1,392 research outputs found

    A DDC Loop Between Lund and Kiruna for Control of an Ore Crusher

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    German Merger Control: A European Approach to Anticompetitive Takeovers

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    European free-market countries recently have begun to enact more laws regulating mergers and joint-ventures, with Germany at the forefront. In this article, Messrs. Belke and Braun intensively analyze the German merger control law, including the criteria that necessitate a report to the German Cartel Office, its application of the substantive merger control rules, and possible exceptions to an anti-merger ruling. They also explore the impact of the German law on international mergers and joint-ventures. Finally, they discuss in detail the first two German Supreme Court decisions that construed the substantive rules and contrast them with similar American cases

    Construction and Control of an Educational Lab Process - The Gantry Crane

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    In this paper, we describe the construction and control of a gantry crane that is used in courses at the Department of Automatic Control, Lund university. Two different models of the crane are developed. A thorough example of path following, including on-line time-varying input/state-transformations and LQG control, used in a laboratory exercise is shown together with experimental results. Time-optimal trajectories for position control, with constraints on positions, load angles, and control signals are computed using Modelica and Optimica

    Reconfiguring an ASEA IRB-6 Robot System for Control Experiments

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    Digitalisation in agriculture and its impact on social sustainability

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    Digitalisation in agriculture will lead to changes in the way farms are operated. In addition to the predicted changes in the ecological and economical dimensions of sustainability the social dimension which is examined in this publication, will also undergo a fundamental change. The social dimension of sustainability very often does not receive the same attention as the ecological and economical components. However, it is equally important and must not be neglected just because of the fact that quantification in this field is more complex than in the ecological or economical field. In order to predict which changes digitalisation will bring to agriculture a Delphi survey was conducted. The questions are based on the UNEP SETAC Guideline for social life cycle assessment. It should be mentioned that at DiWenkLa the material flows are in Germany. Issues such as child labor and forced labor which are major issues worldwide and which the UNEP SETAC guidelines aim to eliminate are not considered in this project. The focus is on how digitalisation is changing the social sustainability of agriculture in Southern Germany. The 17 questions were answered by experts in the fields of agriculture, sociology, agricultural extension, agricultural research, digitalisation and academia. The questionnaire is designed to determine the effects of digitalisation in agriculture on social sustainability.The main objective of this study is to develop a consensus on how digitalisation in agriculture affects the social dimension of sustainability. In Delphi Surveys, several rounds of interviews are conducted until the experts reach a consensus on the issue. A standardized questionnaire with predefined answers is sent out. After a successful response to the first round, the questionnaire is evaluated and the experts received the same questionnaire, amended with the answers from the first round, so that they can reconsider their decision. This procedure is repeated until a consensus is reached among the experts

    How to contribute research results to Internet standarization

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    The development of new technology is driven by scientific research. The Internet, with its roots in the ARPANET and NSFNet, is no exception. Many of the fundamental, long-term improvements to the architecture, security, end-to-end protocols and management of the Internet originate in the related academic research communities. Even shorter-term, more commercially driven extensions are oftentimes derived from academic research. When interoperability is required, the IETF standardizes such new technology. Timely and relevant standardization benefits from continuous input and review from the academic research community. For an individual researcher, it can however by quite puzzling how to begin to most effectively participate in the IETF and - arguably to a much lesser degree - in the IRTF. The interactions in the IETF are much different than those in academic conferences, and effective participation follows different rules. The goal of this document is to highlight such differences and provide a rough guideline that will hopefully enable researchers new to the IETF to become successful contributors more quicklyThis research was supported by Trilogy (http://www.trilogy-project.org), a research project (ICT-216372) partially funded by the European Community under its Seventh Framework Programme. European Community's Seventh Framework ProgramPublicad

    ALLBUS-Bibliographie: (6. Fassung, Stand: 30.06.1987)

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    Die vorliegende Bibliographie dokumentiert 141 Arbeiten mit ALLBUS-Daten, die entweder in Büchern oder Fachzeitschriften veröffentlicht oder in Form von Arbeitsberichten allgemein zugänglich sind. Berücksichtigt werden auch unveröffentlichte Diplom- und Magisterarbeiten, Dissertationen und Habilitationsschriften. Zu den einzelnen Arbeiten werden die üblichen bibliographischen Angaben und eine inhaltliche Kurzfassung gegeben. (US

    ALLBUS-Bibliographie: (5. Fassung, Stand: 30.06.1986)

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    Die vorliegende fünfte Fassung der ALLBUS-Bibliographie dokumentiert Arbeiten mit ALLBUS-Daten, die in Form von Büchern, Beiträgen in Fachzeitschriften, allgemein zugänglichen Arbeitsberichten oder als Hochschulschriften veröffentlicht wurden. Sie enthält mit 114 Titel 20 Nachweise mehr als die vierte Ausgabe von 1985. Die Darstellung folgt einer systematischen Gliederung, die sich an einer Kombination der Art der ALLBUS-Daten-Verwendung (illustrativ/analytisch) und dem Schwerpunkt der Arbeit (methodisch/inhaltlich) orientiert. (KO

    The GadX regulon affects virulence gene expression and adhesion of porcine enteropathogenic Escherichia coli in vitro

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    The ability of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) to express virulence factor genes and develop attaching and effacing (AE) lesions is inhibited in acidic environmental conditions. This inhibition is due to the activation of transcription factor GadX, which upregulates expression of glutamic acid decarboxylase (Gad). Gad, in turn, produces γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which was recently shown to have a beneficial effect on the jejunal epithelium in vitro due to increased mucin-1 levels. In the present study, we sought to test whether forced GadX activation/overexpression abolishes virulence associated features of EPEC and provokes increased GABA production. EPEC strains were isolated from diarrheic pigs and submitted to activation of GadX by acidification as well as gadX overexpression via an inducible expression vector plasmid. GABA concentrations in the growth medium, ability for adhesion to porcine intestinal epithelial cells (IPEC-J2) and virulence gene expression were determined. Growth in acidified media led to increased GABA levels, upregulated gadA/B expression and downregulated mRNA synthesis of the bacterial adhesin intimin. EPEC strains transformed with the gadX gene produced 2.1 to 3.4-fold higher GABA levels than empty-vector controls and completely lost their ability to adhere to IPEC-J2 cells and to induce actin accumulation. We conclude that intensified gadX activation can abolish the ability of EPEC to adhere to the intestinal epithelium by reducing the expression of major virulence genes