22 research outputs found

    Violence and aggression in schools in Schleswig-Holstein

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    In der vorliegenden Studie wurden das Ausmaß und die Verbreitung verschiedener Aggressions- und Gewaltformen an Schulen in Schleswig-Holstein untersucht. In einer repräsentativen Erhebung sind insgesamt 2382 Personen befragt worden. Im Rahmen der Fragebogenstudie wurden die Antworten von 1186 Schülern, 559 Lehrern und 637 Eltern anonym ausgewertet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen einen leichten Trend des Anstiegs der Gewaltproblematik in den letzten Jahren, ein erhebliches Ausmaß an verbaler Aggression sowie eine Reihe von innerschulischen Bedingungen von Vandalismus und Gewalthandlungen. Während in der Literatur postulierte Determinanten der Gewalt in Schulen nicht bestätigt werden konnten, zeigt sich in dieser Studie ein Zusammenhang mit Unterforderung der Schüler, Langeweile und Lärm im Unterricht. (DIPF/Text übernommen)The present study describes the extent and distribution of several forms of aggression and violence in schools in Schleswig-Holstein. Answers from 2382 persons were compiled in a representative sample .1186 pupils, 559 teachers and 637 parents participated in the study. Results indicate a slight increase in violence in schools during the last three years. However, a high frequency of verbal aggression was found. Additionally, a number of determinants of vandalism and acts of violence could be documented; underachievement, boredom, and a high noise level in classrooms reveal a high correlation with aggression and violence. On the other hand, several classic determinants of violence in schools could not be confirmed. (DIPF/Orig.

    Intensified Neuronal Investment in the Processing of Chemosensory Anxiety Signals in Non-Socially Anxious and Socially Anxious Individuals

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    BACKGROUND: The ability to communicate anxiety through chemosensory signals has been documented in humans by behavioral, perceptual and brain imaging studies. Here, we investigate in a time-sensitive manner how chemosensory anxiety signals, donated by humans awaiting an academic examination, are processed by the human brain, by analyzing chemosensory event-related potentials (CSERPs, 64-channel recording with current source density analysis). METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In the first study cerebral stimulus processing was recorded from 28 non-socially anxious participants and in the second study from 16 socially anxious individuals. Each individual participated in two sessions, smelling sweat samples donated from either female or male donors (88 sessions; balanced session order). Most of the participants of both studies were unable to detect the stimuli olfactorily. In non-socially anxious females, CSERPs demonstrate an increased magnitude of the P3 component in response to chemosensory anxiety signals. The source of this P3 activity was allocated to medial frontal brain areas. In socially anxious females chemosensory anxiety signals require more neuronal resources during early pre-attentive stimulus processing (N1). The neocortical sources of this activity were located within medial and lateral frontal brain areas. In general, the event-related neuronal brain activity in males was much weaker than in females. However, socially anxious males processed chemosensory anxiety signals earlier (N1 latency) than the control stimuli collected during an ergometer training. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: It is concluded that the processing of chemosensory anxiety signals requires enhanced neuronal energy. Socially anxious individuals show an early processing bias towards social fear signals, resulting in a repression of late attentional stimulus processing

    Induction of Empathy by the Smell of Anxiety

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    The communication of stress/anxiety between conspecifics through chemosensory signals has been documented in many vertebrates and invertebrates. Here, we investigate how chemosensory anxiety signals conveyed by the sweat of humans (N = 49) awaiting an academic examination are processed by the human brain, as compared to chemosensory control signals obtained from the same sweat donors in a sport condition. The chemosensory stimuli were pooled according to the donation condition and administered to 28 participants (14 males) synchronously to breathing via an olfactometer. The stimuli were perceived with a low intensity and accordingly only about half of the odor presentations were detected by the participants. The fMRI results (event-related design) show that chemosensory anxiety signals activate brain areas involved in the processing of social emotional stimuli (fusiform gyrus), and in the regulation of empathic feelings (insula, precuneus, cingulate cortex). In addition, neuronal activity within attentional (thalamus, dorsomedial prefrontal cortex) and emotional (cerebellum, vermis) control systems were observed. The chemosensory perception of human anxiety seems to automatically recruit empathy-related resources. Even though the participants could not attentively differentiate the chemosensory stimuli, emotional contagion seems to be effectively mediated by the olfactory system

