysfunctional family support, unlike the binge drinking pattern, where there is no such association. The findings of this study show the importance of creating prevention programs focused on the family approach in university students, which include alcohol screening in the population with a family history of this substance, and greater social support from health services.This work was supported by the National Drug Plan, Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality of Spain (Codes: 2010/145, 2013/034 and 2020/030) and project PI16/01947

    Knowledge, attitudes and practices of primary health care providers in patients with unhealthy alcohol use

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    JUSTIFICACIÓN: El alcohol constituye una de las primeras causas prevenibles de morbilidad y mortalidad. Su consumo nocivo conlleva un incremento significativo del uso de servicios sanitarios, tanto a nivel hospitalario como en Atención Primaria (AP). Actualmente la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) establece como prioridad de salud pública la reducción del consumo nocivo del alcohol en AP fomentando la concienciación sobre la magnitud y la naturaleza de los problemas sanitarios, sociales y económicos causados por dicho consumo, así como la sensibilización de la población del papel crucial que desarrollan los profesionales sanitarios en el abordaje preventivo del consumo de alcohol. OBJETIVOS: 1) Evaluar los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas de los profesionales sanitarios de AP con respecto a las intervenciones preventivas en el abordaje del consumo excesivo de alcohol, recomendadas por el Programa de Actividades Preventivas y Promoción de la Salud (PAPPS), 2) Evaluar la efectividad de actividades formativas dirigidas a sanitarios de AP sobre el manejo de pacientes con problemas de consumo de alcohol, y 3) Comprobar la eficacia de un Plan de formación centrado en la adquisición de habilidades comunicacionales basadas en la entrevista motivacional y en los conocimientos, actitudes y competencias necesarias para el abordaje del paciente con consumo excesivo de alcohol en AP. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: 1º fase: Estudio observacional descriptivo, transversal. Ámbito: Centros de Salud del Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNS). Participantes: profesionales sanitarios de AP. Para un error alfa del 5%, una precisión del 3% y una proporción del 50%, era necesario incluir a 1068 profesionales. Fuente de información: cuestionario on-line. 2º fase: Revisión sistemática cualitativa de ensayos clínicos controlados indexados hasta el 30 de mayo de 2017. Basándonos en los resultados obtenidos en la primera fase, se elaboró en una 3º fase del proyecto, un Plan de entrenamiento multicomponente (basado en talleres presenciales y videograbaciones de consultas con pacientes simulados, seguidas de feedback docente), comprobando su efectividad mediante un estudio cuasi-experimental, reclutando al menos a 30 médicos y 30 enfermeros de AP (n=60). Se realizó un análisis descriptivo e inferencial, con aplicación de pruebas estadísticas, tanto para muestras independientes (primera fase), como apareadas (segunda fase), así como pruebas no paramétricas, en su caso. Se usó además análisis multivariado (regresión lineal múltiple o logística). RESULTADOS: Un total de 1.760 profesionales sanitarios cumplimentaron el cuestionario, de los cuales el 62,9% eran mujeres (IC 95%: 60,6- 65,2). El 27,5% (IC 95%: 25,4-29,6) de los sanitarios afirmó ser conocedor de las recomendaciones del PAPPS sobre el abordaje del alcohol, apreciándose diferencias estadísticamente significativas a favor de los médicos de familia (p<0,001), con una edad de 46-55 años (p<0,001) y que son tutores de residentes (p<0,001). El 29,0% (IC 95%: 26,9-31,1) reconoció realizar abordaje sistemático sobre el consumo de alcohol en sus consultas, siendo los profesionales de enfermería (p<0,001), las mujeres (p=0,010), y sanitarios con edad comprendida entre 46 a 55 años (p<0,001), los más proclives a desarrollar estas prácticas. El 32% de los profesionales presentaron un patrón de consumo de alcohol de riesgo (IC 95%: 26,7-37,3), apreciándose un mayor consumo de riesgo entre los médicos de familia [Odds Ratio (OR)=1,43; p=0,045] y en aquellos profesionales con mayor tiempo trabajado (OR=1,03; p=0,004). Respecto al nivel de formación de los profesionales sanitarios sobre el abordaje de consumo de alcohol, el 67,9% (IC 95%: 67,5-71,8) refirió no haber recibido entrenamiento específico en los últimos 5 años, siendo este mayor en los profesionales con menor edad (p<0,001), médicos de familia (p=0,0101) y adscritos al PAPPS (p=0,001). Los profesionales con un nivel de formación media o avanzada presentaron un mayor porcentaje de exploración sistemática sobre el consumo de riesgo de alcohol (p<0,001). La revisión sistemática sobre la efectividad de las actividades formativas reveló que tanto el cribado como las técnicas de intervención breve experimentaron un incremento tras el desarrollo de los programas formativos en los tres estudios seleccionados. Se consiguieron resultados significativos en términos de efectividad en 2 de los 3 ensayos seleccionados, tanto en la detección de consumidores de riesgo, como en la intervención breve. El programa formativo impartido a 40 residentes, 6 enfermeros y 8 médicos de familia reveló un incremento en el nivel de conocimientos y actitudes [con una diferencia de medias antes y después del taller de 1,11 (IC 95% 0,91-1,31; Wilcoxon, p<0.001)] y en habilidades de comunicación [con una puntuación media de 31,24±6,11 -DE- (IC 95% 29,64–32,84) y 39,82±5,48 (IC 95% 38,38– 41,25) antes y después de la realización del taller, respectivamente (Wilcoxon, p<0.001)], así como en la entrevista clínica de los sanitarios (obteniéndose diferencias significativas en todos los ítems analizados). CONCLUSION: Los resultados revelan un nivel bajo de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas por parte de los profesionales sanitarios de AP en el manejo de pacientes con consumo nocivo de alcohol, situación que demanda el desarrollo de programas formativos específicos que incremente las competencias en el abordaje de este tipo de pacientes. El desarrollo de programas formativos en el abordaje de pacientes con problemas de consumo de alcohol constituye una estrategia efectiva para los profesionales de AP, permitiendo la implementación del cribado poblacional y de técnicas de intervención breve. El programa formativo testado demuestra el impacto positivo tanto en el nivel de conocimiento y actitudes como en la mejora de las habilidades de comunicación que produce su aplicación en los profesionales de AP en el abordaje de pacientes con consumo excesivo de alcohol.JUSTIFICATION: Alcohol is one of the primary preventable causes of morbidity and mortality. Its harmful consumption leads to a significant increase in the use of health care services, both in hospital and primary care (PC) settings. Currently, the World Health Organization (WHO) has set the reduction of harmful alcohol consumption as a public health priority for PC, raising awareness about the magnitude and nature of the health, social and economic problems caused by such consumption, as well as increasing public awareness of the crucial role that health care professionals play in the preventive approach to alcohol consumption. OBJECTIVES: 1) Evaluate knowledge, attitudes, and practices of PC health care professionals regarding preventive interventions for addressing excessive alcohol consumption recommended by the Program for Preventive Activities and Health Promotion (Programa de Actividades Preventivas y Promoción de la Salud, PAPPS), 2) evaluate the effectiveness of PC training programs focused on the prevention and management of unhealthy alcohol use, and 3) test the effectiveness of a training plan focused on the acquisition of communication skills based on motivational interviews and the knowledge, attitudes and skills needed to address patients with excessive alcohol consumption in PC settings. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 1st phase: Descriptive, cross-sectional observational study. Scope: Health Care Centers in the National Health System (Sistema Nacional de Salud, SNS). Participants: PC healthcare professionals. It was necessary to include 1068 professionals to achieve an alpha error of 5%, an accuracy of 3% and a ratio of 50%. Data source: online questionnaire. 