767 research outputs found

    Emerging trends in WTO dispute settlement : back to the GATT?

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    As the number of cases in the World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute settlement system has increased, there has been a greater effort by the academic community to analyze the data for emerging trends. Holmes Rollo, and Young seek to develop this literature using data up to the end of 2002 to ask whether recent trends confirm previously identified patterns and to examine whether there are divergences from the overall pattern according to the type of dispute. They focus on three questions in particular: What explains which countries are most involved in complaints under the dispute settlement understanding? Is there a discernible pattern to which countries win? Is there a difference to these patterns depending on the type of measure at the heart of the complaint? The authors find that: A country's trade share is a pretty robust indicator of its likelihood to be either a complainant or a respondent. The frequently remarked absence of the least developed countries from the dispute settlement system can be explained by their low volume of trade. There is not much, if any, evidence of a bias against developing countries either as complainants or respondents. Regulatory issues are fading as reasons for disputes and trade defense disputes are the rising issue. Complainants overwhelmingly win (88 percent of cases). There is no strong evidence that the rate of completion of cases is biased against newly industrializing countries or traditional less developed countries.Payment Systems&Infrastructure,Judicial System Reform,Environmental Economics&Policies,Economic Theory&Research,Information Technology,Judicial System Reform,Economic Theory&Research,Information Technology,TF054105-DONOR FUNDED OPERATION ADMINISTRATION FEE INCOME AND EXPENSE ACCOUNT,Trade and Services

    Cheilanthoid Ferns (Pteridaceae: Cheilanthoideae) in the Southwestern United States and Adjacent Mexico-A Molecular Phylogenetic Reassessment of Generic Lines

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    Cheilanthoids are the most commonly encountered fern species of the arid southwest and other xeric habitats throughout the world. Cheilanthes, Notholaena, Pellaea, and Bommeria are the best known southwestern genera, but some authors recognize segregate genera such as Argyrochosma, Aspidotis, Astrolepis, and Pentagramma. Others reject distinctions among some of these genera as artificial, leaving cheilanthoid generic concepts in a state of flux. This unsettled taxonomy is often attributed to morphological homoplasy associated with adaptation to xeric habitats, suggesting the need for new analyses that do not depend on potentially misleading morphology. Nucleotide sequences of the maternally inherited, chloroplast-encoded rbcL gene from 57 species that bear on the relationships of the cheilanthoids of the southwest were cladistically analyzed under the optimality criterion of maximum parsimony. The results provide new insights into phylogenetic relationships and generic circumscriptions of these ferns. Mexican Llavea cordifolia is rejected from the cheilanthoids, traditional Cheilanthes, Notholaena, and Pellaea are polyphyletic, and the segregations of Argyrochosma, Aspidotis, Astrolepis, and Pentagramma are supported. To assess confidence in these conclusions, results of the rbcL-based analysis are compared with those based on ITS sequences of biparentally inherited nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) for a subset of cheilanthoid taxa. These two data sets yield remarkably congruent topologies at shallower phylogenetic levels, suggesting that previous taxonomic problems in this group may indeed be attributable to difficulties in interpreting the taxonomic significance of morphological characters. Disagreement at deeper levels of the topologies suggests the need to incorporate data from less rapidly evolving nrDNA regions

    Semantic traffic sensor data: The TRAFAIR experience

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    Modern cities face pressing problems with transportation systems including, but not limited to, traffic congestion, safety, health, and pollution. To tackle them, public administrations have implemented roadside infrastructures such as cameras and sensors to collect data about environmental and traffic conditions. In the case of traffic sensor data not only the real-time data are essential, but also historical values need to be preserved and published. When real-time and historical data of smart cities become available, everyone can join an evidence-based debate on the city''s future evolution. The TRAFAIR (Understanding Traffic Flows to Improve Air Quality) project seeks to understand how traffic affects urban air quality. The project develops a platform to provide real-time and predicted values on air quality in several cities in Europe, encompassing tasks such as the deployment of low-cost air quality sensors, data collection and integration, modeling and prediction, the publication of open data, and the development of applications for end-users and public administrations. This paper explicitly focuses on the modeling and semantic annotation of traffic data. We present the tools and techniques used in the project and validate our strategies for data modeling and its semantic enrichment over two cities: Modena (Italy) and Zaragoza (Spain). An experimental evaluation shows that our approach to publish Linked Data is effective

    In-Operation Experimental Modal Analysis of a Three Span Open-Spandrel RC Arch Bridge

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    This paper presents the results of the dynamic tests conducted on a historical reinforced concrete arch bridge located in the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines, in the province of Parma (Italy). The design of the sensors location was determined in order to investigate the possible separation into bodies operated by the joints between the different spans. The ambient vibration data allowed the dynamic characterization of the 3-span arch bridge with the total length of 146 m and 18 m in width. The interpretation of the main global modes, distinctly detected through time domain identification methods, indicates that the horizontal response is governed by the deformability of the joints. The results show that the obtained modal features provide a reliable reference for the subsequent updating of the bridge FE model

    Sperm competition shapes gene expression and sequence evolution in the ocellated wrasse.