    Hard Historian Way. Kalista's professional and personal destiny in the first half of 70th

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    Conference subsidy about the life and publication of historian Zdenek Kalista on normalization start

    Optimised centroiding of stars for space applications

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    Für die Ausrichtung und Nachführung von Weltraumteleskopen sind meist hochpräzise Positionsangaben des Zielobjekts notwendig. Diese Positionsinformationen können aus Bildern durch die Anwendung von Zentrierungsalgorithmen extrahiert werden. Oftmals werden zur Gewinnung der Bilder optische Sensoren eingesetzt, welche speziell für die Feinausrichtung des Teleskops entwickelt wurden. Im Rahmen dieser Masterarbeit wurden für die zwei Weltraummissionen EChO (Exoplanet Characterisation Observatory) und CHEOPS (CHaracterising ExOPlanets Satellite) Untersuchungen für die Auswahl von Zentrierungsalgorithmen zur Feinausrichtung durchgeführt. Die Auswahl erfolgte hierbei anhand von simulierten Beobachtungen, in welchen auf die spezifischen Missionsanforderungen eingegangen wurde. Hierfür wurde der Datensimulator StarSim entwickelt. Dieser ermöglicht es Teleskopbeobachtungen von Sternen, unter Berücksichtigung spezieller Teleskopeigenschaften, zu simulieren. Da Rauschquellen in astronomischen Bildern durch Zufallsprozesse abbildbar sind, erfolgte die Auswertung der Zentrierungsalgorithmen mittels statistischer Methoden. Insbesondere wurden hierfür Monte-Carlo-Simulationen durchgeführt, in welchen zehntausende, simulierte Bilder ausgewertet wurden. Acht Zentrierungsalgorithmen wurden auf ihre Anwendbarkeit in der Feinausrichtung von Weltraumteleskopen geprüft. Es erfolgte eine Kategorisierung der Methoden in die Gruppen Massenschwerpunkt-Algorithmen, Korrelationsalgorithmen und der direkte Fit von mathematischen Funktionen. Es wurde pro Algorithmus eine analytische Beschreibung inklusive Möglichkeiten zur Fehlerabschätzung angegeben. Für jede Methode wurden Implementierungen bereitgestellt und ihre Anwendbarkeit wurde unter verschiedensten Bedingungen getestet. Der Einfluss von hochenergetischer, kosmischer Strahlung auf die Zentrierungsgenauigkeit wurde mit realistischen Modellen untersucht, wobei die Modelle von echten Beobachtungen abgeleitet wurden. Im Allgemeinen dient diese Arbeit als Handbuch zur Implementierung verschiedenster Zentrierungsalgorithmen, welche für die Feinausrichtung von Weltraumteleskopen einsetzbar sind.High precision pointing information is a vital input for the attitude control of space telescopes. This pointing information can be extracted from images by applying centroiding algorithms. Such images may be obtained by dedicated fine guidance sensors or by the science instrument itself. This thesis includes an investigation for the selection of centroiding algorithms for two space missions, the Exoplanet Characterisation Observatory (EChO) and the Characterising ExOPlanets Satellite (CHEOPS). The tool StarSim was developed to test various centroiding algorithms based on unique mission requirements. It allows to simulate telescopic observations of stars based on the specific instrumental features of the individual space missions. Since noise sources in astronomical images represent random processes, a statistical evaluation of the centroiding performance has been carried out with Monte-Carlo analyses that included tens of thousands of simulated images. Eight centroiding algorithms have been analysed with respect to their applicability for the fine guidance of space telescopes. These algorithms have been categorised into centre of gravity algorithms, correlation-based centroiding and direct fitting strategies. An analytical description, implementations and error estimation equations have been provided for each algorithm. The scope of applicability has been tested under various circumstances, such as in the observation of faint stars with high noise in the images. Furthermore, the influence of cosmic ray hits on the centroiding performance has been tested with models that were derived from real observations. In general, this thesis serves as a compendium for the implementation of different kinds of centroiding algorithms in astronomical space missions