136 research outputs found

    What can we expect from international comparison in the field of music education?: Opportunities and challenges

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    Analysing the conversations at the conference the chapter addresses fundamental issues of cultural comparison in music education. There is a disciplinary bias that can tempt the researcher to overestimate cultural conditions. This could lead to cultural relativism that keeps us from critically addressing normative issues associated with aims and contents of music education

    Why Are Certain Items More Difficult than Others in a Competency Test for Music-Related Argumentation?

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    This paper examines why certain items in a competency test for music-related argumentation are more difficult than others. Based on previous studies on school-related achievement tests, the authors assume that differences in item difficulty are related to different item characteristics or combinations of characteristics. In this study, the item characteristics of a test for music-related argumentation were first identified and coded. Three domains were identified as contributing to item difficulty: cognitive requirements, knowledge, and formal item features. Second, multiple linear regression analyses were conducted with the item characteristics as predictors of item difficulty, which had been estimated in a prior study (Ehninger et al., 2021). A comparison of three regression models confirmed that the model holding four predictors of the domain “cognitive requirements” best fit the study data 〖R_adj〗^2= .71). The strongest predictor in the final model was “reference to musical attributes” (ÎČ=0.46,ÎČ=0.51), followed by “cross-sentence argumentation” (ÎČ=0.37) and “dialogical argumentation” (ÎČ=0.20). These results indicate that the difficulty of an item increased most when participants had to refer to musical attributes to solve the task. The items that required the participants to provide cross-sentence or dialogical argumentation were more challenging as well. The findings regarding the relations between item characteristics and item difficulty contribute to a better understanding of music-related argumentative competence, with important implications for the music classroom.Why Are Certain Items More Difficult than Others in a Competency Test for Music-Related Argumentation?publishedVersio

    Musikdidaktische Reflexionen: Was heißt musikalische Bildung durch Inszenierung Ă€sthetischer ErfahrungsrĂ€ume?

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    Der Beitrag beschreibt (Videoaufzeichnungen von) drei Musikstunden aus der Perspektive Ă€sthetischer Bildung. Interaktion, Argumentation und Partizipation sind die zentralen Konzepte der Untersuchung. Das Fazit lautet: Musikalische Praxis ist dann relevant fĂŒr Bildung, wenn Ă€sthetische Erfahrungen ermöglicht und gefördert werden.The article describes (video recordings of) three music lessons from an aesthetic education perspective. Interaction, argumentation, and participation are essential concepts of the examination. The conclusion: Musical praxis is relevant for Bildung if and when it facilitates aesthetic experience

    A New Measurement Instrument for Music-Related Argumentative Competence : The MARKO Competency Test and Competency Model

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    In this paper, we introduce the MARKO competency test and competency model, a new measurement instrument for music-related argumentative competence (MARKO: Musikbezogene ARgumentationsKOmpetenz; German for music-related argumentative competence). This competence, which plays an essential role in school curricula, refers to the ability to justify and defend judgments about music. The two main goals of this study were (1) to design an assessment test for music-related argumentation that fulfills psychometric criteria and (2) to derive competency levels based on empirical data to describe the cognitive dispositions that are necessary when engaging in argumentation about music. Based on a theoretical framework, we developed a competency test to assess music-related argumentative competence. After two pretests (N = 391), we collected data from 440 students from Grade nine to the university level. The final test consisted exclusively of open-ended items, which were rated with coding schemes that had been designed for each item. After ensuring inter-rater reliability, we composed an item pool that met psychometric criteria (e.g., local stochastic independence and item homogeneity) and represented content-related aspects in a meaningful way. Based on this item pool, we estimated a one-dimensional partial credit model. Following a standard-setting approach, four competency levels were derived from the empirical data. While individuals on the lowest competency level expressed their own opinions about the music by referring to salient musical attributes, participants on the highest level discussed different opinions on the music and considered the social and cultural context of the music. The proficiency scores significantly varied between grades. Our findings empirically support some theoretical assumptions about music-related argumentation and challenge others.publishedVersio

    Ästhetischer Streit im Musikunterricht: Didaktische und methodische Überlegungen zu UnterrichtsgesprĂ€chen ĂŒber Musik

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    Der Beitrag gibt einen Einblick in musikdidaktische Diskussionen zum »Reden ĂŒber Musik« im besonderen Sinne Ă€sthetischen Streits. Nach einer knappen Darlegung von TheoriebezĂŒgen werden anhand von beispielhaften Dialogen Grundformen Ă€sthetischer Praxis im Musikunterricht vorgestellt, in denen Ă€sthetische Arten des Redens ĂŒber Musik eine Rolle spielen. Als Grundformen werden produktionsorientierte, rezeptionsorientierte und kulturorientierte Projekt- bzw. Unterrichtssituationen unterschieden.The paper provides insight into discussions about “Talking about Music” in the meaning of aesthetic argument in the field of Music Education in Germany. After giving a brief explanation of the theoretical references, the text presents basic situations of aesthetical Praxis in Music Education with aesthetic dialogues about music. The basic situations are distinguished as situations of producing (in the meaning of inventing and performing) music, listening to music and dealing with different cultures (styles) of music

    Musikalische Praxen aus pÀdagogischen Perspektiven: Eine Festschrift zu Themen und Texten Christopher Wallbaums

