17 research outputs found

    Festival Sebagai Media Komunikasi Dalam Membangun Citra Destinasi Wisata Budaya Di Sumenep

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    Sumenep with its cultural diversity has the potential to become a destination visited by many tourists. This is the duty of the Sumenep regional government to be able to better introduce and build an image as a tourist destination in Indonesia. So that researcher are interested in examining how the Sumenep Tourism and Culture departement build the image Sumenep of a tourist destination. The theory used in this research is management impression theory, Laswell and Aristoteles Communication Model. The research method uses a qualitative approach, with a type of descriptive research and using a case study method. Research informant is head of promotion in the tourism and cultural departement of Sumenep. The data collection technique in this research used interviews, observation and documentation. The result of the research on the process of building the image of the efforts made by showing and displaying the Sumenep cultures, for example kerapan sapi, sapi sonok, tong-tong music, saronen music to presented to the public. So the impression public would perceive as expected. Selection of the festival as a communication channel for the delivery of a message is deemed appropriate to the interests of public. For self presentation strategy is a strategy of self-promotio


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    Publication becomes a very important thing in introducing or promoting thepotential of an area of any kind, be it the potential of human resources and thepotential of natural resources. In the era of Internet technology that has notprogressed as it is today, the first publication into an expensive thing to do, becausein publishing an information can only through newspapers and television, but withadvances in information technology, especially the internet makes anyone can publishany information very Easy and with very low cost too, especially with the developmentof social media. Social media is defined as an online medium where its users can easilyparticipate. Participate in the sense that someone will easily share information, createcontent or content to be conveyed to others, comment on inputs received and so on.All can be done quickly and unlimited (Utari: 2011). In the development of social media today almost all of the majority alreadyhave accounts in social media, but in reality majority social media users are still notaware to utilize social media for positive things. It is certainly less useful in the use ofsocial media. Yet when viewed more deeply about the use of social media, manyentrepreneurs who really use social media as a suggestion of their business promotion,whether it is business in the field of culinary, fashion, IT to tourism


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    Indonesia is blessed with a variety of tribes and cultures that abound and have a uniquenessuniquenessof diverse between tribes and cultures with one another. based on this the researcherinterested to study about local culture as activity in process of public relations management especiallyat local culture that exist in madura. Researchers interested in researching on the local culture inMadura because madura is one of the typical culture and large enough that exist in Indonesia, besidesmadura is also one of the areas that have cultural diversity, such as one of which is the saronenculture, cow culture, culture sonok cattle and the majority of residents still hold firm local culture inthe area. literature review used is the process of public relations management. This research methodusing qualitative approach, While the type of descriptive research. The results of this study indicatethat the culture has been embedded into various activities in society in Indonesia including the processof public relations managemen


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    Communication planning is crucial for a company/organization, not only do profit-oriented companies need communication plans, but non-profit companies such as Garda Pangan also need communication plans to establish cooperation with their partners. Garda Pangan, as a food bank since 2017, has consistently become a coordination center for potentially wasted surplus food to be distributed to underprivileged communities in Surabaya. Garda Pangan needs cooperation with partners with potentially wasted surplus food sources so that they are willing to alleviate the food waste problem together. Garda Pangan creates a communication plan to deliver messages to its audiences and partners effectively. This research aims to evaluate Garda Pangan in its communication planning to establish cooperation with partners. Researchers used descriptive qualitative research methods with data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and documentation. The theory used in this research is Philip Lesly's communication planning model, which has two main components: the organization that drives the activity and the public that is the target of the activity. The steps in the Organizational component that must be carried out are Analysis and Research,Policy Formulation, Implementation program planning, and Communication Activities. Meanwhile, for the Public component, there is Feedback and Evaluation. Garda Pangan uses two main components in its communication planning. Garda Pangan is the organization's first component, while the community and partners are the target public. Garda Pangan's communication planning has been carried out properly because all planning steps that have been made can be executed smoothly

    Fungsi Dinas Kebersihan dan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Sebagai Komunikator dalam Membangun Destination Branding Kampung Wisata Genteng Candirejo di Surabaya

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    Abstract  The Sanitation and Green Open Space Department as a communicator, through the Community Empowerment Sub-Division, conveyed a message to the community with one of its messages, namely to build a branding destination in the tourist village of Genteng Candirejo. Interestingly, DKRTH does not have a public relations position in its organizational structure, which makes researchers interested in knowing the DKRTH's function as a communicator in building the destination branding of the Candirejo Tile Tourism Village in Surabaya. This study uses the concept of destination brand social image patterns in the study of tourism communication as a discussion analysis knife. This research resulted in a conclusion as a DKRTH communicator trying to give an impression to the public by becoming a facilitator of communication, media relations and program assistance so that the social image of the village destination branding is getting stronger Keywords : DKRTH Function, Public Relations Activities, Destination Brand Social Image Patter

    Pengaruh Komunikasi Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Karyawan di PT. Feva Indonesia

