46 research outputs found

    Orientational hysteresis in swarms of active particles in external field

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    Structure and ordering in swarms of active particles have much in common with condensed matter systems like magnets or liquid crystals. A number of important characteristics of such materials can be obtained via dynamic tests such as hysteresis. In this work, we show that dynamic hysteresis can be observed also in swarms of active particles and possesses similar properties to the counterparts in magnetic materials. To study the swarm dynamics, we use computer simulations of the active Brownian particle model with dissipative interactions. The swarm is confined to a narrow linear channel and the one-dimensional polar order parameter is measured. In an oscillating external field, the order parameter demonstrates dynamic hysteresis with the shape of the loop and its area varying with the amplitude and frequency of the applied field, swarm density and the noise intensity. We measure the scaling exponents for the hysteresis loop area, which can be associated with the controllability of the swarm. Although the exponents are non-universal and depend on the system's parameters, their limiting values can be predicted using a generic model of dynamic hysteresis. We also discuss similarities and differences between the swarm ordering dynamics and two-dimensional magnets

    The Concept of “Miracle in a Fiery Furnace” in Byzantium and Its Later Reminiscences

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    Introduction. The article discusses the motive of a “miracle in a fiery furnace”, based on the story of the Three Holy Children in the Book of Daniel. Methods. The study provides a comparative analysis of the Biblical topos about the trial by fire in Byzantine, Western European and Eastern sources. A semiotic approach of textual study is used. Analysis. In Byzantine hagiography and hymnography, the plot of the “Three Holy Children” was interpreted as a prototype of the Incarnation, so, the sacred situation was reproduced in new historical conditions. In the Lives of Bishops of Cherson, the plot about miracle in the furnace is used for construction the local sacred history. Similar motives are found in the narratives about the baptism of Rus, such as Vita Basilii (the fifth book of Theophanes Continuatus), Vita beati Romualdi by Petrus Damiani, Historia de predicatione episcopi Brunonis. In narrative about conversion of Özbeg Khan to Islam, literary plot was connected with shamanistic representations about the holy fire. Results. The Biblical topos of the “fiery furnace” underwent a semantic transformation within the framework of various discourses. It was used in Byzantine texts for constructing the Christian Identity, while was enhanced by Turkic mythology in Muslim tradition

    From Enemies to Allies: the Mystery of Prince Oleg’s Campaign against Constantinople

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    This article proposes a rethinking of the main patterns of Rus-Byzantine relations at the turn of the 9th–10th centuries. The Christianization of some groups of Rus’ elite after 860 seems to be plausible, but short-lived. The crisis in relations with Khazaria prompted a search for new trade privileges in Byzantium. The so-called Oleg’s campaign on Constantinople was nothing other than his joining the military service. During the constant struggle with Arabs, the Empire needed to receive new military forces from Rus’. Possibly the recruitments were accompanied by a provocative demonstration of strength. This action was rethought in Rus’ian chronicle writing as the great victory of “Oleg the Prophet”. The joining of Rus’ troops to the Byzantine navy occurred no later than 906, when logothetes Himerios was able to defeat the Muslims. The Rus-Byzantine treaty of 911 strengthened the partnership and fostered the baptism of some Rus mercenaries

    «Во владыках апостол» (к вопросу о времени и обстоятельствах канонизации князя Владимира)

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    В статті визначається час канонізації князя Володимира Святославича на підставі аналізу лексики джерел та практики зарахування до лику святих, що склалася в Православній Церкві. Автор робить висновок, що церковне вшанування Володимира мало місце ще в давньоруську добу, канонізація відбулася не пізніше, ніж у першій половині XIII ст.The paper deals with the problem of identification of Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich’s time of canonization. The research was taking place on the basis of the analysis of the sources vocabulary and Orthodox Church canonization practice. Church honour of the memory of Vladimir seems to have taken place during the Old Rus’ period. Canonization has occurred till the first half of the 13th ct.В статье определяется время канонизации князя Владимира Святославича на основании анализа лексики источников и сложившейся в Православной Церкви практики причисления к лику святых. Автор делает вывод, что церковное почитание Владимира имело место еще в древнерусский период, канонизация произошла не позже первой половины XIII в

    On the Interpretation of John Scylitzes’ Evidence About Archontes of Rhos, AM 6544 (1036 AD)

