5,657 research outputs found


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    This paper studies the sequential mechanisms which mimic matching procedures formany-to-one-real-life matching markets. We provide a family of mechanisms implementing thestudent´ optimal allocation in subgame perfect equibrium.Matching, Implementation, Mechanism Design

    Sequential decisions in the college admissions problem.

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    This paper studies sequential mechanisms which mimic a matching procedures for many-to-one real life matching markets. We provide a family of mechanisms implementing the students' optimal allocation in Subgame Perfect Equilibrium.Matching markets; College admission problems; Mechanism design;

    Publishing performance in economics: Spanish rankings (1990-1999)

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    This paper contributes to the growing literature that analyses the Spanish publishing performance in Economics throughout the 1990s. Several bibliometric indicators are used in order to provide Spanish rankings (of both institutions and individual authors) based on Econlit journals. Further, lists of the ten most influential authors and articles over that period, in terms of citations, are reported.Publicad

    Computation of bounds for anchor problems in limit analysis and decomposition techniques

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    Numerical techniques for the computation of strict bounds in limit analyses have been developed for more than thirty years. The efficiency of these techniques have been substantially improved in the last ten years, and have been successfully applied to academic problems, foundations and excavations. We here extend the theoretical background to problems with anchors, interface conditions, and joints. Those extensions are relevant for the analysis of retaining and anchored walls, which we study in this work. The analysis of three-dimensional domains remains as yet very scarce. From the computational standpoint, the memory requirements and CPU time are exceedingly prohibitive when mesh adaptivity is employed. For this reason, we also present here the application of decomposition techniques to the optimisation problem of limit analysis. We discuss the performance of different methodologies adopted in the literature for general optimisation problems, such as primal and dual decomposition, and suggest some strategies that are suitable for the parallelisation of large three-dimensional problems. The propo sed decomposition techniques are tested against representative problems.Peer ReviewedPreprin

    Yugoslavia: de las repúblicas de los consejos obreros a la guerra entre repúblicas

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    La guerra que hoy día enfrenta entre sí a los ex miembros de la antigua Yugoslavia nos brinda la oportunidad de abordar retrospectivamente el fenómeno de la autogestión yugoslava. Durante algunas décadas Yugoslavia llamó la atención del mundo entero, no solo por la talla de su líder político, el mariscal Tito, sino porque se pensó que allí estaba prosperando un modelo de sociedad -alternativo al capitalismo y al socialismo de estado-, donde la clase obrera era capaz de crear su propio autogobierno. Sin embargo, la promesa del socialismo autogestionario pronto degeneró en una elitocracia que, apostada en los centros neurálgicos del poder, desde las empresas y las comunas hasta las repúblicas, solo sirvió a un Único objetivo: sus propios intereses, sentando asi, en parte, las bases del conflicto actual.Today's war between the ex-members of the old Yugoslavia gives us the opportunity to confront retrospectively the former self-management. Many decades ago Yugoslavia was a model for the whole World, not only regarding the political Greatness of Marshall Tito, but also because its own way of Socialism was an alternative model for Capitalism and the traditional State Socialisme, with an worker's class having its own self-governement. However, the promise of a new Socialism with self-management of the workers was becoming by an by a fraud. An elite of power took control of all the most importants centers in enterprises, communes and the Republics. Their only purpose was to keep under control the whole society for their self-interest. These former powers relations set up the premises for today's political Conflic

    The Algar Canal Project by Francisco Morell: an early initiative of hydraulic regenerationism in Alicante

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    Por sus características climáticas, en la región mediterránea del sureste han tenido históricamente destacado protagonismo las obras y proyectos hidráulicos. La hegemonía que mantiene la actividad agrícola en España, aún en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, por el retraso en la adopción de los modelos industriales, favoreció, al amparo de un incipiente liberalismo, modelos de crecimiento económico de corte agrarista en los que el regadío y las obras hidráulicas fueron elementos destacados. En la provincia de Alicante, el proyecto del Canal del Algar del arquitecto valenciano Francisco Morell es un ejemplo. El presente artículo trata de justificar cómo, en Alicante, y favorecido por este contexto, aparece en 1866 el Proyecto de un canal de riego que anticipa, en muchos de sus planteamientos y propuestas, la ideología del movimiento regeneracionista.Because of its climatic characteristics, in the South Eastern region of the Mediterranean, hydraulic projects and works have been historically popular. The hegemony that maintained agricultural activity in Spain, although in the second half of the 19th century due to the delay in adopting industrial models, favoured, under incipient liberalism, models of economic growth of the agrarian sector in which irrigation and hydraulic works were prominent. In the province of Alicante, the Algar Canal project, by the Valencian architect Francisco Morell is an example. This paper attempts to justify how, in Alicante, and chosen because of that, in 1866 the project of canal irrigation arose that anticipated, in many of its approaches and proposals, the ideology of a regenerationist movement

