41 research outputs found

    The cognitive planning in infants: a review of the literature

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    This paper presents a review of the literature about cognitive planning in infants. The studies reviewed were organized according to four perspectives which were identified: (1) the developmental approach; (2) the information processing perspective; (3) the functional approach, and (4) the cognitive change perspective. The compiled information allows viewing the infant as a flexible individual, with capacity to adapt its thought process to challenging and attractive problem situations, thanks to the ability to handle rather abstract representations from very early ages. In terms of methodology, two polarities can be observed in this paper: First, the declarative – procedural one which refers to protocols of task administration. Second, the open and closed one which refers to the type of task used by researchers. In this respect, the paper poses questions about the tasks used and their relevance to the analysis and understanding of planning processes in the preschool years.Este artículo presenta una revisión de la literatura sobre planificación cognitiva en la primera infancia. Dicha literatura fue organizada a partir de cuatro perspectivas: la posición desarrollista, la posición del procesamiento de la información, el enfoque funcional y la perspectiva del cambio cognitivo. La información recopilada permite considerar al niño como un individuo flexible, con capacidad de adaptar su pensamiento a las situaciones problema retadoras y atractivas, gracias al manejo de representaciones más o menos abstractas desde edades muy tempranas. A nivel metodológico se observan dos polaridades, por un lado, la polaridad declarativo – procedural en los protocolos de aplicación de las situaciones y por otro, la polaridad situaciones cerradas situaciones abiertas en la clase de tareas utilizadas por los investigadores. Al respecto, se plantea el interrogante acerca de las tareas utilizadas y su pertinencia para el análisis y la comprensión de la planificación en los años preescolares

    Understanding transfer from a dynamic system approach:Two studies of children using problem-solving tasks

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    Transfer is not static but a dynamic process of learning. In this article, the concept of transfer and the implications of its study are reconsidered from the theoretical basis of the complex dynamic system approach. We describe “transfer” as an emergent process that implies not a copy of knowledge applied to a new situation, but a new configuration of knowledge to solve new situations. Therefore, we discussed the concept of transfer based on the following dynamic principles: soft-assembly, multi causality, variability, self-organization, and iteration. To reconsider the concept of transfer, we provide empirical evidence, illustrating these principles by discussing two studies of transfer carried out with preschoolers. The participants were 34 children of 4 years old (M = 4,6), and 8 children of 4 to 6 years old (M = 5,2). Using repeated measure designs (3 weeks and 6 months, respectively), participants worked on sets of problem-solving situations in the domain of physics (i.e. Archimedes’ principle and Air pressure). By using time-series graphs we identified the relevant elements of the tasks used by the children during the problem-solving process to analyze how this process changes over time. Results show transfer as a self-organized and context-related process in which the information is not static but in constant transformation

    Construyendo el concepto de la resiliencia: una revisión de la literatura

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    Este articulo expone una revisión bibliográfica de la resiliencia como proceso transformador que se ha venido consolidando a través del tiempo y que surge a partir de la psicología positiva. Ofrece, además, algunas reflexiones finales para clarificar el concepto de resiliencia, pese a sus múltiples usos e interpretaciones, a partir del lente del sociólogo Stefan Vanistendael, quién brinda una comprensión más holística e integral de su significado

