716 research outputs found

    ¿Facilitan los esteroides anabolizantes-androgénicos la expresión de la violencia?

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    Introducción. El consumo de esteroides anabolizantes-androgénicos (EAA), especialmente a altas dosis, ha sido relacionado con un incremento de la irritabilidad y la hostilidad. Sin embargo, sólo en algunas ocasiones se ha descrito que conlleven un desencadenamiento de comportamientos violentos. Además, otros factores como factores de personalidad, consumo de otras sustancias de abuso y déficits cognitivos actuarían como factores catalizadores y/o desencadenantes de la violencia tras el consumo de estas sutancias. Objetivo. Revisar y recapitular los resultados obtenidos sobre la relación entre el consumo de EAA y violencia, así como enfatizar el papel de las variables facilitadores que median esa relación. Desarrollo. Se ha revisado la bibliografía científica usando los buscadores PubMed, Medline e ISI Web of Knowledge, Google Scholar y PsycINFO. Conclusiones. El consumo de EAA tiende a producir mayores alteraciones del estado de ánimo, llegando a generar episodios de manía y psicosis. Estos episodios aparecen con más frecuencia y acaban facilitando la expresión de la violencia principalmente en varones adolescentes y adultos jóvenes, con trastornos de personalidad grupo B, con alta ira rasgo, con déficits de atención y en la velocidad de procesamiento y con consumo de otras sustancias de abuso. Sin embargo, los EAA no sólo desencadenan violencia interpersonal sino que en algunos casos incrementa el riesgo de violencia autodirigida, incrementando la ideación suicida y el riesgo de suicidio. Ello podría ser debido al aumento de los síntomas depresivos que se experimentan durante los primeros meses de consumo de EAA o durante la abstinencia de los mismos

    Organizational and activational effects of testosterone in two populations with high androgenization susceptibility = Efectos organizadores y activadores de la testosterona en dos poblaciones susceptibles de alta androgenización

