3,200 research outputs found

    La negociación colectiva de empresa por representantes de base unitaria: el principio de correspondencia como límite jurisprudencial. Comentario a la sentencia de la audiencia nacional de 9 de marzo de 2015 (proc. 2/2015)

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    La Sentencia que ocupará las siguientes páginas aborda la legalidad de un convenio de empresa suscrito por un delegado de personal pero cuyo ámbito funcional pretende extenderse a la totalidad de la empresa. Impugnado el convenio por una Federación Sindical, la cual pretende que las condiciones de los trabajadores se sigan rigiendo por el convenio sectorial aplicable, la AN estima la pretensión de la parte actora, aplicando el principio de correspondencia.The Court ruling that we are analyzing decides the legality of an enterprise agreement signed by an elected representative, but whose functional scope intended to extend to the entire company. Challenged the agreement by Federation ofTrade Unions,which claims that the conditions of workers are governed by the applicable sector agreement, this claim is estimated by applying the correspondence principle

    Book review: Educating for Peace and Human Rights: An Introduction by Maria Hantzopoulos and Monisha Bajaj

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    Employee financial participation in Spain

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    Several studies have shown the link between employee ownership on the one hand, and HRM practices on the other (POUSTMA, E; KAARSEMAKER, E, 2006: 686). However, there is no strong empirical argument regarding the reasons for the relationship between employee ownership and voice participation in workplace decision making. It is expected, therefore, that firms using financial participation will also be found to have a range of HRM features in place, such as higher-than average training expenditure, comprehensive performance appraisal systems, etc (EUROFOUND, 2007: 8), The current level of employee financial participation in Spain is one of the lowest in the EU-27; however the last ten years have seen new developments. The following research demonstrates how the regulatory framework has influenced the interaction between the HRM system and employee ownership due to the lack of specific legislation for the representation of worker-owners. This legislation, unlike that for trade unions, would enable employee-owners to exercise influence over decision making or gain access to information. Employee financial participation plays no role in collective bargaining and trade unions accept financial participation models only in the form of additional benefits over and above normal remuneration

    Intensive readings to develop the use of language of learning (CLIL): an action research on science content classes

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    124 páginasTeniendo en cuenta la importancia de la enseñanza del lenguaje y del contenido en los colegios bilingües, se hace inminente ofrecer a los docentes las herramientas y el entrenamiento necesario para proporcionar no solo la enseñanza del contenido, sino también la del idioma. El propósito de esta investigación acción es determinar los efectos del uso de lecturas intensivas en las clases de Ciencias Naturales como una estrategia para ayudar a los profesores de contenido a mejorar sus prácticas pedagógicas al integrar el lenguaje, más específicamente el vocabulario especializado, a la vez que se enseña el contenido. El estudio se realizó con un grupo de siete profesores de Ciencias Naturales con un nivel B1-B2 (MCER) L2 en inglés. Los participantes enfrentaron dificultades al tratar de incorporar la instrucción del idioma en sus lecciones de contenido. Los datos se recopilaron de cinco instrumentos: hojas de trabajo de lecturas Intensive Readings, IRs (por sus siglas en inglés), lista de verificación de las planeaciones, observaciones a clases, cuestionario y el diario del investigador. Los resultados revelaron que los IRs influyeron en la enseñanza del lenguaje del aprendizaje, que es el vocabulario especializado que se necesita en sus clases de Ciencias: los maestros evidenciaron una transición de usar las lecturas solo para enseñar el contenido a usar las lecturas para introducir también el vocabulario especializado, también hubo una inclusión intencional del vocabulario especializado y, por último, los profesores participantes entendieron del valor de compartir estrategias de enseñanza durante las sesiones de implementación. Tales hallazgos proporcionaron las razones para obtener la categoría principal: el avance potencial de la enseñanza de vocabulario especializado.The pathway of this enriching academic journey has been full of bumps and turns which have convinced me that I am not hardwired for independence. Gladly, I must declare my dependency, and even though this might sound as a weakness, it was truly my strength. I have learned that I needed my family to cheer me up along the way; I understood that my professors were an invaluable source of strength and wisdom, and I realized that my colleagues provided me with the motivation to keep on learning. Also, I am most grateful to my fellow classmates for their unselfish support, and especially to my friend, Adriana, who was always there for me. I would like to thank my mom and dad for praying for me, but most of all, I would like to thank my God Almighty who has always blessed my path and has taught me to always claim my dependence on Him


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    Decolonizing mental health at large entails transformations in research, curriculum, and praxis. Activist scholars and mental health practitioners at the frontlines of social justice struggles must take part in collaborative inquiry that re-centers decolonial knowledge and praxis. Taking a decolonizing approach to research requires more than selecting a specific technique or method. We must also consider the context in which the research is being designed as well as the implications of the research, its values, its claims, and its relation to power. This means creating avenues beyond those privileged by cartesian dichotomies to access embodied knowledge, not only disembodied intellectual knowledge. This qualitative study uses He/a/r/tography, a research methodology created by the author drawing on a/r/tography a form of arts based educational research. He/a/r/tography is a unique philosophical orientation to research that offers epistemological, ontological, axiological, and methodological foundations towards decolonizing knowledge and mental health research and praxis. This study was conducted with a group of mental health practitioners who come together as a community of practice to learn from each other and re-imagine their clinical practice. Findings have implications for continuing education and training beyond the mental health profession and argue for the beneficial interconnectedness of heart centered pedagogies, art-based teaching, and learning, and decolonial frameworks. The weaving of these approaches generates a model towards a decolonial future in mental health