2nd phase: Systematic review of randomized controlled trials (RCT) indexed until May 30, 2017. Based on the results obtained in the first phase, a multicomponent training plan (based on face-to-face workshops and video recordings of consultations with simulated patients, followed by feedback from the instructor) was prepared in a 3nd phase of the project. Its effectiveness was verified through a quasi-experimental study, recruiting at least 30 doctors and 30 nurses in the field of PC (n = 60). A descriptive and inferential analysis was performed, applying statistical tests both for independent samples (first phase) and paired samples (second phase), as well as non-parametric tests, where appropriate. Multivariate analysis (multiple linear or logistic regression) was also used. RESULTS: A total of 1,760 health care professionals completed the questionnaire, of whom 62.9% were women (95% CI: 60.6-65.2). 27.5% (95% CI: 25.4-29.6) of the health care workers said that they were knowledgeable about the recommendations from PAPPS regarding addressing alcohol. Statistically significant differences were noted favoring family practitioners (p <0.001), those between 46 and 55 years old (p <0.001), and those who were tutors of residents (p <0.001). 29.0% (95% CI: 26.9-31.1) acknowledged using a systematic approach to alcohol consumption in their consultations, where it was nursing professionals (p <0.001), women (p = 0.010), and health care workers between the ages of 46 and 55 years old (p <0.001) who were the most likely to perform these practices. 32% of the professionals presented a pattern of alcohol consumption at risk (95% CI: 26.7-37.3). A riskier consumption level was noted among family practitioners [Odds Ratio (OR) = 1.43; p = 0.045] and among those professionals with lengthier careers (OR = 1.03; p = 0.004). Regarding the health care professionals’ level of training on addressing alcohol consumption, 67.9% (95% CI: 67.5-71.8) reported not having received specific training in the last 5 years. This was more likely among younger professionals (p <0.001), family practitioners (p = 0.0101) and those who were affiliated with the PAPPS (p = 0.001). Professionals with a medium or advanced level of training presented a higher percentage of systematic exploration of alcohol risk consumption (p <0.001). The systematic review revealed the increase of screening and brief intervention techniques after the development of the training programs. Statistical significance in terms of efficacy was achieved in two of the three selected trials: both in detection of risk consumers and in short intervention. The training program given to 40 residents, 6 nurses, and 8 family practitioners demonstrated an increase in the level of knowledge and attitudes [with a difference of means before and after the workshop of 1.11 (95% CI 0.91-1, 31; Wilcoxon, p <0.001)] and in communication skills [with a mean score of 31.24 ± 6.11 -SD- (95% CI 29.64–32.84) and 39.82 ± 5.48 (95% CI 38.38–41.25) before and after the workshop, respectively (Wilcoxon, p <0.001)], as well as in the clinicians' clinical interview. Significant differences were obtained for all the analyzed items). CONCLUSION: The results reveal a low level of knowledge, attitudes, and practices on the part of PC health care professionals in the management of patients with harmful alcohol consumption, a situation that necessitates the development of specific training programs that increase their skills in addressing this type of patient. The development of training programs focused on the approach of patients with unhealthy alcohol use constitutes an effective strategy for PHC professionals to the implementation of alcohol screening, as well as the application of brief intervention focused on the reduction of alcohol use. The training program that was tested demonstrated a positive impact both on the level of knowledge and attitudes and in improving communication skills that are applied by PC professionals in their approach to patients who consume alcohol in excess

