36 research outputs found

    Analyzing Complex Data in Motion at Scale with Temporal Graphs

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    Modern analytics solutions succeed to understand and predict phenomenons in a large diversity of software systems, from social networks to Internet-of-Things platforms. This success challenges analytics algorithms to deal with more and more complex data, which can be structured as graphs and evolve over time. However, the underlying data storage systems that support large-scale data analytics, such as time-series or graph databases, fail to accommodate both dimensions, which limits the integration of more advanced analysis taking into account the history of complex graphs, for example. This paper therefore introduces a formal and practical definition of temporal graphs. Temporal graphs pro- vide a compact representation of time-evolving graphs that can be used to analyze complex data in motion. In particular, we demonstrate with our open-source implementation, named GREYCAT, that the performance of temporal graphs allows analytics solutions to deal with rapidly evolving large-scale graphs

    Transcriptional analysis of late ripening stages of grapevine berry

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    * Background: The composition of grapevine berry at harvest is a major determinant of wine quality. Optimal oenological maturity of berries is characterized by a high sugar/acidity ratio, high anthocyanin content in the skin, and low astringency. However, harvest time is still mostly determined empirically, based on crude biochemical composition and berry tasting. In this context, it is interesting to identify genes that are expressed/repressed specifically at the late stages of ripening and which may be used as indicators of maturity. * Results: Whole bunches and berries sorted by density were collected in vineyard on Chardonnay (white cultivar) grapevines for two consecutive years at three stages of ripening (7-days before harvest (TH-7), harvest (TH), and 10-days after harvest (TH+10)). Microvinification and sensory analysis indicate that the quality of the wines made from the whole bunches collected at TH-7, TH and TH+10 differed, TH providing the highest quality wines. In parallel, gene expression was studied with Qiagen/Operon microarrays using two types of samples, i.e. whole bunches and berries sorted by density. Only 12 genes were consistently up-or down-regulated in whole bunches and density sorted berries for the two years studied in Chardonnay. 52 genes were differentially expressed between the TH-7 and TH samples. In order to determine whether these genes followed a similar pattern of expression during the late stages of berry ripening in a red cultivar, nine genes were selected for RT-PCR analysis with Cabernet Sauvignon grown under two different temperature regimes affecting the precocity of ripening. The expression profiles and their relationship to ripening were confirmed in Cabernet Sauvignon for seven genes, encoding a carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase, a galactinol synthase, a late embryogenesis abundant protein, a dirigent-like protein, a histidine kinase receptor, a valencene synthase and a putative S-adenosyl-L-methionine: salicylic acid carboxyl methyltransferase. * Conclusions: This set of up-and down-regulated genes characterize the late stages of berry ripening in the two cultivars studied, and are indirectly linked to wine quality. They might be used directly or indirectly to design immunological, biochemical or molecular tools aimed at the determination of optimal ripening in these cultivars

    The H5 guide system - the latest innovative guide system at the ILL

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    The H5 program with the complete rebuild of the guide system and the upgrade or renovation of all instruments leads to a tremendous increase of the instrument performances. The improvement was obtained both in terms of more useful flux and upgrade of the different instruments (e.g. higher field density for IN15). In addition, the industrial application instrument D50 offers an addition to the ILL instrument suite (see p. 27 in this issue). With the commissioning of the new spin echo spectrometer WASP in 2016, the H5 program will be completed and a considerable improvement for the ILL instrument park will be finalized

