897 research outputs found


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    This paper examines the costs and economic benefits of utilizing larger seedling transplant in commercial vegetable production. Larger transplants have been shown to mature earlier and yield more premium graded fruit. Offsetting these benefits is the increased cost of producing larger transplants, primarily from reducing the capacity of a transplant house.Crop Production/Industries,


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    Produced as a joint product, economic theory suggests that manure value could influence livestock management decisions such as herd size and optimal market weights. This study examines the concept of manure and its connection with optimal replacement age or market weight. A model of a swine finishing operation representative of North Carolina conditions is developed. Over the range of conditions considered, manure value is negative and does not affect market weights. The marginal per head change in manure value is small relative to the marginal per head change in net returns from pork production. Further, economies of scale with respect to irrigation cause manure value to increase with herd size.Manure value, Market weight, Response surface, Swine, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Anàlisi del nou model urbà de Barcelona des de l'òptica de la mobilitat sostenible

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    Abans, la planificació urbana de Barcelona estava molt centrada en els cotxes, la qual cosa va provocar alts nivells de contaminació ambiental i estils de vida sedentaris. Avui dia, es busca reduir la contaminació de l'aire, el soroll, els efectes d'illa de calor, augmentar l'activitat física, la interacció social i, com a resultat, promoure i millorar la salut pública. S'estan introduint diversos nous conceptes o models urbans per abordar aquests problemes: les superilles, els barris de baix trànsit, la ciutat dels 15 minuts, la ciutat sense cotxes o una combinació d'aquests. El que aquests models tenen en comú és l'objectiu de reconfigurar l'espai públic per reduir l'ús de vehicles privats i augmentar el transport públic i actiu (caminar i anar en bicicleta). Es realitza una avaluació de l'Índex de Qualitat Ambiental d'Espais Urbans juntament amb el Procés d'Anàlisi Jeràrquica (AHP) de la Superilla de Poblenou. Aquests estudis poden ajudar més endavant a l'ajuntament de la ciutat en la presa de decisions futures i en comprendre a fons com pot afectar els aspectes ambientals.Antes, la planificación urbana de Barcelona dependía en gran medida de los automóviles, lo que resultó en altos niveles de contaminación ambiental y estilos de vida sedentarios. Hoy en día, se busca reducir la contaminación del aire, el ruido, los efectos de isla de calor, aumentar la actividad física, la interacción social y, como resultado, promover y mejorar la salud pública. Se están introduciendo varios nuevos conceptos o modelos urbanos para abordar estos problemas: las supermanzanas, los vecindarios de bajo tráfico, la ciudad de los 15 minutos, la ciudad sin coches o una combinación de estos. Lo que estos modelos tienen en común es el objetivo de reconfigurar el espacio público para reducir el uso de vehículos privados y aumentar el transporte público y activo (caminar y andar en bicicleta). En este trabajo se realiza una evaluación del Índice de Calidad Ambiental de Espacios Urbanos junto con el Proceso de Jerarquía Analítica (AHP) de la Supermanzana de Poblenou. Estos estudios pueden ayudar más adelante al ayuntamiento de la ciudad en la toma de decisiones futuras y en comprender a fondo cómo pueden afectar a los aspectos ambientales.Before, Barcelona’s city planning was very c ar dependent , and it has resulted in high levels of environmental pollution and sedentary lifestyles. Nowadays, they aim to reduce air pollution, noise, heat island effects, increase physical activity, social interaction, and, as a result, promote and improve public health. Several new urban concepts or models are being introduced to address those problems: Superblocks, low traffic neighborhoods, the 15 minute city, car free city, or a mix of these . What these models have in common is the goal of reconfiguring public space to reduce private vehicle use and increase public and active transportation (walking and cycling). An evaluation of Urban Spaces Environmental Quality Index is done with the quality index along with A nalytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) of Poblenou Superblock. These studies can later help the city council in decision making in the future and have a thorough understanding of how it may affect the environment aspects

    The analysis of SUCCESS HPON networks using the HPON network configurator

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    NG-PON systems present optical access infrastructures to support various applications of the many service providers. In the near future, we can expect NG-PON technologies with different motivations for developing of HPON networks. The HPON is a hybrid passive optical network in a way that utilizes on a physical layer both TDM and WDM multiplexing principles together. The HPON network utilizes similar or soft revised topologies as TDM-PON architectures. In this first paper, design requirements for SUCCESS HPON networks are introduced. A main part of the paper is dedicated to presentation of the HPON network configurator that allows configurating and analyzing the SUCCESS HPON characteristics from a viewpoint of various specific network parameters. Finally, a short introduction to the comparison of the SUCCESS and SARDANA HPON networks based on simulation results is presented

    A Systematic Review of Blockchain Research and Applications in Business

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    Blockchain, well-known as the Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) behind cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, has attracted plenty of attention from both practitioners and academics and has begun to revolutionize the way businesses handle their day-to-day operations. DLT leads to many interesting new research topics in different business fields. In this study, we applied the systematic mapping method to review existing articles related to blockchain applications and research in different business areas (accounting, finance and banking, information systems, marketing and supply chain). Our goal is to understand the current applications and research status related to blockchain, so that we can identify research gaps and better directions for future research. Following the recommended steps of the systematic mapping method, we extracted fifty primary papers from several scientific databases. Our findings suggest that despite the attention received, blockchain research still has a long way to go. Several future research directions are discussed


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence the income of fishermen Depik fish in Lake Laut Tawar Central Aceh. The analytical method used is the data that has been collected in the field, processed and tabulated tabelaris then transferred into a form suitable to the needs of the analysis. The model used in this study is a linear model of analyst (Sudjana, 1989).The results showed that: The amount of income received by the fishermen is Rp. 1,812,038, - per month. This amount is the result of a reduction in the value of the catch with the amount of depreciation expense that has been added to the total operational costs. Simultaneously, working hours (X1), operating costs (X2) and experience (X3) effect on fishing income (Y) in the District Lut Tawar and Plumpness Central Aceh district. Partially, hours worked (X1), operating costs (X2) and experience (X3) effect on fishing income (Y) in the District Lut Tawar and Kebayakan Central Aceh district.Keyword : Income, Fishermen, Fish Depik.Banda Ace

    Electrocardiographic Troubleshooting of Implanted Cardiac Electronic Devices

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