    Publishing performance in economics: Spanish rankings (1990-1999).

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    This paper contributes to the growing literature that analyses the Spanish publishing performance in Economics throughout the 1990s. Several bibliometric indicators are used in order to provide Spanish rankings (of both institutions and individual authors) based on Econlit journals. Further, lists of the ten most influential authors and articles over that period, in terms of citations, are reported.Rankings; economics; Bibliometric indicators;

    Efficient spectrum reuse in cellular networks with stochastic optimization

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    [SPA]Aproximadamente cada diez a~nos, una nueva tecnolog a celular es desarrollada y puesta en el mercado. Sin embargo, lo operadores se ven obligados a mantener sus redes antiguas debido a que no todos los usuarios migran a nuevas redes a la vez. Por tanto, el espectro asociado a esas redes antiguas cada vez est a m as infrautilizado. Usando t ecnicas de radio cognitiva, el operador puede permitir a los usuarios de las redes m as nuevas a reutilizar ese espectro. Se propone un esquema de acceso semi-distribuido donde el operador gu a al usuario secundario difundiendo algunos par ametros operacionales de la estrategia de acceso. Este mecanismo aprende de forma din amica los par ametros optimos por medio del algoritmo Response Surface Methodology (RSM), que requiere muy poca se~nalizaci on. Los resultados muestras un notable aumento de la capacidad comparado con los cl asicos esquemas de uso de oportunidades temporales o espaciales.[ENG]As cellular network technology evolves, the operators deploy new generation networks while maintaining their legacy networks, since not all users upgrade their terminals at the same pace. Therefore, the spectrum associated to these legacy networks becomes gradually underused. By means of cognitive radio techniques, the operator can allow its new generation terminals to reuse this spectrum. We propose a semi-decentralized scheme in which the operator guides the secondary access by broadcasting some operational parameters of the access strategy. The mechanism dynamically learns the optimal parameters by means of a response surface methodology (RSM), implying a very small signaling overhead. Our results show a notable capacity improvement compared to the classical approaches of exploiting spatial or temporal opportunities.Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de TelecomunicaciónUniversidad Politécnica de CartagenaUniversidad Politécnica de Cartagen

    Combustion of Soya Oil and Diesel Oil Mixtures for Use in Thermal Energy Production

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    Producción CientíficaIn August 2005, Spain approved the Plan for Renewable Energy Sources for the period 2005-2010 (P.E.R.), including co-combustion installations. Co-combustion in the P.E.R. aims to increase power output by 12,185.3 GWh in five years and shows great interest in studies of the combustion of mixtures of fossil and bio-combustible fuels. This paper presents studies of the co-combustion of soya oil and diesel for thermal heating. The paper begins with a characterization of soya oil as well as mixtures of this oil, with diesel, as fuels. The combustion of the soya oil mixtures and diesel is made in an installation, where the pressure of injection as well as the air volume of the burner can be changed. The obtained results inside to be the environmental average legislation and a greater efficiency of combustion is found. The conclusions show that the use of mixtures of soya oil and Diesel for producing thermal energy in conventional equipment is feasible

    Cooperativismo y participación en Andalucía

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    The establishment of co-operatives has its origin in a holistic approach to the productive process. Consequently, the quality of the democratic system in a co-operative depends on its previous psychosocial and economic situation. Among the internal and external factors conditioning the form, contents and range of co-operation, different variables can be distinguished, such as individual differences and the organisational culture. This paper studies the impact of these variables on the participation system in a sample number of Andalusian co-operatives.Worker´s Cooperatives, Participation, Organizational culture, Individual differences, Psychosocial approach.