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    Los esteroides sexuales como la testosterona (T) producen una organización y/o modificaciones relativamente permanentes de la estructura y función del sistema nervioso central. Una alta exposición prenatal a la T podría estar relacionada con una mayor sensibilidad a los efectos activadores de dicha hormona durante la edad adulta. Por otra parte, las fluctuaciones en los niveles endógenos de T pueden modificar transitoriamente las capacidades socio-cognitivas. Así, la conducta y los procesos cognitivos podrían ser el resultado de la interacción entre los efectos hormonales organizadores y activadores. La T podría ser considerada como un predictor de rasgos masculinizados tales como los rasgos autistas en padres de personas con trastornos del espectro autista (TEA) y la alta agresividad en el caso de hombres penados por violencia contra la mujer en el ámbito doméstico. A raíz de todo lo comentado, esta Tesis Doctoral se enmarca en el análisis de la androgenización en dos poblaciones específicas, empleando para ello la ratio D2:D4, los niveles basales de T y los cambios en dicha hormona en respuesta a estresores de laboratorios y la relación de estas variables con el resto de variables de masculinización. Para ello, se ha considerado una perspectiva integradora que incluye parámetros de estudio de diverso tipo, como los psicológicos, neuropsicológicos y hormonales, que modulan la relación entre la T y la cognición y el comportamiento en sujetos con distintos niveles de androgenización. Nuestros resultados revelaron que los progenitores de personas con TEA no mostraron diferencias en la ratio D2:D4 respecto a los participantes de control. Sin embargo, dicho indicador predijo en mejor medida la alta androgenización cognitiva caracterizada por una alta expresión de la ira, una baja empatía y una alta sistematización y rasgos autistas. Por tanto, nuestros resultados apoyan la hipótesis de que la elevada exposición prenatal a la T tiene como consecuencia el desarrollo de un cerebro excesivamente masculino. Por otro lado, los hombres penados por violencia contra la mujer en el ámbito doméstico presentaron una menor ratio D2:D4 o más androgenizada que los sujetos control. Además, esta mayor androgenización se asoció con una menor empatía, así como con un mayor incremento en los niveles de T en respuesta a un estresor. Estos resultados apoyan los estudios previos, en los que una mayor exposición prenatal estaba relacionada con la propensión hacia el comportamiento agresivo en hombres, así como con una mayor sensibilidad a los efectos de los andrógenos durante la vida adulta. Por tanto, la androgenización, aunque de forma diferencial, se ha manifestado de manera evidente en ambas poblaciones. Nuestros resultados con ambas poblaciones nos llevan a concluir que la androgenización, aunque de forma diferencial, se ha manifestado de manera evidente en ambas poblaciones siendo la ratio D2:D4 un buen indicador de dicha masculinization. Por tanto, los próximos estudios deberían considerar la relación entre la T, los rasgos autistas y el comportamiento agresivo para poder ofrecer una explicación más amplia de la facilitación del comportamiento agresivo analizando las variables moduladoras. Para finalizar indicar que esta Tesis Doctoral es aplicable en los ámbitos clínico, asistencial y terapéutico. En relación con progenitores de personas con TEA permitiría detectar el perfil psicoendocrinológico y contextual de personas del alto riesgo en el desarrollo de proceso patológicos y/o comportamientos inadecuados para poner en marcha una estrategia preventiva. En el ámbito asistencial contribuiría a la detección de factores predisponentes o precipitantes de distintos comportamientos desadaptativos para sí mismos o para los demás. Además, permitiría desarrollar nuevas estrategias terapéuticas para la reinserción social de personas penadas judicialmente. El análisis psicobiológico llevado a cabo ofrece la oportunidad de incorporar nuevas variables que permitan una mayor comprensión de un fenómeno complejo como la violencia contra la mujer en el ámbito doméstico, en el que las terapias actuales tienen unos beneficios relativamente limitados.Sex steroids such as testosterone (T) have relatively permanent organizational effects on the structure and functions of the central nervous system. Early brain exposure to T could prime individuals to be sensitive to the activational effects of T in adulthood. Moreover, fluctuations in socio-cognitive abilities may be associated with the transient activational effects of T. Thus, behavior and cognitive processes may be a result of interaction between organizative and activational hormonal effects. T could be considered a predictor of masculinized characteristics – including autistic traits in parents of people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and high levels of aggression as is the case of male perpetrators of intimate partner violence (IPV). The main aim of this Ph.D work is to analyze the effects of early T exposure in two specific populations by studying the 2D:4D ratio, basal T levels, T changes in response to an acute laboratory stressor, and the relationship of these variables with the rest of the masculinization variables. This analysis is made from from a holistic perspective (including psychological, neuropsychological techniques, and hormonal parameters) in order to analyze the modulatory relationship between T and cognition and behavior in subjects with differing masculization levels. Our study did not reveal differences between the ASD parent and control groups in the 2D:4D ratio. However, it was a good marker for explaining cognitive hypermasculinization in ASD parents – characterized by high anger expression, low empathy and high autistic and systemizing traits. Thus, our results support the hypotheses that early high T prenatal exposition could be involved in the development of an extreme male brain. IPV perpetrators showed lower or more masculinized 2D:4D ratios than controls. The high masculinization is associated with low empathy and larger increases in T levels in response to acute stress. These results supported previous findings that early high T exposition is associated with aggressive behavior, or proneness to aggressive behavior in men, and high sensitivity to activational T effects during adulthood. Our results with ASD parents and male perpetrators of intimate partner violence lead us to believe that high levels of prenatal masculinization exist in both populations being the 2D:4D ratio was a good indicator of that masculinization. Nevertheless, the degree of masculinization differs between them. Hence, future research should consider the relationship between T, autistic traits, and aggressive behavior in order to offer a wider explanation of the facilitation of aggressive behavior by analyzing the modulator variables. This Ph.D work is applicable in clinical and therapeutic cases. It may be possible to detect psychoendocrine and contextual profiles of individuals with a high likelihood of ASD developing in their offspring and develop preventative strategies. Moreover, it would contribute to the detection of predispositional factors for inappropiate behavior. Regarding IPV perpetrators, it may help in the development of new therapeutic strategies for the social reintegration of individuals charged with domestic violence. Psychobiological analysis provides the opportunity for a wider understanding of a complex phenomenon such as IPV, and thereby improve current therapies that show limited benefits

    Combined Use of Problem Based Learning and Flipped Learning in Turbomachinery

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    Several methodologies are available to promote active learning processes. This is especially important under the creation of the European Higher Education Area, which has contributed to enhance university teaching through the use of new teaching tools. The aim of this paper is to present results about the use of Problem-Based Learning combined with Flipped Learning methodology for teaching turbomachinery, with a group of 50 undergraduate students. This experience was implemented in the Industrial Engineering School at the University of Castilla- La Mancha (Albacete, Spain). The aim of this study was to implement innovative tools to avoid conventional classes at the university. Moreover, it can be useful to increase motivation, because students participate in class, interacting with other students. Both methodologies resulted in a very positive learning experience, with most of the students (89%) participating in the task, which is not commonly achieved in a conventional class. The majority of students considered this type of activity to be useful for the subject although they thought it necessary to devote more time to it for the methodology to function properly. This work was partially funded by the Industrial Engineering School at Castilla – La Mancha UniversityCórcoles Tendero, JI.; Martínez Romero, Á. (2020). Combined Use of Problem Based Learning and Flipped Learning in Turbomachinery. En 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'20). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. (30-05-2020):689-696. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd20.2020.11128OCS68969630-05-202

