18 research outputs found

    Q&A: risk-prevention training actions hold the key to strengthen safety in construction activities

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    El propósito de este trabajo de investigación es el de poner de manifiesto y analizar las acciones formativas e informativas en materia preventiva en las Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas (PYMES) del Sector de la Construcción en España

    The implementation of OHS systems in the current construction sector SMEs' management systems

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    El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la realidad preventiva presente actualmente en pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES) en el sector de la construcción en España. Para tal fin, se recopila una muestra de 106 empresas (PYMES) en el ámbito geográfico de la comunidad autónoma de Castilla-La Mancha (España). El método utilizado para la obtención de datos ha sido la encuesta, con el objetivo de conseguir datos asociados a aspectos muy concretos de la Gestión Preventiva llevada a cabo en las empresas de construcción. Para dar valor a los resultados obtenidos, y en aras de aportar una mayor fiabilidad a los mismos, se empleó la técnica cualitativa del Focus Group consignándose dos equipos de trabajo atendiendo a criterios de formación en materia preventiva y jerarquía dentro de las empresas, así como expertos de la prevención en el entorno de la Administración Pública

    Hacer prevención más allá del cumplimiento formal

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    Con objeto de poder determinar las dificultades con las que se encuentran las empresas del sector de la construcción a la hora de integrar la prevención, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio sobre 106 empresas mediante dos herramientas analíticas, una de orden cuantitativo que se ha llevado a cabo a través de las encuestas realizadas a pymes del sector y otra de índole cualitativo a traés de la técnica del Focus Grou

    The Registry of Accredited Companies in the Construction Sector in Spain: An Administrative Instrument for Risk-Prevention Control

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    The degree of compliance with the Registro de Empresas Acreditadas (REA) (Registry of Accredited Companies) and its implementation by the Public Administrations in Spain is compared with its implementation among private construction sector firms. The Registry of Accredited Companies is a tool for risk-prevention control that is defined by Law 32/2006 in Regulation of Subcontracting in the Construction Sector in Spain. On the basis of a quantitative analysis of the data obtained from public bodies registered with the REA, the study is limited to Ayuntamientos y Diputaciones Provinciales (Municipal Town and City Councils and Provincial Councils of the Provincial Government). To do so, the registration records with the REA of both public administrations are analyzed within the 50 Provinces and the two Autonomous Cities that together constitute the 17 Autonomous Communities of the national territory of Spain. In parallel, a comparative study is performed of the registration records of private construction sector firms registered with the REA. Public digital data-management tools are used for the investigation, together with publicly available information known as the Relación de Puestos de Trabajo (RPT) (List of Employment Positions) of the corresponding public entities under analysis, with the objective of testing the information and validating its degree of reliability. Likewise, a survey is administered to gather data on the registration of private construction center firms, in addition to the use of the qualitative Focus Groups technique, so as to assure the reliability the survey data. The results revealed unequal treatment by the Labor Authority with regard to the imposition of similar administrative obligations. A clearly negative discrimination was noted with regard to private construction sector firms, in comparison with the permissive attitude and light administrative burden of the Public Administrations

    Carencia en la prosecución establecida por el binomio formación-prevención inherente a la ley de prevención de riesgos laborales en el sector de la construcción en España

