119 research outputs found


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    Using pulsing on rose cut flowers before storage and transportation should be done to kept its quality after storage. The objective of the study is to find out the composition of the pulsing to prolong the vase life. The flowers were harvested from the field when the flower was at two bud opening stages and then were pulsed with chemical solution. The experimental design used RAL and data analyzed with Analisis of Variant (ANOVA). If found out significant between treatment then continued by Duncan test. The result indicated that pulsing 3% sucrose + 25% glyserin + 300 ppm Na-Benzoat + 375 ppm sitrat acid was the best composition and decrease deterioration about 2.5% until day-3 vase life. Each flower was placed in the boxes of 60 x 15 x 7 cm3 with capacity of 20 rose cut flowers. Package with the ventilation of 3.5 cm in diameter and closed with the film polipropilen was the best design package which prolonged vase life until 5 days after storage and decrease senescence up to 20-25 0/o.The periode of flowers vase life could be extended and quality after storage could be maintained by applying those treatment

    Penyusunan Strategi Alternatif Dengan Pendekatan Triple Layer Business Model Canvas di PT Bando Indonesia

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    PT Bando Indonesia is a manufacturing company that produces power transmission products and experiencing production capacity problems. The aims of this study are (1) to identify and evaluate the influence of the business environment factors and the current business model at PT Bando Indonesia; (2) to examine alternative business strategies applied by PT Bando Indonesia and; (3) to formulate recommendations and managerial implications based on the new business model. The method in this study uses internal analysis (IFE), external analysis (EFE), SWOT, and triple-layer business model canvas (TLBMC). The results show that the company's strengths are consumer segmentation, marketing, and product quality. The company’s weaknesses are procurement of materials, number of employees, and product development facilities don’t exist. The company's opportunities in their business are the growth of green technology, people's lifestyles, and people's awareness of the environment. The study also shows that the company’s threats are inflation, tax, unstable price of materials, and other resources. There are several alternative strategies generated using a SWOT analysis based on the company's internal and external circumstances The alternative strategies formed influence the improvement of the existing business model in several of its constituent factors. The three factors in TLBMC, economic, environmental, and social, received improvements in several of their building blocks to support alternative corporate strategies that have been formed. Keywords: Bando Indonesia, external analysis (EFE), internal analysis (IFE), SWOT, TLBM

    Pendugaan Umur Simpan Bubuk Kakao dengan Pendekatan Sorpsi Isotermis

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan model kurva sorpsi isotermis bubuk kakao dan menduga umur simpan bubuk kakao pada kemasan standing pouch aluminium foil dan kraft dengan pendekatan sorpsi isotermis. Penelitian ini diawali dengan pembuatan bubuk kakao, penentuan kadar air bubuk kakao pada berbagai kelembaban relatif (RH) penyimpanan dan pendugaan umur simpan bubuk kakao pada kemasan standing pouch aluminium foil dan kraft dengan pendekatan sorpsi isotermis . Bubuk kakao diperoleh dengan cara menggiling menggunakan mesin pembubuk kakao dan mengayaknya menggunakan ayakan Tyler dengan ukuran mesh 60. Kadar air kesetimbangan (KAK) bubuk kakao diperoleh dengan menyimpan bubuk kakao pada berbagai kelembaban relative (RH) menggunakan larutan garam jenuh MgCl2, K2CO3, NaNO2, NaCl dan KCl. Model sorpsi isotermis diperoleh dengan memplotkan KAK dengan nilai aktivitas air (aw)  (RH/100). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model Hasley merupakan model paling tepat untuk menggambarkan fenomena sorpsi isotermis bubuk kakao dengan nilai Mean Relative Determination (MRD) paling kecil yaitu 2.007. Umur simpan bubuk kakao yang simpan dengan kemasan standing pouch aluminium foil pada penyimpanan suhu 30 °C dan kelembaban relatif (RH) 75% dan 80% berturut-turut adalah 665 hari dan 514 hari. Sedangkan dengan kemasan standing pouch kraft selama 293 hari dan 227 hari.The purpose of this research was to determine the isothermic absorption curve model in cocoa powder products and to estimate the shelf life of cocoa powder in packaging standing pouch aluminum foil and kraft with isothermic sorption approach. This research began with the manufacture of cocoa powder, determining the moisture content of cocoa powder at various storage relative humidity (RH) and estimating the shelf life of cocoa powder on the packaging standing pouch aluminum foil and kraft with isothermic sorption approach. Cocoa powder was obtained by grinding using a cocoa powder machine and sifting it using a Tyler sieve with a mesh size of 60. The equilibrium moisture content (KAK) of cocoa powder was obtained by storing cocoa powder at various relative humidity (RH) using saturated salt solutions of MgCl2, K2CO3, NaNO2, NaCl and KCl. The isothermic sorption model was obtained by plotting the KAK with water activity (aw) value (RH/100). The results showed that the Hasley model was the most appropriate model to describe the isothermic sorption phenomenon of cocoa powder with the smallest Mean Relative Determination (MRD) value of 2.007, which was the most appropriate model to describe the isothermic sorption phenomenon of cocoa powder. The shelf life of cocoa powder stored in aluminum foil standing pouch packaging at a temperature of 30 °C and relative humidity (RH) 75% and 80% were 665 days and 514 days, respectively. Whereas with kraft standing pouch packaging for 293 days and 227 days


