25 research outputs found

    Modelo de referência para o processo de desenvolvimento de máquinas agrícolas

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica.Atualmente é vigente, na maioria das empresas do setor industrial de máquinas agrícolas brasileiro, um processo de desenvolvimento de produtos informal. Este fato é mais aparente em empresas de pequeno e médio porte, que desenvolvem seus produtos baseando-se, geralmente, em adaptações de soluções já comercializadas. Apresenta-se nesta tese um Modelo de Referência para o Processo de Desenvolvimento de Máquinas Agrícolas, elaborado com o objetivo de explicitar o conhecimento sobre esse processo, de modo a auxiliar no entendimento e na formalização da prática do mesmo. O modelo de referência inclui: uma macrofase de planejamento, que abrange a fase de planejamento do projeto propriamente dita; uma macrofase de projetação, que envolve as fases de elaboração dos projetos informacional, conceitual, preliminar e detalhado, do produto e do processo de manufatura; e a macrofase de implementação, que inclui as fases de preparação da produção, lançamento do produto no mercado, validação da máquina agrícola e encerramento do projeto. Cada uma das oito fases é composta por atividades, que se subdividem em tarefas específicas. Para cada atividade são modeladas as informações de entrada, necessárias à sua execução, bem como as informações de saída, ou seja, as entregas produzidas. Outras três dimensões são, também, detalhadas: o domínio de conhecimento, os mecanismos e os controles. O domínio indica a área de conhecimento envolvida na tarefa (gestão empresarial, marketing, gerenciamento de projeto, projeto do produto, projeto da manufatura, suprimentos, qualidade, segurança, dependabilidade, produção, pós-venda e administrativo-financeiro). Os mecanismos são as metodologias, técnicas, ferramentas e outros recursos necessários à realização das tarefas. Os controles são as informações resultantes de atividades realizadas anteriormente, utilizadas para monitorar a realização das tarefas. O modelo desenvolvido pode ser empregado na formação de estudantes e na atualização de profissionais e, também, como base para as empresas implementarem melhorias nos seus processos. Assim, o modelo de referência contribui para que as empresas do setor passem a executar um processo de desenvolvimento de produtos mais formal e sistemático, integrado com as demais áreas da empresa, com os participantes da cadeia de fornecimento e com os clientes finais. A avaliação do modelo de referência pelas empresas participantes da pesquisa e por pesquisadores da área, indica que o mesmo representa totalmente o processo, avançando em muito a prática atual vigente no Brasil

    Strategy for the development of agricultural machinery : importance of patent analysis

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    During the product development, patents help identify new project opportunities and, if well analyzed, can reveal technical strategies in terms of how countries, companies, and universities link patents and product development. In the context of the agricultural machinery sector there is a complexity in the integration of data from patents with the stages of development conceptions. In this context, the article aims to present how the information obtained from a patent bank can be used for the development of agricultural machinery. As a methodology, the Systematic Bibliographic Review was selected to identify and relate strategies that add value throughout the agricultural machinery project. As a result, research has shown that the use of patent information can assist in the development of agricultural machinery from technical data. In addition, patents are characterized as a valuable source of technological information, as it is inexpensive and capable of feeding a company in its own research activity and in the development of new products. It is concluded that the information from patents, suggested as strategies in the model of agricultural machinery development, allows for managerial and technical decisions aimed at improving products. Finally, the research contributed to fill the information gap between patents and the development of agricultural machinery, a diffusion of data that, if well connected, can promote a competitive differential in companies

    The conception of a multiparameter equipament for evaluation of agricultural machinery cabins: A concepção de um equipamento multiparamétrico para avaliação de cabinas de máquinas agrícolas

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    The functions of the cabin on agricultural machinery go beyond protecting against the risk of overturning and adverse weather conditions, such as wind and rain. The cabins must also have a shield against physical, chemical, and biological risks, present in crops. In this context, the work aims to present the design of equipment capable of measuring atmospheric pressure, the incidence of ultraviolet radiation from the sun, temperature, and relative humidity of the air, inside and outside agricultural cabins, at the same time. The design methodology used in the development of the equipment demanded the definition of customer requirements, which were converted into design requirements. From the analysis of these, the design specifications were established. To meet the formulated specifications, the functional structure of the equipment was defined through a synthesis process (operating concept). The conception generated by the equipment, in two modules, inside and outside the cabin, allows the performance of differential comparative analyzes between the parameters in the two environments considered, serving as a tool for the development of cabin designs for safer agricultural machines