    Estudio de factibilidad plataforma para la enseñanza del emprendimiento en la educación media

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    Trabajo de investigaciónLa presente investigación se trazó como objetivo general evaluar la factibilidad de una plataforma educativa para potenciar el emprendimiento en la educación media, en las instituciones educativas del sector público, teniendo como objeto de estudio la Institución Educativa Arborizadora Alta de la localidad de Ciudad Bolívar. Para evidenciar la importancia de incluir el emprendimiento como estrategia curricular enfocada en la formación del estudiante como agente de cambio.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. MARCO TEÓRICO Y LEGAL 2. DIAGNÓSTICO 3. ESTUDIO DE MERCADO 4. ESTUDIO TECNICO 5. ESTUDIO SOCIAL CONCLUSIONES RECOMENDACIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSEspecializaciónEspecialista en Formulación y Evaluación Social y Económica de Proyecto

    The Global, Regional, and National Burden of Adult Lip, Oral, and Pharyngeal Cancer in 204 Countries and Territories: A Systematic Analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

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    Importance: Lip, oral, and pharyngeal cancers are important contributors to cancer burden worldwide, and a comprehensive evaluation of their burden globally, regionally, and nationally is crucial for effective policy planning. Objective: To analyze the total and risk-attributable burden of lip and oral cavity cancer (LOC) and other pharyngeal cancer (OPC) for 204 countries and territories and by Socio-demographic Index (SDI) using 2019 Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors (GBD) Study estimates. Evidence review: The incidence, mortality, and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) due to LOC and OPC from 1990 to 2019 were estimated using GBD 2019 methods. The GBD 2019 comparative risk assessment framework was used to estimate the proportion of deaths and DALYs for LOC and OPC attributable to smoking, tobacco, and alcohol consumption in 2019. Findings: In 2019, 370 000 (95% uncertainty interval [UI], 338 000-401 000) cases and 199 000 (95% UI, 181 000-217 000) deaths for LOC and 167 000 (95% UI, 153 000-180 000) cases and 114 000 (95% UI, 103 000-126 000) deaths for OPC were estimated to occur globally, contributing 5.5 million (95% UI, 5.0-6.0 million) and 3.2 million (95% UI, 2.9-3.6 million) DALYs, respectively. From 1990 to 2019, low-middle and low SDI regions consistently showed the highest age-standardized mortality rates due to LOC and OPC, while the high SDI strata exhibited age-standardized incidence rates decreasing for LOC and increasing for OPC. Globally in 2019, smoking had the greatest contribution to risk-attributable OPC deaths for both sexes (55.8% [95% UI, 49.2%-62.0%] of all OPC deaths in male individuals and 17.4% [95% UI, 13.8%-21.2%] of all OPC deaths in female individuals). Smoking and alcohol both contributed to substantial LOC deaths globally among male individuals (42.3% [95% UI, 35.2%-48.6%] and 40.2% [95% UI, 33.3%-46.8%] of all risk-attributable cancer deaths, respectively), while chewing tobacco contributed to the greatest attributable LOC deaths among female individuals (27.6% [95% UI, 21.5%-33.8%]), driven by high risk-attributable burden in South and Southeast Asia. Conclusions and relevance: In this systematic analysis, disparities in LOC and OPC burden existed across the SDI spectrum, and a considerable percentage of burden was attributable to tobacco and alcohol use. These estimates can contribute to an understanding of the distribution and disparities in LOC and OPC burden globally and support cancer control planning efforts.Financial support for Global Burden of Disease research was provided by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.S

    Alcohol use and family‑related factors among Spanish university students: the unHicos project

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    Background: During adolescence and youth there are relevant changes in the consolidation, gain or loss of consumption habits and lifestyles and the family factors has a fundamental role to development these habits. The study of the consumption of toxins, such as alcohol intake, is crucial at this stage due to the repercussions that said consumption presents in adulthood. Therefore, the objective of our study was to evaluate the associations between alcohol consumption patterns and related family factors (family functioning, family history of alcohol consumption) in Spanish university students. Methods: Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional, multicenter study, carried out in first-year university students from 11 Spanish universities. Through an online questionnaire, alcohol consumption (risky consumption and intensive consumption or binge drinking), family functioning and history of alcohol in the family were evaluated. Risky alcohol consumption and binge drinking were assessed using the AUDIT test, and family functioning was assessed using the family APGAR questionnaire. A descriptive analysis of the data was performed, as well as the Chi- Square test and Student’s T-Test, and non-conditional logistic regression models were carried out to examine this association. Results: The prevalence of risky alcohol consumption identified in the 10,167 respondents was 16.9% (95% CI = 16.2–17.6), and that of BD was 48.8% (95% CI = 47.9–48.8). There is a significant association between risky alcohol consumption and family functioning in students of both sexes, with greater consumption in the face of severe dysfunctional support (men OR = 1.72; p < 0.001 and women OR = 1.74; p < 0.001) and family history of consumption (p = 0.005). Regarding the binge drinking pattern, no statistically significant differences were observed. Conclusions: Risky alcohol consumption in university students is associated with dysfunctional family support, unlike the binge drinking pattern, where there is no such association. The findings of this study show the importance of creating prevention programs focused on the family approach in university students, which include alcohol screening in the population with a family history of this substance, and greater social support from health services.National Drug Plan, Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality of Spain 2010|145 2013|034 PI16/0194

    Comparación entre dos ambientes educativos con mediación Facebook vs tradicional, en la asignatura de inglés