    Planificación cognitiva en niños con déficit auditivo

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    This work looks for to approach and to explore the ability to plan of children with auditory deficit, in face to a situation of resolution of problems (SRP), using the information and the communication’s technologies (ICT), like a tool to consent from an objective way to the children’s cognitive processes with auditory deficit, without demanding him any type of verbal, written language or by means of signs. The acting of 11 children who attend of the institute from the instituto para niños ciegos y sordos del Valle del Cauca, with auditory deficit and with ages between 4 and 5 years that use such technological helps as the one it implants cochlear and headsets was analyzed. It was carried out a study of descriptive and traverse character starting from a continuous mensuration scale, with an analysis of the results of quantitative and qualitative. Among the main results of the study it can say that the presence of improvements in the acting of the children through the three intents that they should carry out to solve the SRP. Although the differences inter-intents were not statistically significant, it was observed that the children with auditory deficit are able to be traced partial plans and to use sophisticated strategies in the resolution of the task. It was conclude about the importance to use gathering instruments of the information adapted to the necessities and characteristic of each population, at the moment to evaluate, to describe and improve the cognitive processes of the children, in this case of the children with auditory deficit.      Este estudio busca abordar y explorar la habilidad para planificar de los niños con déficit auditivo ante una Situación de Resolución de Problemas (SRP), por medio del uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC), como una herramienta para acceder, de manera objetiva, a los procesos cognitivos del niño con déficit auditivo, sin demandarle ningún tipo de lenguaje verbal, escrito o por medio de señas. Se analizó el desempeño de 11 niños con déficit auditivo que asisten al Instituto para Niños Ciegos y Sordos del Valle del Cauca, con edades entre 4 y 5 años, quienes utilizan ayudas tecnológicas tales como el implante coclear y audífonos. Se realizó un estudio de carácter descriptivo y transversal a partir de una escala de medición continua, con un análisis de los resultados de tipo cuantitativo y cualitativo. Entre los principales resultados del estudio se encuentran: la presencia de mejoras en el desempeño de los niños a través de los tres intentos que debían realizar para resolver la SRP. Aunque las diferencias inter-intentos no fueron estadísticamente significativas, se observó que los niños con déficit auditivo son capaces de trazarse planes parciales y de utilizar estrategias sofisticadas en la resolución de la tarea. Se concluye sobre la importancia de utilizar instrumentos de recolección de la información, adaptados a las necesidades y características de cada población, al momento de evaluar, describir y potencializar los procesos cognitivos de los niños, en este caso de los niños con déficit auditivo.Este estudo procura abordar e explorar a habilidade para planificar em meninos com déficit auditivo ante uma situação de resolução de problemas (SRP), por meio do uso das tecnologias da informação e a comunicação (CACOETE), como uma ferramenta para aceder de maneira objetiva aos processos cognitivos do menino com déficit auditivo, sem demandar-lhe nenhum tipo de linguagem verbal, escrito ou por meio de senhas. Analisou-se o desempenho de 11 meninos com déficit auditivo que assistem ao Instituto para Niños Ciegos y Sordos do Valle del Cauca, com idades entre 4 e 5 anos, que utilizam ajudas tecnológicas tais como o implante coclear e aparelhos auditivos. Realizou-se um estudo de caráter descritivo e transversal a partir de uma escala de medição contínua, com uma análise dos resultados de tipo quantitativo e qualitativo. Entre os principais resultados do estudo se encontram: a presença de melhoras no desempenho dos meninos através das três tentativas que deviam realizar para resolver a SRP. Ainda que as diferenças inter-tentativas não foram estatisticamente significativas, observou-se que os meninos com déficit auditivo são capazes de traçar-se planos parciais e de utilizar estratégias sofisticadas na resolução da tarefa. Conclui-se sobre a importância de utilizar instrumentos de recolha da informação adaptados às necessidades e características de cada população, ao momento de avaliar, descrever e potencializar os processos cognitivos dos meninos, neste caso dos meninos com déficit auditivo

    Patrones de interacción profesor-estudiante en colegios colombianos de alto y bajo desempeño en ciencias

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar los patrones de interacción profesor estudiante en colegios colombianos de alto y bajo rendimiento en el área de ciencias. Para esto se observaron las interacciones de 12 profesores y 118 estudiantes en clases de física, química y biología de secundaria. Se utilizó la pauta de observación Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS-Upper Elementary) para describir las interacciones en los dominios de apoyo pedagógico, apoyo emocional y organización de la clase durante tres sesiones de clase de una misma unidad temática. Las puntuaciones en estos dominios fueron comparadas entre los colegios de alto y bajo desempeño en pruebas estandarizadas en ciencias. En general no se encontraron diferencias significativas en los patrones de interacción entre profesor y estudiantes pertenecientes a colegios de alto desempeño y bajo desempeño en ciencias. Sin embargo, dentro del dominio de apoyo pedagógico se encontraron diferencias en relación con las dimensiones de comprensión del contenido y dialogo instruccional; en estas dimensiones, los patrones de interacción de los profesores-estudiantes pertenecientes a colegios con alto desempeño en ciencias mostraron mejores desempeños que los de bajo desempeño. Se discuten las implicaciones educativas de los hallazgos y se realizan sugerencias para trabajos observacionales similares