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    The Big Gossan Mill Facility (BGMF) unit has a vital function to deliver tailing supporting Big Gossan underground mining. Plant maintenance strategies have been implemented to support its availability. This study aims to study integration of machine learning model into the plant maintenance and to formulate development of Machine Learning System in BGMF unit. The maintenance planning standards is used to integrate Machine Learning model through interview. The Industrial Internet Reference Architecture (IIRA) is applied to develop machine learning system. It uses interview method to formulate business viewpoint and usage viewpoint and observation to elaborate functional viewpoint and implementation viewpoint. The study results integration of machine learning model is done by state it as PD-200 Propelling Liquid alarm. It then should be followed up by the planning crew. The machine learning system development starts with formulation of Key Objectives and Fundamental Capabilities on the business viewpoint. The usage viewpoint defines two scenarios on machine learning system. The functional viewpoint elaborates system functionality. The implementation viewpoint designed network topology. It then emphasizes on key system characteristics. This research concludes that model integration into plant maintenance can minimize PD-200’s downtime and it’s system design can be done by IIRA. Keywords: IIRA, machine learning, maintenance improvement, predictive maintenance, predictive mode

    Analisis Tingkat Utilisasi Gudang (Studi Kasus di Gudang Perum Bulog)

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    Warehouse provides a large share to support the performance of a company engaged in logistics. Perum Bulog is Indonesia state-own enterprise whose has a national network and warehouse units in almost all regions in Indonesia from Aceh to Papua. The purpose of this study was to analyze the warehouse utilization rates, the potential benefits of warehouse rentals, and the level of the difference of warehouse utilization in surplus and deficit areas. The results showed that from four regional division sampling found that the largest utilization is in the North Sumatra area at 68.81%. Other regional division utilizations are West Java (57.68%), South Sulawesi (30.46%), and West Kalimantan (43.83%). There is a difference level of utilization between the surplus warehouse area and the deficit area, which indicates a difference in the supply and demand patterns. The calculation between the surplus group and the deficit group done to determine the gap magnitude that occur within the two groups. The potential benefits from the warehouse rentals produce when the warehouse experiences a low utilization rate are 4.757 billion Rupiah