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    The study focused on making an application of the use of social networks Facebook, through quasi-experimental research in secondary school students. Two groups were used: one that had its learning with the contents of the subject in Facebook, the second group in contrast to the traditional teaching-learning process. This work was carried out with the support of the teacher of the subject of English. The actions of the investigation were carried out during a period of six months. Conceptual activities were carried out, with multimedia resources and teacher support. Reinforcement activities where the student exercised before the subject that was presented to him, watched videos and made debates prevailed. The topics for the learning of the English language were: simple perfect present verb form, irregular and regular verbs in perfect simple present, simple perfect present concept, rules of use in the grammatical construction of the present simple perfect and reinforcement of the concept of the present perfect simple. The procedure was intended to motivate young people using the Facebook platform in the classroom, as a methodological and innovative strategy in learning, to improve academic performance and the social relationships that derive from its use. It was concluded that this strategy, if it increases the motivation of the students and is easily accepted in academic activities, serves as a support to improve academic results compared to the group that did not apply the experiment.El estudio se enfocó en realizar una aplicación del uso de las redes sociales Facebook, por medio de la investigación cuasi-experimental en estudiantes de nivel básico de secundaria. Se emplearon dos grupos: uno que tuvo su aprendizaje con los contenidos de la asignatura en Facebook; el segundo grupo, en contraste con el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje tradicional. Esta labor se realizó con el apoyo de la profesora de la asignatura de inglés. Las acciones de la investigación se ejecutaron durante un período de seis meses. Se trabajó en actividades de tipo conceptual, con los medios multimedia y apoyo del docente. Prevalecieron las actividades de reforzamiento donde el estudiante realizaba ejercitaciones ante el tema que se le presentaba; así, observaba videos e interactuaba en debates. Los temas para el aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa fueron: forma verbal presente perfecta simple, verbos irregulares y regulares en presente perfecto simple, concepto del presente perfecto simple, reglas de uso en la construcción gramatical del presente perfecto simple y reforzamiento del concepto del presente perfecto simple. En el procedimiento se pretendió motivar a los jóvenes en el uso de la plataforma Facebook dentro del aula de clase, como una estrategia metodológica e innovadora en el aprendizaje para mejorar el desempeño académico y las relaciones sociales que derivan su uso. Se pudo concluir que esta estrategia, sí aumenta la motivación de los estudiantes y es aceptada fácilmente en actividades académicas, ya que sirve de apoyo para lograr la mejoraría de los resultados académicos en comparación con el grupo que no se aplicó el experimento

    Impact of a Comprehensive Anti-Smoking Program at a Regional University Hospital and Predictive Variables of Being a Smoker among Hospital Workers

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of a comprehensive anti-smoking health program conducted over twelve years at a regional university hospital in southern Spain. Prevalence of tobacco was compared retrospectively using data collected during occupational health assessments (n = 4291). Bivariate and logistic regression analyses were carried out to evaluate tobacco consumption differences according to age, sex, professional category, and workplace building. The results show a reduction in the active smoking rate among hospital staff evaluated (from 22.8% to 19.8%) with significant differences between non-health and health workers. Accumulated smoking consumption fell to 13.45 ± 14.60 packs/year with men presenting a higher consumption (p < 0.001). The predictive variables of tobacco use were sex (greater consumption among men, p = 0.021), number of cigarettes (greater consumption among professionals who smoked less than 1 pack/day, p < 0.001), and time smoking (greater use among professionals with more than 10 years smoking, p < 0.001). There was a higher rate of staff smokers at the hospital building with a majority of mental health inpatients. This study provides a practical example of making the optimum use of digital medical records in the evaluation of a comprehensive anti-smoking health program

    Rediseño de la unidad de negocio en consultoría e implementación del SG-SST

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    Definir un plan de acción para el rediseño de la unidad de negocio en Consultoría e implementación del SG-SST en AGM Salud C.T.A. enfocado en mejorar el impacto y posicionamiento de los servicios en el mercado.AGM SALUD C.T.A. Es una cooperativa de trabajo asociado, su sede principal está ubicada en la Calle 32A No. 19 – 35 en la localidad de Teusaquillo, en la ciudad de Bogotá, Colombia; actualmente cuenta con sucursales en las ciudades de Barrancabermeja, Cundinamarca, Territorios Nacionales, Riohacha, Valledupar, Aguachica y Montería. Tiene como objeto social, mantener el puesto de trabajo de sus Trabajadores Asociados, con autonomía, autodeterminación y autogobierno, para lo cual tiene como actividad principal: Operar servicios por procesos, subprocesos, conexos y complementarios en salud de las Instituciones Prestadoras de servicios de Salud (IPS) y como unidad de negocio complementaria Ejecutar actividades de Consultoría e implementación del Sistema de Gestión en Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo. Frente a esta oportunidad de negocio, y en el entendido que el legislador se ha adaptado a la evolución e importancia mundial por la salud y seguridad de los trabajadores, AGM SALUD CTA, decidió hace 3 años incursionar en el mercado con una Unidad de Negocio enfocada en la Consultoría e implementación del SG-SST, sin realizar la planeación y organización requerida para un proyecto de esta envergadura, que si bien es cierto ha dado resultados positivos, también es cierto que aún no ha logrado ser autónomo administrativa y económicamente, dependiendo en un porcentaje alto del resultado de la actividad principal (Operación de servicios por procesos, subprocesos, conexos y complementarios en salud de las Instituciones Prestadoras de servicios de Salud (IPS).De esta manera se pretende enfocar el presente documento en el diseño de estrategias encaminadas a fortalecer e impactar positivamente en los resultados de esta unidad de negocio, potencializando las fortalezas, incrementado la productividad e identificando aquellos aspectos técnicos en los cuales se presentan debilidades

