49 research outputs found

    Evaporation rates of water droplets with soluble and insoluble additives

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    The relevance. Caused by a wide practical use of water with typical soluble and insoluble additives in the following technologies. They are: thermal and fire purification of liquids, polydisperse fire extinguishing, combustion of waste-derived slurry fuels, cleaning of heat-loaded surfaces, creation of heat agents based on combustion products. Any change in liquid component composition leads to a change in its thermophysical properties, heating rates and phase transformations. So far, there is not enough experimental data on evaporation rates of water droplets with typical soluble and insoluble additives. The aim. Experimental determination of evaporation rate of water droplets with typical additives under various heating methods. The methods. To register sizes of moving droplets, optical registration methods based on a high-speed video camera were used. To register the temperature of combustion products, a measuring complex, consisting of an NI 9219 board and four chromel-alumel fast-response thermocouples, was used. The authors used four methods of droplet heating: in the flow of combustion products with the dominance of convective heat transfer, in a tubular muffle furnace with the dominance of radiative heat transfer, on a solid surface with the dominance of conductive heat transfer, and in a flame with the dominance of mixed (convective and radiative) heat transfer. The results. The authors have determined the ranges of change in evaporation rates of water droplets with typical (soluble and insoluble) additives for various heating methods with the dominance of convective, radiative, and conductive heat transfer. The effect of an additive type and concentration, heating method and heating medium temperature on of droplet evaporation characteristics was established

    Functional heterogeneity of POMC neurons relies on mTORC1 signaling.

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    Hypothalamic pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons are known to trigger satiety. However, these neuronal cells encompass heterogeneous subpopulations that release γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), glutamate, or both neurotransmitters, whose functions are poorly defined. Using conditional mutagenesis and chemogenetics, we show that blockade of the energy sensor mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) in POMC neurons causes hyperphagia by mimicking a cellular negative energy state. This is associated with decreased POMC-derived anorexigenic α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone and recruitment of POMC/GABAergic neurotransmission, which is restrained by cannabinoid type 1 receptor signaling. Electrophysiology and optogenetic studies further reveal that pharmacological blockade of mTORC1 simultaneously activates POMC/GABAergic neurons and inhibits POMC/glutamatergic ones, implying that the functional specificity of these subpopulations relies on mTORC1 activity. Finally, POMC neurons with different neurotransmitter profiles possess specific molecular signatures and spatial distribution. Altogether, these findings suggest that mTORC1 orchestrates the activity of distinct POMC neurons subpopulations to regulate feeding behavior

    Life-long impairment of glucose homeostasis upon prenatal exposure to psychostimulants

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    Maternal drug abuse during pregnancy is a rapidly escalating societal problem. Psychostimulants, including amphetamine, cocaine, and methamphetamine, are amongst the illicit drugs most commonly consumed by pregnant women. Neuropharmacology concepts posit that psychostimulants affect monoamine signaling in the nervous system by their affinities to neurotransmitter reuptake and vesicular transporters to heighten neurotransmitter availability extracellularly. Exacerbated dopamine signaling is particularly considered as a key determinant of psychostimulant action. Much less is known about possible adverse effects of these drugs on peripheral organs, and if in utero exposure induces lifelong pathologies. Here, we addressed this question by combining human RNA-seq data with cellular and mouse models of neuroendocrine development. We show that episodic maternal exposure to psychostimulants during pregnancy coincident with the intrauterine specification of pancreatic beta cells permanently impairs their ability of insulin production, leading to glucose intolerance in adult female but not male offspring. We link psychostimulant action specifically to serotonin signaling and implicate the sex-specific epigenetic reprogramming of serotonin-related gene regulatory networks upstream from the transcription factor Pet1/Fev as determinants of reduced insulin production.Peer reviewe


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    Surgical treatment of giant adenomas of parathyroid glands in primary hyperparathyroidism

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    Primary hyperparathyroidism is a serious disabling disease. The lack of screening for hypercalcemia in the Russian Federation is a serious obstacle to the timely provision of specialized surgical care for patients with hyperparathyroidism. Early diagnosis of primary hyperparathyroidism and surgical removal of parathyroid glands adenomas can prevent complications development from the kidneys and other organs and systems. This article presents two clinical case reports of surgical treatment for patients with primary hyperparathyroidism and giant parathyroid glands adenomas ( cm, weighing 16.5 g, and cm, weighing 40 g). In both cases, the concentration of parathyroid hormone and total calcium in blood was significantly increased (586.7 pg/ml and 3.12 mmol/l, and 876 pg/ml and 3.55 mmol/l, respectively). In both cases, the parathyroid gland adenomas were found too late, and the patients were sent out for surgeon treatment untimely. Both patients underwent surgery. Postoperative period without complications. Removal of adenomas was performed under visual control of recurrent laryngeal nerves. In the early postoperative period there was a sharp decrease of parathyroid hormone and ionized calcium concentrations in blood, which confirmed the adequacy of the treatment. The patients were discharged in a good condition for further supervision of a surgeon and endocrinologist in an out-clinic

    Experience of diagnostics and surgical treatment primary hyperparathyroidism

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    Background. PHPT in developed countries is evaluated as the third endocrine epidemic following diabetes mellitus and thyroid gland diseases. Materials and methods. 36 patients ill with hyperparathyroidism had been operated. The number of women prevailed and was equal to 81% (29 women) (c2 = 26.89, p = 0.0000). The age of the patients ranged from 33 up to 82. 17 patients had a mixed form of PHPT, 10 patients had a kidney form and 9 patients had an osseous form of the disease. Results. Pre-operative ionized calcium median significance was 1.6 mmol/l. Mild degree of hypercalcemia was observed in 26 patients (72%), moderate degree was observed in 4 patients (11%) and 6 patients (17%) had a severe degree of hypercalcemia. Pre-operative PTH median was 169.95 pg/ml. The severity of the condition of the patients ill with PHPT was confirmed by the presence of hypercalcemia before the surgery which revealed in moderate statistically significant correlation of ionized calcium level with PTH level (r = 0,38, while p = 0,02) and adenoma size (r = 0.48, while p = 0.03). To provide adenoma topical diagnostics we used not less than 2 instramental investigation techniques. PTGs adenoma data were confirmed by ultrasonic examination and scintigraphy not more than in 79% and 72% of cases respectively, and MRI confirmed 88,2% of cases. One or two PTG adenomas were removed in all patients. Al together 65 PTG adenomas were removed. Associating thyroid gland pathology was marked in 88% of cases (28 patients). Ionized calcium median was decreasing statictically significantly up to 1.14 mmol/l (0.46 mmol/l decrease 29% while p = 0.00001) the day following the surgery. PTH value decreased significantly up to 70.45 pg/ml after the surgery (99.5 pg/ml 58% decrease while p = 0.00001). Conclusion. PHPT is more often met in women above 50 years old. Combined TG and PTG lesions were observed in 88% of cases and they demand simultaneous surgery and further investigation. More than one PTG adenoma was observed in 81% (29 patients) of cases and this is not considered to be typical for PHPT according to scientific data. More than one instrumental investigation methods are necessary for PTG adenomas topical diagnostics. We should be critical towards pre-operative data and keep in mind the possibility of multiple PTG lesion and apply the rule of symmetrical bilateral PTG location