    The wetted area uniformity of the rainfall generated by different sprinkler nozzles / Identificação da uniformidade de chuva simulada por diferentes sistemas aspersores

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    Since the 1930s several conceptions of rainfall simulators were developed to perform runoff experiments, soil water infiltration, water erosion, persistence of phytosanitary products, etc. The uniformity of the rainfall generated is a parameter used to validate a rainfall simulator conception design. On this subject, this work aimed at identifying the wetted area uniformity of the rainfall generated by different sprinkler nozzles. The study was divided in two stages: experimental data collection; and, calculation of wetted area uniformity. In the first stage it was used an experimental bench to generate rainfall. The experiment was carried out under completely randomized, factorial 3 x 3 x 3 experimental design, with 27 treatments and six replications (162 experimental units). The treatments were a combination of three sprinkler nozzles (P1, P2 and P3), three sprinkler heights from the ground (1.1 m, 2.1 m and 3.1 m), and three water pressures (50 kPa, 100 kPa and 150 kPa). A mesh of 289 plastic collectors was used for stored the water volume of the rainfall generated from the experimental units. In the second stage, it was calculated the water distribution uniformity using the Christiansen Uniformity Coefficient (CUC) for the areas of 2.56 m², 1.44 m², 0.64 m² and 0.16 m². As a result, the higher the water pressure and sprinkler nozzle height and smaller the land plot, the greater the tendency to get CUC values classified as good or excellent. The sprinkler nozzle P1 showed the best results, so the conclusion is the wetted area uniformity is an important parameter to consider in the selection of sprinkler nozzles in the rainfall simulators design

    Measurement of the kinetic energy of rainfall simulated by different commercial sprinkler head

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    The kinetic energy of simulated rainfall is one of the parameters used to study the effect produced on the soil or a given crop. About this theme, we aim to determine the applicability of three commercial sprinkler heads for use in rainfall simulators by verifying the kinetic energy of the generated rainfall. Using an experimental workbench, the sprinkler heads were positioned at heights of 1.1, 2.1, and 3.1 m under pressures of 50, 100, and 150 kPa, which, when combined, generated 27 treatments with six repetitions. Using a disdrometer, the values for intensity (mm h-1) and kinetic energy (J.m-2.h-1) were collected. Three equations from the literature were employed to calculate the kinetic energy from the precipitation intensity provided by the disdrometer, allowing their comparison with the kinetic energy values measured by the disdrometer. The kinetic energy results measured by the disdrometer differed from the values calculated using the equations. The sprinkler heads P1, P2, and P3 did not generate rain droplets with kinetic energy similar to that of natural rainfall for the same intensity, thus not being qualified for use in rainfall simulators

    Systematic analysis of reference models in product development: case studies in the agricultural machinery and implementation sector

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    With the growth in the machinery and agricultural implements sector the importance of the area of Product Development Process (PDP) has expanded significantly in the last decades. The surge is due to increased competition among manufacturers, thus requiring high quality products with greater efficiency in their production processes. In addition, the management of the phases that comprise the PDP is considered complex by specialized literature and manufacturing companies. Thus, the objective of the study is to present the main reference models that contextualize the PDP in order to systematically analyze its methodological classifications. In addition, the research seeks to explore the work methodologies currently applied in the PDP of the agricultural machinery and implements manufacturers located in the northwestern region of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil. The research adopted the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) and the case study as investigation methods, classified as descriptive and comparative, of an exploratory nature. As a result, it was possible to identify a set of reference models that are usually adopted to operationalize the PDP. Research has shown that project support tools are not used by companies, while design and industrial management tools are applied. Finally, it was verified that companies have little knowledge about reference models

    Systematic analysis of reference models in product development: case studies in the agricultural machinery and implementation sector