    Determining Factors in Competitiveness Aimed at Generating Conditions in Cities to do Business: Bogotá and Santiago de Chile

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    El presente artículo de reflexión tiene como objetivo identificar los factores determinantes en competitividad encaminados a la generación de condiciones en ciudades para hacer negocios Bogotá y Santiago de chile, se desarrollara una metodología cualitativa con base a la extracción documental de fuentes primarias como las Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá y la Cámara Nacional de Chile y adicionalmente se toma fuentes secundarias de organizaciones promotoras a la inversión extranjera de las ciudades de estudio., de igual manera se validara la gestión de crecimiento y desarrollo empresarial de Bogotá y Santiago de Chile. Los resultados que se obtuvieron del presente artículo Bogotá y Santiago de Chile están encaminadas en fortalecer sus instituciones públicas y privadas con el fin de tener un nivel de competitividad asertivo y dinámico, basándose en los parámetros establecidos por aquellas entidades que regulan la competitividad en las regiones, países y ciudades. Como conclusión principal se evidencio en la investigación que la capital chilena es competitiva en el entorno de ciudad para hacer negocios ya que su marco político, social y económico está bien definido. Bogotá viene trabajando fuertemente en establecer políticas accesibles hacia la inversión extranjera de esa manera ser visa como una ciudad potencial para hacer negociosNingunoThis article aims to identify the determinant factors in competitiveness and to generate conditions in cities of the business Bogota and Santiago of Chile, to qualitative methodology will be developed Based on the documentary extraction of primary sources such as the Chamber of Commerce of Bogota and the National Chamber of Chile, and secondary sources of organizations promoting foreign investment in study cities are taken. The same way, the growth and business development of Bogota and Santiago de Chile will be validated. The results obtained from this article are aimed at strengthening the competitiveness of Bogota and Santiago of Chile through their institutions, with the approval of local and municipal governments, in order to be assertive and dynamic towards the Possible changes, of course based on the parameters Established by those entities that regulate the level of competitiveness of regions, countries and cities

    Legal guide lines in case of oil spill from vessels in Colombia

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    Viability study of sailing propulsion combined with a conventional system

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    For many years now, sails have been used as a propulsion system. At present, they are restricted to recreational/sport crafts since the appearance of the first steam vessels in the beginning of the 19 th century. But in the last years, due to the increase of fuel price and the pollution of the environment, it is being studied the possibility to introduce again the sail as a propulsive method combined with other conventional systems. In this paper, it is studied the viability of using a sail as a propellant with other conventional systems of propulsion. After considering the concept of apparent wind, the range of use of this complementary propulsion is presented. The calculation methodology, the numerical simulations and the wind inputs from a specific route are also included

    La literatura detectivesca: un medio para el fortalecimiento del razonamiento lógico matemático, en los niños del ciclo III

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    El objetivo general de la investigación es: Establecer las posibles relaciones entre la imaginación literaria y el pensamiento matemático, lo que implica proponer una estrategia didáctica en el aula específicamente un ambiente de aprendizaje cuya direccionalidad sea la literatura detectivesca, con el fin de fortalecer el razonamiento lógico matemático, en los niños de ciclo III. Para poder cumplir con este objetivo general se establecen los siguientes objetivos específicos: -Incentivar en los niños del ciclo III un encuentro placentero con la literatura detectivesca. - Fortalecer el pensamiento lógico matemático a partir de la literatura detectivesca. - Diseñar un ambiente de aprendizaje en el aula para correlacionar el trabajo literario y lógico matemático. - Desarrollar la participación y la interacción del ambiente del aprendizaje propuesto en los niños del ciclo III. - El enfoque de la investigación es cualitativo porque se diseñaron matrices de evaluación presentadas en rúbrica en las que se hacen un seguimiento detallado de los procesos comunicativos, literarios y lógico matemáticos de los niños y niñas. La metodología es investigación acción

    On the Influence of Shade in Improving Thermal Comfort in Courtyards

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    This study analyzes the thermal performance of courtyards in traditional buildings in the city center of Córdoba (South of Spain), one of them displaying a shading component, to determine the influence of this precise element. The courtyards have been monitored simultaneously during a summer period when temperatures during the day reached over 45 °C. The obtained data was contrasted, and we confirmed that the shading element provided an improvement of the thermal performance of the courtyard which doubled the thermal leap between outdoor and inside the courtyard temperatures when the shading element was installed, in comparison to the courtyard without shade. Therefore, the tempering effect of courtyards can be significantly improved by means of using these simple elements