55 research outputs found

    The sixth estate : the rule of algorithms

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    W artykule, na podstawie przeprowadzonych hermeneutyczną metodą analiz tekstów i fenomenów społecznych, przedstawiamy rodzące się zjawisko w nowych mediach, a mianowicie coś, co nazwaliśmy The Sixth Estate - władzę algorytmów. Stosowane dzisiaj cyfrowe mechanizmy doboru treści, sterowania zachowania konsumpcyjnymi i politycznymi ludzi przekraczają granicę zjawiska marginalnego i wchodzą do mainstreamu. Równocześnie rodzeniu się The Sixth Estate towarzyszą takie zjawiska, jak mitologizowanie niezrozumiałych mechanizmów cyfrowych, które wchodzą w interakcje z człowiekiem, a także cyborgizacji sieci. "Władza algorytmów", podkreśla rolę, a lepiej by powiedzieć coraz większą hegemonię organizacji nowomedialnej i pracujących dla niej programistów, a także chęć zawłaszczania coraz to nowych obszarów, do niedawna wydawać się mogło, bastionów ludzkiej aktywności, jak ma to miejsce w przypadku rodzącego się właśnie "robo recruiting'u".On the basis of the analysis of numerous texts and social phenomena in which the hermeneutical method is applied, we would like to present the following article on a phenomenon that can be observed in new media. We have referred to the phenomenon as the Sixth Estate, the rule of algorithms. Nowadays, digital mechanisms applied for selecting contents, controlling consumer and political behaviour reach far beyond the limit of a marginal phenomenon, and they readily join the mainstream. With the appearance of the Sixth Estate, some other phenomena can be observed, such as mythologisation of abstruse digital mechanisms which interact with a human being, and network cyborgisation. "The rule of algorithms" emphasises the role, or to put it more precisely, the growing hegemony of new media organisations and software developers who work for them, and the will to conquer new fields which have so far seemed to be the bastions of human activities, as it is in the case of the "robo-recruiting" that has just appeared. Keywords: the rule of algorithms, new media organisations, digital humanities in management

    Innowacja cyfrowa jako kluczowy czynnik przemiany tożsamości organizacyjnej w cyfrową tożsamość organizacyjną

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    Celem artykułu jest zbadanie konsekwencji cyfryzacji dla tożsamości organizacyjnej. Pierwszym etapem badań był przegląd literatury poświęconej tożsamości organizacyjnej (OI), który pozwolił zidentyfikować kluczowe obszary i cechy tradycyjnie rozumianej tożsamości organizacyjnej. Na tej podstawie stworzono pierwszą część modelu, która jest prezentowana jako OI. Następnie przeprowadzono przegląd artykułów naukowych związanych z DI (Digital Innovation) w bazie danych Scopus. Wyniki uzyskane w związku z ujawnioną luką badawczą, jaką jest brak holistycznego podejścia do zmiany koncepcji tożsamości organizacyjnej spowodowanej digitalizacją, pozwoliły opracować model OI zdolny do uchwycenia jego transformacji w DOI (cyfrowa tożsamość organizacyjna).The purpose of this article is to explore the consequences of digitalization on organizational identity. The first stage of the research was a review of the literature dedicated to Organizational Identity (OI), which allowed us to identify key areas and features of classically understood OI. On this basis, we created the first part of the model, which is presented as OI. Then we conducted a systematic literature review of scientific articles connected with Digital Innovation (DI) in the Scopus database, which we identified as being of particular relevance to organizational studies. The results obtained in relation to the revealed research gap, which is the lack of a holistic approach to the change made in the concept of organizational identity brought about by digitalization, allowed us to develop a model of OI able to capture its transformation as Digital Organizational Identity (DOI)

