18 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini menitik beratkan pada hubungan kekuatan otot lengan, kelentukan togok, kekuatan otot tungkai terhadap pembelajaran guling depan kelas IV & V SD Negeri Kraton Yogyakarta. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kekuatan otot lengan, kelentukan togok, dan kekutan otot tungkai dengan gerakan guling depan. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian korelasional dengan meggunakan metode survei tes dan pengukuran dan pendekatan kuantitatif. Instrumen penelitian berupa tes kekuatan otot lengan, tes kelentukan togok, tes kekuatan otot tungkai dan tes guling depan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas IV dan V SD N Kraton Yogyakarta dan sampel penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas IV yang berjumlah 21 dan kelas V yang berjumlah 16 SD N Kraton Yogyakarta. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji asumsi klasik, uji regresi linier berganda, uji hipotesis. Hasil penelitian diperoleh Hubungan kekuatan otot lengan dan signifikan bernilai positif 0.691, hubungan kelentukan togok dan signifikan bernilai positif 0,331, hubungan kekuatan otot tungkai berpengaruh dan signifikan bernilai positif 0,886, dan hubungan kekuatan otot lengan, keletukan togok, dan kekuatan otot tungkai secara bersama-sama signifikan terhadap guling depan, maka dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa ketiganya terdapat hubungan yang singnifikan secara bersama-sama terhadap guling depan

    pengembangan model latihan keterampilan tendangan dwi hurigi dalam bentuk VCD untuk peserta latihan UKM taekwondo Universitas Negeri Malang

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    RINGKASAN   Latar belakang dari penelitian ini adalah di dalam olahraga Taekwondo tendangan dwi hurigi merupakan tendangan yang dapat menghasilkan poin tertinggi pada kategori pertarungan. Berdasarkan dari data hasil observasi ditemukan bahwa peserta latihan UKM Taekwondo Universitas Negeri Malang merasa keterampilan tendangan dwi hurigi mereka kurang baik serta sangat membutuhkan model latihan yang bervariasi. Tujuan penelitian dan pengembangan ini adalah untuk menghasilkan suatu produk berupa model latihan tendangan dwi hurigi,dengan demikianagar mampu meningkatkan keterampilan tendangan dwi hurigi para peserta latihan dapat menggunakan model-model latihan yang akan dikembangkan. Selain itu bisa untuk menambah wawasan pengetahuan bagi pelatih mengenai model-model latihan tendangan dwi hurigi yang dapat diberikan kepada peserta latihan. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan model penelitian dan pengembangan (research and development) dariBorg & Gall (1983:775). Dari 10 langkah peneliti hanya menggunakan 7 langkah. Langkah-langkah tersebut yaitu, (1) analisis kebutuhan, (2) perencanaan pembuatan produk, (3) tinjauan atau evaluasi ahli, (4) uji coba produk awal, (5) revisi produk, (6) uji coba lapangan, (7) revisi produk. Hasil dari beberapa ahli dan uji coba produk (kelompok kecil dan kelompok besar) yaitu, 1) validasi ahli media dinyatakan sangat baik dengan (81,66%), 2) validasi ahli Taekwondo menyatakan sangat baik (100%), 3) validasi ahli kepelatihan dinyatakan sangat baik (88,28%), 4) hasil uji coba (kelompok kecil) dari 8 peserta dinyatakan sangat baik (97,16%) dan 5) hasil uji coba produk 30 peserta dinyatakan sangat baik (88,98%). Kesimpulan secara keseluruhan dari analisis data tersebut bahwa produk yang dikembangkan sangat valid dan layak digunakan untuk peserta latihan UKM Taekwondo Universitas Negeri Malang. Dari simpulan yang dihasilkan, maka saran dari peneliti yaitu, sebagai model latihan para peserta dan bahan reverensi pelatih dalam memberikan model latihan tendangan dwi hurigi untuk peserta latihan UKM Taekwondo Universitas Negeri Malang