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    Introduction. The article discusses the information of John Scylitzes about political changes in Rus on the eve of 1036. Methods. The comparison of the texts of different written traditions is carried out. The testimony of the “Synopsis Historion” by John Scylitzes is analyzed in the context of Russian Primary Chronicles data and other sources. Analysis. The chronicle of John Scylitzes contains a message about the death of the “archontes of Rhos” Nesisthlavos and Ierosthlavos, and election in their place their relative Zinisthlavos. These persons are traditionally identified with Russian princes Mstislav of Tmutarakan, Yaroslav the Wise and Iziaslav Yaroslavich. The researchers found chronological discrepancies in this evidence which were explained by the usage of different accounts in the chronicle. It seems that John Scylitzes’ narration relied on Byzantine documents only and reproduced the events faithfully. His mistake was not in chronology but in explaining the reasons for the absence of Kievan prince during the siege of the city by Pechenegs in 1036. Results. As the study shows, the information of John Scylitzes does not contain any chronological contradictions and describes a reliable political situation. While the elder prince Yaroslav was in Novgorod, the Kievan veche elected his son Iziaslav who was a prince of Turov to rule in the city. The defeat of the Pechenegs after prince Yaroslav’s return fits in the context of the Rus-Byzantine military alliance

    Strength and stability of bent and compressed boundary supports of membrane roofs

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    The design-basis is an idea of presentation of bent and compressed a boundary support unit in the form of a beam on elastic base where a tensile membrane as an elastic base is continuously connected with a boundary support along its full length. Effective building factors of a cross section for a boundary support and a membrane, values of space-stiffness factors are obtained for conditions of Ukraine. Similar numerical research carried out for membrane roof on circular layout together with relative stiffness factors, sag and a lateral load enables to make some aspects of analytical technique of calculation for strength and stability analysis more precise. Strength and stability of bent and compressed boundary supports of membrane roofs Santrauka Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas lenkiamas ir gniuždomas membraninių stogų atraminis kontūras. Jis nagrinėjamas kaip sija ant tampriojo pagrindo, visu kontūru sujungtas su tempiamąja membrana. Membrana ir atraminio kontūro skerspjūvis apskaičiuoti Ukrainos sąlygoms. Panašūs skaitiniai eksperimentai atlikti ir su sukimo kevalu, imant panašias charakteristikas (elementų standumus, išlinkius, šonines apkrovas), siekiant atlikti tikslesnę stiprumo ir standumo skaičiavimo metodų analizę. First Published Online: 16 May 2013 Reikšminiai žodžiai: membraniniai stogai, atraminis kontūras, stiprumas, pastovuma

    Actual work’s numerical analysis for support joint of vertical cylindrical tank

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    The article describes the actual work’s numerical analysis for unit joining walls to the bottom of vertical cylindrical tank of 50 thousand m3. Having analyzed the relevant stress-strain state of unit joining walls to the bottom vertical cylindrical tanks for different types of finite element model. Research carried out for the tank with a wall on a rigid base. Features of the unit joining walls to the bottom should include the effect of various loads: static, dynamic, cyclic, corresponding to normal operation. The load on the pressure of the liquid taken appropriate normal operation. Presented and analyzed the main results of numerical studies and get a picture of the stress-strain state of unit joining walls to the bottom vertical cylindrical tank of 50 thousand m3 for different types of finite element model

    Последний пир князя Ростислава: политический контекст отношений Руси и Византии на Тамани и в Таврике в 60-е — 70-е гг. XI в. / The Last Feast of Prince Rostislav: the Political Context of the Relations of Rus’ and Byzantium in Taman and Taurica in the 60s—70s of XI century

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    Статья посвящена особенностям русско-византийских отношений на Тамани, роли Тмуторокани как специфического кондоминатного владения Византии и Руси. Раскрываются дискуссионные подробности биографии князя Ростислава Владимировича, вопрос о причинах его отравления херсонским катепаном и восприятии этого убийства. Анализируются сведения о гипотетическом восстании херсонитов в 60-е — 70-е гг. XI вв. и походе на Корсунь князей Владимира Мономаха и Глеба Святославича. Данные о походе на Корсунь в 1077 г. представляются маловероятными. The article is devoted to the peculiarities of Rus’— Byzantine relations in Taman, and specific role of Tmutorokan’ as condominate possession of Byzantium and Rus’. The discussed details of the biography of Prince Rostislav Vladimirovich are revealed, as well as the question of the reasons for his poisoning by the katepano of Cherson and perception of this murder. The evidence about the hypothetical uprising of the Cherson residents in the 60s — 70s of XI c. and the campaign against Cherson of Princes Vladimir Monomakh and Gleb Svyatoslavich is analyzed. The data on the campaign against Korsun’ in 1077 seems unlikely