    Evaluation of audit criteria for cultural institutions : a research report

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    Purpose: The purpose of this article is to evaluate the model solution for auditing cultural institutions. The methodology, including audit criteria in key management areas, was used to audit ten cultural institutions of Krakow (theatres and music institutions). The conducted research allowed the auditors to evaluate audit methodology and criteria, as well as identify areas for improvement in relation to audit criteria in the studied cultural institutions. Design/Methodology/Approach: The audits included internal documentation studies, interviews with employees, observation of the theatre operation, participation in performances, including the general rehearsal, website and social media surveys, and interviews with stakeholders. Different approaches were taken to study the organization, systemic and process, based on risk analysis, and with reference to results and compliance. Audit triangulation was used to increase confidence in the research findings. Findings: The audit study assessed audit criteria in eighteen areas of management. In each of these areas, ten quality criteria were evaluated. Practical Implications: Managers of cultural institutions can use the guidance included in the methodology developed and research report to self-assess and improve, as well as to build awareness of the importance of management and its aspects among all employees. Original/value: The evaluation study of the “Guide on the audit of cultural institution” carried out in ten cultural institutions illustrated that the adopted audit criteria are a useful tool for self-assessment and benchmarking.peer-reviewe

    Audit of cultural institutions - approach and methodology

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    Purpose: The purpose of this article is to provide a model solution for auditing cultural institutions. The proposed methodology consists of defining audit criteria in key management areas and giving them appropriate importance. An additional objective was to create a functional benchmarking tool that allows data to be collected to compare similar organisations in their different areas of management, to seek optimal practices and treat them as a model, and to encourage other institutions to implement them. Design/Methodology/Approach: Audit activities in cultural institutions were carried out with the use of techniques related to management audit, operational audit, performance audit and compliance audit. Findings: The methodology has been developed in relation to eighteen areas of management, including strategic and systemic management, leadership, process and project management, and innovation and creativity. Practical Implications: By standardising the audit criteria of the cultural institutions, a scientific approach has been developed to adopt best practices in the field of management and enforcement sciences to create a common language for the description and modelling of the organisation, as well as to create and update common databases, which are the basis for synergies - cooperation and communication. Original/value: The "Guide on the audit of cultural institution", developed on the basis of research, is a proprietary and thus original solution adapted to the specific characteristics of given institutions, allowing self-assessment and the search for their own strategic direction.peer-reviewe

    Standard zarządzania jakością dla dostawców usług szkoleniowych : krytyczna analiza

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    The paper discusses the usefulness of two dedicated quality management systems for learning service providers. The systems have been described in the international standard ISO 29990 and Polish national standards MSUES (Małopolska Standards for Education and Training Services). The results are based on a survey of managers who have implemented one of those systems in their training companies. It was found that the implementation of the discussed systems could contribute to success on the training market. The quality of training services is viewed as an important factor in personnel improvement. Most of the studies on that subject omit the key cause of high quality training, which is quality management in the training company. This paper attempts to bridge that gap

    Social enterprise : finding identity between social and economic goals

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    Przedsiębiorstwa społeczne stały się w ostatnich latach przedmiotem debaty publicznej jako organizacje, które mogą rozwiązywać wiele problemów społecznych na poziomie lokalnym. Zatrudnianie osób wykluczonych rynku pracy, wspieranie i aktywizowanie lokalnych podmiotów gospodarczych czy wreszcie dostarczanie usług społecznych to tylko wstępne oczekiwania skierowane ku przedsiębiorstwom społecznym rozwijającym się dzięki publicznemu wsparciu. Jednocześnie oczekuje się od nich także realizacji celów biznesowych — konkurowania na rynku, generowania nadwyżek, a nawet maksymalizacji zysków. Ten dualizm oczekiwań wobec przedsiębiorstw społecznych może prowadzić do poczucia odrealnienia celów i zagubienia (może nawet utraty) własnej tożsamości. Celem opracowania jest przedstawienie, jak przedsiębiorstwa społeczne równoważą w swoim funkcjonowaniu osiąganie celów społecznych i ekonomicznych. Czym skutkuje silny nacisk na osiąganie celów społecznych? Czy jest to zadowolenie społecznych interesariuszy i uzależnienie od publicznych źródeł wsparcia przedsiębiorstwa? Czy z kolei skupienie na biznesowej stronie działania daje w efekcie większe możliwości spełniania oczekiwań społecznych?In recent years social enterprises have become the subject of public debate as organizations which can solve many social problems at the local level. Hiring people excluded from the labor market, supporting and activating local economic operators and finally the provision of social services are only some of the most basic expectations directed at social enterprises which are constantly growing thanks to public support. On the other hand, they are also expected to achieve business objectives: to compete on the market, generate surpluses and even maximize profits. This discordant duality of expectations social enterprises are forced to face can be conducive to a feeling of unreality of goals and misapprehension (perhaps even loss) of their own identity. The aim of this paper is to show how social enterprises balance the realization of their social and economic goals. What is the consequence of a strong focus on social objectives? Is it the social satisfaction of stakeholders and the enterprise’s dependence on public resources for financial support? Or maybe focusing on the business side results in the enterprises generating more power for themselves which enables them to better meet social expectations