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    El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación es analizar la formación preventiva en las Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas (PYMES) y la que reciben los trabajadores del Sector de la Construcción en España. Para ello, se realiza un estudio en profundidad del cumplimiento de la obligación empresarial del deber de formar e informar a los trabajadores en materia preventiva, de acuerdo con los postulados marcados por la Directiva 89/391/CEE, cuya transposición al Derecho Español queda recogida en la Ley 31/1995, de 8 de noviembre, de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales (LPRL). El estudio se ha contextualizado en el marco de influencia de la crisis económica y de una desaceleración de las actividades de construcción en España. Para ello, se diseñaron tres cuestionarios y se generaron dos grupos de discusión con agentes y empresarios implicados en el Sector, conjuntamente se recurrió a las bases de datos de diversos organismos, Servicios de Prevención Ajenos (SPAs) y a la Fundación Laboral de la Construcción (FLC); para conocer las carencias y fortalezas de los sistemas preventivos y formativos de las empresas del Sector. Con toda la información recopilada, se analizaron los indicadores estratégicos de la formación en materia preventiva, como la cualificación profesional de los docentes, las metodologías formativas empleadas y la formación e información que recibe el trabajador sobre su puesto de trabajo. Los resultados muestran que la mayoría de los docentes encargados de impartir la formación no son especialistas en construcción, que la formación que se transmite en los cursos no se adecúa al nivel formativo de los trabajadores y, además, que el material didáctico no se adapta a otros idiomas cuando los trabajadores son extranjeros. A partir de los resultados obtenidos se puede extraer que, para ser más eficaces en los procesos formativos, es necesaria una mayor profesionalización de todos los agentes implicados en los procesos constructivopreventivos del Sector de la Construcción. Así mismo, se realiza un estudio comparativo para analizar la realidad preventiva en el Sector de la Construcción en España, desde el prisma de la formación, la gestión preventiva y los recursos destinados a dichas partidas. Además del estado de cumplimiento del REA por parte de las Administraciones Públicas y de las empresas privadas del sector. Para ello, se ejecuta una investigación a través de los datos obtenidos con los Focus Group creados ex professo para el estudio, en conjunción con la ESENER- 2, así como de su homóloga versión española. También se exponen en ambos Focus Group los datos de incumplimiento de registro en el REA, entendida como una herramienta de control preventivo. Los resultados ponen de relieve la imperiosa necesidad de profesionalizar el sector, implantando una “cultura preventiva” entre todos los agentes implicados en los procesos productivo-preventivos. También se aprecia una clara discriminación negativa respecto de las empresas privadas de construcción en comparación con la actitud permisiva y de nula exigencia para con las Administraciones Públicas. ----------ABSTRACT---------- The aim of this research is to analyze occupational risk-prevention training in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and the one that workers in the Spanish Construction Sector receive. To do so, an in-depth study is completed on compliance with the entrepreneurial obligation to inform and to train workers in occupational risk-prevention, in accordance with the regulations laid down in Directive 89/391/EEC, and transposed into Spanish Law in Act 31/1995, of 8th November, on Risk Prevention in the Workplace [Ley de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales (LPRL)]. The contextual background of the study is influenced by the economic crisis and a slowdown of construction activities in Spain. Three questionnaires were designed and two discussion groups were organized with risk-prevention trainers and business representatives in the sector. Databases from various bodies were jointly consulted, specifically the External Prevention Services (EPS) and the Construction Labour Foundation [Fundación Laboral de la Construcción] (CLF), to establish both the weaknesses and the strengths of occupational risk-prevention training and the training systems of the firms in the sector. Having gathered all the information, the strategic indicators of training in risk-prevention were analyzed, such as the professional qualifications of the trainers, the training methodologies employed, and the training and information that the worker received on the job. The results showed that the majority of trainers in charge of training courses were not construction specialists, the training courses were not adapted to the training level of the workers and, importantly, the teaching materials were never in the other languages of the foreign workers. It may be seen from the results that higher levels of professionalization are necessary for all the agents involved in risk-prevention and construction processes for more effective and efficient training courses in the Construction Sector. Likewise, an in-depth comparative review is conducted in order to analyze the reality of risk-prevention in Construction Sector firms in Spain, through the lens of training, management, and risk-prevention, and the amount of resources that are allocated to those budget headings. In addition to the degree of compliance with the REA and its implementation by the public administrations in Spain is compared with its implementation among private construction sector firms. To do so, a review is carried out through the data obtained from two Focus Group formed ex professo for the study, in conjunction with the ESENER-2 and its Spanish counterpart. Non-compliance records with the REA, understood as an administrative instrument for risk-prevention control, are also presented in both Focus Group. The results highlight the imperative need to professionalize the Construction Sector, implementing a “risk-prevention culture” among all the agents involved in the constructive-preventive processes. There results also revealed a clearly negative discrimination with regard to private construction sector firms, in comparison with the permissive attitude and low administrative burden of the Public Administrations

    Documento de gestión preventiva : una herramienta de integración = Prevention through design : a preventive-based management tool

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    Los estudios realizados y la investigación llevada a cabo ponen de manifiesto “la verdadera dificultad con la que las Pymes del Sector de la Construcción se encuentran para integrar la Prevención de Riesgos Laborales en el Sistema de Gestión de la Empresa”. La determinación de las causas que lo motivan nos ha permitido conocer en profundidad el entorno en el que las empresas han de gestionar sus actuaciones y los problemas a los que se enfrentan. Llegados a este punto se han definido las actuaciones que son necesarias llevar a cabo por el empresario para poder conseguir integrar la prevención en el proceso. A partir de estas actuaciones se ha realizado una propuesta de mejora, que se configura entorno al “DOCUMENTO DE GESTIÓN PREVENTIVA DE LA EMPRESA”, como guía que nos permitirá acometer la gestión del proceso tomando como referencia los aspectos que han sido considerados como fundamentales. ----------ABSTRACT---------- Previous studies and researches highlight that “the true difficulty which Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises are faced with is integrating the Occupational Risk Prevention in the Enterprise Management System”. Determining the underlying motives has allowed to throroughly know the context where companies must manage their actions and the problems they have to tackle. At this point, the necessary actions that the entrepreneur will have to undertake in order to integrate Prevention measures into the process have been defined. As a result, it has been put forward a proposal for improvement based on “THE ENTERPRISE PREVENTIVE MANAGEMENT PAPER” as a guide that will enable us to handle the management process bearing in mind the key guidelines

    Análisis de la influencia de las acciones formativas en la prevención de riesgos laborales = Analysis of the influence of training actions in occupational risk prevention

