4 research outputs found

    Pandemics in globalization times

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    Distance learning in the conditions of Covid-19: problems and prospects of their solution

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    The problem of ensuring the quality of educational services is extremely important. It is known that the level of education and education as such are of great importance for most areas of life as an individual, and each country and the world as a whole. The authors of the article tried to analyze the current state of education, namely - distance education, in terms of transformational processes. In their study, the authors tried to take into account the total digitalization of education and objective reality in general, the introduction of innovative technologies, and took into account the factor of the pandemic, which in one way or another affected all processes of public life. The result of this study was a reflection on the main trends in the development of distance education and education in general, as well as general recommendations for improving the education system at both local and global levels. This study was conducted on the basis of a number of methods that allowed to make adequate generalizations about the state of distance education:  the methods of system analysis, comparative analysis, sociological method, the method of observation, methods of analysis and synthesis, the method of abstraction and the method of generalization of objective phenomena

    Households income in 2021: influence of Covid-19 pandemic

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    The aim of the study is to assess the influence of the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic on the incomes of households located in various national economies in 2021. The survey of representatives of the economically active adult population (18-64 years old) was conducted in 47 countries geographically located in Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America and North America during the development of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitoring Project. The development of mathematical models included the construction of normal distribution density functions in accordance with the author's methodology. It was proved that almost half of households (46.6%) had a certain decrease in household income due to the pandemic. Slightly less (45.6%) was the proportion of households in which income retention was noted. An absolute minority (7.8%) of households experienced income growth

    Ingresos de los hogares en 2021: influencia de la pandemia de Covid-19

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    The aim of the study is to assess the influence of the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic on the incomes of households located in various national economies in 2021. The survey of representatives of the economically active adult population (18-64 years old) was conducted in 47 countries geographically located in Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America and North America during the development of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitoring Project. The development of mathematical models included the construction of normal distribution density functions in accordance with the author's methodology. It was proved that almost half of households (46.6%) had a certain decrease in household income due to the pandemic. Slightly less (45.6%) was the proportion of households in which income retention was noted. An absolute minority (7.8%) of households experienced income growth.El objetivo del estudio es evaluar la influencia de las consecuencias de la pandemia de Covid-19 en los ingresos de los hogares ubicados en diversas econom铆as nacionales en 2021. La encuesta a representantes de la poblaci贸n adulta econ贸micamente activa (18-64 a帽os) se realiz贸 en 47 pa铆ses ubicados geogr谩ficamente en Europa, Asia, 脕frica, Am茅rica Latina y Am茅rica del Norte durante el desarrollo del Proyecto Global Entrepreneurship Monitoring. El desarrollo de modelos matem谩ticos incluy贸 la construcci贸n de funciones de densidad de distribuci贸n normal de acuerdo con la metodolog铆a del autor. Se comprob贸 que casi la mitad de los hogares (46,6%) tuvieron una cierta disminuci贸n de los ingresos familiares debido a la pandemia. Ligeramente menor (45,6%) fue la proporci贸n de hogares en los que se observ贸 retenci贸n de ingresos. Una minor铆a absoluta (7,8%) de los hogares experiment贸 un crecimiento de los ingresos