    Rediseño de la unidad de negocio en consultoría e implementación del SG-SST

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    Definir un plan de acción para el rediseño de la unidad de negocio en Consultoría e implementación del SG-SST en AGM Salud C.T.A. enfocado en mejorar el impacto y posicionamiento de los servicios en el mercado.AGM SALUD C.T.A. Es una cooperativa de trabajo asociado, su sede principal está ubicada en la Calle 32A No. 19 – 35 en la localidad de Teusaquillo, en la ciudad de Bogotá, Colombia; actualmente cuenta con sucursales en las ciudades de Barrancabermeja, Cundinamarca, Territorios Nacionales, Riohacha, Valledupar, Aguachica y Montería. Tiene como objeto social, mantener el puesto de trabajo de sus Trabajadores Asociados, con autonomía, autodeterminación y autogobierno, para lo cual tiene como actividad principal: Operar servicios por procesos, subprocesos, conexos y complementarios en salud de las Instituciones Prestadoras de servicios de Salud (IPS) y como unidad de negocio complementaria Ejecutar actividades de Consultoría e implementación del Sistema de Gestión en Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo. Frente a esta oportunidad de negocio, y en el entendido que el legislador se ha adaptado a la evolución e importancia mundial por la salud y seguridad de los trabajadores, AGM SALUD CTA, decidió hace 3 años incursionar en el mercado con una Unidad de Negocio enfocada en la Consultoría e implementación del SG-SST, sin realizar la planeación y organización requerida para un proyecto de esta envergadura, que si bien es cierto ha dado resultados positivos, también es cierto que aún no ha logrado ser autónomo administrativa y económicamente, dependiendo en un porcentaje alto del resultado de la actividad principal (Operación de servicios por procesos, subprocesos, conexos y complementarios en salud de las Instituciones Prestadoras de servicios de Salud (IPS).De esta manera se pretende enfocar el presente documento en el diseño de estrategias encaminadas a fortalecer e impactar positivamente en los resultados de esta unidad de negocio, potencializando las fortalezas, incrementado la productividad e identificando aquellos aspectos técnicos en los cuales se presentan debilidades

    Sociodemographic and clinical profile of long COVID-19 patients, and its correlation with medical leave: a comprehensive descriptive and multicenter study

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    The persistent condition of COVID-19 is characterized by a wide range of symptoms that have had a significant impact on both the health status and occupational life of the population. In this observational and multicenter study, the relationship between the sociodemographic and clinical profile of Spanish patients diagnosed with long COVID, and the work-related disability resulting from this pathology was analyzed. The analysis included 689 responses. A descriptive analysis of the variables recorded was performed, together with a bivariate analysis to determine associations between work-related disability and variables such as gender, age, health status, disabling symptoms or comorbidities. The results obtained highlight fatigue and lack of concentration (brain fog) as the most incapacitating symptoms among patients diagnosed with long COVID. Multivariate analysis revealed that time since diagnosis (OR: 0.57, CI95%: 0.36–0.89, p: 0.013), concomitant renal insufficiency (OR: 4.04, CI95%: 1.42–11.4, p: 0.008), and symptoms like fatigue (OR: 0.56, CI95%: 0.33–0.99) and tremors (OR: 2.0, CI95%: 1.06–3.69, p: 0.029), were associated with work-related disability. These findings highlight the need to improve the health and work-related management of this condition in the healthcare system. Besides risk factor control, it is suggested to pay special attention to determining the appropriate timing of medical leave work reintegration, along with coordination between primary care and occupational health services to ensure the gradual and tailored return of patients with long COVID to the workforce