    The digitized voice is calling : re-imagining organizational practice and "consciousness"

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    The numerous dimensions of organizational existence have been extensively examined in management studies; however, the concept of organizational imagination and consciousness has been less explored. The efforts of our research were aimed at discovering how organizational imagination impacts both social and material phenomena and how it contributes to a specific collective way of thinking, perceived as organizational consciousness, which fuels change on multiple levels and impacts the organizational ecosystem. We arrive at the conclusion that organizations that take the risks and embrace organizational imagination give themselves the chance to grow in unexpected ways and as they challenge the comfortable status quo, they are faced with some consequences because the ability to reimagine does not always sit easily with the organizational ecosystem


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    The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical and applied principles of the economic and legal analysis of socio-economic factors of the emergence of threats to the system of counteracting money laundering and terrorism financing in Ukraine. The results of the conducted research allow us to assert that socio-economic factors have a significant destabilizing effect on the system of counteracting money laundering and terrorism financing in Ukraine and provoke the intensification of the processes of the emergence of threats. The article analyzes the main approaches to determining the socio-economic factors of threats to the system of counteracting money laundering and terrorism financing in Ukraine, systematizes their list and singles out the most important ones. On the basis of a detailed study, an economic and legal analysis of socio-economic factors of the emergence of threats to the system of counteracting money laundering and terrorism financing and their legislative regulation was carried out. It was established that among the most significant socio-economic factors of the emergence of threats to the system of counteracting money laundering and terrorism financing in Ukraine are: (1) the growth of the shadow economy; (2) the deepening of corruption; (3) growth of the state budget deficit; (4) an increase in the number of crimes related to the legalization (laundering) of criminally obtained funds. The weakness of the current domestic legislation in terms of establishing responsibility for crimes containing signs of money laundering and terrorism financing was revealed, which requires its improvement in the direction of strengthening such responsibility. A list of measures of economic and legal regulation of socio-economic factors of the emergence of threats to the system of counteracting money laundering and terrorism financing in Ukraine is proposed, most of which are in the area of harmonizing the current legislation of Ukraine with international and European norms, improving the supervisory activities of state regulators and the methodological tools of financial monitoring

    Administracja, zarządzanie i handel zagraniczny w warunkach integracji. Materiały konferencyjne - zarządzanie

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    Ze wstępu: "Partnerstwo jest rodzajem związku między władzami lokalnymi a innymi organizacjami; strony zachowują wolność działania, ale zgadzają się współpracować dla osiągnięcia wspólnych celów. Istnieje szeroka gama efektywnego wykorzystania partnerstwa przy rozwiązywaniu zagadnień zrównoważonego rozwoju, takich jak odnowa wewnętrzna obszarów miast, przekształcanie i rewitalizacja śródmieść, ochrona terenów turystycznych, dynamizacja mieszkalnictwa itp."(...