    Territorios comunes: construimos acción política desde la formación. Sistematización del Diplomado en Fortalecimientos de Liderazgos Colectivos: Conflictos Socioambientales y Participación Política

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    Vivencias como este diplomado son un horizonte de sentido que permite recrear el quehacer de un centro de educación, acción social y pensamiento crítico que, desde la investigación-acción y el abordaje interdisciplinar, ha venido tejiendo una ecología de saberes en la co-construcción de un conocimiento situado y de relevancia social, útil para posibilitar transformaciones; esta ha sido la apuesta durante los últimos años del CED. Lo anterior ha sido posible a través de la relación sostenida entre las organizaciones sociales y UNIMINUTO como academia, que ha posibilitado hacer conciencia de la realidad histórica contemporánea; leer las complejidades del contexto; aprender de las acciones colectivas y populares permanentes de las comunidades; y, en consecuencia, sentirnos corresponsables en la búsqueda de alternativas de mundos donde pueda ser posible la vida digna. Por ello, la sistematización que se presenta en esta publicación es producto de un trabajo colectivo que ha permitido afianzar las discusiones y apuestas comunes en torno a las luchas socioterritoriales de Bogotá, principalmente las que se ubican en las localidades de Ciudad Bolívar y Usme, por un derecho a la ciudad, al territorio y a construir desde los sures