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    Esta investigación analiza las etapas formativas en materia de prevención en las Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas (PYMES) del Sector Construcción en España, partiendo del indicador relativo a la elevada siniestralidad del Sector frente al resto de sectores productivos, para a través de los cuestionarios diseñados ex professo y las bases de datos de diversos organismos consultados, como los Servicios de Prevención Ajenos (SPAs) y la Fundación Laboral de la Construcción (FLC), observar la posible solución a esta casuística tan funesta. Se analizó la cualificación profesional de los docentes, las metodologías formativas empleadas y la formación e información que recibe el trabajador sobre su puesto de trabajo. Los resultados muestran el escaso nivel educativo y formativo de los trabajadores, y la baja especialización de los docentes que imparten la formación. Tanto el Sector como sus trabajadores demandan una necesaria profesionalización de los procesos que les permitan ser más competitivos. ---------- ABSTRACT---------- This paper analyzes all the preventive-training stages in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that belong to the Spanish Construction Sector. One of the stages analyzed deals with the fatal consequence of incidence rate in Construction Sector compared to other productive sectors. To do that, a survey was made to evaluate the qualifications of the technicians in External Prevention Services (EPS) and in the Construction Labor Foundation (CLF), by looking at the possible solution to this problem. In order to execute the analysis, the qualifications of the trainers, the training methodologies used and the training and information received by the workers on their workplace were examined. The results show the deficient educational and training level of the workers, as well as the low specialization of the trainers who provide training actions. Both the Construction Sector and its workers demand a necessary professionalization of the processes to be more competitive and efficient

    Analysis and diagnosis of the formal aspect of the preventive document know as Health and Safety Plan in Spain

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    This research work analyzes some of the aspects related to the formal compliance of the preventive document used in construction sites in Spain, the Health and Safety Plan. For the present research work, the analysis is focused on several points related to the formal aspect of the document. The extracted results show on the one hand the scarce preventive planning that the work is done, hence its scarce validity at a preventive level, finding that only 10.64% of the analyzed Health and Safety Plans have a chronogram or organization chart of the different phases of the work. On the other hand, it is observed that it is a generic document, without specific guidelines or preventive procedures for the work to which they refer, finding for example that only 2.72% of the Health and Safety Plans consulted have graphic material related to the work or the machinery to be used in it, or that only 9.58% of the Health and Safety Plans integrate action guidelines in case of serious and imminent risk. That is the reason why it is of imperative necessity to create a living tool that updates the state of the work and that is accessible to all the agents involved in the constructive-preventive processes, whether they belong to the public or private entity. This tool must therefore integrate the constructive-preventive processes of the work

    Q&A: risk-prevention training actions hold the key to strengthen safety in construction activities

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    El propósito de este trabajo de investigación es el de poner de manifiesto y analizar las acciones formativas e informativas en materia preventiva en las Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas (PYMES) del Sector de la Construcción en España

    Waste and work management with exposure to asbestos = Gestión de residuos y trabajos con exposición a amianto

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    With regard to waste disposal, the reference regulation is Royal Decree 1481/2001, which regulates the disposal of waste by landfilling, in addition to the MAM/304/2002 Order, which publishes the waste assessment and disposal operations and the European Waste List (LER, by its acronym in Spanish). As established in the Technical Guide for proper Use by Individual Protection Equipment Workers, ?the elimination in the national territory will be based on the principles of proximity and sufficiency (Article 16 of the Law 10/1998, of April 21st) to avoid the transfers of them, looking for more favorable economic conditions?. In the work plan will be detailed in written or graphic form, with the help of a plane or satellite photograph, the place intended for temporary storage of asbestos waste during the execution of the work. Until the management company responsible for the removal of the asbestos waste proceeds to manage the stored material, the company that stores them is responsible for them. There is also the possibility of being accredited as a small producer of hazardous waste. The contracted waste management company must be authorized by the different management bodies of the Autonomous Regions, and must be enabled for the LER codes relating to asbestos. In order to avoid fines or sanctions, it is necessary to require the contracted waste management company to be accredited as an authorized company. This certificate must be issued by the competent authority of each Autonomous Region. From the preventive point of view, working with accredited companies ensures and guarantees that the chain of custody of asbestos waste is respected and that the malpractice of companies that are not specialized and without legal accreditation for the activity is avoided. As established by current regulations, the place destined for the temporary storage of waste must be properly marked and delimited, restricting the access to it. In this regard, mention should be made of the Technical Note on Prevention of demolition operations, removal or maintenance with asbestos: practical examples, prepared by the National Institute for Safety and Hygiene at Work (INSHT, by its acronym in Spanish). This, in conjunction with the informative document on Waste with asbestos: from the producer to the manager, also written in collaboration with INSHT, are practical cases that include the entire process involved in a work of asbestos removal. It is recommended that the work plan includes the contract with the asbestos waste management company, so that dates, postage, etc. can be checked and everything is collected in a single document easy to consult