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    In den AufsĂ€tzen des Bandes werden von verschiedenen Autor:innen des aktuellen musikpĂ€dagogisch-wissenschaftlichen Diskurses Themen aufgegriffen und diskutiert, die Christopher Wallbaum ins musikpĂ€dagogische Spiel gebracht hat. Didaktische, philosophische, kulturtheoretische und methodologische Fragestellungen bilden zwei große Schwerpunkte: Eine erste Textgruppe beschĂ€ftigt sich in konstruktiv-kritischer Form mit musikdidaktisch-konzeptionellen AnsĂ€tzen wie der Prozess-Produkt-Didaktik und dem Modell Musikpraxen erfahren und vergleichen. Die zweite Textgruppe setzt sich mit Perspektiven musikpĂ€dagogischer Forschung auseinander. Dabei liegt ein Fokus auf Überlegungen zu praxistheoretischen Perspektiven auf Unterricht, zur Arbeit mit Unterrichtsvideographien und zu international vergleichenden Fragestellungen. Christopher Wallbaum hat nahezu 40 Jahre lang die MusikpĂ€dagogik als Lehrer und Hochschullehrer, als Musiker und Mensch geprĂ€gt. Sein Denken und Handeln zeigt das Fach als spannendes und herausforderndes, oftmals auch vergnĂŒgliches Problemfeld. Er war und ist stets an der Vermittlung von wissenschaftlichem Diskurs und konkreter Unterrichtspraxis interessiert und hat wesentliche Impulse fĂŒr die musikpĂ€dagogische Forschung und Lehre gesetzt

    On \u27inspiring\u27 and \u27safe places\u27. The aesthetic use of place in music-app practices

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    Obwohl Musikapps immer beliebter werden, gibt es bisher kaum Forschung zu informellen Musikpraktiken mit Apps. Dieser Beitrag prĂ€sentiert Ergebnisse einer Studie zu Lernprozessen und Ă€sthetischen Erfahrungen in informellen Appmusikpraktiken. Insbesondere stellt er Ă€sthetische Praktiken (Reckwitz, 2008b) der Nutzung von Orten vor. Im Rahmen einer Grounded-Theory-Studie (Charmaz, 2014) wurden Daten mittels Interviews, teilnehmender Beobachtung und Videographie erhoben. Exemplarisch werden Praktiken der Nutzung von ‚inspirierenden Orten‘ und ‚Safe Places‘ vorgestellt, fĂŒr die die Wahrnehmung von AtmosphĂ€ren entscheidend ist. Sie können auch als Techniken der Erzeugung von Stimmungen verstanden werden. Die Ergebnisse können Licht auf die Ă€sthetischen Besonderheiten mobilen Musikmachens werfen. (DIPF/Orig.)Although music apps are becoming increasingly popular, there has been little research on informal music practices with apps. This article presents findings of an ongoing study on learning processes and aesthetic experiences with informal appmusic practices. In particular, it discusses the aesthetic practices (Reckwitz, 2008b) of using specific places for making music. In our grounded theory study (Charmaz, 2014) we collected data using interviews, participant observation and videography. As exemplary cases, this article presents two analyses of the use of ‘inspiring places’ and ‘safe places’. The results suggest that perceiving the atmosphere is a fundamental prerequisite for both places. Additionally, the results shed light on aesthetic aspects of mobile music making. (DIPF/Orig.

    Author Correction: Novel diagnostic and therapeutic techniques reveal changed metabolic profiles in recurrent focal segmental glomerulosclerosis

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    Idiopathic forms of Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) are caused by circulating permeability factors, which can lead to early recurrence of FSGS and kidney failure after kidney transplantation. In the past three decades, many research endeavors were undertaken to identify these unknown factors. Even though some potential candidates have been recently discussed in the literature, “the” actual factor remains elusive. Therefore, there is an increased demand in FSGS research for the use of novel technologies that allow us to study FSGS from a yet unexplored angle. Here, we report the successful treatment of recurrent FSGS in a patient after living-related kidney transplantation by removal of circulating factors with CytoSorb apheresis. Interestingly, the classical published circulating factors were all in normal range in this patient but early disease recurrence in the transplant kidney and immediate response to CytoSorb apheresis were still suggestive for pathogenic circulating factors. To proof the functional effects of the patient’s serum on podocytes and the glomerular filtration barrier we used a podocyte cell culture model and a proteinuria model in zebrafish to detect pathogenic effects on the podocytes actin cytoskeleton inducing a functional phenotype and podocyte effacement. We then performed Raman spectroscopy in the < 50 kDa serum fraction, on cultured podocytes treated with the FSGS serum and in kidney biopsies of the same patient at the time of transplantation and at the time of disease recurrence. The analysis revealed changes in podocyte metabolome induced by the FSGS serum as well as in focal glomerular and parietal epithelial cell regions in the FSGS biopsy. Several altered Raman spectra were identified in the fractionated serum and metabolome analysis by mass spectrometry detected lipid profiles in the FSGS serum, which were supported by disturbances in the Raman spectra. Our novel innovative analysis reveals changed lipid metabolome profiles associated with idiopathic FSGS that might reflect a new subtype of the disease