    Monetary Policy Report - July de 2021

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    Macroeconomic summary The Colombian economy sustained numerous shocks in the second quarter, pri¬marily related to costs and supply. The majority of these shocks were unantic¬ipated or proved more persistent than expected, interrupting the recovery in economic activity observed at the beginning of the year and pushing overall inflation above the target. Core inflation (excluding food and regulated items) increased but remained low, in line with the technical staff’s expectations. A third wave of the pandemic, which became more severe and prolonged than the previous outbreak, began in early April. This had both a high cost in terms of human life and a negative impact on Colombia's economic recovery. Between May and mid-June roadblocks and other disruptions to public order had a sig¬nificant negative effect on economic activity and inflation. The combination and magnitude of these two shocks likely led to a decline in gross domestic product (GDP) compared to the first quarter. Roadblocks also led to a significant in¬crease in food prices. The accumulated effects of global disruptions to certain value chains and increased international freight transportation prices, which since the end of 2020 have restricted supply and increased costs, also affected Colombia’s economy. The factors described above, which primarily affected the consumer price index (CPI) for goods and foods, explain to a significant degree the technical staff’s forecast errors and the increase in overall inflation above the 3% target. By contrast, increases in core inflation and in prices for regulated items were in line with the technical staff’s expectations, and can be explained largely by the elimination of various price relief measures put in place last year. An increase in perceived sovereign risk and the upward pressures that this im¬plies on international financing costs and the exchange rate were further con¬siderations. Despite significant negative shocks, economic growth in the first half of the year (9.1%) is now expected to be significantly higher than projected in the April re¬port (7.1%), a sign of a more dynamic economy that could recover more quickly than previously forecast. Diverse economic activity figures have indicated high¬er-than-expected growth since the end of 2020. This suggests that the negative effects on output from recurring waves of COVID-19 have grown weaker and less long-lasting with subsequent outbreaks. Nevertheless, the third wave of the coro¬navirus, and to an even greater degree the previously mentioned roadblocks and disruptions to public order, likely led to a decline in GDP in the second quar¬ter compared to the first. Despite this, data from the monthly economic tracking indicator (ISE) for April and May surpassed expectations, and new sector-level measures of economic activity suggest that the negative impact of the pandemic on output continues to moderate, amid reduced restrictions on mobility and im¬provements in the pace of vaccination programs. Freight transportation registers (June) and unregulated energy demand (July), among other indicators, suggest a significant recovery following the roadblocks in May. Given the above, annual GDP growth in the second quarter is expected to have been around 17.3% (previously 15.8%), explained in large part by a low basis of comparison. The technical staff revised its growth projection for 2021 upward from 6% to 7.5%. This forecast, which comes with an unusually high degree of uncertain¬ty, assumes no additional disruptions to public order and that any new waves of COVID-19 will not have significant additional negative effects on economic activity. Recovery in international demand, price levels for some of Colombia’s export com¬modities, and remittances from workers abroad have all performed better than projected in the previous report. This dynamic is expected to continue to drive recovery in the national income over the rest of the year. Continued ample international liquidity, an acceleration in vacci¬nation programs, and low interest rates can also be ex¬pected to favor economic activity. Improved performance in the second quarter, which led to an upward growth revision for all components of spending, is expected to continue, with the economy returning to 2019 production levels at the end of 2021, earlier than estimated in the April report. This forecast continues to account for the short-term effects on aggregate demand of a tax reform package along the lines of what is currently being pro-posed by the national government. Given the above, the central forecast scenario in this report projects growth in 2021 of 7.5% and in 2022 of 3.1% (Graph 1.1). In this scenar¬io, economic activity would nonetheless remain below potential. The noted improvement in these projections comes with a high degree of uncertainty. Annual inflation increased more than expected in June (3.63%) as a result of changes in food prices, while growth in core inflation (1.87%) was similar to projections. The in¬creased CPI for foods would be expected to persist for the remainder of the year, contributing to inflation remaining above the target. Overall and core inflation would be ex¬pected to return to close to 3% at the end of 2022, amid a deceleration in growth in the CPI for foods and reduced ex¬cess productive capacity. Recent increases in international freight and agricultural goods prices, as well as the live¬stock cycle and increased meat exports, have exerted up¬ward pressure on food prices, primarily in processed foods (see Box 21). In addition to these persistent factors affecting prices, national roadblocks and related disruptions to pub¬lic order in several cities throughout May and parts of June were reflected in a significant restriction of supply and an unexpected annual increase in the CPI for foods (8.52%). Inflation in regulated items (5.93%) also accelerated, due to a low basis of comparison on gasoline prices and the par¬tial lapse of relief measures on utility rates that were put in place in 2020. Inflation excluding food and regulated items recovered in line with projections to 1.87%, due to the rein¬statement of indirect taxes on certain goods and services that had been temporarily eliminated in 2020, and to up¬ward pressures exerted by prices for foods away from home (FAH), among other factors. The increase in perishable foods prices is expected to be reversed over the course of the year, assuming an absence of additional, long-lasting blockades of national roads. Increased processed food pric¬es would be expected to persist and contribute to keeping inflation above the target at the end of the year. Inflation excluding foods and regulated items is expected to contin¬ue to exhibit an upward trend, as excesses in productive ca¬pacity continue to close, and register a temporary increase in March 2022 largely due to the reinstatement of the FAH consumption tax. Given the above, overall year-end infla¬tion is expected to be 4.1% in 2021 and 3.1% in 2022 (Graph 1.2), and core inflation is expected to be 2.6% in 2021 and 3.2% in 2022 (Graph 1.3). The technical staff has interpreted the overall behavior of prices in the CPI excluding food and regulated items, alongside continued unexpected increases in economic activity, as signs of more ample excess productive capaci¬ty in the economy. This would be expected to persist over the next two years, with the output gap closing at the end of that period. Increased economic growth suggests a less negative output gap than estimated last quarter. Nevertheless, the behavior of core inflation, especially in services, suggests that potential GDP has recovered to an unanticipated degree and that ample excess capacity con¬tinues, with a persistent effect on aggregate demand. La¬bor market observation supports this interpretation, with persistent high levels of unemployment and stagnation in the recovery of jobs lost as a result of the pandemic. Increased inflation can be explained