6 research outputs found


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    As a result of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, there is greater interest in a line of study that demonstrates how the measurement of student satisfaction in virtual education has positive impacts on the university education. In this sense, this research has two main purposes: (a) to describe the conceptualization and typology of satisfaction in virtual education; and (b) to identify the benefits and conditions of these in the training of students. The method has used the PRISMA confession of literature reviews and the inquiries were collected from data sources such as SCOPUS, ERIC and EBSCO Discovery Service. In accordance with the results, a total of 50 international studies have been selected which content contributes to the scientific literature on the systematization of conceptual criteria to categorize types of satisfaction and also the limiting and predominant factors such as the roles of the student and the teacher, the virtual course, connectivity, technology and institutional management. In addition, the benefits obtained in the personal, professional and social aspects of students, which are observed, identified, recognized and incorporated. Finally, it showed the need to develop indicators that delve into each of the conditions to achieve satisfaction.A raíz de la pandemia del SARS-CoV-2, se viene prestando mayor interés a una línea de estudio que demuestra cómo la medición de la satisfacción en la educación virtual tiene impactos positivos en la formación universitaria. En ese sentido, esta investigación presenta dos propósitos: (a) describir la conceptualización y tipología de la satisfacción en la educación virtual; y (b) identificar los beneficios y condiciones de estas en la instrucción. El método llevado a cabo, ha utilizado la declaración PRISMA de revisión sistemática y las pesquisas se recopilaron de fuentes de datos como Scopus, ERIC y EBSCO Discovery Service. En concordancia con los resultados, se ha seleccionado un total de 50 estudios internacionales, cuyo contenido aporta a la literatura científica en la sistematización de criterios conceptuales para categorizar tipos de satisfacción y también los factores condicionantes, limitantes y predominantes para la misma, como son los roles del estudiante y del profesor, el curso virtual, la conectividad, la tecnología y la gestión institucional. Además, se observan, identifican, reconocen e incorporan los beneficios obtenidos en los aspectos personales, profesionales y sociales del estudiantado. Finalmente, se expone la necesidad de desarrollar pesquisas que ahonden en cada una de las condiciones para alcanzar la satisfacción


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    El liderazgo directivo y el clima organizacional son esenciales para el correcto desempeño de los docentes escolares. Intrínsecamente, este análisis busca identificar la influencia del liderazgo directivo y el clima organizacional en los docentes mediante una revisión sistemática. Para ello, se realizó una selección de publicaciones internacionales y nacionales sobre el tema estudiado y se recopilaron 25 artículos que cumplían los criterios de inclusión. Se infiere que la construcción de un clima adecuado es un fragmento trascendental de la ocupación de liderazgo de los dirigentes educativos, y una gran cantidad de estudios contemporáneos se centralizan en mostrar cómo influye los estilos de liderazgo transformacional en los docentes. Se deduce que el liderazgo de la autoridad de la escuela tiene una influencia positiva en el progreso del clima organizacional observado por los pedagogos; conjuntamente, la motivación emergió como el vehículo mediante el cual se influye en el clima escolar. Además, los saberes examinados concuerdan en que el líder escolar idóneo debe instaurar una distribución que genere fervor y suscite la colaboración de todos los integrantes de la institución.Managerial leadership and organizational climate are essential to the success of every principal, student, and school, yet data based on these themes need to be more consistent and convincing. Intrinsic to this domain, this review seeks to test how leadership and organizational climate influence pedagogues through a systematic review. To this end, a systematic selection of international and national publications on the topic under study was made, and 25 articles were selected that met the inclusion criteria. It is deduced that the construction of an adequate climate is a transcendental fragment of the leading occupation of educational leaders, and many contemporary studies focus on showing how it influences transformational leadership styles. It follows that school authority leadership positively influences the progress of organizational climate observed by educationalists; conjointly, motivation emerged as the vehicle by which school climate is influenced. In addition, the knowledge examined agrees that the ideal school leader must establish a distribution that generates fervor and arouses the collaboration of all the institution's members

    How universities have responded to E-learning as a result of Covid-19 challenges

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    E-learning environments designed with adaptive technology in mind can help students learn and retain information more effectively by enhancing their learning experience and increasing their level of engagement. Here, students' learning styles are considered in creating an adaptable online environment, and the effects on student engagement are examined. For the sake of this study, we've also attempted to describe and compare the suggested adaptive learning environment to an existing e-learning technique. With Covid-19 in the classroom, technology advancements have grown exponentially, and this progress has coincided with the process of teaching and learning. Virtual classrooms necessitated an e-learning process since it was the most user-friendly teaching method. A descriptive, correlative, transversal and prescriptive research approach was used. An online survey was used to gather data to get a random and voluntary sample of 3560 university students from Peru. A lack of reading comprehension is an issue, but students may use communication technologies and the Internet to improve their teaching and to learn via self-learning.Campus Arequip