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    This study examines the influence of organizational communication on employee performance at PT. Feva Indonesia. Organizational communication has an important meaning in delivering messages within the scope of the organization. One of the organizational behaviors in which there is the delivery of person and information connecting aspects. Good communication fluency depends on a person's ability to communicate and communicate it. The problems that occur are because the communication process is not going well so that information from superiors to employees can cause a misunderstanding because the information conveyed is not understood. With good organizational communication, it is hoped that employee performance will also increase, because it is not an easy thing to improve employee performance. This type of quantitative research uses the total population of employees of PT. Feva Indonesia. Researchers have a role as key informants of 70 employees. The total population is less than 100 people, taken 70 respondents or total sampling. The research conclusion is that organizational communication variables have a significant effect on company performance.Keywords: organizational communication, employee performanc


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    Culture and Indonesia is a thing that will never loose. But cultures that abounds in its development especially in the digital era and the current globalization as pushed the waning cultural premises in indonesia specially in younger generations. It would certainly be the task of the Government as the driving force in cultural preservation efforts. One of the local culture that needs to be preserved is a saronen musical culture derived from the Regency of Sumenep Madura. Based on the phenomenon of researchers interested in knowing the strategies of communication in Cultural preservation Saronen To the younger generation in Sumenep. As for the research methods using a descriptive qualitative approach with data collection techniques of observation, interview and documentation study. The results in this study demonstrate the communication strategy undertaken by the Department of culture, tourism, youth and sports festival by using Sumenep Regency as a medium in the delivery of cultural preservation efforts to saronen generation Young's been right on target.Key Word: Communication Strategy, Saronen Cultural Preservation, The Younger Generatio

    Citra Diri Virtual pada Pengguna Instagram (Studi Dramaturgi pada Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi Untag Surabaya)

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    Citra diri menjadi hal yang kerap dibentuk oleh setiap individu secara sada ataupun tidak sadar. Majunya teknologi, tidak membuat pembentukan citra diri terjadi pada kehidupan nyata atau sehari-hari saja. Dari sekian banyak platform atau aplikasi online yang tengah naik daun, instagram menjadi pilihan peneliti. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan memahami bagaimana subjek penelitian memaknai citra diri virtual yang mereka bentuk pada laman instagramnya. Subjek penelitian pada penelitian ini ialah mahasiswa ilmu komunikasi Universitas17 Agustus 1945. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah metode kualitatif dengan fenomonenologi sebagai grand theory serta teoridramaturgi guna menggali lebih dalam bagaimana subjek penelitian memaknai citra diri virtual yang mereka bentuk di media sosial instagram.Hasil yang didapatkan pada penelitian ini ialah front stage yang menjadi tempat subjek penelitian membangun citra dirinya sebaik mungkin dan back stage tempat subjek penelitian menjadi dirinya sendiri tanpa harus menggunakan topeng. serta ditemukannya middle stage yang dialami subjek penelitian ketika membentuk citra diri virtualnya. Subjek penelitianmemaknai citra diri virtual sebagai versi dirinya secara online yang dapat dibentuk sesuai dengan keinginannya serta menjadikan Instagram dan citra diri virtual sebagai wadah untuk membentuk portofolio dan aktualisasi diriagar dapat membuka peluang baru bagi subjek penelitian. Kata Kunci : Citra Diri, Virtual, Dramaturg

    Potentials of Social Media as Media Facility of Tourism Promotion Based on Community Participation

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    The potential of social media as a media of tourism promotion is vastly massive. Nevertheless, the problem is on how to get social media can be widely known and has abundant followers for the publicized content could be accepted by the crowd. Normally, social media of a tourism promotion is integrated with conventional media like television, radio and newspapers. What if a region does not have large funds to interact with the conventional media, such issue be overcome with community participation. Community participation here is by involving various elements of society in the targeted region to participate in promoting the tourism potentials through their social media respectively. Such first step is considered more effective than creating the social media from the scratch. Local governments can facilitate to create a community in quest to capture users of social media in their area, so that local governments can easily regulate and manage social media users in promoting tourism in their respective regions


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    Surabaya had a tourism industry sector that people was often known as Kenjeran Park Surabaya.Kenjeran Park was a potential tourism industry, because there was also a culinary tour thatsupportedpeople in spending holiday with their family. In 2017 in Kenjeran Park there is a newtheme park called Atlantis Land Surabaya.The researcher was interested in researching this researchbecause wanted to know the role of public relations Atlantis Land as a relatively new theme park inSurabaya to build its image and become an icon in Kenjeran Park’s.The literature review used is thepublic relations management process. This research used a qualitative approach and uses descriptivetypes of research. The results of this study indicated that there were some stages in the process ofKenjeran Park’s image formation, one of which was doing promotion that had a purpose to introducepublic about Atlantis Land Surabaya.Keywords: Role of Public Relations, Image, Atlantis Lan