1,100 research outputs found

    An iterative approach for lexicon characterization in juridical context

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    In the juridical context, knowledge management applications have a central role. In order to improve the effectiveness of document management procedures, techniques for automatic comprehension of textual content are required. In this work, a methodology for semi-automatic derivation of knowledge from document collections is proposed. In order to extract relevant information from document text, a process integrating both statistical and lexical approaches is applied. Moreover, we propose a system for the evaluation of the extracted peculiar lexicon quality. The system is used for the processing of heterogeneous documents corpus issued by Italy’s juridical domain

    Quality Improvement for the JeffMD Clinical Experience Program

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    Introduction: The JeffMD curriculum at Sidney Kimmel Medical College, which completed its inaugural year in the spring of 2018, aims to prepare future physicians to “thrive in the landscape of modern healthcare.” The curriculum is based upon the knowledge that human health exists interdependently with all aspects of life, including but not limited to social, health care system, behavioral, and biological factors. The JeffMD Clinical Experience Program (CE) is a mandatory, experiential, value-added component of the curriculum. Through the CE course, which spans the 21-month preclinical period, students work with a Community Health Worker to screen patients for social needs and connect them to community resources. Objective: The purpose of this Quality Improvement study was twofold. First, we sought to evaluate the extent to which the first year of the CE program (1) contributed to student learning, and (2) added value to the clinical sites. Second, we sought to implement site-specific improvements based upon our results. Methods: We followed the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) model. We measured the current performance of the CE program through electronic surveys administered to the 260 first-year medical students who participated. The surveys included free response and Likert scale questions. We also conducted small group interviews with key stakeholders from four of the clinical sites using a questionnaire adapted from Penn State. Results: Students valued the opportunity to interact with patients and learn about social determinants of health; however, they did not find the CE program to be an effective learning experience. Key themes from the clinical site interviews included lack of student initiative, physical space constraints, communication barriers, and the positive contribution of Community Health Workers. Conclusion: We performed cause analyses and implemented clinical site-specific changes based upon our results. We believe that the student experience will improve from year-to-year so long as we continue to incorporate feedback from students and other stakeholders

    Anticipazioni antiche di un moderno sistema di responsabilità civile. Dalla lex Aquilia alla tutela aquiliana del credito

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    The possibility of compensating the violation of a relative right in a non-contractual context represented a decisive turnaround for the modern developments of the Italian civil liability system. The analysis of the Aquilia law, dating back to the third century b.C., demonstrates that this result, identified as absolutely modern by scholars and case law, is not really to be perceived as such. In particular, caput II of the law already established a starting point for a possible non-contractual credit protection: it referred to the guarantee granted to the creditor for fraudulent debt release related to a person different from the holder of the obligation. From the interpretative extension operated by the praetor blatantly emerged that the legislative dictation should not, therefore, refer exclusively to the right of ownership, but rather to the violation of any patrimonial interest. In fact, the granting of a pretoria action to the tenant of the land with respect to the damage caused to the crops by a quisque de populo; and to the heirs, for the destruction of the testamentary tables, were tangible signs of the versatility of the Aquilian action for the protection of broader rights than absolute ones

    A serpiginous lesion of scrotum

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    Background Median raphe cyst is usually benign and asymptomatic male genitalia lesions. Although uncommon, infection may be a complication. Case presentation We report the case of a 4-year-old child presented to the emergency department for a serpiginous and redness lesion extended from the basis of the penis until the perineum. An infected median raphe cyst was suspected, and the patient underwent surgical treatment and antibiotic therapy with complete resolution of symptoms. Liquid culture resulted positive for Serratia Marcescens. Conclusion Infection is a rare complication, especially in childhood. To prevent relapses and clinical symptoms, the majority of authors recommend surgical excision followed by primary closure. In case of infections caused by Serratia Marcescens, chronic granulomatous disease should always be rule out

    Rezension: Budde, Monika Angela & Prüsmann, Franziska (Hrsg.) (2020): Vom Sprachkurs Deutsch als Zweitsprache zum Regelunterricht. Übergänge bewältigen, ermöglichen, gestalten. Münster u.a.: Waxmann [Reihe Deutsch als Zweitsprache – Positionen, Perspektiven, Potenziale Bd. 1]

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    Der von Monika Angelika Budde und Franziska Prüsmann herausgegebene Sammelband "Vom Sprachkurs Deutsch als Zweitsprache zum Regelunterricht: Übergänge bewältigen, ermöglichen, gestalten" eröffnet die neue Schriftenreihe "Deutsch als Zweitsprache – Positionen, Perspektiven, Potenziale der SDD-DaZ-AG". Die Arbeit dieser AG ist durch interdisziplinäre Zugänge zum Thema Deutsch als Zweitsprache gekennzeichnet und vereint damit linguistische, sprachdidaktische und migrationspädagogische Perspektiven

    Activation of a bis-(phenoxyimine) titanium (IV) catalyst using different aluminoxane co-catalysts

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    The activation of a bis-phenoxyimine catalyst based on titanium (IV) using different aluminoxanes (MAO, PMAO and MMAO12) has been studied. The effect of a co-catalyst modifier (BHT) used in combination with the MAO has been also tested. In particular, the effect of the activation time between the catalyst and the different aluminoxanes has been taken into consideration. On increasing the activation time between catalyst and the different aluminoxanes and TMA-free MAO, differences in the catalyst activities have been observed. UHMWPEs having a reduced number of entanglements have been synthesized activating the FI catalyst with MAO and TMA-free MAO. The obtained reactor powders can be solid-state processed below the melting temperature in order to obtain high modulus/high tenacity tapes used for body armor and vehicle protection applications

    Infectious spondylodiscitis and kyphosis correction in an infant: a case report

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    Background Neonatal infectious spondylodiscitis is a rare bony infection with atypical clinical presentation and non-specific systemic symptoms. Diagnosis and treatment are often delayed resulting in vertebral destruction and severe complications. We retrospectively reviewed the case of an infant with infectious spondylodiscitis resulting in T12 body destruction and marked angular kyphosis. Case-report A 4-week-old infant developed an infectious spondylodiscitis resulting in destruction of the T12 vertebral body and involvement of disc between T12 and L1. At 6 months of age, X-ray showed a marked thoracolumbar angular kyphosis above 50 Cobb degrees. Therefore, the patient underwent single time surgery with double anterior and posterior approach. At 9 years follow up, clinical and radiological findings show a stable correction with good aesthetic appearance. Conclusion Neonatal spondylodiscitis could lead to marked kyphosis similar to the congenital one. Since treatment with casts and tutors is often inefficacious, prompt surgery should be considered. The double anterior and posterior approach is the best option in this condition