    Préserver la vie privée en ligne grùce au blocage de contenu

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    The web has seen steady growth since its inception in 1990. Along with this constant production of content, user tracking has appeared early and seen continuous development. Users are thus followed across websites and their behavior observed on individual web pages. To combat user tracking, browser vendors and extension developers have proposed different strategies, ranging from site isolation to asking the user before using sensitive features. In this thesis, we focus on one of this client-side privacy protection strategy: content blocking. Content blocking consists in preventing unwanted parts of web pages from being downloaded or executed, thus protecting the user from them. Existing content blocking tools mostly rely on filter lists which specify what parts of web pages to block. They however suffer from several issues, including incomplete coverage and being unable to target certain kinds of resources. We present four contributions for improving user privacy by modifying page content:1. We measure the dependency on common web page elements on JavaScript and how much blocking JavaScript can improve user privacy. We find that 43 % of web pages from our sample do not strictly depend on JavaScript and that 67 % of pages are likely to be usable when caring only about the main page section.2. Building on the acquired knowledge of page breakage when blocking JavaScript, we design a set of repairs to repair common page breakage types. We introduce the concept of User Browsing Intent (UBI) and, focusing on the ‘read-only' UBI, we measure how much these repairs are useful in the case of this UBI.3. We propose a server-side system to substitute interface page elements usually relying on JavaScript with noscript alternatives, and discuss the benefits of this replacement in particular in terms of device energy savings and security.4. We devise a signature scheme to generate robust signatures of JavaScript functions, and detect the bundling of tracking functions from known tracking libraries with functional code. We find that 22.7 % of domains in our sample bundle such tracking functions with functional code, effectively circumventing existing blocking tools. We propose a technique for blocking these tracking functions while preserving functional code.Le Web a connu une croissance constante depuis sa crĂ©ation en 1990. En parallĂšle de cette production permanente de contenu, le pistage des utilisateurs est apparu rapidement et s'est dĂ©veloppĂ© de maniĂšre tout aussi soutenue. Les utilisateurs sont alors suivis aussi bien entre les sites Web que dans leur comportement sur chaque page. Pour combattre ce pistage, les dĂ©veloppeurs de navigateurs et d'extensions ont proposĂ© diffĂ©rentes stratĂ©gies, de l'isolation des sites les uns par rapport aux autres jusqu'Ă  demander aux utilisateurs la permission d'utiliser certaines fonctionnalitĂ©s sensibles. Dans cette thĂšse, on s'intĂ©resse Ă  une de ces stratĂ©gies de protection cĂŽtĂ© client : le blocage de contenu. Le blocage de contenu consiste Ă  empĂȘcher le chargement ou l'exĂ©cution de certaines parties des pages Web, protĂ©geant ainsi les utilisateurs de celles-ci. Les outils de blocage de contenu existants reposent surtout sur des listes de filtrage qui spĂ©cifient les parties des pages Ă  bloquer. Cependant, elles souffrent de nombreux inconvĂ©nients : elles peuvent notamment ĂȘtre incomplĂštes ou incapables de cibler certains types de ressources. On prĂ©sente quatre contributions pour amĂ©liorer la vie privĂ©e des internautes en modifiant le contenu des pages :1. On mesure la dĂ©pendance au JavaScript d'Ă©lĂ©ments courants des pages Web et dans quelle mesure bloquer JavaScript permet d'amĂ©liorer la vie privĂ©e. On trouve que 43 % des pages Web de notre Ă©chantillon ne dĂ©pendent pas strictement de JavaScript et que 67 % des pages sont susceptibles d'ĂȘtre utilisables si l'on se prĂ©occupe seulement du contenu principal de la page.2. En s'appuyant sur les connaissances acquises concernant la casse des pages quand JavaScript est bloquĂ©, on conçoit un ensemble de rĂ©parations pour corriger les cas courants de casse. On introduit le concept de User Browsing Intent (UBI) (intention de navigation) et, en se concentrant sur la UBI « read-only », on mesure Ă  quel point ces rĂ©parations sont utiles dans le cas de cette UBI.3. On propose un systĂšme cĂŽtĂ© serveur pour remplacer les composants d'interface dĂ©pendants gĂ©nĂ©ralement de JavaScript par des versions sans JavaScript, et on Ă©value les bĂ©nĂ©fices de cette substitution, notamment d'un point de vue sĂ©curitĂ© et de rĂ©duction de la consommation des terminaux.4. On conçoit un algorithme de signature pour produire des signatures robustes de fonctions JavaScript et dĂ©tecter le bundling (empaquetage) de fonctions de pistage provenant de scripts de pistage connus avec du code bĂ©nin. On trouve que 22.7 % des domaines de notre Ă©chantillon comprennent de telles fonctions de pistage, qui contournent ainsi, de fait, les outils de blocage existants. On propose finalement une technique pour bloquer ces fonctions de pistage tout en prĂ©servant les fonctionnalitĂ©s du code environnant

