567 research outputs found

    Remote sensing in Michigan for land resource management

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    The Environmental Research Institute of Michigan is conducting a program whose goal is the large-scale adoption, by both public agencies and private interests in Michigan, of NASA earth-resource survey technology as an important aid in the solution of current problems in resource management and environmental protection. During the period from June 1975 to June 1976, remote sensing techniques to aid Michigan government agencies were used to achieve the following major results: (1) supply justification for public acquisition of land to establish the St. John's Marshland Recreation Area; (2) recommend economical and effective methods for performing a statewide wetlands survey; (3) assist in the enforcement of state laws relating to sand and gravel mining, soil erosion and sedimentation, and shorelands protection; (4) accomplish a variety of regional resource management actions in the East Central Michigan Planning and Development Region. Other tasks on which remote sensing technology was used include industrial and school site selection, ice detachment in the Soo Harbor, grave detection, and data presentation for wastewater management programs

    Integrating social and health services for people, communities, homes, and places

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    The challenge of an ageing population requires a paradigmatic shift in the way we provide social and healthcare services, demanding the need to prioritize the functionality and independence of older adults. The risk and subsequent fear of falling is one of the most high-risk states for older adults, as it generates a destabilizing effect on their health that is often hard to recover. It is essential to thoroughly address their risk factors and mitigators. This discussion needs to be made in light of a person-centered perspective that goes beyond fragilities to capitalize on the strengths of the older adults. The chapter provides examples of how to connect assessment, interventions, and monitoring to a coherent framework approach that mitigates the risks and the impact of falls on an ageing society. The authors explore how technological innovation, urban planning, and regional policies that are culturally relevant can be incorporated in creating a circular economy while meeting the needs of an aging population and preventing falls and cognitive decline

    Guide to the Identification of Poplar Cultivars on the Prairies

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    This paper provides those who work with poplars in the prairies region of Canada with an easy-to-use leaf and twig key and detailed morphological descriptions of the more commonly planted cultivars. Recommendations for their use, notes on growth, natural pruning, susceptibility to insects and diseases, and tolerance to climatic extremes are also provided

    Upstream-binding factor is sequestered into herpes simplex virus type 1 replication compartments

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    Previous reports have shown that adenovirus recruits nucleolar protein upstream-binding factor (UBF) into adenovirus DNA replication centres. Here, we report that despite having a different mode of viral DNA replication, herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) also recruits UBF into viral DNA replication centres. Moreover, as with adenovirus, enhanced green fluorescent protein-tagged fusion proteins of UBF inhibit viral DNA replication. We propose that UBF is recruited to the replication compartments to aid replication of HSV-1 DNA. In addition, this is a further example of the role of nucleolar components in viral life cycle

    Erori de diagnostic în tumorile renale la copii

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    Diagnosticul, tratamentul și profilaxia patologiei canceroase, în special la copii rămâne o problemă de sănătate publică majoră atât la nivel global, regional, cât şi naţional, inclusiv în Republica Moldova. Tumorile retroperitoniale, în special renale la copii frecvent atestă un patern malign rămân în continuare discuție privind diagnosticarea clinico-paraclinică în timpi oportuni. Revizuirea activității diagnostice a unui eșantion de 62 pacienți întro perioadă de 10 ani a stabilit frecvența și structura tumorilor renale la copii, în 15% din cazuri sa atestat persistarea unui diagnostic întârziat, cauzat de diverse erori atestate la diverse nivele ale asistenței medicale, determinând spitalizarea înârziată în subdiviziunile medicale specializate. În rezultatul studiului și a cauzelor atestate în prevenirea unor erori, în baza protocaolelor NWIꞌS și SIOP sa elaborat o nouă conduită prevăzând și particularitățile diagnosticului histopatologic după noua clasivicare privind paternul histopatologic al tumorii care va reduce posibilele deficultăți diagnostice spre un management diagnostic și medico-chirurgical oportun.The diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of cancer pathology, especially in children, remains a major public health issue on the global, regional and national level, including in the Republic of Moldova. Retroperitoneal tumors, especially those renal in children, frequently attest to a malignant pattern and there remains a discussion of clinical-paraclinical diagnosis over time. The review of the diagnostic activity of a sample of 62 patients over a period of 10 years determined the frequency and structure of kidney tumors in children, in 15% of cases the persistence of a delayed diagnosis, caused by various errors at different levels of health care, delayed in specialized medical subdivisions, was attested. As a result of the study and of the proven cases in the prevention of errors, based on the NWIꞌS and SIOP protocols, a new behavior was developed, including the histopathological diagnosis features after the new histopathological pathology classification of the tumor, which will reduce the possible diagnostic deficits towards a timely diagnostic and medical-surgical management

    The experience of administration of the drug NO-CYST in the treatment of the urinary tract infections in children

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    IMSP IMC, Centrul Naţional Știinţifico-Practic de Chirurgie Pediatrică "Natalia Gheorghiu", Catedra de Chirurgie Pediatrică, Departamentul de urologie pediatrică, Al VI-lea Congres de Urologie, Dializă şi Transplant Renal din Republica Moldova cu participare internaţională (21-23 octombrie 2015)Rezumat In studiu au fost incluşi 100 pacienţi cu vîrsta cuprinsă între 3 şi 18 ani, care au urmat tratament cu preparatul NO-CYST intensive şi NO-CYST prevent .in urma tratamentului efectuat s-a constat o diminuare a recidivelor ITU. Preparatul poate fi cu succes administrat în tratamentul post-operator complex după intervenţii plastice asupra tractului urinar.Summary In the research 100 patients aged between 3-18 years, treated w ith intensive NO-CYST and preventive NO-CYST, were included. The study results confirmed the reducing of the recurrences of urinary tract infections in these patients. The drug can be successfully administered for the after operative treatment and after plastic intervention of urinary tract

    De novo Renal Transplantation after Kaposi Sarcoma: Favorable Outcome in a Patient Receiving Sirolimus and Mycophenolate-Based Immunosuppression

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    Immunosuppressive treatment increases the risk of infection and malignancy in organ transplant recipients. We report on a 42-year-old male renal transplant recipient who lost his first graft after reduction of immunosuppressive treatment due to Kaposi sarcoma and who successfully underwent a second renal transplant 10 years later. The patient's current treatment consists of low-dose prednisone, and the two antiproliferative immunosuppressants mycophenolate mofetil and rapamycin. 4.5 years after his second transplant, the serum creatinine is 1 mg/dl and the patient has no signs of recurrent disease

    A CTMC study of collisions between protons and H2+H_2^+ molecular ions

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    We study numerically collisions between protons and H2+H_2^+ molecular ions at intermediate impact energies by using the Classical Trajectory Monte Carlo method (CTMC). Total and differential cross sections are computed. The results are compared with: a) the standard one electron--two nucleon scattering, and b) the quantum mechanical treatment of the H+H2+ H^{+} - H^{+}_{2} scattering.Comment: ReVTeX, 5 pages + 5 figs. (EPS) To be published in Physica Script