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    Gene expression differences between males and females often underlie sexually dimorphic phenotypes, and the expression levels of genes that are differentially expressed between the sexes are thought to respond to sexual selection. Most studies on the transcriptomic response to sexual selection treat sexual selection as a single force, but postmating sexual selection in particular is expected to specifically target gonadal tissue. The three male morphs of the ocellated wrasse (Symphodus ocellatus) make it possible to test the role of postmating sexual selection in shaping the gonadal transcriptome. Nesting males hold territories and have the highest reproductive success, yet we detected feminization of their gonadal gene expression compared to satellite males. Satellite males are less brightly coloured and experience more intense sperm competition than nesting males. In line with postmating sexual selection affecting gonadal gene expression, we detected a more masculinized expression profile in satellites. Sneakers are the lowest quality males and showed both de-masculinization and de-feminization of gene expression. We also detected higher rates of gene sequence evolution of male-biased genes compared to unbiased genes, which could at least in part be explained by positive selection. Together, these results reveal the potential for postmating sexual selection to drive higher rates of gene sequence evolution and shape the gonadal transcriptome profile

    Use of training with BCI (Brain Computer Interface) in the management of impulsivity

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    Impulsivity represents one of the risk factors strongly related to dependent behavior in subjects with a diagnosis of substance dependence. The risk appetite, in particular, represents a construct connected with other components such as jumping to conclusion and risk taking.There are several forms of treatment used with subjects who have problems related to impulsivity. A good part of these is aimed at subjects with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), in the form of training or exercises implemented on software. This work aims to evaluate the use of training for concentration, attention and meditation on reducing risk appetite. The experimental design, of a pre-post type, involves assessing the risk appetite before and after training, to be carried out in six sessions over two weeks. The comparison between the experimental group and the control groups showed significant efficacy in reducing the levels of impulsivity in subjects with addiction.This work represents a pilot study on the possible use of meditation, concentration, and training exercises and demonstrates how these can be considered as excellent forms of training for the reduction of impulsiveness and risk appetite, showing their feasibility in the contexts of intervention and cure for addictions

    Beyond electoralism, reflections on anarchy, populism, and the crisis of electoral politics. A collective of anarchist geographers

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    This paper is comprised of a series of short, conversational or polemical interventions reflecting on the political \u2018moment\u2019 that has emerged in the wake of the rise of right-populist politics, particularly in the Global North. We position the UK\u2019s \u2018Brexit\u2019 vote and the election of Donald Trump as US President as emblematic of this shift, which has a longer genesis and a wider scale than these events alone. In particular, we draw on anarchist principles and approaches to consider opportunities for re-energising and re-orienting our academic and activist priorities in the wake of these turbulent times. Following a short introductory section, in which we collectively discuss key questions, challenges and tensions, each contributor individually draws from their own research or perspective to explore the possibilities of a politics beyond electoralism

    Genetic variability in wild and domestic populations of Inga edulis Mart. (Fabaceae) in Peruvian Amazon

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    Human activity in the Peruvian Amazon causes native vegetation fragmentation into smaller units resulting on the increase of agricultural systems. Understanding the level, the structure and the origin of morphologic within and among populations variation is essential for planning better management strategies aimed at sustainable use and conservation of Inga edulis Mart. species. We evaluated the genetic variability in wild and domestic population to unfold cultivation changes over the species genetic resources. We have studied 400 adult trees: 200 cultivated on arable land and 200 wild growing in untouched lowland rain forest. The individuals were randomly selected. Sampling sites were selected and defined on the basis of the geographical coordinates: longitude, latitude and altitude. Phenotypic variation was monitored using the proposed descriptor of qualitative and quantitative features (e.g., weight of hundred seeds). For each individual a voucher specimen was kept. The total genomic DNA was extracted from young leaves, conserved in silica gel, with INVITEK, Invisorb ®Spin Plant Mini Kit. Samples were then genotyped with five microsatellite (SSR) loci. One locus (Pel5) was cross-transferred, developed previously for Pithecellobium elegans. The remaining four loci (Inga03, 05, 08, 33) were previously developed for the species. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was made using a Biometra® T1 Thermocycler using the following profile: 95 °C for 2 min; 95°C for 15 s, 55/59 °C for 30 s, 72 °C for 30 s, 30 cycles; 72 °C for 15 min. The PCR products were fluorescently labelled. The visualization of fragments was carried out according to standard protocols on genetic analyser, ABI PRISM® 310 (Applied Biosystems), using ABI GENESCAN and GENOTYPER software. The phenotypic and genotypic results of wild versus domestic populations are under evaluation to verify if cultivation is altering the allelic variation considering that morphology is considerably changed.Czech Development Cooperation Project entitled “Sustainable use of natural resources in Peruvian Amazon” Project No. 23/MZe/B/07-10; The Academy of Science of The Czech Republic and the National Council for Science, Technology and Technological Innovation, Peru, binational project entitled “Morphological and genetic diversity of indigenous tropical trees in the Amazon – model study of Inga edulis Mart. in Peruvian Amazon”; Foundation “Nadace Nadání Josefa, Marie a Zdeňky Hlávkových”, Czech Republi