51 research outputs found

    Kunst Erziehung Kunsterziehung

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    Im folgenden soll, improvisiert und thesenhaft, versucht werden, anhand der Funktion von Dichtung im Deutschunterricht einiges zum Verhältnis von Kunst und Erziehung heute beizutragen. (DIPF/Orig.

    Atmosphere-ocean changes in the Pacific Southern Ocean over the past 1 Million years and implications for global climate

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    Atmosphere-ocean interactions play an important role for understanding processes and feedbacks in the Southern Ocean (SO) and are relevant for changes in Antarctic ice-sheets and atmospheric CO2 concentrations. The most important atmospheric forcing at high and mid-latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere is the westerly wind belt (SWW), which strongly affects the strength and extension of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), upwelling of deep-water masses, and controls the back-flow of intermediate waters to the tropics. In order to address orbital and millennial-scale changes of the SWW and the ACC, we present sediment proxy records from the Pacific SO including the Chilean Margin and the Drake Passage. The Drake Passage (DP) represents the most important oceanic gateway along the ACC. Based on grain-size and geochemical properties of sediment records from the southernmost continental margin of South America, we reconstruct changes in DP throughflow dynamics over the past 65,000 years. In combination with published sediment records from the Scotia Sea and preliminary sediment records from the central Drake Passage (Polarstern cruise PS97, 2016), we argue for a considerable total reduction of DP transport and reveal an up to ~40% decrease in flow speed along the northernmost ACC pathway entering the DP during glacial times. Superimposed on this long-term decrease are high-amplitude millennial-scale variations, which parallel Southern Ocean and Antarctic temperature patterns. The glacial intervals of strong weakening of the ACC entering the DP imply a reduced Pacific-Atlantic exchange via the DP (“cold-water route”). The reduced Drake Passage glacial throughflow was accompanied by a pronounced northward extension of the Antarctic cold-water sphere in the Southeast Pacific sector and stronger export of northern ACC water into the South Pacific gyre. These oceanographic changes are consistent with reduced SWW within the modern maximum wind strength zone over the subantarctic ACC and reduced wind forcing due to extended sea-ice further south. Despite this reduction in winds in the core of the westerlies, we observe 3-fold higher dust deposition during glacial periods in Past Antarctic Ice Sheet Dynamics (PAIS) Conference September 10-15th 2017, Trieste - Italy the Pacific Southern Ocean (SO). This observation may be explained by a combination of factors including more expanded arid dust source areas in Australia and a northward extent or enhancement of the SWW over Southeast Australia during glacials that would plausibly increase the dust uptake and export into the Pacific SO. Such scenario would imply stronger SWW at the present northernmost margin of the wind belt coeval with weaker core westerlies in the south and reduced ACC strength, including Drake Passage throughflow during glacials. We conclude that changes in DP throughflow play a critical role for the global meridional overturning circulation and interbasin exchange in the Southern Ocean, most likely regulated by variations in the westerly wind field and changes in Antarctic sea-ice extent. Keywords: Pelagic Southern Ocean, Antarctic Circumpolar Current, Southern Westerlies, Teleconnections

    Recuerdo de Scholem

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    China and Its Neighbours

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    Christian Civilization or Cultural Expansion? The German Missionary Enterprise in China, 1882-1919

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    ¿De camino al museo? Discurso de apertura de una exposición sobre Benjamin del Archivo Theodor W. Adorno

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    This text reproduces the opening speech pronounced by Rolf Tiedemann at the opening of an exhibition in memoriam of Walter Benjamin on the 50 th anniversary of his death, twenty years ago now. Even though the speech responds to a context which is geographically and historically far-off from ours, its relevance for the comprehension of Benjamin's intellectual and theoretical significance, 70 years after his death, is undeniable. The translation of this text into Spanish also aspires to make a modest contribution to the recognition of the irreplaceable work done by Rolf Tiedemann, whose editorial labor recovered Benjamin's work from the destructive forces which cut off his life. In this venture Tiedemann not only had to face up to the multiple difficulties and obstacles that threatened his purpose, but also to new forms of repression and oblivion linked to the annihilation of the historical dimension of consciousness. By opposing them, his work �from his pioneer doctoral dissertation Studies on Walter Benjamin's Philosophy up to his editions of Adorno's and Benjamin's collected writings, but also as director at the Adorno-Archive from 1984 until 2001� has been marked by the need of safeguarding the critical force of remembrance: the attempt to pass on the work of those authors that were able to face up to the most appalling violence of the past century in order to decipher its consequencesEl presente texto constituye el discurso inaugural que Rolf Tiedemann pronunció con motivo de la inauguración de una exposición en recuerdo de Walter Benjamin en el 50 aniversario de su muerte, hace ahora veinte años. Pese a que el texto responde a un contexto histórica y geográficamente lejano, su relevancia a la hora de comprender la significación teórica e intelectual de Benjamin 70 años después de su muerte sigue siendo indiscutible. Pero su traducción al español aspira también a realizar una modesta contribución al reconocimiento del insustituible trabajo de Rolf Tiedemann, que con su labor editorial ha permitido rescatar la obra de Benjamin de las fuerzas destructoras que segaron su trayectoria biográfica. En esta empresa Tiedemann tuvo que enfrentarse, no sólo con las múltiples dificultades y obstáculos que pusieron en peligro su labor, sino también con nuevas formas de represión y olvido vinculadas a la aniquilación de la dimensión histórica de la conciencia. Frente a ellas, el trabajo de Tiedemann, desde su pionera tesis doctoral Estudios sobre la filosofía de Walter Benjamin hasta sus ediciones de las obras completas de Benjamin y Adorno �y por supuesto a su tarea como el director del Archivo Theodor W. Adorno desde 1984 hasta 2003�, ha estado marcado por la necesidad de salvaguardar la fuerza crítica del recuerdo: precisamente el intento de transmitir la labor de aquellos autores que fueron capaces de mirar de frente a la violencia más atroz del pasado siglo para intentar descifrar sus implicaciones

    Dialektik im Stillstand : Versuche zum Spätwerk Walter Benjamins /

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