    Préserver la vie privée en ligne grùce au blocage de contenu

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    The web has seen steady growth since its inception in 1990. Along with this constant production of content, user tracking has appeared early and seen continuous development. Users are thus followed across websites and their behavior observed on individual web pages. To combat user tracking, browser vendors and extension developers have proposed different strategies, ranging from site isolation to asking the user before using sensitive features. In this thesis, we focus on one of this client-side privacy protection strategy: content blocking. Content blocking consists in preventing unwanted parts of web pages from being downloaded or executed, thus protecting the user from them. Existing content blocking tools mostly rely on filter lists which specify what parts of web pages to block. They however suffer from several issues, including incomplete coverage and being unable to target certain kinds of resources. We present four contributions for improving user privacy by modifying page content:1. We measure the dependency on common web page elements on JavaScript and how much blocking JavaScript can improve user privacy. We find that 43 % of web pages from our sample do not strictly depend on JavaScript and that 67 % of pages are likely to be usable when caring only about the main page section.2. Building on the acquired knowledge of page breakage when blocking JavaScript, we design a set of repairs to repair common page breakage types. We introduce the concept of User Browsing Intent (UBI) and, focusing on the ‘read-only' UBI, we measure how much these repairs are useful in the case of this UBI.3. We propose a server-side system to substitute interface page elements usually relying on JavaScript with noscript alternatives, and discuss the benefits of this replacement in particular in terms of device energy savings and security.4. We devise a signature scheme to generate robust signatures of JavaScript functions, and detect the bundling of tracking functions from known tracking libraries with functional code. We find that 22.7 % of domains in our sample bundle such tracking functions with functional code, effectively circumventing existing blocking tools. We propose a technique for blocking these tracking functions while preserving functional code.Le Web a connu une croissance constante depuis sa crĂ©ation en 1990. En parallĂšle de cette production permanente de contenu, le pistage des utilisateurs est apparu rapidement et s'est dĂ©veloppĂ© de maniĂšre tout aussi soutenue. Les utilisateurs sont alors suivis aussi bien entre les sites Web que dans leur comportement sur chaque page. Pour combattre ce pistage, les dĂ©veloppeurs de navigateurs et d'extensions ont proposĂ© diffĂ©rentes stratĂ©gies, de l'isolation des sites les uns par rapport aux autres jusqu'Ă  demander aux utilisateurs la permission d'utiliser certaines fonctionnalitĂ©s sensibles. Dans cette thĂšse, on s'intĂ©resse Ă  une de ces stratĂ©gies de protection cĂŽtĂ© client : le blocage de contenu. Le blocage de contenu consiste Ă  empĂȘcher le chargement ou l'exĂ©cution de certaines parties des pages Web, protĂ©geant ainsi les utilisateurs de celles-ci. Les outils de blocage de contenu existants reposent surtout sur des listes de filtrage qui spĂ©cifient les parties des pages Ă  bloquer. Cependant, elles souffrent de nombreux inconvĂ©nients : elles peuvent notamment ĂȘtre incomplĂštes ou incapables de cibler certains types de ressources. On prĂ©sente quatre contributions pour amĂ©liorer la vie privĂ©e des internautes en modifiant le contenu des pages :1. On mesure la dĂ©pendance au JavaScript d'Ă©lĂ©ments courants des pages Web et dans quelle mesure bloquer JavaScript permet d'amĂ©liorer la vie privĂ©e. On trouve que 43 % des pages Web de notre Ă©chantillon ne dĂ©pendent pas strictement de JavaScript et que 67 % des pages sont susceptibles d'ĂȘtre utilisables si l'on se prĂ©occupe seulement du contenu principal de la page.2. En s'appuyant sur les connaissances acquises concernant la casse des pages quand JavaScript est bloquĂ©, on conçoit un ensemble de rĂ©parations pour corriger les cas courants de casse. On introduit le concept de User Browsing Intent (UBI) (intention de navigation) et, en se concentrant sur la UBI « read-only », on mesure Ă  quel point ces rĂ©parations sont utiles dans le cas de cette UBI.3. On propose un systĂšme cĂŽtĂ© serveur pour remplacer les composants d'interface dĂ©pendants gĂ©nĂ©ralement de JavaScript par des versions sans JavaScript, et on Ă©value les bĂ©nĂ©fices de cette substitution, notamment d'un point de vue sĂ©curitĂ© et de rĂ©duction de la consommation des terminaux.4. On conçoit un algorithme de signature pour produire des signatures robustes de fonctions JavaScript et dĂ©tecter le bundling (empaquetage) de fonctions de pistage provenant de scripts de pistage connus avec du code bĂ©nin. On trouve que 22.7 % des domaines de notre Ă©chantillon comprennent de telles fonctions de pistage, qui contournent ainsi, de fait, les outils de blocage existants. On propose finalement une technique pour bloquer ces fonctions de pistage tout en prĂ©servant les fonctionnalitĂ©s du code environnant