    Effect of pH and nanoclay content on the morphology and physicochemicalproperties of soy protein/montmorillonite nanocomposite obtained byextrusion

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    The present work attempts to clarify the influence of montmorillonite nanoclay content and pH on the me-chanical properties of extruded soy protein nanocomposites. The mechanical behaviour is dominated by theformation of positive synergies between protein and nanoclay above a nanoclay concentration threshold.Moreover, the presence of nanoclay can improve water uptake. The pH also exerts a strong influence on me-chanical and water absorption properties, although montmorillonite tend to reduce this effect.Eventually, this study put forward the feasibility of using a combination of soy protein and montmorillonite toobtain potentially attractive biodegradable nanocomposite materials, processed by means of a simple and easilyscalable twin-screw extruder.Junta de Andalucía (project TEP-6134)Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (CTQ2015-71164-P

    La movilidad no motorizada y su relación con las bondades del arbolado urbano. Análisis urbano para la ciudad de León, Guanajuato

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    En este trabajo, la movilidad no motorizada es visualizada desde su relación con la infraestructura verde y arbolado urbano; se parte del supuesto de que la infraestructura verde y arbolado urbano otorgan diferentes beneficios para la movilidad no motorizada. Para abordar este supuesto se analiza, desde una perspectiva teórica, el origen y la evolución de la estructura urbana, los beneficios de la infraestructura verde y arbolado urbano y las implicaciones de la movilidad no motorizada en las ciudades contemporáneas. Se demuestra que existen diferentes beneficios como la protección del sol, reducción de gases contaminantes, así como aspectos relacionados a la convivencia y cohesión social, generando un ambiente propicio para llevar a cabo este tipo de movilidad. Contrario a lo que se puede pensar sobre la movilidad no motorizada y sus benéficos, se destaca, a partir de un estudio espacial para el caso del centro de la ciudad de León, Guanajuato, que la movilidad está determinada por los vehículos motorizados, así también la infraestructura urbana gira en torno a los mismos, dejando de lado a peatones y ciclistas, otorgándoles condiciones de inseguridad y riesgo latente. Finalmente, una vez analizado el estudio espacial en el centro de la ciudad de León y un posterior diagnóstico, se propone una alternativa y promoción de la infraestructura verde y arbolado urbano, así como de la movilidad no motorizada, con la finalidad de encontrar respuestas y contribuir en la mejora de aspectos urbanos, sociales y ambientales. Las reflexiones y conclusiones retoman estos aspectos y destacan una situación cambiante en el ámbito urbano, sobre todo a raíz de los eventos recientes relacionados a la pandemia por el Covid-19 y las nuevas formas de moverse en las ciudades

    NWCSAF/MSG PGE13 Physical Retrieval Product Version 2010

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    Ponencia presentada en: 2010 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference celebrada del 20-24 de septiembre de 2010 en Córdoba.PGE13 SEVIRI Physical Retrieval (SPhR) is available as a new product of NWCSAF/MSG 2010 package. The NWCSAF/MSG physical retrieval algorithm and the improvements on the NWCSAF 2010 version are presented. The selected algorithm has been optimized for the purpose of an operational implementation; the algorithm targets the region where atmosphere is more unstable and will potentially cause convective storm development. The use of PGE13 in one case study and statistical validation of PGE13 are presented. Ideas for future versions of physical retrieval for MSG and MTG are also discussed

    Long-Term Drug Misuse Increases the Risk of Cognitive Dysfunctions in Intimate Partner Violence Perpetrators: Key Intervention Targets for Reducing Dropout and Reoffending

