22,661 research outputs found

    Resonant purification of mixed states for closed and open quantum systems

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    Pure states are fundamental for the implementation of quantum technologies, and several methods for the purification of the state of a quantum system S have been developed in the past years. In this letter we present a new approach, based on the interaction of S with an auxiliary system P, having a wide range of applicability. Considering two-level systems S and P and assuming a particular interaction between them, we prove that complete purifications can be obtained under suitable conditions on the parameters characterizing P. Using analytical and numerical tools, we show that the purification process exhibits a resonant behavior in both the cases of system isolated from the external environment or not.Comment: 4 pages, LaTe

    The boson-fermion model: An exact diagonalization study

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    The main features of a generic boson-fermion scenario for electron pairing in a many-body correlated fermionic system are: i) a cross-over from a poor metal to an insulator and finally a superconductor as the temperature decreases, ii) the build-up of a finite amplitude of local electron pairing below a certain temperature TT^*, followed by the onset of long-range phase correlations among electron pairs below a second characteristic temperature TϕT_{\phi}, iii) the opening of a pseudogap in the DOS of the electrons below TT^*, rendering these electrons poorer and poorer quasi-particles as the temperature decreases, with the electron transport becoming ensured by electron pairs rather than by individual electrons. A number of these features have been so far obtained on the basis of different many-body techniques, all of which have their built-in shortcomings in the intermediate coupling regime, which is of interest here. In order to substantiate these features, we investigate them on the basis of an exact diagonalization study on rings up to eight sites. Particular emphasis has been put on the possibility of having persistent currents in mesoscopic rings tracking the change-over from single- to two-particle transport as the temperature decreases and the superconducting state is approached.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures; to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Chemical abundances and properties of the ionized gas in NGC 1705

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    We obtained [O III] narrow-band imaging and multi-slit MXU spectroscopy of the blue compact dwarf (BCD) galaxy NGC 1705 with FORS2@VLT to derive chemical abundances of PNe and H II regions and, more in general, to characterize the properties of the ionized gas. The auroral [O III]\lambda4363 line was detected in all but one of the eleven analyzed regions, allowing for a direct estimate of their electron temperature. The only object for which the [O III]\lambda4363 line was not detected is a possible low-ionization PN, the only one detected in our data. For all the other regions, we derived the abundances of Nitrogen, Oxygen, Neon, Sulfur and Argon out to ~ 1 kpc from the galaxy center. We detect for the first time in NGC 1705 a negative radial gradient in the oxygen metallicity of -0.24 \pm 0.08 dex kpc^{-1}. The element abundances are all consistent with values reported in the literature for other samples of dwarf irregular and blue compact dwarf galaxies. However, the average (central) oxygen abundance, 12 + log(O/H)=7.96 \pm 0.04, is ~0.26 dex lower than previous literature estimates for NGC 1705 based on the [O III]\lambda4363 line. From classical emission-line diagnostic diagrams, we exclude a major contribution from shock excitation. On the other hand, the radial behavior of the emission line ratios is consistent with the progressive dilution of radiation with increasing distance from the center of NGC 1705. This suggests that the strongest starburst located within the central \sim150 pc is responsible for the ionization of the gas out to at least \sim1 kpc. The gradual dilution of the radiation with increasing distance from the center reflects the gradual and continuous transition from the highly ionized H II regions in the proximity of the major starburst into the diffuse ionized gas.Comment: Accepted for publication on A

    Environment induced incoherent controllability

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    We prove that the environment induced entanglement between two non interacting, two-dimensional quantum systems S and P can be used to control the dynamics of S by means of the initial state of P. Using a simple, exactly solvable model, we show that both accessibility and controllability of S can be achieved under suitable conditions on the interaction of S and P with the environment.Comment: revtex4, 5 page

    2D-3D registration of CT vertebra volume to fluoroscopy projection: A calibration model assessment (doi:10.1155/2010/806094)

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    This study extends a previous research concerning intervertebral motion registration by means of 2D dynamic fluoroscopy to obtain a more comprehensive 3D description of vertebral kinematics. The problem of estimating the 3D rigid pose of a CT volume of a vertebra from its 2D X-ray fluoroscopy projection is addressed. 2D-3D registration is obtained maximising a measure of similarity between Digitally Reconstructed Radiographs (obtained from the CT volume) and real fluoroscopic projection. X-ray energy correction was performed. To assess the method a calibration model was realised a sheep dry vertebra was rigidly fixed to a frame of reference including metallic markers. Accurate measurement of 3D orientation was obtained via single-camera calibration of the markers and held as true 3D vertebra position; then, vertebra 3D pose was estimated and results compared. Error analysis revealed accuracy of the order of 0.1 degree for the rotation angles of about 1?mm for displacements parallel to the fluoroscopic plane, and of order of 10?mm for the orthogonal displacement.<br/