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    Our Peruvian nation is multiethnic, multicultural and multilingual, with 24 regions, including the Apurímac region, which is characterized by its history, heritage, knowledge and ancestral values, which are maintained through the legacy of its original, maternal, native and local language. . Faced with this, the proposal "applicability of the mother tongue in the educational and pedagogical work in the Apurímac region" arises, whose purpose of this article is to visualize the linguistic and educational reality of the Apurímac Region and propose alternatives that contribute to the achievement of policies. national, regional and local educational measures taking into account the 2 sub-variants of southern Quechua which are Quechua Chanka and Quechua Collao.La nación peruana es multiétnica, pluricultural y multilingüe, y se representa así en sus 25 regiones. La región Apurímac se caracteriza por su historia, patrimonio, saberes y valores ancestrales, que se mantienen mediante el legado de su lengua originaria, materna, nativa y local. Ante esta variedad, y su necesidad de conservación, surge la propuesta “aplicabilidad de la lengua materna en el quehacer educacional y pedagógico en la región Apurímac”, con el fin de visualizar la realidad lingüística y educativa presente en la Región Apurímac. Ante su alto riesgo, este documento propone alternativas de abordaje y preservación, a fin de ser tomados en cuenta la construcción, y posterior logro de las políticas educativas nacionales, regionales y locales; para ello, se ha tomado en cuenta las 2 subvariantes del quechua sureño las cuales son el quechua Chanka y el quechua Collao. Se busca con ello revalorar los contexto


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    Managerial leadership and organizational climate are essential to the success of every principal, student, and school, yet data based on these themes need to be more consistent and convincing. Intrinsic to this domain, this review seeks to test how leadership and organizational climate influence pedagogues through a systematic review. To this end, a systematic selection of international and national publications on the topic under study was made, and 25 articles were selected that met the inclusion criteria. It is deduced that the construction of an adequate climate is a transcendental fragment of the leading occupation of educational leaders, and many contemporary studies focus on showing how it influences transformational leadership styles. It follows that school authority leadership positively influences the progress of organizational climate observed by educationalists; conjointly, motivation emerged as the vehicle by which school climate is influenced. In addition, the knowledge examined agrees that the ideal school leader must establish a distribution that generates fervor and arouses the collaboration of all the institution's members.El liderazgo directivo y el clima organizacional son esenciales para el correcto desempeño de los docentes escolares. Intrínsecamente, este análisis busca identificar la influencia del liderazgo directivo y el clima organizacional en los docentes mediante una revisión sistemática. Para ello, se realizó una selección de publicaciones internacionales y nacionales sobre el tema estudiado y se recopilaron 25 artículos que cumplían los criterios de inclusión. Se infiere que la construcción de un clima adecuado es un fragmento trascendental de la ocupación de liderazgo de los dirigentes educativos, y una gran cantidad de estudios contemporáneos se centralizan en mostrar cómo influye los estilos de liderazgo transformacional en los docentes. Se deduce que el liderazgo de la autoridad de la escuela tiene una influencia positiva en el progreso del clima organizacional observado por los pedagogos; conjuntamente, la motivación emergió como el vehículo mediante el cual se influye en el clima escolar. Además, los saberes examinados concuerdan en que el líder escolar idóneo debe instaurar una distribución que genere fervor y suscite la colaboración de todos los integrantes de la institución.A liderança diretiva e o clima organizacional são essenciais para o bom desempenho dos professores da escola. Intrinsecamente, esta análise busca identificar a influência da liderança gerencial e do clima organizacional sobre os professores por meio de uma revisão sistemática. Para isso, foi feita uma seleção de publicações internacionais e nacionais sobre o tema estudado e coletados 25 artigos que atenderam aos critérios de inclusão. Infere-se que a construção de um clima adequado é um fragmento transcendental da ocupação de liderança dos líderes educacionais, e um grande número de estudos contemporâneos se concentra em mostrar como os estilos de liderança transformacional influenciam os professores. Deduz-se que a liderança da direção escolar tem influência positiva no andamento do clima organizacional observado pelos pedagogos; conjuntamente, a motivação emergiu como o veículo através do qual o clima escolar é influenciado. Além disso, o conhecimento examinado concorda que o líder escolar ideal deve estabelecer uma distribuição que gere fervor e estimule a colaboração de todos os membros da instituição


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    Information technology plans are well-thought-out, long-term ways to bridge the gap between state and people. Government sectors at all levels invest in information technology to assist them in realizing their e-government objectives. E-government improves and expands citizens' access to infrastructure and services. This study aims to look into the strategic function of information technology in electronic government. According to the outcomes of this investigation, improved alignment of IT strategy with various initiatives and clear legislation, implementation instructions, and standards are required. To identify, explore, and discuss important concerns relating to public involvement, challenges in e-government, scholarship, general practice, advantages, and organization can all be utilized to conduct a complete investigation of citizen engagement. This key IT conclusion in this research contributes to e-government theory and practice in Peru. The study's main conclusions are important for decision-makers, policymakers and for gaining a better understanding of peruvian people’s needs