11 research outputs found

    Problems in Convex Geometry

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    We deal with five different problems from convex geometry, each on its own chapter of this Thesis. These problems are the following. Random copies of a convex body: We study the probability that a random copy of a convex body intersects the integer lattice in a certain way. A conjecture by Erdos: We study the statement by Erdos "On every convex curve there exists a point P such that every circle with centre P intersects the curve in at most 2 points." A Yao-Yao type theorem: Given a nice measure in R^d, we show that there is a partition P of R^d into 3*2^(d/2) convex pieces of equal measure such that every hyperplane avoids at least 2 elements of P. Line transversals: Given a family F of balls in R^d such that every three have a transversal line, we bound the blow-up factor l needed so that lF has a line transversal. Longest lattice convex chains: Given a triangle with two specified vertices v_1, v_2 in Z^2, we bound the size of the largest lattice convex chain from v_1 to v_2. The techniques used to tackle these problems are very diverse and include results from analysis, combinatorics, number theory and topology, as well as the use of computers

    Helly numbers of Algebraic Subsets of Rd\mathbb R^d

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    We study SS-convex sets, which are the geometric objects obtained as the intersection of the usual convex sets in Rd\mathbb R^d with a proper subset SRdS\subset \mathbb R^d. We contribute new results about their SS-Helly numbers. We extend prior work for S=RdS=\mathbb R^d, Zd\mathbb Z^d, and Zdk×Rk\mathbb Z^{d-k}\times\mathbb R^k; we give sharp bounds on the SS-Helly numbers in several new cases. We considered the situation for low-dimensional SS and for sets SS that have some algebraic structure, in particular when SS is an arbitrary subgroup of Rd\mathbb R^d or when SS is the difference between a lattice and some of its sublattices. By abstracting the ingredients of Lov\'asz method we obtain colorful versions of many monochromatic Helly-type results, including several colorful versions of our own results.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures. This paper is a revised version of what was originally the first half of arXiv:1504.00076v

    Beyond Chance-Constrained Convex Mixed-Integer Optimization: A Generalized Calafiore-Campi Algorithm and the notion of SS-optimization

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    The scenario approach developed by Calafiore and Campi to attack chance-constrained convex programs utilizes random sampling on the uncertainty parameter to substitute the original problem with a representative continuous convex optimization with NN convex constraints which is a relaxation of the original. Calafiore and Campi provided an explicit estimate on the size NN of the sampling relaxation to yield high-likelihood feasible solutions of the chance-constrained problem. They measured the probability of the original constraints to be violated by the random optimal solution from the relaxation of size NN. This paper has two main contributions. First, we present a generalization of the Calafiore-Campi results to both integer and mixed-integer variables. In fact, we demonstrate that their sampling estimates work naturally for variables restricted to some subset SS of Rd\mathbb R^d. The key elements are generalizations of Helly's theorem where the convex sets are required to intersect SRdS \subset \mathbb R^d. The size of samples in both algorithms will be directly determined by the SS-Helly numbers. Motivated by the first half of the paper, for any subset SRdS \subset \mathbb R^d, we introduce the notion of an SS-optimization problem, where the variables take on values over SS. It generalizes continuous, integer, and mixed-integer optimization. We illustrate with examples the expressive power of SS-optimization to capture sophisticated combinatorial optimization problems with difficult modular constraints. We reinforce the evidence that SS-optimization is "the right concept" by showing that the well-known randomized sampling algorithm of K. Clarkson for low-dimensional convex optimization problems can be extended to work with variables taking values over SS.Comment: 16 pages, 0 figures. This paper has been revised and split into two parts. This version is the second part of the original paper. The first part of the original paper is arXiv:1508.02380 (the original article contained 24 pages, 3 figures

    Points defining triangles with distinct circumradii

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    Erdős–Szekeres Theorem for Lines

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    According to the Erdős–Szekeres theorem, for every n, a sufficiently large set of points in general position in the plane contains n in convex position. In this note we investigate the line version of this result, that is, we want to find n lines in convex position in a sufficiently large set of lines that are in general position. We prove almost matching upper and lower bounds for the minimum size of the set of lines in general position that always contains n in convex position. This is quite unexpected, since in the case of points, the best known bounds are very far from each other. We also establish the dual versions of many variants and generalizations of the Erdős–Szekeres theorem. © 2015, Springer Science+Business Media New York

    Helly numbers of algebraic subsets of ℝ d

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    We study S-convex sets, which are the geometric objects obtained as the intersection of the usual convex sets in Rd with a proper subset S ? Rd, and contribute new results about their S-Helly numbers. We extend prior work for S = Rd, Zd, and Zd-k × Rk, and give some sharp bounds for several new cases: low-dimensional situations, sets that have some algebraic structure, in particular when S is an arbitrary subgroup of Rd or when S is the difference between a lattice and some of its sublattices. By abstracting the ingredients of Lovász method we obtain colorful versions of many monochromatic Helly-Type results, including several colorful versions of our own results

    A rainbow Ramsey analogue of Rado's theorem

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    We present a Rainbow Ramsey version of the well-known Ramsey-type theorem of Richard Rado. We use new techniques from the Geometry of Numbers. We also disprove two conjectures proposed in the literature