largely by shocks re¬lated to costs and supply, and by the dissolution of some price relief measures put in place in 2020. The growth and inflation forecasts described above would be consistent with a less negative output gap closing more quickly across the forecast horizon compared to the projection from the April report. Nevertheless, uncertainty surrounding excess capacity is very high and constitutes a risk to the forecast (Graphic 1.4). The fiscal accounts outlook deteriorated, Standard and Poor’s Global Ratings (S&P) and Fitch Ratings (Fitch) down¬graded Colombia’s credit rating, roadblocks and disrup¬tions to public order affected output, and the country faced a third wave of COVID-19 that was more severe and prolonged than the previous outbreak. These factors were reflected in an increased risk premium and depreciation of the peso compared to the dollar. This occurred in a favor¬able context in regard to foreign income, as international prices for oil, coffee, and other Colombian export goods in¬creased. This contributed to a recovery in the terms of trade and in the national income and mitigated upward pres¬sures on the risk premium and the exchange rate. Expected oil prices in this report are USD 68 per barrel (previous¬ly USD 61/bl) for 2021 and USD 66/bl (previously USD 60/ bl) for 2022. This increased trajectory shows convergence to oil prices below recently observed levels, as a result of increased global supply that would more than offset increased demand. As a result, the recent price increase is expected to be temporary. International financial conditions are expected to become somewhat less fa¬vorable in the current macroeconomic context, despite the improvement in foreign income due to increased demand and some higher prices for oil and other export products. Growth in foreign demand was better than expected in the previous report, with projections for 2021 and 2022 increasing from 5.2% to 6.0% and from 3.4% to 3.5%, respectively. For the year to date, figures for economic activity suggest more dynamic foreign demand than previously expected. Output recovery has been faster in the United States and China than in Latin America, as economic reactivation in the latter has been limit¬ed by outbreaks of COVID-19, restricted vaccine supplies, and a lack of fiscal space to confront the pandemic, among other factors. The positive dynamic in foreign goods trade has come amid a deterioration in value chains and a significant increase in commodities and freight prices (see Box 3). Inflation in the United States has been unexpectedly high, with observed and expected values remaining above the target, while growth forecasts have been revised upward. As a result, the beginning of a normalization in monetary policy in the U.S. could come earlier than previously projected. This report estimates that the U.S. Federal Reserve’s first rate increase will come at the end of 2022 (before the first quarter of 2023). Colombia’s risk premium is projected to be higher than forecast in the April report, and is expected to remain on a growth trajectory given the country’s accumulation of public and external debt. This would be expected to contribute to an increase in international financing costs on the forecast horizon. An expansionary monetary policy stance continues to support favorable do¬mestic financing conditions. The interbank rate and the reference banking indi¬cator (IBR)remained consistent with the policy interest rate in the second quar¬ter. Average deposit and credit rates continued at historical lows, despite some observed increases at the end of June. The peso-denominated credit portfolio continued to decelerate in annual terms and, between March and June, growth in the household credit portfolio accelerated, primarily related to housing pur¬chases. Disbursements and recovery in the commercial credit portfolio were significant, returning to high levels observed one year ago, when businesses required significant levels of liquidity to confront the economic effects of the pandemic. Meanwhile, credit risk increased, liability provisions remained high, and some banks withdrew from the balance of their past-due portfolios. Nev¬ertheless, financial system earnings have recovered, and liquidity and solvency levels remain above regulatory minimums. Beginning with this report, a new methodology will be used to quantify and communicate the uncertainty surrounding central macroeconomic fore¬casts in the context of an active monetary policy. The new methodology, known as predictive densities (PD), will be explained in detail in Box 1. PD methodology provides probability distributions of the main forecast vari¬ables (e.g. growth, inflation) based on the balance of risks of key factors that, in the technical staff’s judgment, could affect the economy on the forecast horizon. These distributions reflect the result of possible shocks (to external variables, prices, and economic activity) that the economy could sustain and the transmission effects considering Colombia’s economic structure and anticipated monetary policy responses. As a result, PD allows for the quantification of uncertainty around the central forecast and of its bias. In this report, the PD exercise shows a downward bias for both economic growth and output gap, while the op¬posite is shown for headline inflation (Graphs 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3). The balance of risks indicates more complex mone¬tary policy dilemmas than previously expected. The most significant anticipated risk regarding external financing would be a return to less favorable conditions in a sce¬nario in which the U.S. Federal Reserve promptly raises interest rates. Such a decision could come as the result of current levels of economic growth and higher-than-ex¬pected employment generating significant inflationary pressures on that country. Uncertainty regarding Colom¬bia’s fiscal outlook and the subsequent effects on the risk premium and external financing costs represent addi¬tional considerations. The risks to economic growth are mainly downside risks, relating especially to the effects of political and fiscal uncertainty on consumption and investment decisions and the potential for additional waves of COVID-19 and the subsequent effects on eco-nomic activity. Inflation risks take into account the po¬tential for more persistent shocks associated with dis¬ruption to value chains, higher international commodity and food prices, and a slower-than-expected recovery in the national agricultural chain as a result of the recent roadblocks. These would represent upward risks primarily to food and goods prices. The main downside risk to the inflation forecast would come from an increase in rental housing prices below the central scenario projection. This would be explained by weak demand and increased sup¬ply in 2022 as a result of high observed housing sales this year. All told, the PD exercise reveals a downward bias for economic growth forecast, with 90% probability of growth between 6.1% and 9.1% for 2021 and between 0.5% and 4.1% in 2022. The output gap also exhibits a downward bias to the central forecast scenario, primarily in 2022. On the contrary, an upward bias is expected for headline inflation forecast, with 90% probability ranging between 3.7% and 4.9% in 2021 and between 2.2% and 4.7% in 2022. 1.2 Monetary policy decision In its meetings in June and July the BDBR left the bench¬mark interest rate unchanged at 1.75% (Graph 1.5).Box 1. Characterizing and Communicating the Balance of Risks of Macroeconomic Forecasts: A Predictive Densities Approach for Colombia Authors: Juan Camilo Méndez-Vizcaíno, César Ánzola-Bravo, Alexander Guarín y Anderson Grajales-OlarteBox 2. Analysis of Recent Disturbances in Global Logistics Chains and their Impact on Colombian Import Markets. Authors: Aarón Garavito, Juan Diego Cortés, Stefany Andrea Moreno, Alex Fernando Pérez y Juan Esteban CarranzaBox 3. The Upward Dynamics of Food Prices. Authors: Edgar Caicedo G., Andrea Salazar D. y Jesús Daniel Sarmiento S

