59 research outputs found

    Augmented visual, auditory, haptic, and multimodal feedback in motor learning: A review

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    It is generally accepted that augmented feedback, provided by a human expert or a technical display, effectively enhances motor learning. However, discussion of the way to most effectively provide augmented feedback has been controversial. Related studies have focused primarily on simple or artificial tasks enhanced by visual feedback. Recently, technical advances have made it possible also to investigate more complex, realistic motor tasks and to implement not only visual, but also auditory, haptic, or multimodal augmented feedback. The aim of this review is to address the potential of augmented unimodal and multimodal feedback in the framework of motor learning theories. The review addresses the reasons for the different impacts of feedback strategies within or between the visual, auditory, and haptic modalities and the challenges that need to be overcome to provide appropriate feedback in these modalities, either in isolation or in combination. Accordingly, the design criteria for successful visual, auditory, haptic, and multimodal feedback are elaborate

    Benefits of Crank Moment Sonification in Cycling

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    AbstractIn sports, the provision of augmented feedback is an important means to accelerate learning of new movements. Traditionally, concurrent augmented feedback has been provided verbally or visually. However, more recent studies have shown sonification of data during the movement, i.e. the mapping of a measured variable to parameter of sound, can be very effective to learn temporal aspects of a movement or movement patterns. In this pilot study, it was investigated if learning of complex pushing-pulling action applied to clipless pedals of a cycling ergometer can be enhanced by sonification of the crank moment. Three novice and three experienced cyclists were invited to train a reference crank moment pattern for two consecutive days (a total of twelve training sessions of 60 s each). However, in contrast to the results found in studies on rowing, the applied sonification did not enhance learning compared to visual and verbal instruction only. The lack of learning might be due to an inappropriate sonification design, short training sessions or the high task complexity. Extended studies are needed to draw more significant conclusions

    Visual error amplification showed no benefit for non-naĂŻve subjects in trunk-arm rowing

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    Motor learning is assumed to be a partly error driven process. Motor learning studies on simple movements have shown that skilled subjects benefit from training with error amplification. Findings of studies with simple movements do not necessarily transfer to complex sport movements. The goal of this work was to determine the benefit of visual error amplification for non-naĂŻve subjects in learning a fast rowing movement.We conducted a study comparing non-naĂŻve subjects receiving a fading, visual feedback with visual error amplification against a control group receiving the same visual feedback without error amplification. Separate outcome metrics were applied for the domains of spatial and velocity magnitude errors. Besides error metrics, variability metrics were evaluated for both domains, such that they could be interpreted in quantitative relation to each other.The implemented error amplification did not cause group differences in any variable. Subjects with or without error amplification reached similar absolute levels in error and variability. Possible reasons remain speculative. For implementing error amplification to the training of complex movements design decisions must be made for which an informative basis is missing, e.g. the error amplification gains

    Wildlife and humans in outdoor recreational areas near cities

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    <p>In NaherholungsrĂ€umen von StĂ€dten herrscht reger Betrieb: am Tag, aber auch in Randzeiten und teils gar in der Nacht. Wildtiere und deren LebensrĂ€ume geraten dadurch unter Druck. In stark frequentierten Gebieten sind Rehe weniger aktiv und fĂŒr viele Wildtierarten ist der Lebensraum reduziert. Wildruhezonen, eine eingeschrĂ€nkte Er- schliessung und die Lenkung der Besuchenden verbessern die Lebensbedingungen der Wildtiere.</p> <p> </p

    Close encounters : analyzing disturbance events between deer and visitors in a recreational forest

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    Disturbance events between wild animals and visitors of a recreational area are an excellent example to study interaction movement patterns. This paper presents computational movement analysis methods for studying disturbance dynamics, especially when both animals and visitors are tracked. The first method combines trajectory segmentation with animal homeranges aiming at detecting flight events. The second method formalizes the sequence pattern “disturbance-flight-seek cover”. The pattern is then applied searching for differences between different disturbance categories

    Rothirschprojekt Aletsch-Goms : Abschlussbericht zum Forschungs- und Managementprojekt 2017–2021

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    Ab etwa Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts kommt der Rothirsch im Wallis in nennenswerten BestĂ€nden vor. Trotz intensiver Bejagung nehmen die BestĂ€nde seither stetig zu und fĂŒhren teilweise zu Konflikten, insbesondere im Wald und in der Region Aletsch-Goms. Über die Raumnutzung und das Wanderverhalten der Rothirsche in dieser Region lagen bislang einige EinschĂ€tzungen und Vermutungen, jedoch kaum gesicherte Fakten vor. Mit dem im Jahr 2017 initiierten Rothirschprojekt Aletsch-Goms wurden bedeutende WissenslĂŒcken fĂŒr einen fachlich fundierten Umgang mit dieser anspruchsvollen Wildtierart nun geschlossen

    Forced Entry (1972)

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    Released in 1973 amidst the moral and political turmoil of US withdrawal from Vietnam, Forced Entry is a seemingly indefensible pornographic text. The tale of a psychologically disturbed Vietnam war veteran who embarks upon a rape and murder spree in New York, its opportunism, deliberate provocation and extreme hardcore sexual violence are all seemingly designed to titillate at the basest, most prurient level imaginable. Playing directly into the hands of feminist intellectuals and campaigners intent on proving pornography’s inherently harmful or dangerous effects, the film’s surfaces would appear to offer scant material for the critic intent on articulating its varied levels of historical or cultural interest. This article address not only the film’s textual, structural and narrative modes, but also its relationship to the sexploitation ‘roughie’ cycle of the 1960s, its incongruity amidst the so called ‘porno chic’ phenomenon of the early 1970s, its status in relationship to other examples of both feature-length and ‘loop’ violent pornography in the period and its early evocation of the psychotic, sexually dysfunctional Vietnam veteran, a cinematic icon that would establish a niche in both mainstream and exploitation cinema as the decade progressed. Directed by Shaun Costello, and featuring a lead performance by Harry Reems, the film also serves as an early feature length showcase for hardcore industry veterans who would each contribute significantly to the notoriety of the burgeoning adult film industry. Academic appraisals of feature film pornography have tended to favour examples which might be re-claimed as radical incursions or counter-textual responses to the prevailing conventions or ideological project of films which are produced for male audiences beyond mainstream dictates of taste and propriety. The article addresses the critical possibilities of one of those texts which is perhaps 'irredeemable' from any political or ethical position, considering how such works are often the purest expression of an untrammelled and wilfully obnoxious counter-sensibility, assuring their canonical importance regardless (or, perhaps, because) of their ideological provocations