    Préserver la vie privée en ligne grùce au blocage de contenu

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    Le Web a connu une croissance constante depuis sa crĂ©ation en 1990. En parallĂšle de cette production permanente de contenu, le pistage des utilisateurs est apparu rapidement et s'est dĂ©veloppĂ© de maniĂšre tout aussi soutenue. Les utilisateurs sont alors suivis aussi bien entre les sites Web que dans leur comportement sur chaque page. Pour combattre ce pistage, les dĂ©veloppeurs de navigateurs et d'extensions ont proposĂ© diffĂ©rentes stratĂ©gies, de l'isolation des sites les uns par rapport aux autres jusqu'Ă  demander aux utilisateurs la permission d'utiliser certaines fonctionnalitĂ©s sensibles. Dans cette thĂšse, on s'intĂ©resse Ă  une de ces stratĂ©gies de protection cĂŽtĂ© client : le blocage de contenu. Le blocage de contenu consiste Ă  empĂȘcher le chargement ou l'exĂ©cution de certaines parties des pages Web, protĂ©geant ainsi les utilisateurs de celles-ci. Les outils de blocage de contenu existants reposent surtout sur des listes de filtrage qui spĂ©cifient les parties des pages Ă  bloquer. Cependant, elles souffrent de nombreux inconvĂ©nients : elles peuvent notamment ĂȘtre incomplĂštes ou incapables de cibler certains types de ressources. On prĂ©sente quatre contributions pour amĂ©liorer la vie privĂ©e des internautes en modifiant le contenu des pages :1. On mesure la dĂ©pendance au JavaScript d'Ă©lĂ©ments courants des pages Web et dans quelle mesure bloquer JavaScript permet d'amĂ©liorer la vie privĂ©e. On trouve que 43 % des pages Web de notre Ă©chantillon ne dĂ©pendent pas strictement de JavaScript et que 67 % des pages sont susceptibles d'ĂȘtre utilisables si l'on se prĂ©occupe seulement du contenu principal de la page.2. En s'appuyant sur les connaissances acquises concernant la casse des pages quand JavaScript est bloquĂ©, on conçoit un ensemble de rĂ©parations pour corriger les cas courants de casse. On introduit le concept de User Browsing Intent (UBI) (intention de navigation) et, en se concentrant sur la UBI « read-only », on mesure Ă  quel point ces rĂ©parations sont utiles dans le cas de cette UBI.3. On propose un systĂšme cĂŽtĂ© serveur pour remplacer les composants d'interface dĂ©pendants gĂ©nĂ©ralement de JavaScript par des versions sans JavaScript, et on Ă©value les bĂ©nĂ©fices de cette substitution, notamment d'un point de vue sĂ©curitĂ© et de rĂ©duction de la consommation des terminaux.4. On conçoit un algorithme de signature pour produire des signatures robustes de fonctions JavaScript et dĂ©tecter le bundling (empaquetage) de fonctions de pistage provenant de scripts de pistage connus avec du code bĂ©nin. On trouve que 22.7 % des domaines de notre Ă©chantillon comprennent de telles fonctions de pistage, qui contournent ainsi, de fait, les outils de blocage existants. On propose finalement une technique pour bloquer ces fonctions de pistage tout en prĂ©servant les fonctionnalitĂ©s du code environnant.The web has seen steady growth since its inception in 1990. Along with this constant production of content, user tracking has appeared early and seen continuous development. Users are thus followed across websites and their behavior observed on individual web pages. To combat user tracking, browser vendors and extension developers have proposed different strategies, ranging from site isolation to asking the user before using sensitive features. In