    Semiótica, la pasión del conocimiento. Interpretación e interacciones de la cultura.

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    El documento aquí expuesto está inspirado por diversas voces y construido por varias manos. Así que sus páginas transitan entre la polisemia y la polifonía, que emergen con la lectura de las interpretaciones semióticas que aquí se encuentran. Cada uno de los artículos, seleccionados por un grupo de especialistas que colaboraron de manera generosa con esta actualización, recoge la experiencia y el conocimiento de los autores que trabajan en esta disciplina; a la vez, constituye una aporte sólido y valioso para quienes están interesados en conocer los avances alcanzados por la semiótica en Colombia, un país donde la Asociación de Estudios en Semiótica se esfuerza de manera permanente por la consolidación de estos estudios

    Annual Conference on Formative Research on EFL. Practices thar inspire change.

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    The conference papers of the Annual Conference on Formative Research on EFL. Practices thar inspire change collect pedagogical experiences, research reports, and reflections about social issues, language teaching, teaching training, interculturality under the panorama of the Covid-19 pandemic. Each paper invites the reader to implement changes in their teaching practice through disruptive pedagogies, reflect on the social and emotional consequences of the lockdown, new paths for teacher training and different approaches for teaching interculturality. We expect to inspire new ways to train pre-service teachers and teach languages in this changing times