7 research outputs found

    Population III Generated Cosmic Rays and the Production of Li6

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    We calculate the evolution of Li6 generated from cosmic rays produced by an early population of massive stars. The computation is performed in the framework of hierarchical structure formation and is based on cosmic star formation histories constrained to reproduce the observed star formation rate at redshift z \la 6, the observed chemical abundances in damped Lyman alpha absorbers and in the intergalactic medium, and to allow for an early reionization of the Universe at z\sim 11 by Pop III stars as indicated by the third year results released by WMAP. We show that the pregalactic production of the Li6 isotope in the IGM via these Pop III stars can account for the Li6 plateau observed in metal poor halo stars without additional over-production of Li7. Our results depend on the efficiency of cosmic rays to propagate out of minihalos and the fraction of supernovae energy deposited in cosmic rays. We also compute the cosmic ray heating of the IGM gas. In general, we find somewhat high temperatures (of order 10^5 K) implying that the cosmic rays production of Li6 may be required to be confined to the so-called warm-hot IGM.Comment: 9 pages 8 figure

    A Bitter Pill: The Primordial Lithium Problem Worsens

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    The lithium problem arises from the significant discrepancy between the primordial 7Li abundance as predicted by BBN theory and the WMAP baryon density, and the pre-Galactic lithium abundance inferred from observations of metal-poor (Population II) stars. This problem has loomed for the past decade, with a persistent discrepancy of a factor of 2--3 in 7Li/H. Recent developments have sharpened all aspects of the Li problem. Namely: (1) BBN theory predictions have sharpened due to new nuclear data, particularly the uncertainty on 3He(alpha,gamma)7Be, has reduced to 7.4%, and with a central value shift of ~ +0.04 keV barn. (2) The WMAP 5-year data now yields a cosmic baryon density with an uncertainty reduced to 2.7%. (3) Observations of metal-poor stars have tested for systematic effects, and have reaped new lithium isotopic data. With these, we now find that the BBN+WMAP predicts 7Li/H = (5.24+0.71-0.67) 10^{-10}. The Li problem remains and indeed is exacerbated; the discrepancy is now a factor 2.4--4.3 or 4.2sigma (from globular cluster stars) to 5.3sigma (from halo field stars). Possible resolutions to the lithium problem are briefly reviewed, and key nuclear, particle, and astronomical measurements highlighted.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures. Comments welcom

    Nucleosynthesis Constraints on a Massive Gravitino in Neutralino Dark Matter Scenarios

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    The decays of massive gravitinos into neutralino dark matter particles and Standard Model secondaries during or after Big-Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) may alter the primordial light-element abundances. We present here details of a new suite of codes for evaluating such effects, including a new treatment based on PYTHIA of the evolution of showers induced by hadronic decays of massive, unstable particles such as a gravitino. We also develop an analytical treatment of non-thermal hadron propagation in the early universe, and use this to derive analytical estimates for light-element production and in turn on decaying particle lifetimes and abundances. We then consider specifically the case of an unstable massive gravitino within the constrained minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (CMSSM). We present upper limits on its possible primordial abundance before decay for different possible gravitino masses, with CMSSM parameters along strips where the lightest neutralino provides all the astrophysical cold dark matter density. We do not find any CMSSM solution to the cosmological Li7 problem for small m_{3/2}. Discounting this, for m_{1/2} ~ 500 GeV and tan beta = 10 the other light-element abundances impose an upper limit m_{3/2} n_{3/2}/n_\gamma < 3 \times 10^{-12} GeV to < 2 \times 10^{-13} GeV for m_{3/2} = 250 GeV to 1 TeV, which is similar in both the coannihilation and focus-point strips and somewhat weaker for tan beta = 50, particularly for larger m_{1/2}. The constraints also weaken in general for larger m_{3/2}, and for m_{3/2} > 3 TeV we find a narrow range of m_{3/2} n_{3/2}/n_\gamma, at values which increase with m_{3/2}, where the Li7 abundance is marginally compatible with the other light-element abundances.Comment: 74 pages, 40 Figure

    Bound-State Effects on Light-Element Abundances in Gravitino Dark Matter Scenarios

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    If the gravitino is the lightest supersymmetric particle and the long-lived next-to-lightest sparticle (NSP) is the stau, the charged partner of the tau lepton, it may be metastable and form bound states with several nuclei. These bound states may affect the cosmological abundances of Li6 and Li7 by enhancing nuclear rates that would otherwise be strongly suppressed. We consider the effects of these enhanced rates on the final abundances produced in Big-Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN), including injections of both electromagnetic and hadronic energy during and after BBN. We calculate the dominant two- and three-body decays of both neutralino and stau NSPs, and model the electromagnetic and hadronic decay products using the PYTHIA event generator and a cascade equation. Generically, the introduction of bound states drives light element abundances further from their observed values; however, for small regions of parameter space bound state effects can bring lithium abundances in particular in better accord with observations. We show that in regions where the stau is the NSP with a lifetime longer than 10^3-10^4 s, the abundances of Li6 and Li7 are far in excess of those allowed by observations. For shorter lifetimes of order 1000 s, we comment on the possibility in minimal supersymmetric and supergravity models that stau decays could reduce the Li7 abundance from standard BBN values while at the same time enhancing the Li6 abundance.Comment: 22 pages 6 figure

    Influence of Population III stars on cosmic chemical evolution

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    New observations from the Hubble ultra deep field suggest that the star formation rate at z>7 drops off faster than previously thought. Using a newly determined star formation rate for the normal mode of Population II/I stars (PopII/I), including this new constraint, we compute the Thomson scattering optical depth and find a result that is marginally consistent with WMAP5 results. We also reconsider the role of Population III stars (PopIII) in light of cosmological and stellar evolution constraints. While this input may be needed for reionization, we show that it is essential in order to account for cosmic chemical evolution in the early Universe. We investigate the consequences of PopIII stars on the local metallicity distribution function of the Galactic halo (from the recent Hamburg/ESO survey of metal-poor stars) and on the evolution of abundances with metallicity (based on the ESO large program on very metal-poor stars), with special emphasis on carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars. Our most important results show that the nucleosynthetic yields of PopIII stars lead to abundance patterns in agreement with those observed in extremely metal-poor stars. In this chemical approach to cosmic evolution, PopIII stars prove to be a compulsory ingredient, and extremely metal-poor stars are inevitably born at high redshift. (Abridged)Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, MNRAS in pres

    Recent results in nuclear astrophysics

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