    Control of magnetism in singlet-triplet superconducting heterostructures

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    We analyze the magnetization at the interface between singlet and triplet superconductors and show that its direction and dependence on the phase difference across the junction are strongly tied to the structure of the triplet order parameter as well as to the pairing interactions. We consider equal spin helical, opposite spin chiral, and mixed symmetry pairing on the triplet side and show that the magnetization vanishes at ϕ=0\phi=0 only in the first case, follows approximately a cosϕ\cos\phi behavior for the second, and shows higher harmonics for the last configuration. We trace the origin of the magnetization to the magnetic structure of the Andreev bound states near the interface, and provide a symmetry-based explanation of the results. Our findings can be used to control the magnetization in superconducting heterostructures and to test symmetries of spin-triplet superconductors.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Effect of Ferric Sodium EDTA administration, in combination with vitamin C, folic acid, copper gluconate, zinc gluconate and selenomethionine, on cardiovascular risk evaluation: exploration of the HRV frequency domain

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    diseases. Using the Heart Rate Variability (HRV) analysis is possible to provide an evaluation of the safety and the effectiveness of intervention. Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of Ferric Sodium EDTA in combination with vitamin C, folic acid, copper gluconate, zinc gluconate and selenomethionine (Ferachel forte®) 2 tabs/day for 24 days in elderly patients with secondary anaemia, by exploring the HRV frequency domain. Methods: In 45 elderly patients with secondary anaemia and/or low-moderate kidney failure, laboratory values after administration of Ferric Sodium EDTA, 2 tabs a day, in combination with vitamin C, folic acid, copper gluconate, zinc gluconate and selenomethionine (Ferachel forte®) for 24 days (N=16 patients) or ferrous gluconate 63 mg/day added to saline solution, administered using intravenous access during the hospitalization period of 15 ± 5 days (N=29 patients) were evaluated. Also, ECG signals and bioelectrical impedance (BIA) were measured. Results: Oral iron supplementation with Ferric Sodium EDTA, in combination with vitamin C, folic acid, copper gluconate, zinc gluconate and selenomethionine (Ferachel forte®) confirmed to be effective and safe about the cardiovascular risk in old patients. This study showed the real superiority of the oral administration about the cardiovascular risk in elderly patients in comparison with intravenous administration of ferrous gluconate. Conclusion: This study confirms that Ferric Sodium EDTA combination (Ferachel forte®) can be a valid alternative to ferrous gluconate intravenous therapy (gold standard) in the treatment of secondary anaemia in elderly patients. In fact, during the treatment, efficacy results have been maintained without statistically significant variations about cardiovascular risk, evaluated by exploring the HRV frequency domain

    PNe and H II regions in the starburst irregular galaxy NGC 4449 from LBT MODS data

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    We present deep 3500-10000 A˚\AA spectra of H II regions and planetary nebulae (PNe) in the starburst irregular galaxy NGC 4449, acquired with the Multi Object Double Spectrograph at the Large Binocular Telescope. Using the "direct" method, we derived the abundance of He, N, O, Ne, Ar, and S in six H II regions and in four PNe in NGC 4449. This is the first case of PNe studied in a starburst irregular outside the Local Group. Our H II region and PN sample extends over a galacto-centric distance range of \approx2 kpc and spans \approx0.2 dex in oxygen abundance, with average values of 12+log(O/H)=8.37±0.0512+\log(O/H)=8.37 \pm 0.05 and 8.3±0.18.3 \pm 0.1 for H II regions and PNe, respectively. PNe and H II regions exhibit similar oxygen abundances in the galacto-centric distance range of overlap, while PNe appear more than \sim1 dex enhanced in nitrogen with respect to H II regions. The latter result is the natural consequence of N being mostly synthesized in intermediate-mass stars and brought to the stellar surface during dredge-up episodes. On the other hand, the similarity in O abundance between H II regions and PNe suggests that NGC 4449' s interstellar medium has been poorly enriched in α\alpha elements since the progenitors of the PNe were formed. Finally, our data reveal the presence of a negative oxygen gradient for both H II regions and PNe, whilst nitrogen does not exhibit any significant radial trend. We ascribe the (unexpected) nitrogen behaviour as due to local N enrichment by the conspicuous Wolf-Rayet population in NGC 4449.Comment: Accepted for publication on Ap

    Teleportation is necessary for faithful quantum state transfer through noisy channels of maximal rank

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    Quantum teleportation enables deterministic and faithful transmission of quantum states, provided a maximally entangled state is pre-shared between sender and receiver, and a one-way classical channel is available. Here, we prove that these resources are not only sufficient, but also necessary, for deterministically and faithfully sending quantum states through any fixed noisy channel of maximal rank, when a single use of the cannel is admitted. In other words, for this family of channels, there are no other protocols, based on different (and possibly cheaper) sets of resources, capable of replacing quantum teleportation.Comment: 4 pages, comments are welcom