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    Intimate partner violence against women (IPVAW) is a major public health problem, with an important mortality rate in women across the world. In this regard, it has been well-established that drug misuse explains (at least in part) an increased risk of IPVAW perpetration. Even though alcohol is the most widely studied drug underlying IPVAW, other drugs, such as cannabis and cocaine also seem to be significant indicators of this type of violence. Nonetheless, little is known about mediators, such as cognitive domains that facilitate proneness to violence after drug consumption. Therefore, the primary objective of the present study was to compare drug misuse patterns and cognitive performance in a carefully selected sample of IPVAW perpetrators (n = 63) and a group of non-violent men (control group; n = 39). Second, we also aimed to study the association between different patterns of drug misuse and cognitive performance and several facets of IPVAW perpetration (i.e., severity of injuries and type of aggression). Our results revealed that IPVAW perpetrators showed considerably higher levels of sustained drug misuse (alcohol, cannabis, cocaine, and heroin) for years and worse cognitive performance than controls. Moreover, the highest drug misuse sustained over time was related to the worst cognitive performance and the highest IPVAW severity. Finally, alcohol and cocaine seemed to be related to IPVAW and risk of reo ending. Whereas, cannabis, heroin, and MDMA were related to the existence of a previous criminal record (delinquency without violence). Hence, research in this field would help to develop coadjutant treatments and intervention packages to reduce drug misuse in the initial stages, which in turn would reduce cognitive impairments in IPVAW perpetrators. These expected improvements migh

    The Importance of Considering Alexithymia during Initial Stages of Intimate Partner Violence Interventions to Design Adjuvant Treatments

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    Empirical evidence supports that individuals with alexithymia might be prone to certain types of violence, such as intimate partner violence against women (IPVAW). Moreover, considering that alexithymia is directly involved in behavior regulation, problems due to identifying and regulating emotional states might be postulated as responsible, at least in part, for the success of psychotherapeutic treatments designed for decreasing the future risk of reo ending. Therefore, we assessed whether alexithymia was a good predictor of the discontinuation of treatment (dropout) and the risk of recidivism during the initial stages of intervention in a sample of men convicted of IPVAW perpetration (n = 118), while controlling for potential confounding variables (i.e., socio-demographic characteristics, impulsivity, and drug misuse). Our data demonstrate that high alexithymic traits lead to dropout and a high risk of recidivism during the initial stages of treatment, remaining significant even after including potential confounding variables. Even though impulsivity and drug misuse increase the amount of explained variance, none of them moderates the association of alexithymia with dropout and/or reo ending. It should be noted that this study identified alexithymia as a direct modulator of violence due to its e ects on discontinuing IPVAW treatment during initial stages. Therefore, as we gain knowledge analyzing the relationships between previously mentioned factors, it could be applied to develop valid screening methods along with strengthening current rehabilitation programs and designing adjuvant treatments to increase their e ectiveness

    The deterministic nature of the fracture location in the dynamic tensile testing of steel sheets

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    This paper investigates the key mechanisms which determine the fracture location in the dynamic tensile testing of steel sheets. For that purpose we have conducted experiments and finite element simulations. Experiments have been performed using samples with six different gauge lengths, ranging from 20 mm to 140 mm, that have been tested within a wide spectrum of loading velocities, ranging from 1 m/s to 7.5 m/s. Three are the key outcomes derived from the tests: (1) for a given gauge length and applied velocity, the repeatability in the failure location is extremely high, (2) there is a strong interplay between applied velocity, gauge length and fracture location and (3) multiple, and largely regular, localization patterns have been observed in a significant number of the experiments performed using the samples with the shorter gauge lengths. Our experimental findings are explained using the finite element simulations. On the one hand, we have shown that variations in the applied velocity and the gauge length alter the processes of reflection and interaction of waves taking place in the sample during the test, which leads to the systematic motion of the plastic localization along the gauge (as experimentally observed). On the other hand, we have detected that the emergence of multiple localization patterns requires short and equilibrated specimens with uniform stress and strain distributions along the gauge. We conclude that the experimental and numerical results presented in this paper show that, in the absence of significant material and/or geometrical defects, the location of plastic strain localization in the dynamic tensile test is deterministic.The authors are indebted to the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España (Project DPI/2011-24068) for the financial support received which allowed conducting this work.Publicad

    Active learning based laboratory towards engineering education 4.0

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    Universities have a relevant and essential key role to ensure knowledge and development of competencies in the current fourth industrial revolution called Industry 4.0. The Industry 4.0 promotes a set of digital technologies to allow the convergence between the information technology and the operation technology towards smarter factories. Under such new framework, multiple initiatives are being carried out worldwide as response of such evolution, particularly, from the engineering education point of view. In this regard, this paper introduces the initiative that is being carried out at the Technical University of Catalonia, Spain, called Industry 4.0 Technologies Laboratory, I4Tech Lab. The I4Tech laboratory represents a technological environment for the academic, research and industrial promotion of related technologies. First, in this work, some of the main aspects considered in the definition of the so called engineering education 4.0 are discussed. Next, the proposed laboratory architecture, objectives as well as considered technologies are explained. Finally, the basis of the proposed academic method supported by an active learning approach is presented.Postprint (published version