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    With the growth in the machinery and agricultural implements sector the importance of the area of Product Development Process (PDP) has expanded significantly in the last decades. The surge is due to increased competition among manufacturers, thus requiring high quality products with greater efficiency in their production processes. In addition, the management of the phases that comprise the PDP is considered complex by specialized literature and manufacturing companies. Thus, the objective of the study is to present the main reference models that contextualize the PDP in order to systematically analyze its methodological classifications. In addition, the research seeks to explore the work methodologies currently applied in the PDP of the agricultural machinery and implements manufacturers located in the northwestern region of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil. The research adopted the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) and the case study as investigation methods, classified as descriptive and comparative, of an exploratory nature. As a result, it was possible to identify a set of reference models that are usually adopted to operationalize the PDP. Research has shown that project support tools are not used by companies, while design and industrial management tools are applied. Finally, it was verified that companies have little knowledge about reference models

    Strategy for the development of agricultural machinery: importance of patent analysis

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    During the product development, patents help identify new project opportunities and, if well analyzed, can reveal technical strategies in terms of how countries, companies, and universities link patents and product development. In the context of the agricultural machinery sector there is a complexity in the integration of data from patents with the stages of development conceptions. In this context, the article aims to present how the information obtained from a patent bank can be used for the development of agricultural machinery. As a methodology, the Systematic Bibliographic Review was selected to identify and relate strategies that add value throughout the agricultural machinery project. As a result, research has shown that the use of patent information can assist in the development of agricultural machinery from technical data. In addition, patents are characterized as a valuable source of technological information, as it is inexpensive and capable of feeding a company in its own research activity and in the development of new products. It is concluded that the information from patents, suggested as strategies in the model of agricultural machinery development, allows for managerial and technical decisions aimed at improving products. Finally, the research contributed to fill the information gap between patents and the development of agricultural machinery, a diffusion of data that, if well connected, can promote a competitive differential in companies

    Systematic proposition of integration between development of agricultural machines and quality management system for the industrial sector

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    Um dos problemas das múltiplas variáveis e restrições encontradas nos sistemas produtivos das empresas e é responsável por influenciar a qualidade final do produto é a seleção adequada do material utilizado na fabricação. Assim, para que não haja divergências entre a especificação e o requisito de design no processo, são necessárias orientações efetivas para verificar sua conformidade após o recebimento. A verificação é realizada por meio de testes técnicos, por outro lado, para obter as características das propriedades mecânicas do mesmo. O objetivo geral deste trabalho é apresentar propostas sistemáticas para a elaboração de garantia de qualidade de testes mecânicos sobre a recepção de materiais metálicos aplicados ao desenvolvimento de máquinas agrícolas. Em termos metodológicos, foi aplicada uma Revisão de Literatura Sistemática (SLR) e vários casos foram estudados. Esta pesquisa é classificada como descritiva e comparativa, de natureza exploratória que utiliza um conjunto de ações de coleta, análise e tratamento de dados, a fim de auxiliar no desenvolvimento de atividades planejadas e organizadas que permitam implementar os testes necessários para o correto. qualificação do material recebido pelas empresas. Os resultados apresentam uma proposição sistemática que pode ser adotada na realização de testes mecânicos em materiais metálicos no controle de recepção em empresas que desenvolvem máquinas agrícolas e que podem ajudar outros segmentos de mercado. ações de análise e tratamento, a fim de auxiliar no desenvolvimento de atividades planejadas e organizadas que permitam implementar os testes necessários para a qualificação correta do material recebido pelas empresas. Os resultados apresentam uma proposição sistemática que pode ser adotada na realização de testes mecânicos em materiais metálicos no controle de recepção em empresas que desenvolvem máquinas agrícolas e que podem ajudar outros segmentos de mercado. ações de análise e tratamento, a fim de auxiliar no desenvolvimento de atividades planejadas e organizadas que permitam implementar os testes necessários para a qualificação correta do material recebido pelas empresas. Os resultados apresentam uma proposição sistemática que pode ser adotada na realização de testes mecânicos em materiais metálicos no controle de recepção em empresas que desenvolvem máquinas agrícolas e que podem ajudar outros segmentos de mercado