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    Grasberg post mining land of PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) has the opportunity to become an attractive ecotourism location. The objectives of this study are (1) Analyze current business models. (2) Analyze internal and external factors that affect the post-mining Grasberg ecotourism business model. (3) Design a verified business model (BMC-1) by considering internal and external analysis. (4) Formulation of strategies and policy priorities for post-mining Grasberg ecotourism development. The research method used was AHP, BMC, PESTEL and VRIO. The results showed that the current business model with several initial indicators for each of the 9 elements of the block model. Internal factors that have a sustainable competitive advantage are location, tourism potential, supporting facilities and facilities, the ability to manage mining tourism, the ability to work in teams, the ability to produce innovation and creativity. External factors that affect the business model, political aspects are influenced by regime change which then affects the share ownership portion as well as cabinet changes as well as the security stability factor. The design of the WTG (Grasberg Mine Tourism) business model resulted in a verified BMC with the addition of indicators for the nine elements of the model. The priority of developing WTG policies focuses on alternative development of tourism services, participation of indigenous peoples, management of activities and coordination of indigenous peoples. The conclusion of this research is to be able to go to the commercial tourism industry, WTG managers need to focus on the key activity elements, the value proposition element, the key resource elements, and the key partner element. Keywords: AHP, BMC, PESTEL, Post Mine Tourism, VRI


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    In 2015, total imports of corn in Indonesia reached 3.1 million tons due to lower corn production of Indonesia. One way to overcome this is to apply the technology mechanization in the cultivation process as practiced by the country largest corn producer in the world. The purpose of this study is to know the level of competitiveness of mechanized corn cultivation and manual. In addition, it is to determine the effect of government policy on competitiveness of both type of corn cultivation. The analytical method used is the Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM). The analysis showed that mechanized corn cultivation is competitive so that the business is feasible to be developed.  It is seen from the DRC and PCR- corn agribusiness based on mechanization level values that less than one is 0.54 and 0.50. The manual corn  cultivation, however, only show a competitive advantage but does not have a comparative advantage. Output policy is a policy that better influence both   type mechanized and manual corn cultivation. Keywords: competitiveness, corn, Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM

    Artificial Neural Networks to Predict Melon (cucumis melo L.) Production in Tropical Greenhouse, Indonesia

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    Quality of melon indicated by size (fruit weight), appearance, and sweetness. In Indonesia, weight of high quality melon was 800 to 1,200 grams each. Mainly, the melon was cultivated in open fields during the dry season with several limitations of cultivation. To cope with those problems, melon was cultivated inside the greenhouse. However, there are several parameters influenced to melon quality inside the tropical greenhouse with hydroponic system. There were a few studies on the prediction model development of melon inside the greenhouse in a tropical area, Indonesia. The aim of this study was to develop an artificial neural networks (ANNs) model to predict the melon production inside the greenhouse (fruit weight) using several parameters such as the number of days to fruit formation, number of days to maturity, plant length, fruit width, fruit length, fruit cavity diameter, flesh diameter, branch number, fruit branch number, and leaf number. The result of this study was the ANN model with configurations of 10 input layers, 6 hidden layers, and 1 output layer with R2 was 0.93. This study concluded that there is a correlation between the input parameters with the weight of the melon.Kualitas melon secara umum ditunjukkan oleh ukuran (bobot buah), penampilan, dan tingkat kemanisan Di Indonesia, melon dengan kualitas tinggi memiliki berat 800 hingga 1.200 gram per buah. Pada umumnya, melon dibudidayakan di lahan terbuka pada musim kemarau dengan beberapa keterbatasan budidaya. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, melon dibudidayakan di dalam greenhouse. Namun, ada beberapa parameter yang mempengaruhi kualitas melon di dalam greenhouse tropis dengan sistem hidroponik. Terdapat beberapa penelitian mengenai pengembangan model prediksi kualitas melon di dalam greenhouse di daerah tropis, Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan model Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan (JST) untuk memprediksi produksi melon di dalam greenhouse (bobot buah) dengan menggunakan beberapa parameter seperti umur buah, umur panen, tinggi tanaman, diameter buah, panjang buah, diameter rongga, ketebalan daging, nomor cabang, diameter cabang, dan jumlah daun. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah model JST dengan konfigurasi 10 input layer, 6 hidden layer, dan 1 output layer dengan R2 sebesar 0,93. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat korelasi antara parameter input dengan bobot buah melon