    Instant Photography in Czechoslovakia and Czechia

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    Tato práce se věnuje fenoménu instantní fotografie, vynálezu firmy Polaroid, který se ve své první podobě dostal na americký trh v roce 1948. Práce popisuje technologické a vizuální specifikace dané technologie a shrnuje její společenský a ekonomický dopad a vývoj. Práce si bere za cíl zmapovat a popsat vývoj instantní fotografie v Československu a v Čechách, porovnat ho s vývojem ve světě a představit české a slovenské umělce, kteří s touto technologií pracovali nebo pracují

    Media and the Uncertain Fight against Corruption

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    This chapter is an extract of a whole study conducted to examine the role of the media in fighting corruption in Lira city, northern Uganda. The objectives of this chapter are to: establish the reasons for the persistence of corruption in the public administration of Lira City, examine the role of the media as a critical tool used in the fight against corruption in Lira city, examine the limitations of the media in the fight against corruption in Lira city and identify solutions to the challenges that hinder media in fighting corruption in the City’s administration. This chapter derives its data from media practitioners, public officials and business people through interviewer-administered questionnaires: A total of (139) respondents and eight key informant interviews (KIIs) from a sample size of 101 respondents out of a study population of 147 inform this work. The author reviewed relevant literature and documents on the role of the media in fighting corruption from various sources

    Role of Libraries in Providing Access to Information and Opportunity for All in Kenya

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    A paper presentation at the 3rd East African Multidisciplinary Research Conference (EAMARC III) held at the United States International University- Africa, 15th -17th November, 2016.Poor quality education is leaving a legacy of illiteracy: one in four youngsters not able to read a single sentence,175 million adolescents worldwide illiterate SDG4 draws the attention to the need for quality education for all genders. Objectives of the Study: To find out the effort Kenyan government has put in attaining access to information and opportunity for all. To determine the role of libraries in providing access to information and opportunity for all. To explore the challenges libraries face in the provision of access to information and opportunity for all. To find out strategies libraries can use to promote access to information and opportunity for all

    Longer-Term Follow-Up of Kenyan Men Circumcised Using the ShangRing Device

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    <div><p>Objectives</p><p>To ascertain clinical sequelae, client satisfaction and sexual behavior 2+ years after male circumcision using the ShangRing device.</p><p>Methods</p><p>We enrolled 199 men from the Kenya sites (Homa Bay district) participating in a 2012 study of the ShangRing device used in routine male circumcision services (N = 552). We enrolled men who had had the ShangRing placed successfully, and over-sampled men who had had an adverse event and/or were HIV-positive during the field study. In the present study, each participant was examined and interviewed by a study clinician, and penile photographs were taken to document longer-term cosmetic results and any abnormal findings.</p><p>Results</p><p>194 men were included in the analysis. The mean and median times between circumcision and the longer-term follow-up visit in this study were 31.8 and 32 months, respectively. Four men (2.1%) had signs/symptoms of a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Virtually all (99.5%) of the men were very satisfied with the appearance of their circumcised penis, and all would recommend a ShangRing circumcision to friends or family members. The most prevalent reported advantage of the circumcision was the ease of bathing and enhanced cleanliness of the penis (75.8%). 94.3% of the men did not cite a single negative feature of their circumcision. 87.5% of men reported more sexual pleasure post-MC, the most common reason being more prolonged intercourse. The majority of men (52.6%) reported one sexual partner post-MC, but more than a quarter of the men (28.1%) reported an increased number of partners post-MC. Less than half of the men (44.3%) reported using condoms half of the time or more, but the great majority of condom users stated that condom use was much easier post-MC, and 76.9% of users said they used condoms more after circumcision than before.</p><p>Conclusions</p><p>This study supports the safety and acceptability of ShangRing male circumcision during 2–3 years of follow-up. It should allay worries that the ShangRing procedure could lead to delayed complications later than the observation period of most clinical studies.</p><p>Trial Registration</p><p>ClinicalTrials.gov <a href="https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01567436?id=NCT01567436&rank=1" target="_blank">NCT01567436</a></p></div