this thesis, we focus on one of this client-side privacy protection strategy: content blocking. Content blocking consists in preventing unwanted parts of web pages from being downloaded or executed, thus protecting the user from them. Existing content blocking tools mostly rely on filter lists which specify what parts of web pages to block. They however suffer from several issues, including incomplete coverage and being unable to target certain kinds of resources. We present four contributions for improving user privacy by modifying page content:1. We measure the dependency on common web page elements on JavaScript and how much blocking JavaScript can improve user privacy. We find that 43 % of web pages from our sample do not strictly depend on JavaScript and that 67 % of pages are likely to be usable when caring only about the main page section.2. Building on the acquired knowledge of page breakage when blocking JavaScript, we design a set of repairs to repair common page breakage types. We introduce the concept of User Browsing Intent (UBI) and, focusing on the ‘read-only' UBI, we measure how much these repairs are useful in the case of this UBI.3. We propose a server-side system to substitute interface page elements usually relying on JavaScript with noscript alternatives, and discuss the benefits of this replacement in particular in terms of device energy savings and security.4. We devise a signature scheme to generate robust signatures of JavaScript functions, and detect the bundling of tracking functions from known tracking libraries with functional code. We find that 22.7 % of domains in our sample bundle such tracking functions with functional code, effectively circumventing existing blocking tools. We propose a technique for blocking these tracking functions while preserving functional code

    Breaking Bad: Quantifying the Addiction of Web Elements to JavaScript

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    International audienceWhile JavaScript established itself as a cornerstone of the modern web, it also constitutes a major tracking andsecurity vector, thus raising critical privacy and security concerns. In this context, some browser extensionspropose to systematically block scripts reported by crowdsourced trackers lists. However, this solution heavilydepends on the quality of these built-in lists, which may be deprecated or incomplete, thus exposing thevisitor to unknown trackers. In this paper, we explore a different strategy, by investigating the benefits ofdisabling JavaScript in the browser. More specifically, by adopting such a strict policy, we aim to quantify theJavaScript addiction of web elements composing a web page, through the observation of web breakages. Asthere is no standard mechanism for detecting such breakages, we introduce a framework to inspect severalpage features when blocking JavaScript, that we deploy to analyze 6,384 pages, including landing and internalweb pages. We discover that 43 % of web pages are not strictly dependent on JavaScript and that more than67 % of pages are likely to be usable as long as the visitor only requires the content from the main section ofthe page, for which the user most likely reached the page, while reducing the number of tracking requestsby 85 % on average. Finally, we discuss the viability of currently browsing the web without JavaScript anddetail multiple incentives for websites to be kept usable without JavaScript