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    ABSTRACT The Influence of Delaying Duration of Threshing and Threshing Methods on Grain Yield of Local Varieties of Rice “Karang Dukuh”. Problems related to harvest and postharvest in tidal land are usually related to the lack of technologies and labor for handling of threshing.  It caused for delaying of threshing. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the delayed period and method of threshing on the yield losses, threshing, capacity, and grain quality of Karang Dukuh local rice varieties.  The study was conducted in the Village of Anjir Muara Kota Tengah, Barito Kuala distric of South Kalimantan from July to December 2012. A randomized factorial experimental design with three replications was used. The main factor was threshing delayed period, while the second factor was threshing methods. The study showed that yield losses and threshing capacity were influenced by the interaction duration of delayed threshing and threshing methods. Threshing capacity and grain quality such as percentage of empty grain, percentage of foreign materials, and percentage of cracking grain were influenced by threshing methods. While the percentage of broken grain was influenced by delayed threshing. Interaction of manual threshing and 1 day threshing delay gave the lowest value of losses (0.21%). The highest yield resulting from the interaction of power thresher with 1 day delayed (61.17%). Threshing capacity was affected by the method of threshing. The average capacity of power thresher was 333.58 kg/h while the manual method was 69.04 kg/h.  In general the quality of grain can be included in  quality class II based on SNI standards. Keywords : Paddy,  tidal land, postharvest, threshing,  grain qualityABSTRAK                 Permasalahan utama dalam penanganan panen dan pascapanen padi di lahan pasang surut adalah ketersediaan tenaga kerja serta keterbatasan teknologi perontokan yang mengakibatkan terjadinya penundaan waktu perontokan. Tujuan kajian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh waktu penundaan perontokan dan cara perontokan terhadap susut perontokan, rendemen perontokan, kapasitas perontokan, serta mutu gabah kering giling (GKG) pada padi lokal varietas Karang Dukuh. Kajian dilakukan di Desa Anjir Muara Kota Tengah, Kabupaten Barito Kuala Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan dari bulan Juli – Desember 2012. Rancangan percobaan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak faktorial dengan tiga ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah waktu penundaan perontokan sedangkan faktor kedua adalah cara perontokan. Hasil pengkajian menunjukkan bahwa susut perontokan dan rendemen perontokan dipengaruhi oleh interaksi perlakuan penundaan perontokan dan cara perontokan. Kapasitas perontokan serta mutu gabah seperti persentase gabah hampa/kotoran, persentase benda asing, dan persentase keretakan gabah dipengaruhi oleh cara perontokan. Persentase butir kuning/rusak dipengaruhi oleh penundaan perontokan. Interaksi perontokan manual dan waktu penundaan 1 hari memberikan nilai susut paling rendah yaitu 0,21%. Rendemen perontokan tertinggi dihasilkan dari interaksi power thresher dengan penundaan 1 hari yaitu 61,17%.  Kapasitas perontokan dipengaruhi oleh cara perontokan. Rata-rata kapasitas perontokan dengan power thresher sebesar 333,58 kg/jam, sedangkan perontokan manual 69,04 kg/jam. Secara umum mutu gabah yang dihasilkan tergolong kelas mutu dua berdasarkan standar mutu SNI. Kata kunci : Padi, pasang surut, pascapanen, perontokan, mutu gaba

    Faktor-Faktor yang Memengaruhi Kinerja dan Kepuasan Tenan di Inkubator Bisnis IPB

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    Business incubator is an assistance agency for beginner business which is believed to be able to generate professional, independent, and competitive entrepreneurs. This research aims to identify factors influencing the performance of business incubator’s tenants, and evaluate tenants’s satisfaction during their participation in business incubator. This research is conducted in Business Incubator of IPB by interviewing both inwall tenants and outwall tenants. The data obtained are analyzed using, Wilcoxon test with SPSS software, Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI). Result of this research reveals that performance of inwall and outwall  tenants are shown by the increase of gross profit, profit, number of employee, increase of product variants, number of customer, participation in training, the presence of business assistance, participation in training, the presence of business assistance, expansion of business place, expansion of business place. marketing expansion or number of agent, and the decline of complaints experienced by tenants. According to the calculation result of IPA,CSI, tenant satisfaction level on business incubator is categorized as good. Factor that is considered need to be improved by Business Incubator of IPB is adequate human resources performance improvement, especially for assistance and service toward tenants
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